Why Did Hillary Clinton Need a Private Server? The Answer Makes Bernie Sanders President

Ya good old Hillary has been pretty 'lucky' over the years.
If she hadn't married Bill she'd be flipping burgers. How long ago was her license to practice law taken away?

Right, how could a Yale law graduate ever find work on her own. I did have trouble checking out her license but I seems it was suspended since she hadn't taken the required continuing education classes. Sounds like she could get it back anytime she wanted it.
Funny how the Clintons left the White house "broke". A few years later after she left the SoS job she and Bill are
multi-multi millionaires.
Just more 'Clinton Luck' right?
I mean has anyone EVER seen a more 'lucky' couple?
Simple hard working 'people of the people'.
Honest straight politicians. Who for some evil REP reason many 'stupid' people believe the Clintons are fucking corrupt to the bone.
So vote for Hillary. Remember what Bill said: "You'll be getting 'two for one".
I've dealt with the Intelligence world and sending classified material over an unsecured server IS AGAINST THE LAW.
Then you should know that what is considered "classified" is not always obvious. You can have two unclassified pieces of information but if you put them together, presto, they are considered classified.
No two unclassifed documents are still unclassified.
Not so.
You can take information from one document and information from another document and the combined information becomes a third document.
Document 1: "I witnessed a yellow 1994 BMW driving down Broad Street at exactly 3:00 AM. That's all I know".
Document 2 "I witnessed a yellow older BMW with two men in it drive away from a 7/11 at about 3:00 this morning. When I went into the 7/11 there was a dead store clerk".
Put the information from the two documents together and you have a third document.
First year LE detective exam question.
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Who cares? Oh right, no one.

no better answer has ever been given by a liberal. It is the sum total of liberal thought, you just don't give a crap what Mrs Tuluza Clinton does as long as she has a D. She can laughingly outright lie to you people and you just don't care. Sure must take a whole lot of "not Caring" to support Mrs. Tuluza.
Funny how the Clintons left the White house "broke". A few years later after she left the SoS job she and Bill are
multi-multi millionaires.
Just more 'Clinton Luck' right?
I mean has anyone EVER seen a more 'lucky' couple?
Simple hard working 'people of the people'.
Honest straight politicians. Who for some evil REP reason many 'stupid' people believe the Clintons are fucking corrupt to the bone.
So vote for Hillary. Remember what Bill said: "You'll be getting 'two for one".
Clinton luck and the dozen books they wrote and the speeches they gave made them rich.
Clinton luck got them in the GOP crosshairs in Whitewater, Vince Foster, travel-gate, Benghazi, and now emails but nothing ever stuck.

I like Bill but Hillary is the lesser of evils this time around. Once Kasich drops out there's no GOPer I'd even consider.
Funny how the Clintons left the White house "broke". A few years later after she left the SoS job she and Bill are
multi-multi millionaires.
Just more 'Clinton Luck' right?
I mean has anyone EVER seen a more 'lucky' couple?
Simple hard working 'people of the people'.
Honest straight politicians. Who for some evil REP reason many 'stupid' people believe the Clintons are fucking corrupt to the bone.
So vote for Hillary. Remember what Bill said: "You'll be getting 'two for one".
Clinton luck and the dozen books they wrote and the speeches they gave made them rich.
Clinton luck got them in the GOP crosshairs in Whitewater, Vince Foster, travel-gate, Benghazi, and now emails but nothing ever stuck.

I like Bill but Hillary is the lesser of evils this time around. Once Kasich drops out there's no GOPer I'd even consider.
I can not agree.
It was the Clintons behavior all by themselves that have got them into the GOP/FBI crosshairs. You list off just a few of the 'innocent' things the Clintons seem to have a way of being involved with.
If they are so fucking smart why does the shit on the blanket keep showing up?
Be completely honest. Had the letter 'R' been behind their names how far do you think they would have got?
I mean really.
Sometimes the seemingly smallest criminal act can bring down the seemingly most Teflon criminal.
The FBI is now completing its investigation.
Maybe just maybe the Clintons are going to smell like the shitty blanket the two griffers have been trailing behind them for decades.
Your admonition that so far they haven't yet been caught is pretty thin gruel at this point for Debbie.
Be completely honest. Had the letter 'R' been behind their names how far do you think they would have got?
I mean really.
Whitewater would never have been investigated (recall they lost money there) so Bill would never have been asked about Lewinsky. (How was the question relevant to the investigation?)
There would never have been 11 congressional hearings on Benghazi.

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