Why did John McCain not resign as Congressman?

Why is everyone on this site determined to prove themselves to be idiots?

Blind trusts are not "divesting"? Do you people need to be shown how to use a dictionary? You keep using words that mean something completely different than what you intend! Words have

You guys are no better than the libtards who cannot structure a sentence properly!

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser, a blind trust is giving up control of your assets.


That's not divesting, dumbass!

When some of you go back and get a high school level vocabulary, then we can ytalk semantics.

Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I'm not going to invest any energy over a stank assed squid that should have called it quits 10 years ago. And was too self centered to resign so the people he supposedly cared about would have full representation in DC. I also fail to understand why he's being buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington or Phoenix National Cemeteries. It's not like he did anything notable in the Navy.


Are you asking why he chose that, or why they agreed to it?


Health insurance? I'm not a fan but the poor guy was dying so I cut him some slack on this.

I'm pretty sure that their health insurance is life long whether they retire or not.

Could be wrong though.

If it did expire, I'd be terrified with Obamacare as well.
He had socialized medicine, should he have been terrified of that?

No, he had health care through his employer, and also the ability to self-pay. The one thing he DIDN'T have is the socialized medicine twits like you want to force on the rest of us.
We are his employer -- the taxpayers -- how can we possibly provide him with healthcare that wouldn't be a colossal failure?? but apparently, according to you it was good healthcare..how is this possible if it was tax payer funded?

Also, why do your fellow Trump supporters insist on government staying out of their government funded healthcare?

Why is everyone on this site determined to prove themselves to be idiots?

Blind trusts are not "divesting"? Do you people need to be shown how to use a dictionary? You keep using words that mean something completely different than what you intend! Words have

You guys are no better than the libtards who cannot structure a sentence properly!

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser, a blind trust is giving up control of your assets.


That's not divesting, dumbass!

When some of you go back and get a high school level vocabulary, then we can ytalk semantics.

Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I'm not going to invest any energy over a stank assed squid that should have called it quits 10 years ago. And was too self centered to resign so the people he supposedly cared about would have full representation in DC. I also fail to understand why he's being buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington or Phoenix National Cemeteries. It's not like he did anything notable in the Navy.


Are you asking why he chose that, or why they agreed to it?



One assumes he has some sort of emotional attachment to the Navy, given his family's history with it. One also assumes that the Naval Academy is conscious of his family background, his prominence as a 30+-year Senator, and the fact that most people in this country view him as a hero. However much people try to attack him and tear him down, the story - corroborated by other POWs and officially accepted by the Navy - of him refusing an offer to go home because other prisoners who had been taken earlier would remain reflects well on the Navy as a whole. Refusing his request to be buried there would do nothing but make them look bad.
Health insurance? I'm not a fan but the poor guy was dying so I cut him some slack on this.

I'm pretty sure that their health insurance is life long whether they retire or not.

Could be wrong though.

If it did expire, I'd be terrified with Obamacare as well.
He had socialized medicine, should he have been terrified of that?

No, he had health care through his employer, and also the ability to self-pay. The one thing he DIDN'T have is the socialized medicine twits like you want to force on the rest of us.
We are his employer -- the taxpayers -- how can we possibly provide him with healthcare that wouldn't be a colossal failure?? but apparently, according to you it was good healthcare..how is this possible if it was tax payer funded?

Also, why do your fellow Trump supporters insist on government staying out of their government funded healthcare?

View attachment 213989

It's been very entertaining to watch you try to twist and squirm your way into a coherent argument for socialized medicine from employer-provided healthcare for government employees, but now I'm bored.

At the point you mistakenly and laughably called me a "Trump supporter" because your tiny mind can't conceive of anything more complex, your entire argument became invalid . . . even more than it already was.
Health insurance? I'm not a fan but the poor guy was dying so I cut him some slack on this.

I'm pretty sure that their health insurance is life long whether they retire or not.

Could be wrong though.

If it did expire, I'd be terrified with Obamacare as well.
He had socialized medicine, should he have been terrified of that?

No, he had health care through his employer, and also the ability to self-pay. The one thing he DIDN'T have is the socialized medicine twits like you want to force on the rest of us.
We are his employer -- the taxpayers -- how can we possibly provide him with healthcare that wouldn't be a colossal failure?? but apparently, according to you it was good healthcare..how is this possible if it was tax payer funded?

Also, why do your fellow Trump supporters insist on government staying out of their government funded healthcare?

