Why Did Hillary Clinton Lose the 2016 Presidential Election?

Why Did Hillary Clinton Lose the 2016 Presidential Election?

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I am serious. In her latest book tour she seems to be blaming everyone but herself.

So why do you folks think Hillary lost that election when the polls showed her so sure of a win?

You can make multiple selections to cover all the bases, and if I missed one tell me.
You missed several. A combination of illiterate Drumpf supporters, racism, and trust issues.
A combination of illiterate Drumpf supporters, racism, and trust issues.
So are you saying Hillary is a racist?

I already knew that, but I never expected you to wake up; congratulations.

This isnt something new. I've always thought most white politicians were at least a little racist.

However, the racism I am speaking of is the back lash against a Black POTUS. Most whites are racists. The sooner you except that the sooner you can deal with the virus Einstein said whites have.
This isnt [sic] something new. I've always thought most white politicians were at least a little racist.

However, the racism I am speaking of is the back lash against a Black POTUS. Most whites are racists. The sooner you except [sic] that the sooner you can deal with the virus Einstein said whites have.

There is one of the reasons why Mrs. Clinton lost, and why your side, as a whole, lost so badly this last election cycle. Honest, decent, mainstream Americans are fed up with being called “racist”, “bigoted” and other absurd left wrong-wing slurs by LIbEral idiots who cannot accept that they are losing because their own policies suck. You cannot defend your policies from any position of ethics, morals, or logic, so you defend them instead by claiming that the fault is not with those policies, but with those who can see how terrible they are, and rightfully oppose them.
This isnt [sic] something new. I've always thought most white politicians were at least a little racist.

However, the racism I am speaking of is the back lash against a Black POTUS. Most whites are racists. The sooner you except [sic] that the sooner you can deal with the virus Einstein said whites have.

There is one of the reasons why Mrs. Clinton lost, and why your side, as a whole, lost so badly this last election cycle. Honest, decent, mainstream Americans are fed up with being called “racist”, “bigoted” and other absurd left wrong-wing slurs by LIbEral idiots who cannot accept that they are losing because their own policies suck. You cannot defend your policies from any position of ethics, morals, or logic, so you defend them instead by claiming that the fault is not with those policies, but with those who can see how terrible they are, and rightfully oppose them.
Well for starters my side actually won the popular vote so I dont get the "so badly" Are you retarded or something?
I wasnt calling mainstream americans racist. I said whites were racist.
Her personality. Yeah, she had a lot of baggage following her up to the election, but so did Trump. Yeah Comey's statements right before the election probably hurt her, but so did the Access Hollywood tape hurt Trump. In the end she was so unlikable that the New York billionaire born into wealth managed to look less out of touch than she did.
So no one thinks the public emergence of white nationalism had anything to do with it? I mean Drumpf does support the KKK and other white nationalists.
I am serious. In her latest book tour she seems to be blaming everyone but herself.

So why do you folks think Hillary lost that election when the polls showed her so sure of a win?

You can make multiple selections to cover all the bases, and if I missed one tell me.

padded polls?

I just think she wasn't competent period.. She went into the campaign as if she had won already and didn't need to 'work' for it and that seemed to be how she handled it.
So no one thinks the public emergence of white nationalism had anything to do with it? I mean Drumpf does support the KKK and other white nationalists.

'White Nationalists' groups have been around for many years, before any of us were born. They've become over publicized SINCE the election, but not so much before..(yes they were getting publicity before the election, but not nearly as much as now)

So NO, I don't see that racism of 'white nationalism' or BLM for that matter.....had anything to do with Hillary's loss
So no one thinks the public emergence of white nationalism had anything to do with it? I mean Drumpf does support the KKK and other white nationalists.

'White Nationalists' groups have been around for many years, before any of us were born. They've become over publicized SINCE the election, but not so much before..(yes they were getting publicity before the election, but not nearly as much as now)

So NO, I don't see that racism of 'white nationalism' or BLM for that matter.....had anything to do with Hillary's loss

They only became more vocal as a result of Drumpf. It wasnt just media coverage. All you have to do is look at all the data. Drumpf courted their vote which made them feel valid.

