Why Did Hillary Clinton Need a Private Server? The Answer Makes Bernie Sanders President

What I've never seen is a discussion on why she used an unofficial server. Does anyone really believe she is stupid or is trying to undermine US security? Hopefully not. What she did was choose the expedient course. Instead of using a personal AND a gov't mobile device she opted to carry just one device. Actually a common choice among gov't employees. She probably put nothing in the emails that she was discussing with aides and foreign contacts.

Love her or hate her the truth is she was doing her job the best she knew how. Hindsight is 20-20 and I'm sure she regrets her decision but her intentions were only to serve as SoS.
LOL, knee slapper of the morning. How do Hillary turds taste anyway? She did it so she could have all the information to and from her account. She deleted boat loads of emails, saying they were personal. We know know she was lying. Duh.

No, it isn't actually a common choice you lying idiot.

It is amazing how people justify things. If an R did what Cankles did, leftists everywhere would be screaming for indictment. Since she is a D, she broke the law and did something really dumb because she had good intentions.

How utterly and completely DUMB!!!
Since you are the one who suggested that she broke some law, I'm still waiting to hear from you what law she broke.

So, what law did she break?

What I've never seen is a discussion on why she used an unofficial server. Does anyone really believe she is stupid or is trying to undermine US security? Hopefully not. What she did was choose the expedient course. Instead of using a personal AND a gov't mobile device she opted to carry just one device. Actually a common choice among gov't employees. She probably put nothing in the emails that she was discussing with aides and foreign contacts.

Love her or hate her the truth is she was doing her job the best she knew how. Hindsight is 20-20 and I'm sure she regrets her decision but her intentions were only to serve as SoS.
LOL, knee slapper of the morning. How do Hillary turds taste anyway? She did it so she could have all the information to and from her account. She deleted boat loads of emails, saying they were personal. We know know she was lying. Duh.

No, it isn't actually a common choice you lying idiot.

It is amazing how people justify things. If an R did what Cankles did, leftists everywhere would be screaming for indictment. Since she is a D, she broke the law and did something really dumb because she had good intentions.

How utterly and completely DUMB!!!

Kind of like Ben-gotcha. Attacks happened something like 12 times on American Installations overseas; the total number of hearings Dems held was something close to 0. Unlike the GOP handling of Ben-Gotcha....they re still investigating it 4 years later.

There is no correlation to the D's behavior and the R's behavior.
Who cares? Oh right, no one.
Yeah who cares if the law is broken. The elites like Cankles, are above the law in liberal utopia.

At any rate, Obama is not going to indict the bitch when she is likely to win the D nomination...and apparently D voters don't care that she has broken the law or more accurately done something very stupid. She is a Clinton and a woman and a D, that is enough for many dumb American voters.
Name said law? Oh right, there wasn't one or at least, no one bothered to say to her you really need to use our email server, Madame Secretary.

The very stupid part? What part of email did you think was secure? It isn't.
So you admit she is a dumb bitch, but that won't preclude you from voting for her.

What laws? Look it up dumb ass.

Still waiting for that law you say she broke. Can't name it can you? Gosh, could that be because there was no law broken?
LOL, knee slapper of the morning. How do Hillary turds taste anyway? She did it so she could have all the information to and from her account. She deleted boat loads of emails, saying they were personal. We know know she was lying. Duh.

No, it isn't actually a common choice you lying idiot.

First, there is record of every email she ever sent, it is with the recipient. If they thought it was somehow suspect they could keep a copy she could never delete.

How do you know it is NOT a common choice? How many senior gov't people do you know?
No, they had to uncover her emails, you're just lying. It isn't common practice because it isn't LEGAL! That's how I know. She only had a private server for communication, you actually think she got no classified intel in all that time? What did she use, a Ouija board?
Who cares? Oh right, no one.
Yeah who cares if the law is broken. The elites like Cankles, are above the law in liberal utopia.

At any rate, Obama is not going to indict the bitch when she is likely to win the D nomination...and apparently D voters don't care that she has broken the law or more accurately done something very stupid. She is a Clinton and a woman and a D, that is enough for many dumb American voters.
Name said law? Oh right, there wasn't one or at least, no one bothered to say to her you really need to use our email server, Madame Secretary.

