Why did John McCain not resign as Congressman?

If anyone cares to research McCain, here is one starting point. The late Dolores Alfond whose brother was shot down in 1967 in Viet Nam represented a group that sought to recover the 1,600 MIAs in Viet Nam, pleaded with POS McCain for action. POS McCain storms out of the meeting like a butthurt douchebag.

When a Senator dies in office, it's traditional to appoint their spouse. This might be the case.

Don't think that will happen, she would have to divest herself of the family business.




Why is everyone on this site determined to prove themselves to be idiots?

Blind trusts are not "divesting"? Do you people need to be shown how to use a dictionary? You keep using words that mean something completely different than what you intend! Words have

You guys are no better than the libtards who cannot structure a sentence properly!

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser, a blind trust is giving up control of your assets.


That's not divesting, dumbass!

When some of you go back and get a high school level vocabulary, then we can ytalk semantics.
I can't help it if you are ignorant and assume all veterans get VA care.

I never said that. You're hallucinating.

Read your posts again. You seem to think retired veterans, which McCain was, would be covered by the VA which is not generally true.

But, was he not a disabled vet?

True, he was disabled, but that is irrelevant to the conversation.
Health insurance? I'm not a fan but the poor guy was dying so I cut him some slack on this.
I am sure all of them have golden parachute package as far as health insurance and other similar chit is concerned ... that covers their stay in the office ... and after (if ever) they leave the office.

Why is everyone on this site determined to prove themselves to be idiots?

Blind trusts are not "divesting"? Do you people need to be shown how to use a dictionary? You keep using words that mean something completely different than what you intend! Words have

You guys are no better than the libtards who cannot structure a sentence properly!

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser, a blind trust is giving up control of your assets.


That's not divesting, dumbass!

When some of you go back and get a high school level vocabulary, then we can ytalk semantics.

Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I'm not going to invest any energy over a stank assed squid that should have called it quits 10 years ago. And was too self centered to resign so the people he supposedly cared about would have full representation in DC. I also fail to understand why he's being buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington or Phoenix National Cemeteries. It's not like he did anything notable in the Navy.


Why is everyone on this site determined to prove themselves to be idiots?

Blind trusts are not "divesting"? Do you people need to be shown how to use a dictionary? You keep using words that mean something completely different than what you intend! Words have

You guys are no better than the libtards who cannot structure a sentence properly!

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser, a blind trust is giving up control of your assets.


That's not divesting, dumbass!

When some of you go back and get a high school level vocabulary, then we can ytalk semantics.

Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I'm not going to invest any energy over a stank assed squid that should have called it quits 10 years ago. And was too self centered to resign so the people he supposedly cared about would have full representation in DC. I also fail to understand why he's being buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington or Phoenix National Cemeteries. It's not like he did anything notable in the Navy.


I am sick and tired of idiots! If you do not know the proper definition of a word, then don't fucking use it! Especially don;t try to tell me two completely different words mean the same thing when they don't! Plus you should never don't talk shit when you are wrong! It's none of your damned business where he is buried. Now, how about that?

This stank-assed squid would like to know where you served your country, other than being an occasional dumbass with their panties in a wad!

Why is everyone on this site determined to prove themselves to be idiots?

Blind trusts are not "divesting"? Do you people need to be shown how to use a dictionary? You keep using words that mean something completely different than what you intend! Words have

You guys are no better than the libtards who cannot structure a sentence properly!

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser, a blind trust is giving up control of your assets.


That's not divesting, dumbass!

When some of you go back and get a high school level vocabulary, then we can ytalk semantics.

Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I'm not going to invest any energy over a stank assed squid that should have called it quits 10 years ago. And was too self centered to resign so the people he supposedly cared about would have full representation in DC. I also fail to understand why he's being buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington or Phoenix National Cemeteries. It's not like he did anything notable in the Navy.


