Why did Hamas do this?

How is it that people do not understand that, Americans in particular? Now ... I know that Americans think being strong and tough and intimidating is something to be admired. I also know that they have laws protecting "stand your ground" mentality. So why is it they don't understand what you just wrote?
Well because that means that the solution is not as easy as they want it to be. The problem is a few million people have been brainwashed. How do you eradicate the brainwashing? Re-education camps? That would not be exactly a good thing either.

The usual goal of warfare is usually to stop your opponent from waging war. Which happens by a few various means. But those means do not stop a desire for war. They just stop their ability to wage war.

What is needed is to stop the desire for war.

And if you can create an answer that would do so...... well....a Nobel peace prize is in your future.
Well because that means that the solution is not as easy as they want it to be.
... or the solution is too easy but doesn't tally with the expectations of "brainwash" indoctrination .... as you explain in the next paragraph.
The problem is a few million people have been brainwashed. How do you eradicate the brainwashing?
Good question. I have an idea but it begins with "r" and ends with "n". Do the ends justify the means? What if it's "the only way"?
Re-education camps? That would not be exactly a good thing either.
No, it wouldn't be a good thing. It makes me think of North Korea or the Khmer Rouge.
The usual goal of warfare is usually to stop your opponent from waging war. Which happens by a few various means. But those means do not stop a desire for war. They just stop their ability to wage war.
I don't completely agree with you. Not in the cases we've been seeing lately, anyway, where war is a lucrative business goal in itself.
What is needed is to stop the desire for war.
Not "desire" but "willingness" to participate.
And if you can create an answer that would do so...... well....a Nobel peace prize is in your future.
Unfortunately, the Nobel Prize committee has been corrupted so badly that it's nothing but a cash cow. Obama (as you recall) got the Nobel Peace Prize for being black. The next winner will almost certainly be transgender and shehe won't have to do anything but show up in an evening gown and full beard. The Nobel Prize in medicine will definitely go to the first doctor who can transplant a womb into a man. I guarantee it. The man who deserves the Nobel Peace Prize is languishing away in solitary confinement, facilitated by the same people who organize the Nobel Prize!
I suppose that's what happens when a population is kept in an open prison.
I wouldn't exactly agree with that. Israel has very definitely good reasons for that...especially when "Palestinians " are constantly singing "from the river to the sea".
You did just agree with that, Shirley, with your 'good reason' excuse.
Their religion is no sillier than yours.

What amuses me is that rightwingers are absolutely losing their shit because a few Mexicans want to come up here and do menial jobs.

But they can't understand why Palestinians are upset that Jews from Europe came into their country, seized land by force, and are making them live like second-class citizens in their own country.
A few Mexicans? Over four million in the last three years isn't a few. That's more than one percent of the total US population.
I wish that a new leadership team would come in and lead in an honest fashion....

But that's not going to happen.

The propaganda campaigns have poisoned their minds with hate to the point of insanity. Their whole culture is about and focused on hating Jews.

There's not an internal revolt of any sort looking for new leadership. In their minds "might makes right" until it comes to the Jews.
So they will set up new leadership that is just as bad as the last two regimes.
Israelis will dump Netanyahu.

Gaza may have to become a UN protectorate.
Let me get this straight, you are rooting for the guy who slurs his words, falls on his butt in the slightest breeze, and whose biggest joy is having the hair on his legs stroked by children ...... but you are calling the best president in a very long time "crazy"? Oh boy! I hope you're not old enough to vote.

The fact you have to make up memes to bolster your case shows you don't have one.

Trump gave us 1 million dead from Covid, 25 million jobs lost, riots in the streets, 300,000 business failures.

Why would you want to do this again?
Seems like a logical prediction. The UN created the problem, it's time for them to man-up. Concessions in Palestine's favour on the way.
Decades of Israel's control of Gaza have resulted in the current plight.

It should be the UN's problem to deal with.
Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?
Netanyahu's embarrassing failure to protect Israelis amidst major public protests against his authoritarian rule have sealed his fate.

He is largely indulging in a personal vendetta.

ALBAWABA - In a significant show of dissent, large crowds of Israelis have taken to the streets, urging the resignation of their Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu in front of his house.
These protests have also seen calls for an immediate ceasefire, with demonstrators asserting that a military approach cannot resolve a political issue.


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Doesn’t excuse October 7th.
be not amazed----the uhm---'same group' Blamed
Bush for 9-11-01, The BIG GIANT SCANDAL----the pres. received news of the airplane bombing of the
twin towers whilst he was reading a fairytale to a
group of toddlers. ---now for the BIG TIME SCANDAL!!!!!!!! He finished that page he was reading
before rising up to deal with the issue!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---at least 12 seconds!!!!!!!!!!
Netanyahu's embarrassing failure to protect Israelis amidst major public protests against his authoritarian rule have sealed his fate.

He is largely indulging in a personal vendetta.

ALBAWABA - In a significant show of dissent, large crowds of Israelis have taken to the streets, urging the resignation of their Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu in front of his house.
These protests have also seen calls for an immediate ceasefire, with demonstrators asserting that a military approach cannot resolve a political issue.
I'm sure as hell no Middle East expert, but:

I can't argue with Israelis who look at this (and the broader picture) as an existential threat. And it seems pretty clear that the motivation behind the Hamas goddamn barbarity last month was to provoke a response that would bring other groups in to finish the job for them.

At the same time, I've definitely been surprised at Israel's response. I guess I was expecting more precision than this, and that may be Bebe's hand at work. And I don't see how Bebe thinks (if he really does) that he's going to "end" Hamas. Groups like this are like a virus. You're not going to end them with bombs.

I've got no answers here. But Bebe is definitely playing a risky hand. And innocents are suffering, as usual.
Doesn’t excuse October 7th.
Nothing can excuse October 7.

Hamas has gotten the response it hoped for.

Netanyahu's decimating the Palestinian populace has triggered mass protests in Israel and around the world.
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Nothing can excuse October 7.

Hamas has gotten the response it hoped for.

Netanyahu's decimating the Palestinian populace has triggered mass protests in Israel and around the world.
You think it was a PLAN?
Decades of Israel's control of Gaza have resulted in the current plight.
And yet there are those who pretend it isn't so.:eusa_doh:
It should be the UN's problem to deal with.
Absolutely! The UN wanted the glory of giving Jews the chance for a brighter future but were struck deaf, mute, and blind as soon as the Zionists turned into Nazis. The UN created this situation and Zionism is taking advantage of UN "white guilt". The UN thinks it can smoke screen its guilt by bringing Yugo war criminals to trial but doesn't have the balls to kick the Zionists off the hill.

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