Why did Hamas do this?

You keep saying “those problems would exist regardless.” Talk about a bullshit response. Why compound the problem further when we know the drugs and sex trafficking are coming by way of the southern border more than any other border. Show US by empirical comparison or at least parity how the cartels, sex trafficking, and global terrorists are using the Canadian border?

Global terrorists? Really? Do you have any evidence a Global terrorist got here through the Southern Border?

This is where I just can't take you seriously. It's almost like you are inventing things to be afraid of.

Since I don't do drugs and I don't hire whores, your fake panics don't bother me a bit.
It’s apparent several answering and sharing their view points have no historical understanding of the region. FYI Palestine was a region referenced by Ottoman Turks and then English within the context of the Balfour Agreement. It was composed of nomadic people’s after the Romans under Caesar Augustus Vespasian Titus destroyed Israel in retaliation to the Judea revolt in 70 AD. References of Israel were stricken from all Roman documents. Israelis that were either enslaved or escaped migrated throughout the world carrying their religion and culture with them.
The fundamental basis for the unrest in the Mideast can be traced directly to the British Empire which divided up the region, established kingdoms, countries and regions, regardless of tribal and religious affiliation. One should study the Balfour agreement, fall of Ottoman Turk empire, to gain a perspective of the root of conflict. Then do yourself a favor and visit this region.
Hamas is a natural response to Zionism. Just like the ANC (A communist terrorist organization) was the natural response to Apartheid. Just like the Irish Republican Army was a reaction to the British occupation of Ireland.

Now, if a bunch of Mexicans came in and took over Texas or California and started treating the Anglos like second-class citizens in their own country, then there would be an equivalency to what the Zionist Squatters did in Palestine.

But. Um. No. They just want to come up here and do the menial jobs Anglos don't want to do.
You just keep telling yourself that.
You just keep telling yourself that.
Global terrorists? Really? Do you have any evidence a Global terrorist got here through the Southern Border?

This is where I just can't take you seriously. It's almost like you are inventing things to be afraid of.

Since I don't do drugs and I don't hire whores, your fake panics don't bother me a bit.
I don’t do drugs or whores either but I also don’t ignore cartels moving mass amount of drugs and sex slaves into the US.
Global terrorists? Really? Do you have any evidence a Global terrorist got here through the Southern Border?

This is where I just can't take you seriously. It's almost like you are inventing things to be afraid of.

Since I don't do drugs and I don't hire whores, your fake panics don't bother me a bit.
Damn dude, it's like progressivism has rotted your brain to the point you can't even figure out how to Google. OR, you just really don't want to know. MSN
I don’t do drugs or whores either but I also don’t ignore cartels moving mass amount of drugs and sex slaves into the US.

So what? First, I doubt there are sex slave so much as there are women who simply have no other life skills. As for drugs, if they weren't smuggling them in, they'd be making them in the kitchen.

Damn dude, it's like progressivism has rotted your brain to the point you can't even figure out how to Google. OR, you just really don't want to know.
Google what? The whole story about the scary prayer rugs found in the desert? Right-wing media has been making that claim for 20 years now.
So what? First, I doubt there are sex slave so much as there are women who simply have no other life skills. As for drugs, if they weren't smuggling them in, they'd be making them in the kitchen.

Google what? The whole story about the scary prayer rugs found in the desert? Right-wing media has been making that claim for 20 years now.

You don't know how to click a link? MSN

(The Center Square) – There were 736 known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) apprehended at the northern and southern borders in fiscal 2023.

The Center Square initially reported 659 were apprehended for the fiscal year, as of Sept. 15, 2023. The fiscal year ended Sept. 30.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection published new data this weekend revealing that federal agents apprehended an additional 77 in the last two weeks of September.

Holy Land Map 1865 Map Of Palestine Biblical Regions Antique Restoration Decorator Style Jerusalem Wall Map Vintage Map Home Decor Gift Idea

Holy Land Map 1865 Map Of Palestine Biblical Regions Antique Restoration Decorator Style Jerusalem Wall Map Vintage Map Home Decor Gift Idea


The total of 736 is the greatest number of KSTs apprehended in recorded U.S. history.

