Zone1 Why did Jesus say we had to not only believe but be baptized?

why cant you answer that question?......who does god pray too?.....give me a name....the top being in existent should not have anyone to pray too....
I think you want to tell us what you think. We're listening.

Throughout Jesus' life he prayed/spoke to the Father, and obeyed the Father. This means the Father spoke/prayed to the Son. They were one with each other, in communion with each other through the Holy Spirit. Father, Creator in communion with His Word, the Son, working through the Holy Spirit, from the beginning of time.
He had a glorified body, just like the one every believer will have.
What is a glorified body. Is believing more important than doing. Is it not more important to live a life following the teachings of God as opposed to just believing in Jesus. If you believe in God, is that not the same as believing in Jesus as far as Christians would define belief.
What is a glorified body. Is believing more important than doing. Is it not more important to live a life following the teachings of God as opposed to just believing in Jesus. If you believe in God, is that not the same as believing in Jesus as far as Christians would define belief.
Doing good will not save you. Blood must be shed to clean away our sins. Good works won't cut it.
but you said he was god here on earth in human who would he be praying too?....why is that so difficult?....
Apparently, you're having difficulty with the idea of God lowering Himself and becoming one of us. We've answered your oft-repeated question and I hope you realize it really wasn't much of a "gotcha" at all.
so he was in 2 places at once and he was praying to himself right?...thats what you are telling me.....
I think that may be all you can understand. If so, go with it, and trust others see a broader picture, starting with God is not us, and his ways are not our ways.
Apparently, you're having difficulty with the idea of God lowering Himself and becoming one of us. We've answered your oft-repeated question and I hope you realize it really wasn't much of a "gotcha" at all.
He's a troll.
I think you want to tell us what you think. We're listening.

Throughout Jesus' life he prayed/spoke to the Father, and obeyed the Father. This means the Father spoke/prayed to the Son. They were one with each other, in communion with each other through the Holy Spirit. Father, Creator in communion with His Word, the Son, working through the Holy Spirit, from the beginning of time.
you are making Jesus and God 2 distinct beings, Jesus one of the many so called Angels that he,God,created to live in his realm,Jesus being maybe his first creation,that being named Jesus came to earth in human guise to do what he had to do for his father,God.....and thats who he was communicating with in the garden,his father, God...earlier you said that Jesus is god here on earth....they cant be both....
you are making Jesus and God 2 distinct beings, Jesus one of the many so called Angels that he,God,created to live in his realm,Jesus being maybe his first creation,that being named Jesus came to earth in human guise to do what he had to do for his father,God.....and thats who he was communicating with in the garden,his father, God...earlier you said that Jesus is god here on earth....they cant be both....
Wrong. Jesus is not an angel. That is not Scripture. Are you a Jehovah's Witness?
how can they both be god?....if there is only one....
Scripture says so. Your problem is you don't believe Scripture. Yes, there is only one God, God is three persons. You're obviously indoctrinated by a cult like Jehovah's Witnesses.
Apparently, you're having difficulty with the idea of God lowering Himself and becoming one of us. We've answered your oft-repeated question and I hope you realize it really wasn't much of a "gotcha" at all.
but you havent answered my question.....who does god pray too? guys are telling me he is praying to himself....
you are making Jesus and God 2 distinct beings, Jesus one of the many so called Angels that he,God,created to live in his realm,Jesus being maybe his first creation,that being named Jesus came to earth in human guise to do what he had to do for his father,God.....and thats who he was communicating with in the garden,his father, God...earlier you said that Jesus is god here on earth....they cant be both....
You aren't listening.
Again, Paul records the following noteworthy statement in the Epistle to the Philippians: ''Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

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