The very stupid part? What part of email did you think was secure? It isn't.
So you admit she is a dumb bitch, but that won't preclude you from voting for her.

What laws? Look it up dumb ass.

Still waiting for that law you say she broke. Can't name it can you? Gosh, could that be because there was no law broken?
Gosh, could it be you couldn't be bothered?

Yes, Hillary Clinton Broke the Law, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
by Ian Tuttle March 3, 2015 5:39 PM
Over at Media Matters for America — the liberal spin operation founded by well-known Clinton backer David Brock — the machine is in high gear contending that Hillary Clinton did nothing unlawful by conducting her business as secretary of state from a personal email account, because “requirements to maintain such records did not exist during her tenure.”

Which, of course, is bunk.

Here is the Federal Records Act, passed in 1950:

The head of each Federal agency shall make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities. (44 U.S. Code § 3101)

So the question would seem to be: Are emails records? The answer is obvious — and was so long before Hillary Clinton took over at Foggy Bottom. Here is the State Department’s own treatment of the question from 1995:

Another important modern improvement is the ease of communication now afforded to the Department world-wide through the use of E-mail. . . . All employees must be aware that some of the variety of the messages being exchanged on E-mail are important to the Department and must be preserved; such messages are considered Federal records under the law. (5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1)

In fact, step-by-step guidance was being offered to employees two decades ago about how to preserve email records. So if Clinton failed to follow procedures, it was not for lack of available instruction on the subject.

There have been modifications, particularly in recent years, about what constitutes “private email” that does not fall under the purview of these regulations, but such details are irrelevant here, because Clinton apparently did not transfer any of the communications from her private account for preservation. To maintain that that is above-board, one also must maintain that Clinton did not send a single work-related email in four years as America’s top diplomat. Which we know is false.

So, yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law.
Kind of like Ben-gotcha. Attacks happened something like 12 times on American Installations overseas; the total number of hearings Dems held was something close to 0. Unlike the GOP handling of Ben-Gotcha....they re still investigating it 4 years later.
And it will get nowhere as long as Democrats own the AG's office.
Cyber-Security Experts: Hillary Clinton Mail Server Was 'Total Amateur Hour' - Breitbart
by John Hayward13 Oct 20150

The Associated Press is exposing the security flaws in Hillary Clinton’s email setup, and it’s devastating. Some of the details they amassed have been known or suspected since early in the scandal, but seeing them all together, with some new details, paints a picture of hair-raising reckless vulnerability.
One cyber-security expert quoted in the piece described Clinton’s server as “total amateur hour.”

The big news comes right up front:

Clinton’s server, which handled her personal and State Department correspondence, appeared to allow users to connect openly over the Internet to control it remotely, according to detailed records compiled in 2012. Experts said the Microsoft remote desktop service wasn’t intended for such use without additional protective measures, and was the subject of U.S. government and industry warnings at the time over attacks from even low-skilled intruders.

Records show that Clinton additionally operated two more devices on her home network in Chappaqua, New York, that also were directly accessible from the Internet. One contained similar remote-control software that also has suffered from security vulnerabilities, known as Virtual Network Computing, and the other appeared to be configured to run websites.

Good Lord. Closing off Remote Desktop access is Security 101 stuff. If zero-day exploits were drunken party guests, even “Dead Broke” Clinton’s vast estate in Chappaqua wouldn’t have enough bedrooms to put them all up for the night.

The AP exclusively reviewed numerous records from an Internet “census” by an anonymous hacker-researcher, who three years ago used unsecured devices to scan hundreds of millions of Internet Protocol addresses for accessible doors, called “ports.” Using a computer in Serbia, the hacker scanned Clinton’s basement server in Chappaqua at least twice, in August and December 2012. It was unclear whether the hacker was aware the server belonged to Clinton, although it identified itself as providing email services for clintonemail.com. The results are widely available online.

Remote-access software allows users to control another computer from afar. The programs are usually operated through an encrypted connection — called a virtual private network, or VPN. But Clinton’s system appeared to accept commands directly from the Internet without such protections.

