Why did Hamas do this?

This is the fallacy of most leftists regarding Hamas. NO, NO, a thousand times NO. That is NOT their cause. Every Palestinian already HAS their own state > Jordan.

Jordan declared independence in 1946 and Israel did in 1948.
Thus the Jewish state includes all of the lands west of the Jordan River. And thus Jordan is Palestine. And most people living in Jordan are Palestinians.


Jordan is Jordan
Palestine is Palestine
Israel are a bunch of squatters from Europe who were never welcomed and aren't wanted.

Happy to have sorted that out for you.
All of the problems I sited that you minimize are only unnecessarily compounded with illegals. Oh, and sex trafficking is what you are saying. What you are saying is Prostitution whereby adults freely choose to engage in bartering sex for money. Sex trafficking is forcing women and under age girls to engage in sex and someone else takes most of the money.

Again, which only happens because prostitution is illegal. Legalize it, license it, regulate it, and tax it.

As for gangs, what types of opportunities do you expect that will deter them from gangs?

The same ones that got white people to stop joining gangs, dummy.
In the middle of the last century, you had Irish, Italian, and Jewish gangs. And this funny thing happened. When FDR created a middle class for white people, people really didn't join those gangs anymore. They moved up into the Middle Class. The Mafia is still a thing, I guess, but it is nowhere near what it was.
Oh, so were all those Jews killed by Unicorns last week?

I guess we can cut off military aid, because clearly Palestinians don't exist and Israel is being attacked by figments of their imagination.
Hamas exists arabs exist!
Again, which only happens because prostitution is illegal. Legalize it, license it, regulate it, and tax it.

The same ones that got white people to stop joining gangs, dummy.
In the middle of the last century, you had Irish, Italian, and Jewish gangs. And this funny thing happened. When FDR created a middle class for white people, people really didn't join those gangs anymore. They moved up into the Middle Class. The Mafia is still a thing, I guess, but it is nowhere near what it was.
There is a disconnect in your brain if you think that enslaving women and underage girls via sex trafficking only happens because Prostitution is illegal. Bullshit. There are plenty of consenting women who engage in the oldest trade in the history of mankind. Sex trade is simply capitalizing on that whether Prostitution is legal or not.

As for your theory on how Italians, Irish abd Jews broke from gangs, first, they had a desire and goal to do so. Where do you do today’s gang members willing to break from gangs in favor of middle class life? If anything, they are too worried about being beaten or chopped because trying to study in school and/or work a legitimate job to create a better life is “acting White.”
As for your theory on how Italians, Irish abd Jews broke from gangs, first, they had a desire and goal to do so. Where do you do today’s gang members willing to break from gangs in favor of middle class life? If anything, they are too worried about being beaten or chopped because trying to study in school and/or work a legitimate job to create a better life is “acting White.”
And back in the day, there was some bigot like you who said the same things about the W0ps, M!cks, and K*kes

Most undocumented immigrants aren't MS-13, just like most Italian Americans were never Mafia.

There is a disconnect in your brain if you think that enslaving women and underage girls via sex trafficking only happens because Prostitution is illegal. Bullshit. There are plenty of consenting women who engage in the oldest trade in the history of mankind. Sex trade is simply capitalizing on that whether Prostitution is legal or not.

Nope. the disconnect is a bunch of moral prudes want prostitution to be illegal, but the people who enforce the laws have better things to do.

This is why trafficking happens.

If you legalized it, the legitimately licensed prostitutes would rat out the traffickers... because they are cutting into their business.
And back in the day, there was some bigot like you who said the same things about the W0ps, M!cks, and K*kes

Most undocumented immigrants aren't MS-13, just like most Italian Americans were never Mafia.

Nope. the disconnect is a bunch of moral prudes want prostitution to be illegal, but the people who enforce the laws have better things to do.

This is why trafficking happens.