I am sick and tired of idiots! If you do not know the proper definition of a word, then don't fucking use it! Especially don;t try to tell me two completely different words mean the same thing when they don't! Plus you should never don't talk shit when you are wrong! It's none of your damned business where he is buried. Now, how about that?

This stank-assed squid would like to know where you served your country, other than being an occasional dumbass with their panties in a wad!

Started out in Aug 1969 at Ft Polk, LA, ended in Jul 2000, Houston, TX. Was awarded the NDSM twice. How about you?


I just hope the media reports are right and Gov. Ducey appoints Cindy McCain to be his replacement the next 2 years.

Don't count on it. Massive amounts of voters are e-mailing as I write this, to proclaim they will NOT vote for his re-election if he does this. There is no such thing as a political seat in an inheritance. She is neither qualified, nor wanted. And one thing about a politician----------->if they smell THEIR blood in the water, they will make a non controversial choice, at least for their party-)

You understand that ANY U.S. citizen is "qualified" to be a Senator as long as they meet the age requirement?

Now with that said, Cindy McCain has a college degree and when her father died she took over his company Hensley & Co. which is the largest Anheuser Busch distributor in the ENTIRE U.S. She is more than qualified for the job.

There's a difference between being Constitutionally qualified to run for the office, and actually being a good choice for Senator, right? The governor should be far more interested in appointing someone who will be a good representative for the people of Arizona in the Senate than he is in making a sentimental visual appeal.

She has a college degree and ran a large company. She's more qualified than some of the idiots in Congress.
I just hope the media reports are right and Gov. Ducey appoints Cindy McCain to be his replacement the next 2 years.

Don't count on it. Massive amounts of voters are e-mailing as I write this, to proclaim they will NOT vote for his re-election if he does this. There is no such thing as a political seat in an inheritance. She is neither qualified, nor wanted. And one thing about a politician----------->if they smell THEIR blood in the water, they will make a non controversial choice, at least for their party-)

You understand that ANY U.S. citizen is "qualified" to be a Senator as long as they meet the age requirement?

Now with that said, Cindy McCain has a college degree and when her father died she took over his company Hensley & Co. which is the largest Anheuser Busch distributor in the ENTIRE U.S. She is more than qualified for the job.

There's a difference between being Constitutionally qualified to run for the office, and actually being a good choice for Senator, right? The governor should be far more interested in appointing someone who will be a good representative for the people of Arizona in the Senate than he is in making a sentimental visual appeal.

She has a college degree and ran a large company. She's more qualified than some of the idiots in Congress.
College degree means absolutely nothing. Most pro athletes have a college degree and can't speak English.
Why is everyone on this site determined to prove themselves to be idiots?

Blind trusts are not "divesting"? Do you people need to be shown how to use a dictionary? You keep using words that mean something completely different than what you intend! Words have

You guys are no better than the libtards who cannot structure a sentence properly!

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser, a blind trust is giving up control of your assets.


That's not divesting, dumbass!

When some of you go back and get a high school level vocabulary, then we can ytalk semantics.

Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I'm not going to invest any energy over a stank assed squid that should have called it quits 10 years ago. And was too self centered to resign so the people he supposedly cared about would have full representation in DC. I also fail to understand why he's being buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington or Phoenix National Cemeteries. It's not like he did anything notable in the Navy.


I am sick and tired of idiots! If you do not know the proper definition of a word, then don't fucking use it! Especially don;t try to tell me two completely different words mean the same thing when they don't! Plus you should never don't talk shit when you are wrong! It's none of your damned business where he is buried. Now, how about that?

This stank-assed squid would like to know where you served your country, other than being an occasional dumbass with their panties in a wad!

Started out in Aug 1969 at Ft Polk, LA, ended in Jul 2000, Houston, TX. Was awarded the NDSM twice. How about you?



Oh, wow! You received an "I was alive in '75" medal and another in the Gulf War? Just wow! I am impressed.

It figures you were a grunt! The only thing that comes close to being as dumb as a jarhead, without the fancy uniform.