Hate groups in American are growing
So no one thinks the public emergence of white nationalism had anything to do with it? I mean Drumpf does support the KKK and other white nationalists.

'White Nationalists' groups have been around for many years, before any of us were born. They've become over publicized SINCE the election, but not so much before..(yes they were getting publicity before the election, but not nearly as much as now)

So NO, I don't see that racism of 'white nationalism' or BLM for that matter.....had anything to do with Hillary's loss

They only became more vocal as a result of Drumpf. It wasnt just media coverage. All you have to do is look at all the data. Drumpf courted their vote which made them feel valid.

Hate groups in American are growing

I have no doubt the growth in hate groups.......but I still don't think they have enough numbers to have made that much of a difference in the election
So no one thinks the public emergence of white nationalism had anything to do with it? I mean Drumpf does support the KKK and other white nationalists.

'White Nationalists' groups have been around for many years, before any of us were born. They've become over publicized SINCE the election, but not so much before..(yes they were getting publicity before the election, but not nearly as much as now)

So NO, I don't see that racism of 'white nationalism' or BLM for that matter.....had anything to do with Hillary's loss

They only became more vocal as a result of Drumpf. It wasnt just media coverage. All you have to do is look at all the data. Drumpf courted their vote which made them feel valid.

Hate groups in American are growing

I have no doubt the growth in hate groups.......but I still don't think they have enough numbers to have made that much of a difference in the election
Their ideology is supported by whites in general. Most silently or passively. Thats how the polls were so wrong. They gave the PC answer until it was time to actually vote.
I have no doubt the growth in hate groups.......but I still don't think they have enough numbers to have made that much of a difference in the election

Real hate groups are the fringe of the fringe.

They had almost zero impact on the election.
So no one thinks the public emergence of white nationalism had anything to do with it? I mean Drumpf does support the KKK and other white nationalists.

'White Nationalists' groups have been around for many years, before any of us were born. They've become over publicized SINCE the election, but not so much before..(yes they were getting publicity before the election, but not nearly as much as now)

So NO, I don't see that racism of 'white nationalism' or BLM for that matter.....had anything to do with Hillary's loss

They only became more vocal as a result of Drumpf. It wasnt just media coverage. All you have to do is look at all the data. Drumpf courted their vote which made them feel valid.

Hate groups in American are growing

I have no doubt the growth in hate groups.......but I still don't think they have enough numbers to have made that much of a difference in the election
Their ideology is supported by whites in general. Most silently or passively. Thats how the polls were so wrong. They gave the PC answer until it was time to actually vote.

I don't agree that most white people support separatism, whether by skin color, religion, or other differences enough to make an impact on how they voted. If that were the case Obama never would have been President for not just one term, but two.

Regardless of what people may personally think of others that are different from themselves, it rarely if ever determines how they react.
Hillary lost because the Voters are tired of the Democratic Party's hate based politics and vast corruption.
The Voters are disgusted by the Democrat/Press/Hollywood coalition of hate.
The Voters don't want the Democratic Party far left wing extremist agenda of open borders, cross-dressing men in the women's restrooms, terrorist sympathy, anti-capitalism, anti-Christian, anti-patriot......
So no one thinks the public emergence of white nationalism had anything to do with it? I mean Drumpf does support the KKK and other white nationalists.

Nope. That excuse is as retarded as you are.
You did forget a couple that I can think of off the top of my head JimBowie1958

She called about half of voters 'deplorable' and 'lost causes' (We could say the 'you flyover states don't matter' and 'you're a nazi' air she gave off in every single appearance was attributed to personality, but the outright disrespect and contempt of that statement was a real wake up call to any would be supporter who was on the fence, and even a few who were not originally.)

She was pushing for war with Russia

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