Why Did Hillary Clinton Lose the 2016 Presidential Election?

Why Did Hillary Clinton Lose the 2016 Presidential Election?

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I am serious. In her latest book tour she seems to be blaming everyone but herself.

So why do you folks think Hillary lost that election when the polls showed her so sure of a win?

You can make multiple selections to cover all the bases, and if I missed one tell me.

That's easy. The Obama years were NOT kind to average Americans in swing states like Ohio, Florida, etc. and those voters, who previously voted Obama, swung to Trump because they felt Trump would be better for their lot in life than Hillary.
So no one thinks the public emergence of white nationalism had anything to do with it? I mean Drumpf does support the KKK and other white nationalists.

So you believe that swing voters in places like Ohio and Florida, who voted for Obama in 08' & 12', suddenly became white nationalists and voted Trump?
Hillary blames Bernie for splitting the Democratic ticket in her book.
So no one thinks the public emergence of white nationalism had anything to do with it? I mean Drumpf does support the KKK and other white nationalists.

'White Nationalists' groups have been around for many years, before any of us were born. They've become over publicized SINCE the election, but not so much before..(yes they were getting publicity before the election, but not nearly as much as now)

So NO, I don't see that racism of 'white nationalism' or BLM for that matter.....had anything to do with Hillary's loss

They only became more vocal as a result of Drumpf. It wasnt just media coverage. All you have to do is look at all the data. Drumpf courted their vote which made them feel valid.

Hate groups in American are growing

White nationalists didn't get Trump elected; middle-class voters in swing states did.
I am serious. In her latest book tour she seems to be blaming everyone but herself.

So why do you folks think Hillary lost that election when the polls showed her so sure of a win?

You can make multiple selections to cover all the bases, and if I missed one tell me.
All the above and then some.
So no one thinks the public emergence of white nationalism had anything to do with it? I mean Drumpf does support the KKK and other white nationalists.

'White Nationalists' groups have been around for many years, before any of us were born. They've become over publicized SINCE the election, but not so much before..(yes they were getting publicity before the election, but not nearly as much as now)

So NO, I don't see that racism of 'white nationalism' or BLM for that matter.....had anything to do with Hillary's loss

They only became more vocal as a result of Drumpf. It wasnt just media coverage. All you have to do is look at all the data. Drumpf courted their vote which made them feel valid.

Hate groups in American are growing

I have no doubt the growth in hate groups.......but I still don't think they have enough numbers to have made that much of a difference in the election
Their ideology is supported by whites in general. Most silently or passively. Thats how the polls were so wrong. They gave the PC answer until it was time to actually vote.
Actually the POLLS were right. Hillary got the percentage that the polls said she would. Trump got the undecided.
Well for starters my side actually won the popular vote so I dont get the "so badly" Are you retarded or something?
I wasnt calling mainstream americans racist. I said whites were racist.
Looks like we have a black racist among us. ^^^
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I have no doubt the growth in hate groups.......but I still don't think they have enough numbers to have made that much of a difference in the election
Their ideology is supported by whites in general. Most silently or passively. Thats how the polls were so wrong. They gave the PC answer until it was time to actually vote.

Again, trying to tar mainstream white Americans with that false “hate/bigotry” brush is one of the major reasons that your side lost so badly this last election cycle.

No, the overwhelming vast majority of us do not support the ideology of racist hate groups, and most of us are fed up with you filthy lying Democrats trying to smear us with that accusation as a pathetic way of trying to hide from the facts of how insane and irrational your own degenerate policies have become.
She's corrupt, she's untrustworthy, she's incompetent, and she's a compulsive liar that's why.

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Hillary lost because of Hillary (and her baggage). She and debbie wasserman-shitz are so corrupt and disgusting that, in the end, no one could possibly trust them or the DNC. They’re all about lies, cheating, and deception.

Hillary is also in the pocket of the Wall Street Banksters she claimed she would find ways to control. She, and Billdo, care only about money and power. They don’t care about the ‘little people’.

And, when she gave that sickening “I ain’t no-ways tired” speech, I thought I’d vomit. The whole politics of race and the attention she gave to the sickening BLM clowns convinced me Hillary is no good. I hope Hillary just goes away. She’s hopeless.

Your poll questions should have included an ‘All Of the Above’ option.
You missed several. A combination of illiterate Drumpf supporters, racism, and trust issues.

And there it goes---- right away another syphilitic moron Leftist blaming it all on Deplorables (anyone who isn't a Leftard), and sexism (racism? What, are we against Hillary for her ethnicity and her and Bill's former rolls as Grand Masters of the KKK?), and what is not to trust about Hillary? Just because her first 23,793 statements were all lies, what is there not to believe on her next one???

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