I would bore you with my service record, so here is the condensed version. I went from E-3 to O-4 and deployed 4 times. I served on a sub, auxiliary, carrier, two cruisers and an amphib carrier. Alas you have me beaten on the NDSMs, I only had one, but I qualified in two warfare specialties, which almost no one in the Navy can say.
I just hope the media reports are right and Gov. Ducey appoints Cindy McCain to be his replacement the next 2 years.

Don't count on it. Massive amounts of voters are e-mailing as I write this, to proclaim they will NOT vote for his re-election if he does this. There is no such thing as a political seat in an inheritance. She is neither qualified, nor wanted. And one thing about a politician----------->if they smell THEIR blood in the water, they will make a non controversial choice, at least for their party-)

You understand that ANY U.S. citizen is "qualified" to be a Senator as long as they meet the age requirement?

Now with that said, Cindy McCain has a college degree and when her father died she took over his company Hensley & Co. which is the largest Anheuser Busch distributor in the ENTIRE U.S. She is more than qualified for the job.

There's a difference between being Constitutionally qualified to run for the office, and actually being a good choice for Senator, right? The governor should be far more interested in appointing someone who will be a good representative for the people of Arizona in the Senate than he is in making a sentimental visual appeal.

She has a college degree and ran a large company. She's more qualified than some of the idiots in Congress.
College degree means absolutely nothing. Most pro athletes have a college degree and can't speak English.

You left something out again. How convenient.

Why is everyone on this site determined to prove themselves to be idiots?

Blind trusts are not "divesting"? Do you people need to be shown how to use a dictionary? You keep using words that mean something completely different than what you intend! Words have

You guys are no better than the libtards who cannot structure a sentence properly!

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser, a blind trust is giving up control of your assets.


That's not divesting, dumbass!

When some of you go back and get a high school level vocabulary, then we can ytalk semantics.

Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I'm not going to invest any energy over a stank assed squid that should have called it quits 10 years ago. And was too self centered to resign so the people he supposedly cared about would have full representation in DC. I also fail to understand why he's being buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington or Phoenix National Cemeteries. It's not like he did anything notable in the Navy.


Are you asking why he chose that, or why they agreed to it?
I just hope the media reports are right and Gov. Ducey appoints Cindy McCain to be his replacement the next 2 years.

Don't count on it. Massive amounts of voters are e-mailing as I write this, to proclaim they will NOT vote for his re-election if he does this. There is no such thing as a political seat in an inheritance. She is neither qualified, nor wanted. And one thing about a politician----------->if they smell THEIR blood in the water, they will make a non controversial choice, at least for their party-)

You understand that ANY U.S. citizen is "qualified" to be a Senator as long as they meet the age requirement?

Now with that said, Cindy McCain has a college degree and when her father died she took over his company Hensley & Co. which is the largest Anheuser Busch distributor in the ENTIRE U.S. She is more than qualified for the job.

There's a difference between being Constitutionally qualified to run for the office, and actually being a good choice for Senator, right? The governor should be far more interested in appointing someone who will be a good representative for the people of Arizona in the Senate than he is in making a sentimental visual appeal.

She has a college degree and ran a large company. She's more qualified than some of the idiots in Congress.

Lots of people have college degrees. Hell, lots of the idiots you see rioting around the streets and spouting socialist nonsense have college degrees. That's not exactly the most impressive thing in the world.

As for "running a large company", she never did anything of the sort. When her father died, she and her kids inherited majority ownership of its stock, but the company is run by its CEO, which is not her. She has spent all her time on charity work and trailing after her husband.

Furthermore, the rationale behind appointing a deceased politician's spouse is that they are usually that politician's closest confidante on political matters, and therefore have the best idea of that politician's plans and goals. In this case, however, reports on Cindy McCain from her husband's previous campaigns have been that she had very little connection to the political side of his life at all, had to be talked into agreeing to his first run for President with promises that she wouldn't have to campaign for him if she didn't want to, and was viewed by his campaign staff as someone who was emotionally fragile and had to be protected.

