Why did God create evil?

You need to see me that way because otherwise, I might make sense to you. I don't only see bad, just asking why god made so much of it?
If you believe in a God who created evil, then that is what you believe. Tell us more about your beliefs.
You need to see me that way because otherwise, I might make sense to you. I don't only see bad, just asking why god made so much of it?
If you believe in a God who created evil, then that is what you believe. Tell us more about your beliefs.
It’s the same god who drowned nearly everyone in his flood. So ya, god knows how to do evil.

So who do you think makes deformed and retarded children?
It’s the same god who drowned nearly everyone in his flood. So ya, god knows how to do evil.

So who do you think makes deformed and retarded children?

We are talking about your idea of God, no one else's. You believe God created evil, that God makes deformed and retarded children, and sends floods to drown people. What else do you believe about God?
It’s the same god who drowned nearly everyone in his flood. So ya, god knows how to do evil.

So who do you think makes deformed and retarded children?

We are talking about your idea of God, no one else's. You believe God created evil, that God makes deformed and retarded children, and sends floods to drown people. What else do you believe about God?
Noah’s flood, god sent that. God also made a world full of cancer. I’d just like to know why.
Noah’s flood, god sent that. God also made a world full of cancer. I’d just like to know why.
You are speaking of what you believe about God. Your belief is that God sent a flood to kill people and also made a world full of cancer. Since this is your belief about God, you must have some thoughts about why he made the world you describe the way he did. What are they?
Noah’s flood, god sent that. God also made a world full of cancer. I’d just like to know why.
You are speaking of what you believe about God. Your belief is that God sent a flood to kill people and also made a world full of cancer. Since this is your belief about God, you must have some thoughts about why he made the world you describe the way he did. What are they?
That’s what I’m asking, WHY does god make deformed babies and cancer...?
That’s what I’m asking, WHY does god make deformed babies and cancer...?
Listen. That is not the God I know, it is the God YOU know. Since I don't know that God you believe so strongly in, you will have to tell me why the God you believe in makes deformed babies and cancer. Try to understand. We don't all see through your lens. Tell us what you see and what you surmise from what you see. Why does the God you have such faith in make deformed babies and cancer?

Several of us here have done our best to share what we see with you. Let's take a break from all of that and try to see what you are seeing through your lens. All we know so far is that you have great faith in your God that his purpose is to cause floods, make deformed babies and create cancer. Tell us more, and how you came by your faith.
That’s what I’m asking, WHY does god make deformed babies and cancer...?
Listen. That is not the God I know, it is the God YOU know. Since I don't know that God you believe so strongly in, you will have to tell me why the God you believe in makes deformed babies and cancer. Try to understand. We don't all see through your lens. Tell us what you see and what you surmise from what you see. Why does the God you have such faith in make deformed babies and cancer?

Several of us here have done our best to share what we see with you. Let's take a break from all of that and try to see what you are seeing through your lens. All we know so far is that you have great faith in your God that his purpose is to cause floods, make deformed babies and create cancer. Tell us more, and how you came by your faith.
I'm starting with the premise that god made the universe and everything in it. I always thought that people who believed in god believe that it made everything in the universe. Now if all you theists are saying that god DIDN'T create everything in this universe, that's something I've NEVER heard outside this thread, and sounds really whacky. You attribute all the good stuff to god but none of the bad stuff, so I logically ask, then who made all the bad stuff? Why do believers get cancer and have deformed babies? I mean, like, a god who can drown nearly all of humanity seems capable of making more bad things, but WHY?
That’s what I’m asking, WHY does god make deformed babies and cancer...?
Listen. That is not the God I know, it is the God YOU know. Since I don't know that God you believe so strongly in, you will have to tell me why the God you believe in makes deformed babies and cancer. Try to understand. We don't all see through your lens. Tell us what you see and what you surmise from what you see. Why does the God you have such faith in make deformed babies and cancer?

Several of us here have done our best to share what we see with you. Let's take a break from all of that and try to see what you are seeing through your lens. All we know so far is that you have great faith in your God that his purpose is to cause floods, make deformed babies and create cancer. Tell us more, and how you came by your faith.
I'm starting with the premise that god made the universe and everything in it. I always thought that people who believed in god believe that it made everything in the universe. Now if all you theists are saying that god DIDN'T create everything in this universe, that's something I've NEVER heard outside this thread, and sounds really whacky. You attribute all the good stuff to god but none of the bad stuff, so I logically ask, then who made all the bad stuff? Why do believers get cancer and have deformed babies? I mean, like, a god who can drown nearly all of humanity seems capable of making more bad things, but WHY?
Do you create your own outcomes?
I'm starting with the premise that god made the universe and everything in it. I always thought that people who believed in god believe that it made everything in the universe. Now if all you theists are saying that god DIDN'T create everything in this universe, that's something I've NEVER heard outside this thread, and sounds really whacky. You attribute all the good stuff to god but none of the bad stuff, so I logically ask, then who made all the bad stuff? Why do believers get cancer and have deformed babies? I mean, like, a god who can drown nearly all of humanity seems capable of making more bad things, but WHY?
As I said, that is your belief, your perspective. Now is the opportunity for you to tell us why.

