Why did it take five years to convict a cop of a misdemeanor?


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
The answer of course, is that he was a cop. I am not the originator of the phrase justice delayed is justice denied. Hardly. Truthfully it is debated as to who said it. Gladstone or William Penn.

A cop with a long history of excessive force. A cop with multiple incidents of using excessive force is finally behind bars for all of 9 months. It took a Federal Investigation to finally bust this barbaric bastard, and they finally got him to plead guilty to a misdemeanor but they got him.

Five years. Jail time for ex-Tukwila cop who pepper-sprayed handcuffed man in hospital

Part of the plea agreement was that he never again work as a cop. That should have been a no shit condition. But the question remains. Why did it take five years to get justice for this abusive bastard? Why did it take five years to get to the sentencing phase of the trial? If the rolls had been reversed, and the cop had been struck, the baddie would have been in jail for those last five years on felony assaulting a police officer.

Tell me again how cops are held to account for their actions. Tell me again how the behavior of bad cops is never tolerated. Then tell me how come it took five years to get a misdemeanor conviction for this dolt.


There is an answer. We are protected from the thugs, by more thugs. The best argument in favor of police is that they are generally speaking slightly less criminal than those they arrest.
The answer is of course: Due Process.

OP should study that term.

Why is it that Due Process takes so long when a cop is accused of the crime?

Tyrone Howard convicted of killing NYPD Officer Randolph Holder

Eighteen months not five years, in the overcrowded dockets of New York City.

Yet the murderer of John Geer had the investigation going on for two years. I say it was going on, it was actually being stonewalled by police at every turn. Only when the information the Police were sitting on for two years was finally turned over as part of the civil suit, did the Prosecutors actually get to see any of the evidence.

The Plaintiff's attorney had to give the information to the Prosecutor because the Police refused to.

Due process no lengthy investigations always mark any police accused of a crime. Yet, those same investigations are completed in days or weeks at most when the baddie is not a cop.

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