Why did Hamas do this?

It is unimaginable that Hamas would perpetrate such a depraved, horrific attack that exposed Netanyahu's embarrassing security failure without the expectation of a massive reprisal upon the Palestinian people.
Yeah, that's been my guess. They're more than willing to trade the lives of their own people to advance their cause, and no doubt they're hoping that other antisemetic groups and/or country will join in to finish the job.

I've certainly never walked a mile in Israel's shoes, but I've been surprised by the ferocity of their response. Surely they know they're playing right into the hands of their enemies, but I assume they've taken that into consideration in the big picture.
Yeah, that's been my guess. They're more than willing to trade the lives of their own people to advance their cause, and no doubt they're hoping that other antisemetic groups and/or country will join in to finish the job.

I've certainly never walked a mile in Israel's shoes, but I've been surprised by the ferocity of their response. Surely they know they're playing right into the hands of their enemies, but I assume they've taken that into consideration in the big picture.
Israel is doing what it has to do to survive, Hamas must be eliminated completely and Iran must be held accountable for funding and arming them.
The same thing can be said about Biden and the poverty-stricken USA ... so what's your point?
They are literally the only wealthy people in the country. Here in the USA Biden is not the only millionaire. Where it is obvious that Biden family has profited heavily from his time in public office the average citizen is also allowed to profit as well.

Understand also that the propaganda campaigns are only in name the same between the two.
They are literally the only wealthy people in the country. Here in the USA Biden is not the only millionaire. Where it is obvious that Biden family has profited heavily from his time in public office the average citizen is also allowed to profit as well.
No matter how you slice it there is an enormous percentage of destitute citizens in the US so (in my of thinking) there is no excuse for people amassing billions.
Understand also that the propaganda campaigns are only in name the same between the two.
I don't know what you are referring to but I have no doubt that if I did know I'd certainly agree with you, I mean propaganda about non-existent differences.
Yeah, that's been my guess. They're more than willing to trade the lives of their own people to advance their cause, and no doubt they're hoping that other antisemetic groups and/or country will join in to finish the job.

I've certainly never walked a mile in Israel's shoes, but I've been surprised by the ferocity of their response. Surely they know they're playing right into the hands of their enemies, but I assume they've taken that into consideration in the big picture.
For Hamas, innocent men, women, and children are not "their people." They are involuntary "martyrs."

To end the vicious cycle, neither Hamas nor Israel should be allowed to administer Gaza as the survivors recover and rebuild.
For Hamas, innocent men, women, and children are not "their people." They are involuntary "martyrs."

To end the vicious cycle, neither Hamas nor Israel should be allowed to administer Gaza as the survivors recover and rebuild.
I wish that a new leadership team would come in and lead in an honest fashion....

But that's not going to happen.

The propaganda campaigns have poisoned their minds with hate to the point of insanity. Their whole culture is about and focused on hating Jews.

There's not an internal revolt of any sort looking for new leadership. In their minds "might makes right" until it comes to the Jews.
So they will set up new leadership that is just as bad as the last two regimes.
There's not an internal revolt of any sort looking for new leadership. In their minds "might makes right".....
It appears to be complicated.

1). The Palestinians tried peaceful representation in the UN but got shat upon. So they've opted for "might" with Hamas.

2). Israel had a peaceful plan on the table with Yitzhak Rabin at the helm but the Zionists didn't like the idea so they assassinated him, thus shitting on the Palestinians again. "Might" there too. Of course, assassinating Rabin was a shit blow for the Israelis too.
you mean the person that actually won the 2020 election and will win again in 2024?
He didn't win the election, he lost by 8 million votes. He's going to lose even bigger in 2024, when his crazy is on full display.
Let me get this straight, you are rooting for the guy who slurs his words, falls on his butt in the slightest breeze, and whose biggest joy is having the hair on his legs stroked by children ...... but you are calling the best president in a very long time "crazy"? Oh boy! I hope you're not old enough to vote.

The propaganda campaigns have poisoned their minds with hate to the point of insanity. Their whole culture is about and focused on hating Jews.
I suppose that's what happens when a population is kept in an open prison.
How is it that people do not understand that, Americans in particular? Now ... I know that Americans think being strong and tough and intimidating is something to be admired. I also know that they have laws protecting "stand your ground" mentality. So why is it they don't understand what you just wrote?
I suppose that's what happens when a population is kept in an open prison.
I wouldn't exactly agree with that. Israel has very definitely good reasons for that...especially when "Palestinians " are constantly singing "from the river to the sea".

Israel is just behaving along lines that make them an easy scapegoat for their leaders to indoctrinate the people against the Jews with.

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