“That’s total amateur hour,” said Marc Maiffret, who has founded two cyber security companies. He said permitting remote-access connections directly over the Internet would be the result of someone choosing convenience over security or failing to understand the risks. “Real enterprise-class security, with teams dedicated to these things, would not do this,” he said.

The government and security firms have published warnings about allowing this kind of remote access to Clinton’s server. The same software was targeted by an infectious Internet worm, known as Morta, which exploited weak passwords to break into servers. The software also was known to be vulnerable to brute-force attacks that tried password combinations until hackers broke in, and in some cases it could be tricked into revealing sensitive details about a server to help hackers formulate attacks.

“An attacker with a low skill level would be able to exploit this vulnerability,” said the Homeland Security Department’s U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team in 2012, the same year Clinton’s server was scanned.
Who cares? Oh right, no one.
Yeah who cares if the law is broken. The elites like Cankles, are above the law in liberal utopia.

At any rate, Obama is not going to indict the bitch when she is likely to win the D nomination...and apparently D voters don't care that she has broken the law or more accurately done something very stupid. She is a Clinton and a woman and a D, that is enough for many dumb American voters.
Name said law? Oh right, there wasn't one or at least, no one bothered to say to her you really need to use our email server, Madame Secretary.

The very stupid part? What part of email did you think was secure? It isn't.
So you admit she is a dumb bitch, but that won't preclude you from voting for her.

What laws? Look it up dumb ass.

Still waiting for that law you say she broke. Can't name it can you? Gosh, could that be because there was no law broken?
Gosh, could it be you couldn't be bothered?

Yes, Hillary Clinton Broke the Law, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
by Ian Tuttle March 3, 2015 5:39 PM
Over at Media Matters for America — the liberal spin operation founded by well-known Clinton backer David Brock — the machine is in high gear contending that Hillary Clinton did nothing unlawful by conducting her business as secretary of state from a personal email account, because “requirements to maintain such records did not exist during her tenure.”

Which, of course, is bunk.

Here is the Federal Records Act, passed in 1950:

The head of each Federal agency shall make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities. (44 U.S. Code § 3101)

So the question would seem to be: Are emails records? The answer is obvious — and was so long before Hillary Clinton took over at Foggy Bottom. Here is the State Department’s own treatment of the question from 1995:

Another important modern improvement is the ease of communication now afforded to the Department world-wide through the use of E-mail. . . . All employees must be aware that some of the variety of the messages being exchanged on E-mail are important to the Department and must be preserved; such messages are considered Federal records under the law. (5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1)

In fact, step-by-step guidance was being offered to employees two decades ago about how to preserve email records. So if Clinton failed to follow procedures, it was not for lack of available instruction on the subject.

There have been modifications, particularly in recent years, about what constitutes “private email” that does not fall under the purview of these regulations, but such details are irrelevant here, because Clinton apparently did not transfer any of the communications from her private account for preservation. To maintain that that is above-board, one also must maintain that Clinton did not send a single work-related email in four years as America’s top diplomat. Which we know is false.

So, yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law.

:lol: Uh huh...so the indictments are still coming along any day now right?
Who cares? Oh right, no one.
Yeah who cares if the law is broken. The elites like Cankles, are above the law in liberal utopia.

At any rate, Obama is not going to indict the bitch when she is likely to win the D nomination...and apparently D voters don't care that she has broken the law or more accurately done something very stupid. She is a Clinton and a woman and a D, that is enough for many dumb American voters.
Name said law? Oh right, there wasn't one or at least, no one bothered to say to her you really need to use our email server, Madame Secretary.

The very stupid part? What part of email did you think was secure? It isn't.

She illegally exposed classified material. That law.
Yeah who cares if the law is broken. The elites like Cankles, are above the law in liberal utopia.

At any rate, Obama is not going to indict the bitch when she is likely to win the D nomination...and apparently D voters don't care that she has broken the law or more accurately done something very stupid. She is a Clinton and a woman and a D, that is enough for many dumb American voters.
Name said law? Oh right, there wasn't one or at least, no one bothered to say to her you really need to use our email server, Madame Secretary.

