Why did Hamas do this?

The UN isn't responsible for what Israel has done to the Palestinians.
I disagree. If the law doesn't deter or punish criminals then it is equally guilty of the crime itself. Maybe more so. FIRST of all the UN created the so-called state of Israel. SECONDLY, if the UN can bring Yugo war criminals to justice then why not Jewish and American ones? There is a double standard in the UN and it must be rooted out.
^^^^^ GROSS LIE ^^^^
Glasnost is on record as DENYING --amongst some muslims, the concept of the IDYLLIC CALIPHATE.
He is either lying or has been living under a rock.
"CALIPHATE" is presented to muslim kids--WORLD WIDE as an IDEAL. ----to wit a SHARIAH PARADISE
Glasnost is on record as DENYING --amongst some muslims, the concept of the IDYLLIC CALIPHATE.
He is either lying or has been living under a rock.
"CALIPHATE" is presented to muslim kids--WORLD WIDE as an IDEAL. ----to wit a SHARIAH PARADISE
Shegrossly91 is on record as LYING.
Because of the Nakbah that has never stopped since 1948.
That's a strawman. I criticize Israel and realize wrong has been done by both sides.
Isreal planted 10 thousand land mines when they left Lebanon. Is this humane or decent?

Hertzl planned to kill or expel the palestinians in 1897 to achieve a Jewish state. Not a democracy.

Israel was created by the forced displacement of the people living there. That is called the Nakba. Did you know that the British wanted to make Kenya the Jewish homeland? It's time to stop mindlessly believing what the Israeli government tells us. It has been the actions of that government over the years that has caused the animosity Arab nations have had with our country. The Israeli government tells us that Arabs want to erase them and we believe that witout thinking. Arab countries surround Israel, at one time Iraq and Iran had 2 of the most powerful militaries on earth, add the other arab countries with them and if Arabs really wanted to wipe Israel off the earth, Israel would have been long gone.

What the Israel has told us for 75 years, no matter what they were doing, is that they have been doing so in self defense. 9 years they occupied Lebanon, self defense. Yeah...

Why Netanyahu helped fund Hamas and how that backfired for Israel

Israel has pledged to destroy Hamas. It is, however, ironical that Israel's governments under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu consciously channelised funds to Hamas and helped it gain the strength and power that it has today. But why did Israel do so and how did its calculations go awry?

Benjamin Netanyahu's government worked with the singular purpose of trying to prevent the formation of a Palestinian state, according to experts. It also sought to buy peace by giving Gaza residents a glimpse of a better life by funneling money and providing work permits.

The issue of funneling "Qatari money" to Hamas by the Israeli government was mentioned in public by Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief, Prince Turki al-Faisal, in an address on October 20. Al-Faisal's remarks came after Hamas terrorists on October 7 butchered over a thousand Israelis and took over 200 hostages.

For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces
The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from


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