Why did Hamas do this?

Isis is the enemy of all Arabs. Why do you think ibn Saud chased the Emir of mecca off the Arabian Peninsula in 1924? He declared a caliphate.
The Emir of Mecca is not chopped liver----a very HALAL guy that impresses lots of
people. ----"ALL ARABS" ? how are we defining "arab" this week?
The Emir of Mecca is not chopped liver----a very HALAL guy that impresses lots of
people. ----"ALL ARABS" ? how are we defining "arab" this week?

People who speak Arabic and share Arab culture.

I'm curious, do you think YOU should be punished for what other people did?

Should I give your house to a black person because other people were slaveholders?

The Palestinians didn't do the Holocaust. In many cases, Arabs fought for the allies in Commonwealth Armies, such as the Palestine Legion.

And they were thanked by the Allies giving away their land.

If the Allies felt so bad about the Holocaust, we should have resettled Europe's Jews in America.
So is that any reason to do the Savagely things that they did on Oct. 7th?
You people think any type of controls, vetting process, etc. is making it “impossible” to get into this country legally? What country should we emulate on immigration? Better yet, tell US how the benefits of Open Borders are exceeding the costs and risks? Provide more than “they are filling the jobs Americans won’t do”.
That Stupid old excuse is BS and Not True, that are Americans that would take any jobs.
So is that any reason to do the Savagely things that they did on Oct. 7th?
As opposed to the savage things the Zionist Entity has done to them for the last 70 years, and intensified over the last month.

Comparing piles of dead bodies is, imo, not probative of anything besides inhumanity. And after W's war in Iraq and Afghan, the US has no ground to claim any moral superiority.

The "settlers" have been killing Palestinians for decades. And no one cares. Certainly not the Saudies, the UAE and Kuwait and Dubai. They're making peace with Israel and no provision for the Palestinians. And not the US before Oct 7

If the world needed proof that Hamas was equally capable of murdering civilians ... we got it. But Hamas also did the zionists "one better" with taking the hostages. If any Americans were taken hostage and the US govt didn't at least make an effort of rescuing them, they'd lose the next election.
People who speak Arabic and share Arab culture.

Oh----lots of the muslims I have known ----who were very interested
in Mecca and also hated jews from age
3---were NOT ARABS----none of the Iranians OR Pakistanis seemed to know a
word of arabic-----Iranians WINCED IN PAIN at the word "arabic"
Yes, but if the US is sending the zionists more money, it'd be nice to see some interest in actually settling some legit grievances on Both sides.
That was already tried. The wall wasn't built for no reason. The west bank settlers didn't just flip a coin. They gave up on peace long ago, when the muslim death cult made it clear they would attempt to kill all Isarelies no matter what concessions they were given.
Oh----lots of the muslims I have known ----who were very interested
in Mecca and also hated jews from age
3---were NOT ARABS----none of the Iranians OR Pakistanis seemed to know a
word of arabic-----Iranians WINCED IN PAIN at the word "arabic"
I see Sarada is still pushing propaganda from shall ai say dubious sources to help or justify her cause
People who speak Arabic and share Arab culture.

You are a one trick pony didn’t that group get a huge percentage of its funding from Saudia Arabia sources if I remember correctly there was some big shot Saudia prince that gave them a cool million dollars and he offered that total to other groups someofwhich turned him down because he wanted a say in what they published… Yup one could say Arab culture since Saudia is Arabia now in every way even though it wasn’t always that way till they offed their Jewish tribes and roots…
So, this far into it, it appears that the groups and countries that are sympathetic to Hamas' cause have not jumped in with both feet to help them. As Hamas was surely hoping.

In that way, this atrocity may have been a failure.

I wonder what's going on behind the scenes.

Actually, they are getting exactly what they want. The Zionists are engaged in pointless street fighting and world sympathy is quickly draining from Israel.
That was already tried. The wall wasn't built for no reason. The west bank settlers didn't just flip a coin. They gave up on peace long ago, when the muslim death cult made it clear they would attempt to kill all Isarelies no matter what concessions they were given.
The zionist settlers were NEVER for peace. They think the torahs some fucking legal document all other religions must bow down to.

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