The very stupid part? What part of email did you think was secure? It isn't.
So you admit she is a dumb bitch, but that won't preclude you from voting for her.

What laws? Look it up dumb ass.

Still waiting for that law you say she broke. Can't name it can you? Gosh, could that be because there was no law broken?
Gosh, could it be you couldn't be bothered?

Yes, Hillary Clinton Broke the Law, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
by Ian Tuttle March 3, 2015 5:39 PM
Over at Media Matters for America — the liberal spin operation founded by well-known Clinton backer David Brock — the machine is in high gear contending that Hillary Clinton did nothing unlawful by conducting her business as secretary of state from a personal email account, because “requirements to maintain such records did not exist during her tenure.”

Which, of course, is bunk.

Here is the Federal Records Act, passed in 1950:

The head of each Federal agency shall make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities. (44 U.S. Code § 3101)

So the question would seem to be: Are emails records? The answer is obvious — and was so long before Hillary Clinton took over at Foggy Bottom. Here is the State Department’s own treatment of the question from 1995:

Another important modern improvement is the ease of communication now afforded to the Department world-wide through the use of E-mail. . . . All employees must be aware that some of the variety of the messages being exchanged on E-mail are important to the Department and must be preserved; such messages are considered Federal records under the law. (5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1)

In fact, step-by-step guidance was being offered to employees two decades ago about how to preserve email records. So if Clinton failed to follow procedures, it was not for lack of available instruction on the subject.

There have been modifications, particularly in recent years, about what constitutes “private email” that does not fall under the purview of these regulations, but such details are irrelevant here, because Clinton apparently did not transfer any of the communications from her private account for preservation. To maintain that that is above-board, one also must maintain that Clinton did not send a single work-related email in four years as America’s top diplomat. Which we know is false.

So, yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law.

:lol: Uh huh...so the indictments are still coming along any day now right?
Should be. Like I said nothing will happen if Democrats hold onto the WH. They will buy time at least until then. But even if indicted she will continue and they will try to spin it as a Republican attack on her innocent self.
Name said law? Oh right, there wasn't one or at least, no one bothered to say to her you really need to use our email server, Madame Secretary.

The very stupid part? What part of email did you think was secure? It isn't.
So you admit she is a dumb bitch, but that won't preclude you from voting for her.

What laws? Look it up dumb ass.

Still waiting for that law you say she broke. Can't name it can you? Gosh, could that be because there was no law broken?
Gosh, could it be you couldn't be bothered?

Yes, Hillary Clinton Broke the Law, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
by Ian Tuttle March 3, 2015 5:39 PM
Over at Media Matters for America — the liberal spin operation founded by well-known Clinton backer David Brock — the machine is in high gear contending that Hillary Clinton did nothing unlawful by conducting her business as secretary of state from a personal email account, because “requirements to maintain such records did not exist during her tenure.”

Which, of course, is bunk.

Here is the Federal Records Act, passed in 1950:

The head of each Federal agency shall make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities. (44 U.S. Code § 3101)

So the question would seem to be: Are emails records? The answer is obvious — and was so long before Hillary Clinton took over at Foggy Bottom. Here is the State Department’s own treatment of the question from 1995:

Another important modern improvement is the ease of communication now afforded to the Department world-wide through the use of E-mail. . . . All employees must be aware that some of the variety of the messages being exchanged on E-mail are important to the Department and must be preserved; such messages are considered Federal records under the law. (5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1)

In fact, step-by-step guidance was being offered to employees two decades ago about how to preserve email records. So if Clinton failed to follow procedures, it was not for lack of available instruction on the subject.

There have been modifications, particularly in recent years, about what constitutes “private email” that does not fall under the purview of these regulations, but such details are irrelevant here, because Clinton apparently did not transfer any of the communications from her private account for preservation. To maintain that that is above-board, one also must maintain that Clinton did not send a single work-related email in four years as America’s top diplomat. Which we know is false.

So, yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law.

