Why did Hamas do this?

Hey Mac you big phony. The Islamist Charter statement.

The charter states that "our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious" and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.
Hey Mac you big phony. The Islamist Charter statement.

The charter states that "our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious" and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.

Mac isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer
Interesting. There's little doubt that this is just a random emotional outburst, as some of the goofballs here seem to think. And actually, it could be a combination of your two theories. Surely Iran was involved, and surely they're trying to wreck that relationship. It does seem likely that they're hoping for more outside help.

There is a specific plan to this.
Hamas would never do anything to this degree with both explicit permission from Iran, and control by Iran.
Hamas IS Iran.
I do believe that it is a not only possible, but probable reason is Iran is creating refugees so they can plant Hamas operatives in the United States by the 100s. It would be an outstanding way to do it. And 100% would happen if Biden is this stupid. And he is. Some Democrats are already talking about it.
And not only that - but plant these operatives in colleges and universities to further promote antisemitism and anti Westernism. Hell many colleges are already doing this, imagine how much better they can with Hamas operatives in the mix. You could turn a whole college against Israel this way.
Whole lot smarter people than me are puzzling over this. It was completely counterproductive to their cause.
Putting pieces together -- the horrific nature of the brutality most of all -- this was a statement and/or an instigation more than a war. And who knows, it could also be that Iran is just using/sacrificing them for their bigger goals. Useful tools.

As fucking horrible as Israel's response is probably going to be in terms of blood, it's also going to be fascinating in the way they choose to carry it out. They know what they're walking into, and they're not going to just stick their jaw out.
Putting pieces together -- the horrific nature of the brutality most of all -- this was a statement and/or an instigation more than a war. And who knows, it could also be that Iran is just using/sacrificing them for their bigger goals. Useful tools.

As fucking horrible as Israel's response is probably going to be in terms of blood, it's also going to be fascinating in the way they choose to carry it out. They know what they're walking into, and they're not going to just stick their jaw out.

Hamas fckd around and is finding out.

Too bad so sad
Hamas is run by Mossad. Israel wanted a causis belli to attack and annex north Gaza. Just watch.

Where does barefoot Hamas get parasail planes? Where do they train? Where do they get all those rockets in the most tightly blockaded real estate on Earth.
I’m all for streamlining and making legal immigration more efficient and expeditious; but, I’m not going to use the backlog bureaucracy and “doing the jobs we won’t do” as justification for open borders when the costs and risk are outweighing benefits; specifically, drugs, sex trafficking, and gangs.

Again, most of the problems you whine about are problems we would have if there were illegals or not.

Drugs? Well, we still stupidly treat addiction as a criminal problem rather than a medical one, and we get the result we deserve. It's like we learned not a thing from prohibition.

Sex Trafficking? I'm still wondering why prostitution is illegal, when sex outside of marriage is perfectly okay. You can do it, just not for money? that's kind of nuts.

Gangs- Same problem- we'd have youth gangs because we have a lack of opportunities.

The vast majority of undocumented immigrants aren't prostitutes, drug dealers OR gang members. And your solution is to make them wait in Mexico for years until a bureaucrat finally hears their case?
Jews did not "come into their country". There is no such thing as "Palestinians". There has never been a country identified as "Palestine". Those Arabs in Gaza and the WB have no greater claim to the land than do the Jews.

You realize that most of the countries on the map didn't exist 60 years ago. But the national identities did.

The Arabs have a claim that they lived there for hundreds of years.
The Jews have a claim that comes from a book of fairy tales with Giants and Talking Snakes in it.

Their claim is much better, actually.
Hey Mac you big phony. The Islamist Charter statement.

The charter states that "our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious" and calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and the obliteration or dissolution of Israel.

Why is that a bad thing? Israel is an apartheid state where the majority is treated like second class citizens by settlers.

Their own state.

That's what it has always been.
This is the fallacy of most leftists regarding Hamas. NO, NO, a thousand times NO. That is NOT their cause. Every Palestinian already HAS their own state > Jordan.

Jordan declared independence in 1946 and Israel did in 1948.
Thus the Jewish state includes all of the lands west of the Jordan River. And thus Jordan is Palestine. And most people living in Jordan are Palestinians.

That being said let's get around to the real cause of why Hamas attacks Israel. Very simple > THE KORAN.

Land theft is a red herring. It has many complications, but at the root of it is not land. It is ideology (masquerading as a religion). Hamas (and other terrorist groups) are jihadists. They are following the commands of the Koran to kill "infidels"(non-Muslims). Their goal is to eradicate Israel, as part of a larger plan to eradicate all non-Muslims, and create a world Islamic state.

This is similar to the plans & goals of Hitler. the reason why the Palestinians are crammed into Gaza is because they attack Israel. Let them stop doing that, and they could get better treatment.

As for the land, all the middle east was non-Muslim (mostly Christian & Jewish) for centuries before the 7th century. The only reason all these countries are Muslim now, is because marauding Muslims conquered it, killing 270 million people around the globe, and they're still doing it.

