Why did Hamas do this?

I'm sure if the Zionist Squatters went back to Europe, the Palestinians would stop caring about them.

So you make it impossible for people to get into the country legally, and then you wonder why all these problems arise when people go around a system that doesn't work?

Do you actually read what you write? Are you completely unaware of the contradiction or just another terrorist sympathizing antisemite making excuses for Hamas?
I haven’t used slurs… you did. Not everyone coming up here are MS-13 but enough are to be a problem. Try getting first hand input from Mexicans sometime before you make broad brush assumptions yourself.

I just pointed out that like yourself, we've had immigrant groups from every country, and a bigot like you demonizing them.

I am the son of an immigrant and my wife is an immigrant. I have no use for people like you.
Yes, everyone knows what Hamas thinks of Israel.

That's not the point of the thread, which has gone completely over the head of many here.
They took 250 innocent hostages to bargain for the freedom of all 6000 Palestinian prisoners sitting in Israeli jails
Do you actually read what you write? Are you completely unaware of the contradiction or just another terrorist sympathizing antisemite making excuses for Hamas?

Hamas is a natural response to Zionism. Just like the ANC (A communist terrorist organization) was the natural response to Apartheid. Just like the Irish Republican Army was a reaction to the British occupation of Ireland.

Now, if a bunch of Mexicans came in and took over Texas or California and started treating the Anglos like second-class citizens in their own country, then there would be an equivalency to what the Zionist Squatters did in Palestine.

But. Um. No. They just want to come up here and do the menial jobs Anglos don't want to do.
I just pointed out that like yourself, we've had immigrant groups from every country, and a bigot like you demonizing them.

I am the son of an immigrant and my wife is an immigrant. I have no use for people like you.
You keep calling me a bigot based on my stance against open borders and lax immigration law enforcement. You sited in earlier post about the bureaucracy in trying to get processed into this country. I’m all for trying to improve and expedite that process but not at the price of proper vetting standards that just about every nation in the world engages. See Mexico for example.

I could care less whether you have use for myself but your label of myself as a bigot is not consistent with any standards…. It is simply a cop out from yourself because you can’t refute the facts surrounding the problems that open borders yields.
You keep calling me a bigot based on my stance against open borders and lax immigration law enforcement.

Yes. Exactly. I never see you whine about the Canadian Border, which is even MORE lax than the Mexico border.

You sited in earlier post about the bureaucracy in trying to get processed into this country. I’m all for trying to improve and expedite that process but not at the price of proper vetting standards that just about every nation in the world engages. See Mexico for example.

Oh, bullshit. The vetting is causing a lot of the problems.

You see, it used to be, before some bigots decided we needed to tighten border security, migrants would come up for a season, work, save up their money and go back to Mexico and live pretty well.

Then they made crossing the border so much of a hassle that migrants figured it would be less trouble to come up here and just stay instead of sneaking back and forth, evading the corrupt as shit Border Patrol. Come up here, make some money, and then send for your family.

We could solve 90% of our problems as follows.

1) Create a Guest Worker program like Germany and many other countries have.
2) Strictly enforce workplace compliance and penalize employers who hire illegals.

This won't solve the humanitarian crisis of refugees from Central America, of course. The one we've created through our stupid policies going back to Reagan.

I could care less whether you have use for myself but your label of myself as a bigot is not consistent with any standards…. It is simply a cop out from yourself because you can’t refute the facts surrounding the problems that open borders yields.

Those problems would exist regardless. Americans want their drugs, and they want their whores, and there will always be a market for them. The problem is we try to treat this as a criminal problem instead of a regulatory problem.
Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?
Why did the French Resistance exist?

Hoping for a calm, sober, thoughtful response.

Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?
Why did the IDF apparently stand down for HOURS while this was ongoing?

The IDF will get bogged down in Gaza like the Ukrainians attacking Russian positions at Bakhmut.

Given the sheer incompetence, hatred for America and Israel and Jihadist leanings of the Third Obama Administration, there's better than even chance, this expands rapidly and uncontrollably. This is far worse than when FDR allowed Uncle Joe Stalin to control US activities in WWII.

All we know for certain is that Biden and the dems CANNOT win next year in a free and fair election
Apparently Hamas was triggered by the Israelis kicking the Muslims out of the Dome of the Rock. It's a sacred site to three major religions.

You mean after this happened?

"Israeli police said in a statement that security units were forced to enter a prayer hall in the Temple Mount compound, known to Muslims as al-Haram al-Sharif, after what it called masked agitators barricaded themselves inside the mosque after nightly Ramadan prayers, in violation of an agreement ahead of the holy month that worshippers would not be allowed to stay in the house of prayer overnight."

Palestinians arrested and injured in Israeli raid on al-Aqsa mosque

It's been tit for tat for a very long time
Yes. Exactly. I never see you whine about the Canadian Border, which is even MORE lax than the Mexico border.

Oh, bullshit. The vetting is causing a lot of the problems.

You see, it used to be, before some bigots decided we needed to tighten border security, migrants would come up for a season, work, save up their money and go back to Mexico and live pretty well.

Then they made crossing the border so much of a hassle that migrants figured it would be less trouble to come up here and just stay instead of sneaking back and forth, evading the corrupt as shit Border Patrol. Come up here, make some money, and then send for your family.

We could solve 90% of our problems as follows.

1) Create a Guest Worker program like Germany and many other countries have.
2) Strictly enforce workplace compliance and penalize employers who hire illegals.

This won't solve the humanitarian crisis of refugees from Central America, of course. The one we've created through our stupid policies going back to Reagan.

Those problems would exist regardless. Americans want their drugs, and they want their whores, and there will always be a market for them. The problem is we try to treat this as a criminal problem instead of a regulatory problem.
You keep saying “those problems would exist regardless.” Talk about a bullshit response. Why compound the problem further when we know the drugs and sex trafficking are coming by way of the southern border more than any other border. Show US by empirical comparison or at least parity how the cartels, sex trafficking, and global terrorists are using the Canadian border?
Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?
The phrasing of your post shows the default pro Israel US position.

Anyway, I think Hamas want to make better known the conditions in their open prison so Israel's so called allies have to shame it into being a better actor, rather than continuing to enable its behaviour.
The phrasing of your post shows the default pro Israel US position.

Anyway, I think Hamas want to make better known the conditions in their open prison so Israel's so called allies have to shame it into being a better actor, rather than continuing to enable its behaviour.
Do you think that Hamas assumed a violent response, and do you think they care much about the resulting Gaza destruction and loss of innocent Palestinian life?

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