Why did Nixon win 49 out of 50 states for re-election?

JoeBigot merely recaps some of what I said that, pretending that it is his own. Nixon was no conservative: price controls for heaven's sake, cozing up to the USSR and opening Red China. Yep, real conservative principles. JoeBigot simply tries to ignore the fact that Nixon used the Southern Strategy to break into the South in 1968http://www.rickandsusanna.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/800px-1968_electoral_map.png with Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida and then in 1972 with all of the South Redirect Notice

If JoeBigot thinks Nixon was solely a conservative, then JoeBigot can't interpret data competently.

Nixon was more conservative that Mittens...

probably more conservative than either of the Bush's.

But the fact is, he was the guy standing up for traditional values when the hippies wanted to turn the whole country into a big orgy....
Nixon was more conservative that Mittens...

probably more conservative than either of the Bush's.

I really don't see how you can say this. Remember that the Cold War was in full swing in those days, and conservatives did NOT play nice with the Soviets, and most especially did NOT recognize Communist China. And I would hardly call the EPA a conservative institution (Nixon didn't just sign the bill, either, in 1968 he ran a strongly "green" campaign). And Nixon did more than any other president except LBJ to promote racial equality, even as he opposed coercive school busing (which was a bad idea anyway). By the standards of his time, President Nixon was a liberal.

Now, Vice-President Nixon arguably, and Congressman Nixon certainly were conservatives. But not President Nixon.

But the fact is, he was the guy standing up for traditional values when the hippies wanted to turn the whole country into a big orgy....

He did nothing to stop the cultural revolution in play. I'm not sure any president had any authority to do so. It proceeded from its beginnings in the 1960s-70s to change the prevailing moral code, and is now almost finished doing so. I might agree that Nixon personally opposed those changes, but so did a lot of liberals of his generation.
if he was such a terrible president??

McGovern won his own state - if only Gore had been able to do that in 2000

My father voted a straight Democrat Ticket in every election of his life except that one.

He explained to me that he would rather have a smart crook in the White House than than an honest idiot.
JoeBigot merely recaps some of what I said that, pretending that it is his own. Nixon was no conservative: price controls for heaven's sake, cozing up to the USSR and opening Red China. Yep, real conservative principles. JoeBigot simply tries to ignore the fact that Nixon used the Southern Strategy to break into the South in 1968http://www.rickandsusanna.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/800px-1968_electoral_map.png with Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida and then in 1972 with all of the South Redirect Notice

If JoeBigot thinks Nixon was solely a conservative, then JoeBigot can't interpret data competently.

Nixon was more conservative that Mittens...

probably more conservative than either of the Bush's.

But the fact is, he was the guy standing up for traditional values when the hippies wanted to turn the whole country into a big orgy....

Good. You can admit when your interp is off. That is better analysis. Good for you.
Nixon was more conservative that Mittens...

probably more conservative than either of the Bush's.

I really don't see how you can say this. Remember that the Cold War was in full swing in those days, and conservatives did NOT play nice with the Soviets, and most especially did NOT recognize Communist China. And I would hardly call the EPA a conservative institution (Nixon didn't just sign the bill, either, in 1968 he ran a strongly "green" campaign). And Nixon did more than any other president except LBJ to promote racial equality, even as he opposed coercive school busing (which was a bad idea anyway). By the standards of his time, President Nixon was a liberal.

Now, Vice-President Nixon arguably, and Congressman Nixon certainly were conservatives. But not President Nixon.

But the fact is, he was the guy standing up for traditional values when the hippies wanted to turn the whole country into a big orgy....

He did nothing to stop the cultural revolution in play. I'm not sure any president had any authority to do so. It proceeded from its beginnings in the 1960s-70s to change the prevailing moral code, and is now almost finished doing so. I might agree that Nixon personally opposed those changes, but so did a lot of liberals of his generation.

A couple of points.

First, on Nixon's Cold War Policy. All he really did was take advantage of a growing rift between Beijing and Moscow on who the real Communists were. He didn't embrace communism, didn't tamp down on the military culture. He did end LBJ's mistake in Vietnam.

For the EPA, this wasn't really an issue that was in much contention. You had rivers catching on fire at that point, it wasn't like there was any real argument something needed to be done.

I do agree that Nixon had an advantage that current Republicans lack. He understood working people and their concerns. It's why my late father, union guy that he was, supported Nixon to the very end and even after he resigned. Compare that to Mittens, who lays people off so he can build a bigger mansion, you see where the GOP has real serious issues, and why you aren't going to ever see another 49 State Republican sweep no matter how bad the Democrats muck it up.

Final point- on the cultural revolution, I think he reflected the public's disgust with the changes that we've all kind of come to grudingly accept. On the other hand, there has been some pushback. Compare 1970's movies right after the Hayes Code was replaced with the MPAA rating system. You had explicite sex scenes in R movies that wouldn't ever get past the rating board today.

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