736 known or suspected terrorists apprehended at U.S. border in fiscal 2023​

Story by Bethany Blankley | The Center Square contributor • 2d

(The Center Square) – There were 736 known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) apprehended at the northern and southern borders in fiscal 2023.

The Center Square initially reported 659 were apprehended for the fiscal year, as of Sept. 15, 2023. The fiscal year ended Sept. 30.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection published new data this weekend revealing that federal agents apprehended an additional 77 in the last two weeks of September.

Holy Land Map 1865 Map Of Palestine Biblical Regions Antique Restoration Decorator Style Jerusalem Wall Map Vintage Map Home Decor Gift Idea

Holy Land Map 1865 Map Of Palestine Biblical Regions Antique Restoration Decorator Style Jerusalem Wall Map Vintage Map Home Decor Gift Idea


The total of 736 is the greatest number of KSTs apprehended in recorded U.S. history.
My guess is that Iran has its fingers directly in it, and the others you mention are just cheering it on after the fact.

Yeah, everyone except your President knows Iran has a hand in all of this. Maybe you should fill him and his administration in. Of course it could be they know it as well, but can't very well come out and say it after kowtowing to them for so long. Have you figured it out yet that they are really not pro-Israel, but are just playing the part?

As to why Hamas attacked, I think Iran enticed them to do so in hopes of a larger conflict. This administration has essentially funded Iran and terrorists around the world with bad "deals" and the Afghanistan debacle. Despite what senile Joe says, we are not able to simultaneously fight/fund wars all over the world. Wait for China to attack Taiwan next. This is what happens when you elect a melted marshmallow for President of the US.

You don't know how to click a link? MSN

(The Center Square) – There were 736 known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) apprehended at the northern and southern borders in fiscal 2023.

Uh, yeah, the problem with that argument is that "known or suspected" is "anyone named Mohammed".

How many ACTUAL terrorists did they catch, not just guys with vaguely Arab names?

Yeah, everyone except your President knows Iran has a hand in all of this. Maybe you should fill him and his administration in. Of course it could be they know it as well, but can't very well come out and say it after kowtowing to them for so long. Have you figured it out yet that they are really not pro-Israel, but are just playing the part?

As long as we are discussing who had a hand in this. let's look at Bibi Netanyahu.

He's the one who allowed FIVE BILLION dollars to be transferred from Qatar to Gaza.

Gazans celebrate by a destroyed Israeli tank at the broken Israel-Gaza border fence, east of Khan Younis, October 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Yousef Masoud)
For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.
The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Meanwhile, Israel has allowed suitcases holding millions in Qatari cash to enter Gaza through its crossings since 2018, in order to maintain its fragile ceasefire with the Hamas rulers of the Strip.

Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. Far-right MK Bezalel Smotrich, now the finance minister in the hardline government and leader of the Religious Zionism party, said so himself in 2015.

According to various reports, Netanyahu made a similar point at a Likud faction meeting in early 2019, when he was quoted as saying that those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

As to why Hamas attacked, I think Iran enticed them to do so in hopes of a larger conflict. This administration has essentially funded Iran and terrorists around the world with bad "deals" and the Afghanistan debacle. Despite what senile Joe says, we are not able to simultaneously fight/fund wars all over the world. Wait for China to attack Taiwan next. This is what happens when you elect a melted marshmallow for President of the US.

Some points here.

1) Returning Iran's money (which they are legally entitled to) isn't funding them.
2) Iran has a GDP of a quarter Trillion a year. They have no problem funding whatever they want.
3) We can also talk about how Trump turned a blind eye when Iran essentially took over Iraq and Syria because they were willing to put the boots on the Ground to fight ISIS.
4) The Afghanistan "Debacle" happened because Trump withdrew most of the troops from Afghanistan and freed 5000 Taliban fighters as part of the Doha accords. (As I note, Doha wasn't bad in and of itself, but man, did Trump run away from it when it went to where everyone predicted it would go.)
5) China isn't going to attack Taiwan. They have every right to, mind you, because Taiwan is legally part of China. But they know that the status quo is more beneficial to them, as Taiwan provides financing and access to markets.
Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?

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