View attachment 213989

Nothing stopping you from purchasing your own health insurance today. There you have it universal healthcare.
Health insurance? I'm not a fan but the poor guy was dying so I cut him some slack on this.

I'm pretty sure that their health insurance is life long whether they retire or not.

Could be wrong though.

If it did expire, I'd be terrified with Obamacare as well.
He had socialized medicine, should he have been terrified of that?

No, he had health care through his employer, and also the ability to self-pay. The one thing he DIDN'T have is the socialized medicine twits like you want to force on the rest of us.
We are his employer -- the taxpayers -- how can we possibly provide him with healthcare that wouldn't be a colossal failure?? but apparently, according to you it was good healthcare..how is this possible if it was tax payer funded?

Also, why do your fellow Trump supporters insist on government staying out of their government funded healthcare?

View attachment 213989

It's been very entertaining to watch you try to twist and squirm your way into a coherent argument for socialized medicine from employer-provided healthcare for government employees, but now I'm bored.

At the point you mistakenly and laughably called me a "Trump supporter" because your tiny mind can't conceive of anything more complex, your entire argument became invalid . . . even more than it already was.
Yes I am calling you a trump supporter, mainly based on your pathetic lack of making coherent arguments....The VA is 100% socialized medicine -- anytime there is a push to privatize the VA it is roundly rejected by the vets themselves -- does that make them socialist?

Medicare is the most popular form of health insurance in this country and has been since its inception -- it is so popular that even people who claim to hate "socialism" -- love their Medicare

If you give people a "public option" to enroll in medicare for all versus what you conservatives claim you want -- shouldn't all Americans pick the superior non-existent conservative plan?
Health insurance? I'm not a fan but the poor guy was dying so I cut him some slack on this.

I'm pretty sure that their health insurance is life long whether they retire or not.

Could be wrong though.

If it did expire, I'd be terrified with Obamacare as well.
He had socialized medicine, should he have been terrified of that?

No, he had health care through his employer, and also the ability to self-pay. The one thing he DIDN'T have is the socialized medicine twits like you want to force on the rest of us.
We are his employer -- the taxpayers -- how can we possibly provide him with healthcare that wouldn't be a colossal failure?? but apparently, according to you it was good healthcare..how is this possible if it was tax payer funded?

Also, why do your fellow Trump supporters insist on government staying out of their government funded healthcare?

View attachment 213989

Nothing stopping you from purchasing your own health insurance today. There you have it universal healthcare.
What if I want to purchase Trumpcare -- how long will I have to wait?
I'm pretty sure that their health insurance is life long whether they retire or not.

Could be wrong though.

If it did expire, I'd be terrified with Obamacare as well.
He had socialized medicine, should he have been terrified of that?

No, he had health care through his employer, and also the ability to self-pay. The one thing he DIDN'T have is the socialized medicine twits like you want to force on the rest of us.
We are his employer -- the taxpayers -- how can we possibly provide him with healthcare that wouldn't be a colossal failure?? but apparently, according to you it was good healthcare..how is this possible if it was tax payer funded?

Also, why do your fellow Trump supporters insist on government staying out of their government funded healthcare?

View attachment 213989

Nothing stopping you from purchasing your own health insurance today. There you have it universal healthcare.
What if I want to purchase Trumpcare -- how long will I have to wait?

Don't care. Just tend to yourself and stop fucking around with my life. When I need the help and advice of a slackjawed dimwit, I'll call you.
Semantics, the last bastion of a loser, a blind trust is giving up control of your assets.


That's not divesting, dumbass!

When some of you go back and get a high school level vocabulary, then we can ytalk semantics.

Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I'm not going to invest any energy over a stank assed squid that should have called it quits 10 years ago. And was too self centered to resign so the people he supposedly cared about would have full representation in DC. I also fail to understand why he's being buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington or Phoenix National Cemeteries. It's not like he did anything notable in the Navy.


Are you asking why he chose that, or why they agreed to it?



One assumes he has some sort of emotional attachment to the Navy, given his family's history with it. One also assumes that the Naval Academy is conscious of his family background, his prominence as a 30+-year Senator, and the fact that most people in this country view him as a hero. However much people try to attack him and tear him down, the story - corroborated by other POWs and officially accepted by the Navy - of him refusing an offer to go home because other prisoners who had been taken earlier would remain reflects well on the Navy as a whole. Refusing his request to be buried there would do nothing but make them look bad.

