Why Did Hillary Clinton Need a Private Server? The Answer Makes Bernie Sanders President

It isn't common practice because it isn't LEGAL! That's how I know.

You don't know or you are the one lying. For something to be illegal there must be a LAW. There are no such laws, just rules, and many agencies allow government work to be done on personal phones and computers. Fact.

She only had a private server for communication, you actually think she got no classified intel in all that time? What did she use, a Ouija board?

She got plenty but it all came on one of the many classified gov't networks. If an email or other data from one of those systems ended up on her personal server it is a serious matter and that would be illegal. No such "smoking gun" has ever been found.

This guy asks a question like the answer will shake the very foundation of contemporary American history, lead to Hillary Clinton's incarceration and guarantee Bernie Sander's the Presidency. Thus implying of course he knows the answer to his own question. Having this information known to the authorities and the American public if it is as critical to American security and as devastating to Hillary's campaign as he implies seems to be of over-riding importance. So I have a question of my own. Why is he playing this silly little game on YouTube and not down at the nearest FBI office pounding on the door? Looks like the worst kind of internet attention seeking trolling whore to me.
It isn't common practice because it isn't LEGAL! That's how I know.

You don't know or you are the one lying. For something to be illegal there must be a LAW. There are no such laws, just rules, and many agencies allow government work to be done on personal phones and computers. Fact.

She only had a private server for communication, you actually think she got no classified intel in all that time? What did she use, a Ouija board?

She got plenty but it all came on one of the many classified gov't networks. If an email or other data from one of those systems ended up on her personal server it is a serious matter and that would be illegal. No such "smoking gun" has ever been found.
Her private server was networked to a classified government system? That's even worse. You can spin but you cannot hide.
Good job of ignoring the posts in the thread though.
Her private server was networked to a classified government system? That's even worse. You can spin but you cannot hide.
Good job of ignoring the posts in the thread though.
Her private server was NEVER connected to any classified government system, all the emails were sent from and to unclassified systems. If any classified info was sent it came from someone's head.

Too many posts to keep up with :( Why she was holding on to her emails I don't know. Probably more bad judgment for someone under a microscope.
Her private server was networked to a classified government system? That's even worse. You can spin but you cannot hide.
Good job of ignoring the posts in the thread though.
Her private server was NEVER connected to any classified government system, all the emails were sent from and to unclassified systems. If any classified info was sent it came from someone's head.

Too many posts to keep up with :( Why she was holding on to her emails I don't know. Probably more bad judgment for someone under a microscope.
Nope. They found many classified emails, after recovering them from deletion. You should watch the news. Or read the thread, whatever.
Clinton Hacker Extradited to U.S.
Her private server was networked to a classified government system? That's even worse. You can spin but you cannot hide.
Good job of ignoring the posts in the thread though.
Her private server was NEVER connected to any classified government system, all the emails were sent from and to unclassified systems. If any classified info was sent it came from someone's head.

Too many posts to keep up with :( Why she was holding on to her emails I don't know. Probably more bad judgment for someone under a microscope.
And so the American public should vote for someone with this level of 'bad judgement' to become the next President?
Think on that.
Hillary has committed 'bad judgement' throughout her entire adult life.
Was it just 'bad judgement' when she was a willing enabler for Bills habitual sexual assaults?
'Bad judgement' when she willing was part of a cocaine smuggling operation in AK?
Hillary is without doubt one of the most corrupt figures in US political history.
And who is going to 'block vote' for her?
If that doesn't wake people up nothing will.
Nope. They found many classified emails, after recovering them from deletion. You should watch the news. Or read the thread, whatever.
I've yet to see any smoking guns but I'm sure the Congress will hold dozens of hearings for the next 4 years so we'll see.
Clinton Hacker Extradited to U.S.
Her private server was networked to a classified government system? That's even worse. You can spin but you cannot hide.
Good job of ignoring the posts in the thread though.
Her private server was NEVER connected to any classified government system, all the emails were sent from and to unclassified systems. If any classified info was sent it came from someone's head.

Too many posts to keep up with :( Why she was holding on to her emails I don't know. Probably more bad judgment for someone under a microscope.
And so the American public should vote for someone with this level of 'bad judgement' to become the next President?
Think on that.
Hillary has committed 'bad judgement' throughout her entire adult life.
Was it just 'bad judgement' when she was a willing enabler for Bills habitual sexual assaults?
'Bad judgement' when she willing was part of a cocaine smuggling operation in AK?
Hillary is without doubt one of the most corrupt figures in US political history.
And who is going to 'block vote' for her?
If that doesn't wake people up nothing will.
Lucky for her she gets to run against someone who might be even worse. It's all irrelevant to me anyway, I care less about what she's done and more about what she'll do. I can even sum it up in one word: Scalia
Clinton Hacker Extradited to U.S.
Her private server was networked to a classified government system? That's even worse. You can spin but you cannot hide.
Good job of ignoring the posts in the thread though.
Her private server was NEVER connected to any classified government system, all the emails were sent from and to unclassified systems. If any classified info was sent it came from someone's head.