:lol: Uh huh...so the indictments are still coming along any day now right?
Should be. Like I said nothing will happen if Democrats hold onto the WH. They will buy time at least until then. But even if indicted she will continue and they will try to spin it as a Republican attack on her innocent self.
It is clear she broke the law...well it is clear to those of us who bothered to research the matter and not listen to MSLSD.

It really must shock and amaze the Left media at how easily they can dupe millions of Americans.
So you admit she is a dumb bitch, but that won't preclude you from voting for her.

What laws? Look it up dumb ass.

Still waiting for that law you say she broke. Can't name it can you? Gosh, could that be because there was no law broken?
Gosh, could it be you couldn't be bothered?

Yes, Hillary Clinton Broke the Law, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
by Ian Tuttle March 3, 2015 5:39 PM
Over at Media Matters for America — the liberal spin operation founded by well-known Clinton backer David Brock — the machine is in high gear contending that Hillary Clinton did nothing unlawful by conducting her business as secretary of state from a personal email account, because “requirements to maintain such records did not exist during her tenure.”

Which, of course, is bunk.

Here is the Federal Records Act, passed in 1950:

The head of each Federal agency shall make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities. (44 U.S. Code § 3101)

So the question would seem to be: Are emails records? The answer is obvious — and was so long before Hillary Clinton took over at Foggy Bottom. Here is the State Department’s own treatment of the question from 1995:

Another important modern improvement is the ease of communication now afforded to the Department world-wide through the use of E-mail. . . . All employees must be aware that some of the variety of the messages being exchanged on E-mail are important to the Department and must be preserved; such messages are considered Federal records under the law. (5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1)

In fact, step-by-step guidance was being offered to employees two decades ago about how to preserve email records. So if Clinton failed to follow procedures, it was not for lack of available instruction on the subject.

There have been modifications, particularly in recent years, about what constitutes “private email” that does not fall under the purview of these regulations, but such details are irrelevant here, because Clinton apparently did not transfer any of the communications from her private account for preservation. To maintain that that is above-board, one also must maintain that Clinton did not send a single work-related email in four years as America’s top diplomat. Which we know is false.

So, yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law.

:lol: Uh huh...so the indictments are still coming along any day now right?
Should be. Like I said nothing will happen if Democrats hold onto the WH. They will buy time at least until then. But even if indicted she will continue and they will try to spin it as a Republican attack on her innocent self.
It is clear she broke the law...well it is clear to those of us who bothered to research the matter and not listen to MSLSD.

It really must shock and amaze the Left media at how easily they can dupe millions of Americans.

That's it...just keep wishing and hoping. :lol:
"Why Did Hillary Clinton Need a Private Server?"

To ESCAPE 'transparency.
To AVOID FOIA requests.
To HIDE what she was doing.

The State Department has already declared State Department-related documents and e-mails they had never been given / had never seen have been turned over to them SINCE she left due ONLY to the FBI investigation into her server. She was REQUIRED BY LAW to hand over these documents and e-mails and intentionally failed to do so.

Also, operating 'in the shadows, on a server hidden away from the public, provided her with a 'freedom' and convenience from having to follow certain rules, regulations, and laws. For example, one her State Department employees has already reportedly testified that removing the marking from documents and sending them via unclassified means was NOT uncommon. (Illegal - yes, but not uncommon.)

Hillary said she only deleted personal e-mails. The e-mails recovered by the FBI included State Department-related documents Hillary never turned over to the State Department. They contained classified (SECRET, TOP SECRET (TS), and Compartmentalized TS) documents / information / e-mails, NONE of which she was supposed to have in her possession after leaving the State Department. (Compartmentalized Programs require special clearances and you have to be 'read into' the program. When your work that involves this program is done you are 'read out' of the program, no longer have access to the program, and can NOT have in one's possession ANY information, files, products, or e-mails regarding the projects. Hillary's server contained a TON of S, TS, and Compartmentalized TS data. Even if she did not put them there, she talks about them / the programs in her e-mails, which contained highly classified information. Just by doing THAT Hillary broke the law.

The entire reason for the existence for her server, however, is obvious.
Still waiting for that law you say she broke. Can't name it can you? Gosh, could that be because there was no law broken?
Gosh, could it be you couldn't be bothered?

