Why did Hamas do this?

I was going to start a thread on this myself.....

I can't see why Hamas would do this Oct 7 attack, when they KNOW the response they would get from Israeli forces would KILL thousands of innocent Palestinian babies, children, mothers etc.

Hamas essentially killed ALL of those Palestinians.... Hamas, pre planned their deaths....and the anger in the middle east region and beyond, against Israel for the deaths of "the Palestinian children" obviously was part of their plan....???

This seems as though it was an actual conspiracy of many nations behind the scenes to bring on, the Biblical Armageddon of Israel???

This is no simple and singular action of Hamas is the only thing I know....

So, who benefits?

Russia, for the attention taken from the Ukraine?? Iran? Saudi Arabia? The whole Muslim world? China, for the attention put elsewhere instead of Taiwan etc?

They see the deaths of their own civilians as part of the war. They know there are sections of western society that will try to get their countries to make Israel stop responding.
Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?
As a Godless lib you will not like the answer, but here it is anyway

We may be living in the End Times promised to us in the Bible

The Jews are God’s chosen people, and Israel is their God-given homeland that Muslims are compelled by Satan to destroy
People across the political spectrum know how religions can distort thought processes.

You appear to think that their attack would destroy Israel. I disagree.
Nope. Didnt see that at all. Hamas goal is to get the whole muslim world to attack. Not that it will work this time. They will keep trying until it does.

This same vonversation goes on every few years on these boards.
I suspect that they are trying to remind the world that they exist.

Too many Arab nations are making nice to Israel, although their people despise it with a passion.

The site of Palestinian babies being pulled out of rubble will remind the Islamic world why it hates Israel so much.

They are probably also encouraged by the fact that the American military was drawn into Iraq and Afghanistan and ultimately defeated. They probably hope to do the same with the IDF, dragging them into street battles with IEDs around every corner.

Will they win tactically? Nope. But when they inflict enough fatalities on the IDF, people might start questioning Bibi's policies.
no comment on the attack hamas did?....
Okay. Anyone else?
Iran wanted the Saudi peace talks with Israel stopped.

They got their wish, but Iran is not ready for a show down with Israel until they get their nukes, which should be vey soon, but not yet.
Because we have the weakest president of a century at least. What is brain dead Biden going to do about anything?
We have a President that has members of his own party who are unable to condemn the terrorist attack as he is unable to chastise them for it, or unwilling to do so. The DNC has joined forces with the terror organization Hamas. They praise Hamas while ignoring the fact that Hamas has American hostages. This is treason.

Or maybe Biden secretly likes such terrorist attacks on Israel.

Who knows what goes on in that Potato brain of his.
Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?
The end goal is what it has always been.
sacrifice the Palestinian people in the name of political power.

Israel, Hamas, the US and every Arab state play the same game.
There was probably some sort of power struggle going on within Hamas and those in charge felt the need to act as they were otherwise about to lose their power anyway. This way, they make a lasting impression on the world and history.
This may all have an effect somewhat like '68 and Tet.
Iran wanted the Saudi peace talks with Israel stopped.

They got their wish, but Iran is not ready for a show down with Israel until they get their nukes, which should be vey soon, but not yet.
The issue is that all Iran needs is 2-3 nukes delivered to the major Jewish population centers of Israel to achive a "victory".

After that all Israel could do is go down swinging with a one way retaliatory strike.
Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?
Not only have they been planning this for years but the fact that Saudi Arabia was on the cusp of having relations with Israel was a big motivator. They felt that if they did this the Muslim states would be forced to take their side and blow up any agreements past and present between Arab states and Israel.
There are many views. How did Israel not know? Roads of attacks to what happened are easier to access with outside help to do what Hamas did. Globalists want power. They consolidate more and more during wars and strife. Corrupted people and those men and women with an itch to scratch on any issue are a match for a goal.
There is a view (in Israel no less) that Bibi was so preoccupied with saving his own skin that he inadvertently allowed this to happen and Hamas took advantage of that
Their mission is the genocide of Jews.

I happen to agree that they are trying to draw in others to expand the operation but let's not forget what they are.

Anybody who rationalizes and justifies their attacks is justifying the genocide of Jews because that is their mission. How anybody could do so and then and turn around and deny they are an antisemite is beyond me.
I'm sure if the Zionist Squatters went back to Europe, the Palestinians would stop caring about them.

I am married to a Mexican and have Mexican children. The reason people of both conservative and moderate political positions are losing their shit is because of a weak southern border with Mexico that is providing a flood of sex traffickers, drug cartel agents moving fentanyl, and a path of entry for global terrorists who hate the US.

So you make it impossible for people to get into the country legally, and then you wonder why all these problems arise when people go around a system that doesn't work?

Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?

You're too culty to ever ask the real question: why did Hamas wait until Joe Biden was in the White House to do this?
Their religion is no sillier than yours.

What amuses me is that rightwingers are absolutely losing their shit because a few Mexicans want to come up here and do menial jobs.

But they can't understand why Palestinians are upset that Jews from Europe came into their country, seized land by force, and are making them live like second-class citizens in their own country.
a few mexicans?? that number is in the millions,,


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