Why did Hamas do this?

Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?
why? because they are horrible people, butchers...that's why.
Their religion is no sillier than yours.

What amuses me is that rightwingers are absolutely losing their shit because a few Mexicans want to come up here and do menial jobs.

But they can't understand why Palestinians are upset that Jews from Europe came into their country, seized land by force, and are making them live like second-class citizens in their own country.
Jews did not "come into their country". There is no such thing as "Palestinians". There has never been a country identified as "Palestine". Those Arabs in Gaza and the WB have no greater claim to the land than do the Jews.

You are one stupid son of a bitch.
I suspect that they are trying to remind the world that they exist.

Too many Arab nations are making nice to Israel, although their people despise it with a passion.

The site of Palestinian babies being pulled out of rubble will remind the Islamic world why it hates Israel so much.

They are probably also encouraged by the fact that the American military was drawn into Iraq and Afghanistan and ultimately defeated. They probably hope to do the same with the IDF, dragging them into street battles with IEDs around every corner.

Will they win tactically? Nope. But when they inflict enough fatalities on the IDF, people might start questioning Bibi's policies.

And the sight of the butchering of Israeli children, will remind Israelis that the entire Islamic world hates Jews!!!

Seems as usual Joe, you are on the wrong side.
I'm curious, do you think YOU should be punished for what other people did?
Like how innocent Jews were slaughtered by Hamas?

Should I give your house to a black person because other people were slaveholders?
Should I take away your baby and cut its head off because your government aggrieved me?

The Palestinians didn't do the Holocaust. In many cases, Arabs fought for the allies in Commonwealth Armies, such as the Palestine Legion.
I think we all know about the Nazi influence over the Arab countries during WWII, not to mention their well documented and long history of professing (and acting on) their desire to murder Jews and destroy Israel.

And they were thanked by the Allies giving away their land.
Was their land taken away, seized by Israel, or what? Make up your mind. And don't forget trying to explain how the wars against Israel in the '60s and '70s helped define what land Israel is entitled to.
If the Allies felt so bad about the Holocaust, we should have resettled Europe's Jews in America.
I don't even know WTF this is.

You are a complete and total abortion of a human being.
The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).
The Slogan of the Islamic Resistance Movement:

Article Eight:​

Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.
Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?
Couple possibilities.
First and foremost - this was absolutely organized by Iran.
1) To stop the talks and cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Israel. - I would say 80% likelihood this is why,
2) To create a humanitarian "crises" with 100,000s of refugees so Iran can plant Hamas/Hezbollah operatives in Western countries. PARTICULARLY the United States. I believe they believe Biden will accept 10,000s of refugees that will be peppered with terrorist organizers because that is how fucking stupid Biden is.
Actually, I'm currently in the process of getting my Chinese-born wife her marriage visa. She's been here for 7 years on work visas, but to get more permanent residency, we have to fill out a ton of forms to prove that I'm not just marrying her for the Green Card.

And this is for someone who works here, has filed taxes for the last 7 years and has family here.

So please, please don't tell me that the level of vetting for "legal" immigration isn't overly difficult.. it doesn't pass the laugh test.

The reality is, "Doing the jobs we won't do" is kind of good enough.

Given their productivity and their participation rate in the workforce, Mexican undocumented immigrants are significant economic contributors to the American economy. In 2019 alone, Mexican undocumented households earned almost $92 billion in household income and contributed $9.8 billion in federal, state, and local taxes, even assuming conservative estimates that only half of all undocumented households filed taxes. This is in addition to the $11.7 billion in contributions to Social Security and $2.8 billion to the Medicare Trust Fund that were made by or on behalf of employers of Mexican undocumented immigrants. After taxes, Mexican undocumented immigrants held more than $82.2 billion in spending power, money that often goes back into local economies as they spend on housing, consumer goods, and services.
Well, speaking as a man who has been married to several foreign born ladies, I can tell you without a doubt that I had absolutely no problem getting them into the country (and under the sheets... wink, wink!!). Perhaps Joe is slow and is having a hard time filling out the forms.
Couple possibilities.
First and foremost - this was absolutely organized by Iran.
1) To stop the talks and cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Israel. - I would say 80% likelihood this is why,
2) To create a humanitarian "crises" with 100,000s of refugees so Iran can plant Hamas/Hezbollah operatives in Western countries. PARTICULARLY the United States. I believe they believe Biden will accept 10,000s of refugees that will be peppered with terrorist organizers because that is how fucking stupid Biden is.
Interesting. There's little doubt that this is just a random emotional outburst, as some of the goofballs here seem to think. And actually, it could be a combination of your two theories. Surely Iran was involved, and surely they're trying to wreck that relationship. It does seem likely that they're hoping for more outside help.

There is a specific plan to this.
Interesting. There's little doubt that this is just a random emotional outburst, as some of the goofballs here seem to think. And actually, it could be a combination of your two theories. Surely Iran was involved, and surely they're trying to wreck that relationship. It does seem likely that they're hoping for more outside help.

There is a specific plan to this.
No shit Sherlock. Iran and SA been at war by proxy forever.

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