Zone1 Why did Jesus say we had to not only believe but be baptized?

God can do anything.
That’s only true if he can’t be trusted. Will he lie to you? Then he can’t do everything. Jesus said if you see Him you see the Father. So, he’s not a blob of nothing so big to fill the universe and so small to dwell in your heart. There are 3 separate distinct individuals that agree in one purpose. That is to bring to past the immortality and eternal life of mankind.
It makes perfect sense that God is incorporeal.
No it doesn’t. Jesus said if you have seen me you have seen the Father. Again, God means Godhead, a position of three leaders of the universe. The Father, Son Holy Ghost. So, when stated God is spirit, he was referring to the Holy Ghost, not him nor the Father.
if jesus is god....who was he praying to in the garden that night?....
Ah, yes, the old "gotcha" attempt that falls apart rapidly. Follow along, children, as I educate. You see, even though Yeshua was in the very nature of God, and was God Himself, He lowered Himself to become human and let go of His position, specifically so He could be one of us. Thus, in the Garden before His betrayal, He was communicating with God as one of us would. I mean, seriously, don't they teach this stuff anymore?
Ah, yes, the old "gotcha" attempt that falls apart rapidly. Follow along, children, as I educate. You see, even though Yeshua was in the very nature of God, and was God Himself, He lowered Himself to become human and let go of His position, specifically so He could be one of us. Thus, in the Garden before His betrayal, He was communicating with God as one of us would. I mean, seriously, don't they teach this stuff anymore?
Jesus was a Jew. He was praying to the God as identified by the Jews.
Ah, yes, the old "gotcha" attempt that falls apart rapidly. Follow along, children, as I educate. You see, even though Yeshua was in the very nature of God, and was God Himself, He lowered Himself to become human and let go of His position, specifically so He could be one of us. Thus, in the Garden before His betrayal, He was communicating with God as one of us would. I mean, seriously, don't they teach this stuff anymore?
if he is god....who the hell is he praying too?.... why would the most ultimate being have to pray?...
if he is god....who the hell is he praying too?.... why would the most ultimate being have to pray?...
He put Himself on our plane, just like us. That means that He was both God and man at the same time. That means that he prayed because that is how humans communicate with God. He had human emotions, fears and challenges.
He put Himself on our plane, just like us. That means that He was both God and man at the same time. That means that he prayed because that is how humans communicate with God. He had human emotions, fears and challenges.
ok......who was he praying too?.....give me a name....
so he was in 2 places at once and he was praying to himself right?...thats what you are telling me.....
Read this from the book of Phillipians.
Again, Paul records the following noteworthy statement in the Epistle to the Philippians: ''Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

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