Why did John McCain not resign as Congressman?

Spite. He knew that his replacement would be a loyal Republican and get with the program, and wanted to spite President Trump.

Like it or not, McCain was a self-absorbed, petty, spiteful little man to the very end.

Like it or not, the only reason he is hailed as a hero is because he was shot down. Trump was right. As usual.

Like it or not, he's considered a hero because he turned down an offer of release, even though he knew it would let him in for far more abuse, because he wouldn't go home while others who were taken prisoner ahead of him stayed.

You can think whatever you like about McCain's personality. Hell, I didn't like him either. But you can take your childish, dismissive attempts to belittle his service and shove them so far up your ass they tickle your tonsils. Grown-ups know how to respect even their enemies. Try it.
Grown-ups know how to respect even their enemies. Try it.

Exactly right.

And President Trump knows how to pay enemies like McCain respect as well.

This is McCain's last big failure, failing to recognize his president as someone who personifies class.

It would have been a great funeral, if they would have invited Trump to eulogize Sen. McCain.
When a Senator dies in office, it's traditional to appoint their spouse. This might be the case.

Where did you get that idea? When Lautenberg, Byrd, Kennedy and Inouye died in office, their spouses didn't succeed them.
It's happened, and it's probably gonna happen here. Cindy has mentioned it.

She can mention it all she likes. Doesn't appear that Ducey's on board with that Word around here is that he's leaning toward his own chief of staff.
I just hope the media reports are right and Gov. Ducey appoints Cindy McCain to be his replacement the next 2 years.
Such bullshit. Political office is not a fucking family inheritance

I don't think Gov. Ducey can afford to alienate President Trump's supporters in this nomination.

I suppose that if Mrs. McCain is committed to being an ally of the Trumpster, it wouldn't hurt the governor is his race.

But if he chooses someone just to "stick it" to the President, he'll be looking for employment in November himself.

I don't know that Ducey has any particular reason to want to stick it to Trump. I'm assuming he wants someone he works well with, though. He's got a lot of choices besides the TV-show-obvious idea of the wife.
The question begs, you are 234 years old and dying of cancer and on hospice, but you DON'T resign as Congressman?

What gives?

Is John McCain the poster boy for term limits?

He hadn't been a Congressman for decades. Since then, he had been a Senator.

Are you wondering why he didn't resign as a Senator? Not sure it really matters. That was his prerogative. I suspect it was for a variety of reasons, to include his health care coverage being tied to his seat.

Oh, please. Like he was dependent on that. His wife is richer than God.
Health insurance? I'm not a fan but the poor guy was dying so I cut him some slack on this.

I'm pretty sure that their health insurance is life long whether they retire or not.

Could be wrong though.

If it did expire, I'd be terrified with Obamacare as well.

His wife is worth over $100 million, medical expenses weren't an issue.

According to a politico article I read a few days ago they signed a prenup and kept their finances separate their entire lives.

Still pretty certain she would have paid for the best medical care available, no matter what happened.
The question begs, you are 234 years old and dying of cancer and on hospice, but you DON'T resign as Congressman?

What gives?

Is John McCain the poster boy for term limits?

He hadn't been a Congressman for decades. Since then, he had been a Senator.

Are you wondering why he didn't resign as a Senator? Not sure it really matters. That was his prerogative. I suspect it was for a variety of reasons, to include his health care coverage being tied to his seat.

He is a retired Navy Captain, His health care is already covered before he ever set foot in Congress.

I also find it very hard to believe that, had he retired because he was dying of cancer, the government would have just cut him off.
When a Senator dies in office, it's traditional to appoint their spouse. This might be the case.

Don't think that will happen, she would have to divest herself of the family business.


Exactly! Why would she have to if Senator McCain did not have to do such?

Isn't the family business a beverage company??

They had a firewall between their assets, it's called a prenup, he was worth about 23 million, she's worth a bit less than 300 million.


Which has no bearing at all on whether or not she'd have paid for the best medical care possible.
Grown-ups know how to respect even their enemies. Try it.

Exactly right.

And President Trump knows how to pay enemies like McCain respect as well.

This is McCain's last big failure, failing to recognize his president as someone who personifies class.

It would have been a great funeral, if they would have invited Trump to eulogize Sen. McCain.

You are fucking delusional.

Olanzapine - Wikipedia

Look into it.
Who fires or forces anyone to quit, just because they might be dying from an illness that they are fighting for their lives, to beat? Not even in the private sector does this happen.... I worked with 2 people that came down with cancer, and the Company did not make them quit.

Callous, waxed over cold, Devil's spawn.

Kennedy didn't quit, Byrd didn't quit, no Senator or congress critter has quit, just because they are ill.... and they should not have to.... that's giving up on life, instead of trying to BEAT what horrible illness they may have....
The Governor is not going to appoint the wife. He has his own
election to win in November. You operate by knee jerk in August
you get beat in November.
Kennedy didn't quit, Byrd didn't quit, no Senator or congress critter has quit, just because they are ill.... and they should not have to.... that's giving up on life, instead of trying to BEAT what horrible illness they may have....

Sen. Cochran of Mississippi resigned earlier this year for health concerns. Tom Coburn quit several years ago because his cancer returned.

No one is required to do anything, but both of those guys are still alive, they didn't "give up"
Who fires or forces anyone to quit, just because they might be dying from an illness that they are fighting for their lives, to beat? Not even in the private sector does this happen.... I worked with 2 people that came down with cancer, and the Company did not make them quit.

Callous, waxed over cold, Devil's spawn.

Kennedy didn't quit, Byrd didn't quit, no Senator or congress critter has quit, just because they are ill.... and they should not have to.... that's giving up on life, instead of trying to BEAT what horrible illness they may have....
Companies utilize temporary help to replace lost productivity. Arizona residents got no such help. Politicians who can not perform their duties for whatever reason do their constituents a disservice by not resigning or retiring.
His last act of defiance was a selfish one
Sen. Cochran of Mississippi resigned earlier this year for health concerns. Tom Coburn quit several years ago because his cancer returned.

No one is required to do anything, but both of those guys are still alive, they didn't "give up"

I think this side steps the context. The implication here seems to be that McCain should have resigned because he was dying and there was no longer hope he'd be able to return.
Who fires or forces anyone to quit, just because they might be dying from an illness that they are fighting for their lives, to beat? Not even in the private sector does this happen.... I worked with 2 people that came down with cancer, and the Company did not make them quit.

Callous, waxed over cold, Devil's spawn.

Kennedy didn't quit, Byrd didn't quit, no Senator or congress critter has quit, just because they are ill.... and they should not have to.... that's giving up on life, instead of trying to BEAT what horrible illness they may have....
Companies utilize temporary help to replace lost productivity. Arizona residents got no such help. Politicians who can not perform their duties for whatever reason do their constituents a disservice by not resigning or retiring.
His last act of defiance was a selfish one
i totally disagree and see your opinion as the one being selfish, considering he served Arizonians for decades.... they did not want him to resign, why do you?
When a Senator dies in office, it's traditional to appoint their spouse. This might be the case.

Don't think that will happen, she would have to divest herself of the family business.




Why is everyone on this site determined to prove themselves to be idiots?

Blind trusts are not "divesting"? Do you people need to be shown how to use a dictionary? You keep using words that mean something completely different than what you intend! Words have

You guys are no better than the libtards who cannot structure a sentence properly!

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