Yes, Hillary Clinton Broke the Law, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
by Ian Tuttle March 3, 2015 5:39 PM
Over at Media Matters for America — the liberal spin operation founded by well-known Clinton backer David Brock — the machine is in high gear contending that Hillary Clinton did nothing unlawful by conducting her business as secretary of state from a personal email account, because “requirements to maintain such records did not exist during her tenure.”
Does it not bother you that she broke the law and lied about it?

As I have stated elsewhere, I do not believe she will be indicted....because we do not live in just society. The elites have long had a different less stringent justice system for themselves.
You must have me confused with someone else. I have posted many times that I do not believe Cankles will be indicted. However, it is clear she broke the law and lied repeatedly about it. She won't be indicted because the elites are not subject the same laws as most Americans....they have their own law, which allows them to do as they wish.
Last edited:

What I've never seen is a discussion on why she used an unofficial server. Does anyone really believe she is stupid or is trying to undermine US security? Hopefully not. What she did was choose the expedient course. Instead of using a personal AND a gov't mobile device she opted to carry just one device. Actually a common choice among gov't employees. She probably put nothing in the emails that she was discussing with aides and foreign contacts.

Love her or hate her the truth is she was doing her job the best she knew how. Hindsight is 20-20 and I'm sure she regrets her decision but her intentions were only to serve as SoS.
In FACT she cared two mobile devices according to Huma.
Here is even a photo of Hillary holding a mobile device in each hand.
Clinton Hacker Extradited to U.S.
At least two dozen countries have had their hackers steal every fucking email Hillary sent or received using her home-brew server.
That fact isn't even in dispute anymore.
Yeah who cares if the law is broken. The elites like Cankles, are above the law in liberal utopia.

At any rate, Obama is not going to indict the bitch when she is likely to win the D nomination...and apparently D voters don't care that she has broken the law or more accurately done something very stupid. She is a Clinton and a woman and a D, that is enough for many dumb American voters.
Name said law? Oh right, there wasn't one or at least, no one bothered to say to her you really need to use our email server, Madame Secretary.

The very stupid part? What part of email did you think was secure? It isn't.
So you admit she is a dumb bitch, but that won't preclude you from voting for her.

What laws? Look it up dumb ass.

Still waiting for that law you say she broke. Can't name it can you? Gosh, could that be because there was no law broken?
Gosh, could it be you couldn't be bothered?

Yes, Hillary Clinton Broke the Law, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
by Ian Tuttle March 3, 2015 5:39 PM
Over at Media Matters for America — the liberal spin operation founded by well-known Clinton backer David Brock — the machine is in high gear contending that Hillary Clinton did nothing unlawful by conducting her business as secretary of state from a personal email account, because “requirements to maintain such records did not exist during her tenure.”

Which, of course, is bunk.

Here is the Federal Records Act, passed in 1950:

The head of each Federal agency shall make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities. (44 U.S. Code § 3101)

So the question would seem to be: Are emails records? The answer is obvious — and was so long before Hillary Clinton took over at Foggy Bottom. Here is the State Department’s own treatment of the question from 1995:

Another important modern improvement is the ease of communication now afforded to the Department world-wide through the use of E-mail. . . . All employees must be aware that some of the variety of the messages being exchanged on E-mail are important to the Department and must be preserved; such messages are considered Federal records under the law. (5 FAM [Foreign Affairs Manual] 443.1)

In fact, step-by-step guidance was being offered to employees two decades ago about how to preserve email records. So if Clinton failed to follow procedures, it was not for lack of available instruction on the subject.

There have been modifications, particularly in recent years, about what constitutes “private email” that does not fall under the purview of these regulations, but such details are irrelevant here, because Clinton apparently did not transfer any of the communications from her private account for preservation. To maintain that that is above-board, one also must maintain that Clinton did not send a single work-related email in four years as America’s top diplomat. Which we know is false.

So, yes, Hillary Clinton broke the law.

:lol: Uh huh...so the indictments are still coming along any day now right?
We'll see what spin you attempt AFTER the FBI report is made public.
Don't worry. No matter what the FBI is going to make sure the report is made public.

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