Why do you you have faith in God? Why do you believe he makes cancer and deformed babies? Like those of the Muslim faith, are you of the belief that you cannot move your little finger without that movement being the will of God? How did you come to your faith in the God you describe?
That’s what I’m asking, WHY does god make deformed babies and cancer...?
Listen. That is not the God I know, it is the God YOU know. Since I don't know that God you believe so strongly in, you will have to tell me why the God you believe in makes deformed babies and cancer. Try to understand. We don't all see through your lens. Tell us what you see and what you surmise from what you see. Why does the God you have such faith in make deformed babies and cancer?

Several of us here have done our best to share what we see with you. Let's take a break from all of that and try to see what you are seeing through your lens. All we know so far is that you have great faith in your God that his purpose is to cause floods, make deformed babies and create cancer. Tell us more, and how you came by your faith.
I'm starting with the premise that god made the universe and everything in it. I always thought that people who believed in god believe that it made everything in the universe. Now if all you theists are saying that god DIDN'T create everything in this universe, that's something I've NEVER heard outside this thread, and sounds really whacky. You attribute all the good stuff to god but none of the bad stuff, so I logically ask, then who made all the bad stuff? Why do believers get cancer and have deformed babies? I mean, like, a god who can drown nearly all of humanity seems capable of making more bad things, but WHY?

Everyone who has ever lived and will ever live at some point suffers and dies. Is this a surprise? Does this shock you? On earth the good and the bad grow side by side like wheat and tares in a field.

During the harvest the tares are tied up in bundles for burning, then the wheat is separated from the chaff and gathered into the barn.

You might actually get somewhere if you stopped asking why God made evil, if God made evil, and started asking yourself why you do....

You live in a universe full of evil that exists in chaos because it is not perfect.,not the universe itself but your perception of it. Your thoughts are in disarray so you say and do stupid things. Consequently you see evil everywhere, not because evil is everywhere but because confusion fills your mind.

Evil is the fruit of your distorted and perverted perceptions.

You want a better experience of life? You want to live in a place where evil does not exist?

Purify your mind and be refined.
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That’s what I’m asking, WHY does god make deformed babies and cancer...?
Listen. That is not the God I know, it is the God YOU know. Since I don't know that God you believe so strongly in, you will have to tell me why the God you believe in makes deformed babies and cancer. Try to understand. We don't all see through your lens. Tell us what you see and what you surmise from what you see. Why does the God you have such faith in make deformed babies and cancer?

Several of us here have done our best to share what we see with you. Let's take a break from all of that and try to see what you are seeing through your lens. All we know so far is that you have great faith in your God that his purpose is to cause floods, make deformed babies and create cancer. Tell us more, and how you came by your faith.
I'm starting with the premise that god made the universe and everything in it. I always thought that people who believed in god believe that it made everything in the universe. Now if all you theists are saying that god DIDN'T create everything in this universe, that's something I've NEVER heard outside this thread, and sounds really whacky. You attribute all the good stuff to god but none of the bad stuff, so I logically ask, then who made all the bad stuff? Why do believers get cancer and have deformed babies? I mean, like, a god who can drown nearly all of humanity seems capable of making more bad things, but WHY?
Do you create your own outcomes?
Not always, sometimes things are out of our control.
I'm starting with the premise that god made the universe and everything in it. I always thought that people who believed in god believe that it made everything in the universe. Now if all you theists are saying that god DIDN'T create everything in this universe, that's something I've NEVER heard outside this thread, and sounds really whacky. You attribute all the good stuff to god but none of the bad stuff, so I logically ask, then who made all the bad stuff? Why do believers get cancer and have deformed babies? I mean, like, a god who can drown nearly all of humanity seems capable of making more bad things, but WHY?
As I said, that is your belief, your perspective. Now is the opportunity for you to tell us why.

Why do you you have faith in God? Why do you believe he makes cancer and deformed babies? Like those of the Muslim faith, are you of the belief that you cannot move your little finger without that movement being the will of God? How did you come to your faith in the God you describe?
I'm agnostic actually. I don't believe that a god has yet been proven but am leaving the door open in case someone ever does come up with real proof. And part of understanding the god you all say is real is to understand why god would make a universe with deformed babies in it. If I was god, I wouldn't go that. I guess now I should be asking "do you think that god made everything in this universe?"
That’s what I’m asking, WHY does god make deformed babies and cancer...?
Listen. That is not the God I know, it is the God YOU know. Since I don't know that God you believe so strongly in, you will have to tell me why the God you believe in makes deformed babies and cancer. Try to understand. We don't all see through your lens. Tell us what you see and what you surmise from what you see. Why does the God you have such faith in make deformed babies and cancer?