Cindy McCain may or may not be a nice lady, I have no idea. She may have been a good wife, I couldn't say. I CAN say that I've lived in Arizona for over thirty years, and never once heard or saw anything about her that makes me think she's a viable Senatorial prospect, absent the sympathy vote.
Health insurance? I'm not a fan but the poor guy was dying so I cut him some slack on this.

I'm pretty sure that their health insurance is life long whether they retire or not.

Could be wrong though.

If it did expire, I'd be terrified with Obamacare as well.
He had socialized medicine, should he have been terrified of that?

No, he had health care through his employer, and also the ability to self-pay. The one thing he DIDN'T have is the socialized medicine twits like you want to force on the rest of us.
Don't count on it. Massive amounts of voters are e-mailing as I write this, to proclaim they will NOT vote for his re-election if he does this. There is no such thing as a political seat in an inheritance. She is neither qualified, nor wanted. And one thing about a politician----------->if they smell THEIR blood in the water, they will make a non controversial choice, at least for their party-)

You understand that ANY U.S. citizen is "qualified" to be a Senator as long as they meet the age requirement?

Now with that said, Cindy McCain has a college degree and when her father died she took over his company Hensley & Co. which is the largest Anheuser Busch distributor in the ENTIRE U.S. She is more than qualified for the job.

There's a difference between being Constitutionally qualified to run for the office, and actually being a good choice for Senator, right? The governor should be far more interested in appointing someone who will be a good representative for the people of Arizona in the Senate than he is in making a sentimental visual appeal.

She has a college degree and ran a large company. She's more qualified than some of the idiots in Congress.
College degree means absolutely nothing. Most pro athletes have a college degree and can't speak English.

You left something out again. How convenient.
You could always fill it in. Is there an adult there to assist you?
Semantics, the last bastion of a loser, a blind trust is giving up control of your assets.


That's not divesting, dumbass!

When some of you go back and get a high school level vocabulary, then we can ytalk semantics.

Who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I'm not going to invest any energy over a stank assed squid that should have called it quits 10 years ago. And was too self centered to resign so the people he supposedly cared about would have full representation in DC. I also fail to understand why he's being buried at the Naval Academy instead of Arlington or Phoenix National Cemeteries. It's not like he did anything notable in the Navy.


I am sick and tired of idiots! If you do not know the proper definition of a word, then don't fucking use it! Especially don;t try to tell me two completely different words mean the same thing when they don't! Plus you should never don't talk shit when you are wrong! It's none of your damned business where he is buried. Now, how about that?

This stank-assed squid would like to know where you served your country, other than being an occasional dumbass with their panties in a wad!

Started out in Aug 1969 at Ft Polk, LA, ended in Jul 2000, Houston, TX. Was awarded the NDSM twice. How about you?



Oh, wow! You received an "I was alive in '75" medal and another in the Gulf War? Just wow! I am impressed.

It figures you were a grunt! The only thing that comes close to being as dumb as a jarhead, without the fancy uniform.

I would bore you with my service record, so here is the condensed version. I went from E-3 to O-4 and deployed 4 times. I served on a sub, auxiliary, carrier, two cruisers and an amphib carrier. Alas you have me beaten on the NDSMs, I only had one, but I qualified in two warfare specialties, which almost no one in the Navy can say.

Wow, playing on a boat, I'm impressed. LMAO And as usual your assumptions are WRONG, I was never a grunt. But I'm not going to get into mine is bigger than yours bullshit. But we both did the same job at some point in our careers. So why don't you stop being a hypercritical asshole and just admit McCain was just another American that did his job, lived a long life and moved on naturally. He's no more deserving of all this hoopla than the guys that designed and built the American space program. Their fingerprints are on the moon, Mars and out in deep space, they are dying every day and no one knows except their family. That's just one example of the great things Americans do every day and are never recognized for, but be a politician and it's no holds barred and no cap on the expense, even though congress has a less than 20% job approval rating. I just don't get it.


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