Too many posts to keep up with :( Why she was holding on to her emails I don't know. Probably more bad judgment for someone under a microscope.
And so the American public should vote for someone with this level of 'bad judgement' to become the next President?
Think on that.
Hillary has committed 'bad judgement' throughout her entire adult life.
Was it just 'bad judgement' when she was a willing enabler for Bills habitual sexual assaults?
'Bad judgement' when she willing was part of a cocaine smuggling operation in AK?
Hillary is without doubt one of the most corrupt figures in US political history.
And who is going to 'block vote' for her?
If that doesn't wake people up nothing will.
Lucky for her she gets to run against someone who might be even worse. It's all irrelevant to me anyway, I care less about what she's done and more about what she'll do. I can even sum it up in one word: Scalia
Ya good old Hillary has been pretty 'lucky' over the years.
If she hadn't married Bill she'd be flipping burgers. How long ago was her license to practice law taken away?
Who cares? Oh right, no one.
Yeah who cares if the law is broken. The elites like Cankles, are above the law in liberal utopia.

At any rate, Obama is not going to indict the bitch when she is likely to win the D nomination...and apparently D voters don't care that she has broken the law or more accurately done something very stupid. She is a Clinton and a woman and a D, that is enough for many dumb American voters.
The law wasn't broken, the federal rules actually states that gov't employees ARE NOT TO SEND their personal emails to the National Government Archives...

Regardless, the FBI has had all 30000 deleted personal emails that were not sent to the National archives of hers for over 6 months....and not a one of them has been forwarded to the National Archives or State dept for retaining them, due to them being gvt related....all were personal.

this making news where there is no news, is getting old.... try a new made up scandal...will ya please....

Will you people stop with the email crap!! You're making an ass out of yourself every time you bring it up, because you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Having a private server with a pop3 connection is the only real way to have secure remote access. It is, in fact, a very mundane thing, and every time you show yourself to be just as ignorant as a liberal who bitches about firing too many shots to stop an intruder.
Who cares? Oh right, no one.
Yeah who cares if the law is broken. The elites like Cankles, are above the law in liberal utopia.

At any rate, Obama is not going to indict the bitch when she is likely to win the D nomination...and apparently D voters don't care that she has broken the law or more accurately done something very stupid. She is a Clinton and a woman and a D, that is enough for many dumb American voters.
The law wasn't broken, the federal rules actually states that gov't employees ARE NOT TO SEND their personal emails to the National Government Archives...

Regardless, the FBI has had all 30000 deleted personal emails that were not sent to the National archives of hers for over 6 months....and not a one of them has been forwarded to the National Archives or State dept for retaining them, due to them being gvt related....all were personal.

this making news where there is no news, is getting old.... try a new made up scandal...will ya please....
I bet you it's not "getting old" at the FBI.
Let's wait and see what the FBI concludes OK?
Hillary has a decades long history of being a liar and a thief and a corrupt politician. Not to mention the cocaine smuggling back in AK.
How is she making out with female voters under the age of 100?
Ya good old Hillary has been pretty 'lucky' over the years.
If she hadn't married Bill she'd be flipping burgers. How long ago was her license to practice law taken away?

Right, how could a Yale law graduate ever find work on her own. I did have trouble checking out her license but I seems it was suspended since she hadn't taken the required continuing education classes. Sounds like she could get it back anytime she wanted it.
Who cares? Oh right, no one.
Yeah who cares if the law is broken. The elites like Cankles, are above the law in liberal utopia.

At any rate, Obama is not going to indict the bitch when she is likely to win the D nomination...and apparently D voters don't care that she has broken the law or more accurately done something very stupid. She is a Clinton and a woman and a D, that is enough for many dumb American voters.
Name said law? Oh right, there wasn't one or at least, no one bothered to say to her you really need to use our email server, Madame Secretary.

The very stupid part? What part of email did you think was secure? It isn't.
So you admit she is a dumb bitch, but that won't preclude you from voting for her.

What laws? Look it up dumb ass.
No, you look it up since you think she did something wrong.

And since she can win, and is the most qualified, she has my vote. Unlike you I'd rather not throw it away on some living in a fantasy world asshole like Trump.
I've dealt with the Intelligence world and sending classified material over an unsecured server IS AGAINST THE LAW.
Who cares? Oh right, no one.
Yeah who cares if the law is broken. The elites like Cankles, are above the law in liberal utopia.

At any rate, Obama is not going to indict the bitch when she is likely to win the D nomination...and apparently D voters don't care that she has broken the law or more accurately done something very stupid. She is a Clinton and a woman and a D, that is enough for many dumb American voters.
The law wasn't broken, the federal rules actually states that gov't employees ARE NOT TO SEND their personal emails to the National Government Archives...

Regardless, the FBI has had all 30000 deleted personal emails that were not sent to the National archives of hers for over 6 months....and not a one of them has been forwarded to the National Archives or State dept for retaining them, due to them being gvt related....all were personal.

this making news where there is no news, is getting old.... try a new made up scandal...will ya please....
The employee was just given immunity because ....? What's old is the liberal victory dance of bravado. It's weak shit.
I've dealt with the Intelligence world and sending classified material over an unsecured server IS AGAINST THE LAW.
Then you should know that what is considered "classified" is not always obvious. You can have two unclassified pieces of information but if you put them together, presto, they are considered classified.
I've dealt with the Intelligence world and sending classified material over an unsecured server IS AGAINST THE LAW.
Then you should know that what is considered "classified" is not always obvious. You can have two unclassified pieces of information but if you put them together, presto, they are considered classified.
No two unclassifed documents are still unclassified.

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