Several of us here have done our best to share what we see with you. Let's take a break from all of that and try to see what you are seeing through your lens. All we know so far is that you have great faith in your God that his purpose is to cause floods, make deformed babies and create cancer. Tell us more, and how you came by your faith.
I'm starting with the premise that god made the universe and everything in it. I always thought that people who believed in god believe that it made everything in the universe. Now if all you theists are saying that god DIDN'T create everything in this universe, that's something I've NEVER heard outside this thread, and sounds really whacky. You attribute all the good stuff to god but none of the bad stuff, so I logically ask, then who made all the bad stuff? Why do believers get cancer and have deformed babies? I mean, like, a god who can drown nearly all of humanity seems capable of making more bad things, but WHY?

Everyone who has ever lived and will ever live at some point suffers and dies. Is this a surprise? Does this shock you? On earth the good and the bad grow side by side like wheat and tares in a field.

During the harvest the tares are tied up in bundles for burning, then the wheat is separated from the chaff and gathered into the barn.

You might actually get somewhere if you stopped asking why God made evil, if God made evil, and started asking yourself why you do....

You live in a universe full of evil that exists in chaos because it is not perfect.,not the universe itself but your perception of it. Your thoughts are in disarray so you say and do stupid things. Consequently you see evil everywhere, not because evil is everywhere but because confusion fills your mind.

Evil is the fruit of your distorted and perverted perceptions.

You want a better experience of life? You want to live in a place where evil does not exist?

Purify your mind and be refined.
If evil is the fruit of something, then evil exists, and if evil exist, someone had to have made it. So if not god, who then?

And why didn't god simply make nothing but wheat? Why make the bad stuff?
I'm agnostic actually. I don't believe that a god has yet been proven but am leaving the door open in case someone ever does come up with real proof. And part of understanding the god you all say is real is to understand why god would make a universe with deformed babies in it. If I was god, I wouldn't go that. I guess now I should be asking "do you think that god made everything in this universe?"
If you are agnostic, then why do you make statements about what God does? Where are you picking up the idea that God acts as you say He acts? Why do you cling to these ideas when people who do believe present entirely different ideas?
I'm agnostic actually. I don't believe that a god has yet been proven but am leaving the door open in case someone ever does come up with real proof. And part of understanding the god you all say is real is to understand why god would make a universe with deformed babies in it. If I was god, I wouldn't go that. I guess now I should be asking "do you think that god made everything in this universe?"
If you are agnostic, then why do you make statements about what God does? Where are you picking up the idea that God acts as you say He acts? Why do you cling to these ideas when people who do believe present entirely different ideas?
Because the bible says that god made the world in 6 days. It doesn’t say that it made some of the things in the world in 6 days and that all kinds of things aren’t its fault. This is the first I’m hearing of this and it makes no sense. God’s responsible for the good stuff but not the bad stuff? So who caused Noah’s flood?
Because the bible says that god made the world in 6 days. It doesn’t say that it made some of the things in the world in 6 days and that all kinds of things aren’t its fault. This is the first I’m hearing of this and it makes no sense. God’s responsible for the good stuff but not the bad stuff? So who caused Noah’s flood?
Are you saying you are an agnostic that always takes the Bible literally? How did you come by your firm belief in a literal Bible?
Because the bible says that god made the world in 6 days. It doesn’t say that it made some of the things in the world in 6 days and that all kinds of things aren’t its fault. This is the first I’m hearing of this and it makes no sense. God’s responsible for the good stuff but not the bad stuff? So who caused Noah’s flood?
Are you saying you are an agnostic that always takes the Bible literally? How did you come by your firm belief in a literal Bible?
I think that the bible was written to be taken literally. It’s meanings have changed for some because of science, that has disproven all kinds of things written in it. And it says that god created the universe, so everything in it as well. I’d like to figure out why it put so much evil in this universe.
I'm agnostic actually. I don't believe that a god has yet been proven but am leaving the door open in case someone ever does come up with real proof. And part of understanding the god you all say is real is to understand why god would make a universe with deformed babies in it. If I was god, I wouldn't go that. I guess now I should be asking "do you think that god made everything in this universe?"
If you are agnostic, then why do you make statements about what God does? Where are you picking up the idea that God acts as you say He acts? Why do you cling to these ideas when people who do believe present entirely different ideas?
Because the bible says that god made the world in 6 days. It doesn’t say that it made some of the things in the world in 6 days and that all kinds of things aren’t its fault. This is the first I’m hearing of this and it makes no sense. God’s responsible for the good stuff but not the bad stuff? So who caused Noah’s flood?

Yes, and if you read the creation account, everything God created was GOOD. In the very beginning everything was GOOD. The world was like a paradise. THAT was what God created. The bad stuff came later, because we live in a fallen world, and once sin and rebellion happened, things began to morph, change. In the very beginning, there was no disease, death, etc.

As Merriweather said a couple days ago, people are the ones who brought sin into the world, as well as the rebellious angels. So if you want to place the blame anywhere, place it where belongs, on people who go against God‘s law/will.
You might actually get somewhere if you stopped asking why God made evil, if God made evil, and started asking yourself why you do

Exactly. No one wants to do that, but very good point.

You want a better experience of life? You want to live in a place where evil does not exist?

Purify your mind and be refined.


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