From what you describe he did nothing that wasn't expected of everyone by the Military Code of Conduct. So I guess he's riding his dads coat tails back to the academy, just like he got in the first time.

That's not divesting, dumbass!

When some of you go back and get a high school level vocabulary, then we can ytalk semantics.

Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I'm not going to invest any energy over a stank assed squid that should have called it quits 10 years ago. And was too self centered to resign so the people he supposedly cared about would have full representation in DC. I also fail to understand why he's being buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington or Phoenix National Cemeteries. It's not like he did anything notable in the Navy.


Are you asking why he chose that, or why they agreed to it?



One assumes he has some sort of emotional attachment to the Navy, given his family's history with it. One also assumes that the Naval Academy is conscious of his family background, his prominence as a 30+-year Senator, and the fact that most people in this country view him as a hero. However much people try to attack him and tear him down, the story - corroborated by other POWs and officially accepted by the Navy - of him refusing an offer to go home because other prisoners who had been taken earlier would remain reflects well on the Navy as a whole. Refusing his request to be buried there would do nothing but make them look bad.

From what you describe he did nothing that wasn't expected of everyone by the Military Code of Conduct. So I guess he's riding his dads coat tails back to the academy, just like he got in the first time.


There's a big difference between "everyone's expected to", and "everyone's able to". And it's very easy to dismiss and belittle the courage it takes to do the right thing against the threat of torture when you're sitting in comfort and safety.
Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I'm not going to invest any energy over a stank assed squid that should have called it quits 10 years ago. And was too self centered to resign so the people he supposedly cared about would have full representation in DC. I also fail to understand why he's being buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington or Phoenix National Cemeteries. It's not like he did anything notable in the Navy.


Are you asking why he chose that, or why they agreed to it?



One assumes he has some sort of emotional attachment to the Navy, given his family's history with it. One also assumes that the Naval Academy is conscious of his family background, his prominence as a 30+-year Senator, and the fact that most people in this country view him as a hero. However much people try to attack him and tear him down, the story - corroborated by other POWs and officially accepted by the Navy - of him refusing an offer to go home because other prisoners who had been taken earlier would remain reflects well on the Navy as a whole. Refusing his request to be buried there would do nothing but make them look bad.

From what you describe he did nothing that wasn't expected of everyone by the Military Code of Conduct. So I guess he's riding his dads coat tails back to the academy, just like he got in the first time.


There's a big difference between "everyone's expected to", and "everyone's able to". And it's very easy to dismiss and belittle the courage it takes to do the right thing against the threat of torture when you're sitting in comfort and safety.

Try reading post 120 again. I don't think politicians are special or should be treated any better than their bosses, in life or death.

Are you asking why he chose that, or why they agreed to it?



One assumes he has some sort of emotional attachment to the Navy, given his family's history with it. One also assumes that the Naval Academy is conscious of his family background, his prominence as a 30+-year Senator, and the fact that most people in this country view him as a hero. However much people try to attack him and tear him down, the story - corroborated by other POWs and officially accepted by the Navy - of him refusing an offer to go home because other prisoners who had been taken earlier would remain reflects well on the Navy as a whole. Refusing his request to be buried there would do nothing but make them look bad.

From what you describe he did nothing that wasn't expected of everyone by the Military Code of Conduct. So I guess he's riding his dads coat tails back to the academy, just like he got in the first time.


There's a big difference between "everyone's expected to", and "everyone's able to". And it's very easy to dismiss and belittle the courage it takes to do the right thing against the threat of torture when you're sitting in comfort and safety.

Try reading post 120 again. I don't think politicians are special or should be treated any better than their bosses, in life or death.


I don't need to read your post again. Please don't assume that because I call your argument garbage that it means I didn't understand what you said; it means I understood you just fine, and still think you're wrong.

No one but you has suggested that John McCain is or might be "special" because he was a politician. He's special because he's admired and respected by a lot of people. You don't have to agree with them if you don't want to. But speaking ill of the dead is not going to change that, and it's incredibly low-class and boorish. He's gone. It's over. Let it go and move on.


One assumes he has some sort of emotional attachment to the Navy, given his family's history with it. One also assumes that the Naval Academy is conscious of his family background, his prominence as a 30+-year Senator, and the fact that most people in this country view him as a hero. However much people try to attack him and tear him down, the story - corroborated by other POWs and officially accepted by the Navy - of him refusing an offer to go home because other prisoners who had been taken earlier would remain reflects well on the Navy as a whole. Refusing his request to be buried there would do nothing but make them look bad.