If you legalized it, the legitimately licensed prostitutes would rat out the traffickers... because they are cutting into their business.
The irony is you calling me a bigot when my DNA maps to every one of the slurs you just said. ENOUGH of the undocumented (illegals) are MS-13 that it is a problem.
They want to murder Jews and wipe them off the face of the Earth. It is sorta there thing. Where in the hell have you been over past several hundred years, you ignorant fuck stain?

Jews lived all over the Arab world for 2000 years and they prospered. This is the result of European Zionism.
Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?

No matter what happens the US should stay out of it.

Hamas leadership lives in Qatar.... in luxury.

Aren't you sick of being manipulated by Bibi Netanyahu?

The Arabs won't jump into this.
Jews lived all over the Arab world for 2000 years and they prospered. This is the result of European Zionism.
What a load of horse shit. Jews have been persecuted since Day 1, and Jihadists have always been frothing at the mouth to exterminate them. What fucking world are you living in, because it is clearly not Earth,
Awesome. So the majority of people in Palestine are Arabs and Hamas represents them.

That's not going to change. In fact, the Zionists are probably going to end up making Hamas stronger.
Hamas is a terrorist group that kill women and children in barbaric ways, you should unhitch your wagon from them. they have no right to any of the land
What a load of horse shit. Jews have been persecuted since Day 1, and Jihadists have always been frothing at the mouth to exterminate them. What fucking world are you living in, because it is clearly not Earth,

Jews were living in Alexandria, Damascus, Aleppo, Baghdad, Persia and Elephantine Island by 500 BC

They were living in Rome before the birth of Christ.

There's more to history than Jewish history.

The Akkadians were a group of Semitic people who lived on the Arabian Peninsula between Egypt and Mesopotamia.

As the population expanded the group moved north and began conflicts with the Sumerians. Eventually, lead by Sargon, the Akkadians conquered Sumer in 2340 BC and filled the land as far away as Lebanon. The city of Akkad was constructed to be capitol of the largest empire known up until that time.

The city later changed its name to Babylon and became the center of cultural and commercial influence throughout the Middle East for almost two millennia. Despite the revolt by the city of Ur in 2125 BC which gave the land of southern Mesopotamia back to the Sumerians until about 2000 BC,
Of course they exist. That's why the Zionists destroyed over 300 Palestinian villages in 1947-48.

Aren't you sick of being manipulated?
Aren't you sick of being an idiot when it comes to this subject?
An identity as a people is one precursor to nationhood. And nationhood is the presence of common identity together with the three key elements of sovereignty, self-determination and self-sufficiency.

The “Palestinians” have never had this, and they still don’t have it. The concept that such a people exists is being forced on the world to achieve a base political goal.

In actual fact, the deliberate creation of the “Palestinian people” as a discrete entity in 1967, and the political group known as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964 was for the political purpose of destroying a sovereign and legally mandated Jewish state.

Till that point in time, nor, it will be shown, after that time, was there ever ANY sense or mention of a “Palestinian” people or nation.

The term Palestinian was ALWAYS followed by a descriptive noun – Arab; ie Palestinian Arab.
Jews were living in Alexandria, Damascus, Aleppo, Baghdad, Persia and Elephantine Island by 500 BC

They were living in Rome before the birth of Christ.

There's more to history than Jewish history.

The Akkadians were a group of Semitic people who lived on the Arabian Peninsula between Egypt and Mesopotamia.

As the population expanded the group moved north and began conflicts with the Sumerians. Eventually, lead by Sargon, the Akkadians conquered Sumer in 2340 BC and filled the land as far away as Lebanon. The city of Akkad was constructed to be capitol of the largest empire known up until that time.

The city later changed its name to Babylon and became the center of cultural and commercial influence throughout the Middle East for almost two millennia. Despite the revolt by the city of Ur in 2125 BC which gave the land of southern Mesopotamia back to the Sumerians until about 2000 BC,
That does not change a damn thing about what I said, and you know it.

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