Tears of Jihad - Political Islam
These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims by the political act of jihad. Africa Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and… Read More
No need to take my word for it. Here's Hassan al-Banna, Founder of the Muslim Brotherhood >>

Land theft is a red herring. It has many complications, but at the root of it is not land. It is ideology (masquerading as a religion). Hamas (and other terrorist groups) are jihadists. They are following the commands of the Koran to kill "infidels"(non-Muslims). Their goal is to eradicate Israel, as part of a larger plan to eradicate all non-Muslims, and create a world Islamic state.

This is similar to the plans & goals of Hitler. the reason why the Palestinians are crammed into Gaza is because they attack Israel. Let them stop doing that, and they could get better treatment.

As for the land, all the middle east was non-Muslim (mostly Christian & Jewish) for centuries before the 7th century. The only reason all these countries are Muslim now, is because marauding Muslims conquered it, killing 270 million people around the globe, and they're still doing it.

Tears of Jihad - Political Islam
These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims by the political act of jihad. Africa Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and… Read More

No need to take my word for it. Here's Hassan al-Banna, Founder of the Muslim Brotherhood >>

And here's Omar Ahmad - founder of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)



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Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?
The videos were difficult to watch. It was attacks on random people for no good reason.

what must be asked in the very first place, and this is what the Israeli Jewish people are saying… how in the world did their military apparatus allow that nonsense to happen on oct 7. It’s unbelievable. Every square inch of Gaza is monitored. Again conservative Americans and people who live in Israel are the ones bringing this up.
Hoping for at least a few calm, sober, thoughful responses.

More and more videos are surfacing over the October 7 attacks that began this (latest) international crisis. Atrocity after atrocity that are difficult for most of us to imagine. And now Israel is (predictably) responding, and things are only getting more dangerous.

So: Surely these people knew there would be a response, and some of the scenes are so brutal that it almost seems as if they're trying to PROVOKE a response. A BIG response.

Assuming there is some kind of organized strategy here, why do you think they did this? What is their end goal? My guess is that they're willing to sacrifice the innocents in Gaza to pull in other groups and countries to eliminate Israel once and for all.

Your thoughts?
OP is a moron looking for thread hits? :dunno:

Oh! I forgot TDS-consumed moron, because he is.
As always its to cause a larger War with hopes all Muslim countries will attack.

It is also to cause turmoil throughout the World with Anti Israel Rhetoric.

Psychological Warfare and it over time is actually working.

Like always. Israel gets more outrage for responding than the barbarism done by Hamas.

It is revolting.
It looks like that’s not working out. Egypt and Jordan refused to taken any Palestinian refugees. I suppose the only hope for Hamas is Will Hezbollah Attacked from Southern Lebanon. Looks like they won’t. It looks like hezbollah numbers are exaggerated anyways.

But the most important thing how did this attack on oct 7 occur in the first place. Obviously, there is total animosity and blood between the IDF and Hamas… and the people of Israel are the ones asking how did their military apparatus fail? Or was a stand down order given by somebody in the IDF?
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It looks like that’s not working out. Egypt and Jordan refused to taken any Palestinian refugees. I suppose the only hope for Hamas is Will Hezbollah Attacked from Southern Lebanon. Looks like they won’t. It looks like hezbollah numbers are exaggerated anyways.

But the most important thing how did this attack on oct 7 occur in the first place. Obviously, there is total animosity and blood between the IDF and Hamas… and the people of Israel are the ones asking how did their military apparatus fail? Or was a stand down order given by somebody in the IDF?
Look, commie dumbshit.

Hamas overwhemed the burgle-alarm fence with 100+ drones, k?

All paid for by US tax dollars, I'm sure.

And ..just fuck you. You're an idiot. Go try to be around some Muslims n shit.
Again, most of the problems you whine about are problems we would have if there were illegals or not.

Drugs? Well, we still stupidly treat addiction as a criminal problem rather than a medical one, and we get the result we deserve. It's like we learned not a thing from prohibition.

Sex Trafficking? I'm still wondering why prostitution is illegal, when sex outside of marriage is perfectly okay. You can do it, just not for money? that's kind of nuts.

Gangs- Same problem- we'd have youth gangs because we have a lack of opportunities.

The vast majority of undocumented immigrants aren't prostitutes, drug dealers OR gang members. And your solution is to make them wait in Mexico for years until a bureaucrat finally hears their case?
All of the problems I sited that you minimize are only unnecessarily compounded with illegals. Oh, and sex trafficking is what you are saying. What you are saying is Prostitution whereby adults freely choose to engage in bartering sex for money. Sex trafficking is forcing women and under age girls to engage in sex and someone else takes most of the money. As for gangs, what types of opportunities do you expect that will deter them from gangs? MS-13 thrives in the surrounding DC suburbs and chops bodies up of people they think were disloyal to them. What type of opportunities do they need?

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