From what you describe he did nothing that wasn't expected of everyone by the Military Code of Conduct. So I guess he's riding his dads coat tails back to the academy, just like he got in the first time.


There's a big difference between "everyone's expected to", and "everyone's able to". And it's very easy to dismiss and belittle the courage it takes to do the right thing against the threat of torture when you're sitting in comfort and safety.

Try reading post 120 again. I don't think politicians are special or should be treated any better than their bosses, in life or death.


I don't need to read your post again. Please don't assume that because I call your argument garbage that it means I didn't understand what you said; it means I understood you just fine, and still think you're wrong.

No one but you has suggested that John McCain is or might be "special" because he was a politician. He's special because he's admired and respected by a lot of people. You don't have to agree with them if you don't want to. But speaking ill of the dead is not going to change that, and it's incredibly low-class and boorish. He's gone. It's over. Let it go and move on.


Are you saying this full week dog and pony show would have happened if he weren't a politician? Get real. But I speak ill of all professional politicians, alive or dead. BTW, it won't be over till Sunday.

I just hope the media reports are right and Gov. Ducey appoints Cindy McCain to be his replacement the next 2 years.

Personally, I'd like to see Joseph Arpaio appointed to the position, now that he is out of the race for Flake's seat.
Sheriff Joe could hold a Representative's seat, but he lacks the class to sit in the Senate.

I really loved his ideas about desert prison camps and how hard he was on Illegal Aliens, but the Senate? No, I don't think so.
One assumes he has some sort of emotional attachment to the Navy, given his family's history with it. One also assumes that the Naval Academy is conscious of his family background, his prominence as a 30+-year Senator, and the fact that most people in this country view him as a hero. However much people try to attack him and tear him down, the story - corroborated by other POWs and officially accepted by the Navy - of him refusing an offer to go home because other prisoners who had been taken earlier would remain reflects well on the Navy as a whole. Refusing his request to be buried there would do nothing but make them look bad.

From what you describe he did nothing that wasn't expected of everyone by the Military Code of Conduct. So I guess he's riding his dads coat tails back to the academy, just like he got in the first time.


There's a big difference between "everyone's expected to", and "everyone's able to". And it's very easy to dismiss and belittle the courage it takes to do the right thing against the threat of torture when you're sitting in comfort and safety.

Try reading post 120 again. I don't think politicians are special or should be treated any better than their bosses, in life or death.


I don't need to read your post again. Please don't assume that because I call your argument garbage that it means I didn't understand what you said; it means I understood you just fine, and still think you're wrong.

No one but you has suggested that John McCain is or might be "special" because he was a politician. He's special because he's admired and respected by a lot of people. You don't have to agree with them if you don't want to. But speaking ill of the dead is not going to change that, and it's incredibly low-class and boorish. He's gone. It's over. Let it go and move on.


Are you saying this full week dog and pony show would have happened if he weren't a politician? Get real. But I speak ill of all professional politicians, alive or dead. BTW, it won't be over till Sunday.


No, he'd have probably gotten burial honors of some sort for being a Senator. All sitting Senators do. I'm very sorry if that's suddenly intolerable to you, but it's unlikely to change, so you should probably let THAT go, too.

He's getting the level of attention that he is because of his stature in the eyes of the public, though.
I just hope the media reports are right and Gov. Ducey appoints Cindy McCain to be his replacement the next 2 years.

Personally, I'd like to see Joseph Arpaio appointed to the position, now that he is out of the race for Flake's seat.
Sheriff Joe could hold a Representative's seat, but he lacks the class to sit in the Senate.

I really loved his ideas about desert prison camps and how hard he was on Illegal Aliens, but the Senate? No, I don't think so.

Not a chance in the world that the governor's going to appoint someone that controversial and divisive.
You understand that ANY U.S. citizen is "qualified" to be a Senator as long as they meet the age requirement?

Now with that said, Cindy McCain has a college degree and when her father died she took over his company Hensley & Co. which is the largest Anheuser Busch distributor in the ENTIRE U.S. She is more than qualified for the job.

There's a difference between being Constitutionally qualified to run for the office, and actually being a good choice for Senator, right? The governor should be far more interested in appointing someone who will be a good representative for the people of Arizona in the Senate than he is in making a sentimental visual appeal.

She has a college degree and ran a large company. She's more qualified than some of the idiots in Congress.
College degree means absolutely nothing. Most pro athletes have a college degree and can't speak English.

You left something out again. How convenient.
You could always fill it in. Is there an adult there to assist you?

Why fill it in? You will just ignore it again like you did by not listing it.

Just like you left the Bush's off your list of political families.
There's a difference between being Constitutionally qualified to run for the office, and actually being a good choice for Senator, right? The governor should be far more interested in appointing someone who will be a good representative for the people of Arizona in the Senate than he is in making a sentimental visual appeal.

She has a college degree and ran a large company. She's more qualified than some of the idiots in Congress.
College degree means absolutely nothing. Most pro athletes have a college degree and can't speak English.

You left something out again. How convenient.
You could always fill it in. Is there an adult there to assist you?

Why fill it in? You will just ignore it again like you did by not listing it.

Just like you left the Bush's off your list of political families.
There ya go. Now that wasn't so hard, was it.
From what you describe he did nothing that wasn't expected of everyone by the Military Code of Conduct. So I guess he's riding his dads coat tails back to the academy, just like he got in the first time.


There's a big difference between "everyone's expected to", and "everyone's able to". And it's very easy to dismiss and belittle the courage it takes to do the right thing against the threat of torture when you're sitting in comfort and safety.

Try reading post 120 again. I don't think politicians are special or should be treated any better than their bosses, in life or death.


I don't need to read your post again. Please don't assume that because I call your argument garbage that it means I didn't understand what you said; it means I understood you just fine, and still think you're wrong.

No one but you has suggested that John McCain is or might be "special" because he was a politician. He's special because he's admired and respected by a lot of people. You don't have to agree with them if you don't want to. But speaking ill of the dead is not going to change that, and it's incredibly low-class and boorish. He's gone. It's over. Let it go and move on.


Are you saying this full week dog and pony show would have happened if he weren't a politician? Get real. But I speak ill of all professional politicians, alive or dead. BTW, it won't be over till Sunday.


No, he'd have probably gotten burial honors of some sort for being a Senator. All sitting Senators do. I'm very sorry if that's suddenly intolerable to you, but it's unlikely to change, so you should probably let THAT go, too.

He's getting the level of attention that he is because of his stature in the eyes of the public, though.

You don't know my positions very well if you think this is a sudden turn. I've never been of the opinion that elected or appointed government officials should be addressed by their job titles, either while serving or after leaving office. They work for us, their job titles aren't part of their names any more than yours was ever part of your name. My mission is to get people to view our employees in that light, instead of some kind of nobility. McCain is just the latest example.

There's a big difference between "everyone's expected to", and "everyone's able to". And it's very easy to dismiss and belittle the courage it takes to do the right thing against the threat of torture when you're sitting in comfort and safety.

Try reading post 120 again. I don't think politicians are special or should be treated any better than their bosses, in life or death.


I don't need to read your post again. Please don't assume that because I call your argument garbage that it means I didn't understand what you said; it means I understood you just fine, and still think you're wrong.

No one but you has suggested that John McCain is or might be "special" because he was a politician. He's special because he's admired and respected by a lot of people. You don't have to agree with them if you don't want to. But speaking ill of the dead is not going to change that, and it's incredibly low-class and boorish. He's gone. It's over. Let it go and move on.


Are you saying this full week dog and pony show would have happened if he weren't a politician? Get real. But I speak ill of all professional politicians, alive or dead. BTW, it won't be over till Sunday.


No, he'd have probably gotten burial honors of some sort for being a Senator. All sitting Senators do. I'm very sorry if that's suddenly intolerable to you, but it's unlikely to change, so you should probably let THAT go, too.

He's getting the level of attention that he is because of his stature in the eyes of the public, though.

You don't know my positions very well if you think this is a sudden turn. I've never been of the opinion that elected or appointed government officials should be addressed by their job titles, either while serving or after leaving office. They work for us, their job titles aren't part of their names any more than yours was ever part of your name. My mission is to get people to view our employees in that light, instead of some kind of nobility. McCain is just the latest example.


Fine. You've been bitching and eating your liver out for years because people who are admired get burial honors. I really don't care. The fact still remains that public figures are never going to be buried like homeless people in Potter's Field. You might demand that we view them as unimportant, but most people don't, and I sincerely doubt that you're ever going to get any traction for convincing people.

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