Why did Obama turn Iraq over to Al Qaeda?

Why did we stay in Iraq when it was apparent that there were no WMD's. War is a business these days and business is good. Iraq, the pot of gold for bush/cheney, halliburton, blackwater while Americans become poorer and poorer.

Every super power has sought to obtain the area known for the birth of the nation-state..
Far from leaving a "sovereign, stable and self-reliant" Iraq, Obama has succeeded in giving AQ what it had prior to the GWOT: State sponsorship.

What was the plan? Did Obama intend to leave Iraq for the Jihadists?

Did Obama intend to throw away and waste the sacrifices of our troops?

Obama's not stupid, so we know this wasn't a blunder. We have to ask, what was his intent?

Should we have made Iraq a commonwealth, like Puerto Rico?

And had ourselves some brand new citizens able to travel all through the US?

That's a bold plan, CF.

Remember how we totally abandoned Germany and Japan in 1946 and pulled out all our troops?

Because they never had a history of world wide aggression unlike Saddam and his world power bids..
Korea? It's our way of saying to China,"See this chip, I dare you to knock it off.".
Far from leaving a "sovereign, stable and self-reliant" Iraq, Obama has succeeded in giving AQ what it had prior to the GWOT: State sponsorship.

What was the plan? Did Obama intend to leave Iraq for the Jihadists?

Did Obama intend to throw away and waste the sacrifices of our troops?

Obama's not stupid, so we know this wasn't a blunder. We have to ask, what was his intent?

It was inevitable and didn't matter when we left. It was inevitable even if we didn't invade. Our invasion spend up the time line, but Muslims are good at killing each other. Shia and Sunni hate each other nearly as much as the Jews. Then you toss in the Kurds who the both Shia and Sunni Arabs hate you have a powder keg. It was a powder keg when Saddam was in power, but he was brutal and ruthless enough to suppress the Kurdish insurrection and Shia rebels.

Whether we invaded or not and it doesn't matter when we leave the country, this three prong war was bound to happen.

My bet is before the year is up Iraq slips into a full-blown civil war with both sides massacring the Kurds. Iran will get involved. Saudi Arabia and Egypt will make noise and eventually Turkey will invade the North stating they must to crush the Kurdish terrorist!

Think Syria but on a grand-scale.

I personally am looking forward to it. Another shit Muslim country massacring each other. All we need to do is sit back and enjoy the show. Hope our government doesn't get us involved!
Far from leaving a "sovereign, stable and self-reliant" Iraq, Obama has succeeded in giving AQ what it had prior to the GWOT: State sponsorship.

What was the plan? Did Obama intend to leave Iraq for the Jihadists?

Did Obama intend to throw away and waste the sacrifices of our troops?

Obama's not stupid, so we know this wasn't a blunder. We have to ask, what was his intent?

Up until today you always claimed that Obama was doing nothing more than carrying out Bush's Iraq exit strategy.

It's so odd that suddenly you're changing your tune.
The ongoing Civil War in Iraq is just one of the consequences of the Bush led invasion and occupation of Iraq.
I think it takes almost 2 decades of training before the Army entrusts a Commander with a division. Obama gave the ISF about 2 weeks before he turned the entire country over to them.

And then, like at Benghazi, he refused to give help when asked.

Again, I ask, why did Obama do that?

A couple of things.

Obama does not operate in a vacuum. He has all kinds of help in making decisions. So we must consider that whatever is happening is, as you say, thought out and is the will of Obama and company.

The why? Well in my opinion they want democracy to fail. If Iraq were to end up a success then it makes everything they smeared Bush with fall apart. So it is part of their plan, let Iraq fall.

And you read it on this thread. The left wing is saying that the Iraqis are too primitive to handle the responsibility of freedom. They are saying that the Iraqi people are like children that need discipline. Maybe now the extermination of the Kurds can begin again in earnest.
Far from leaving a "sovereign, stable and self-reliant" Iraq, Obama has succeeded in giving AQ what it had prior to the GWOT: State sponsorship.

What was the plan? Did Obama intend to leave Iraq for the Jihadists?

Did Obama intend to throw away and waste the sacrifices of our troops?

Obama's not stupid, so we know this wasn't a blunder. We have to ask, what was his intent?

Up until today you always claimed that Obama was doing nothing more than carrying out Bush's Iraq exit strategy.

It's so odd that suddenly you're changing your tune.

Obama fucked up, therefore Boooooooooooooooooosh!
Bush turned Iraq over to the insurgents the day the coalition invaded.
Far from leaving a "sovereign, stable and self-reliant" Iraq, Obama has succeeded in giving AQ what it had prior to the GWOT: State sponsorship.

What was the plan? Did Obama intend to leave Iraq for the Jihadists?

Did Obama intend to throw away and waste the sacrifices of our troops?

Obama's not stupid, so we know this wasn't a blunder. We have to ask, what was his intent?

Up until today you always claimed that Obama was doing nothing more than carrying out Bush's Iraq exit strategy.

It's so odd that suddenly you're changing your tune.

Obama fucked up, therefore Boooooooooooooooooosh!

Or FDR...
Why did Bush lie and invade Iraq thus making it unstable?Put the blame where its supposed to be.

Bush did not lie, you dumbfuck ! your fucking demorats were all in favor of going to Ifuckingraq and voted to do so and support a regime change.


Of course Bush and company lied their collective asses off for over a year to morph the anger we had over 9-11 into support for the invasion of Iraq. The majority of Democrats in Congress opposed giving President Bush the deciding power as well. Supporting regime change is much different than sending our kids to die and get maimed in an ill conceived war of choice.
Far from leaving a "sovereign, stable and self-reliant" Iraq, Obama has succeeded in giving AQ what it had prior to the GWOT: State sponsorship.

What was the plan? Did Obama intend to leave Iraq for the Jihadists?

Did Obama intend to throw away and waste the sacrifices of our troops?

Obama's not stupid, so we know this wasn't a blunder. We have to ask, what was his intent?

It was inevitable and didn't matter when we left. It was inevitable even if we didn't invade. Our invasion spend up the time line, but Muslims are good at killing each other. Shia and Sunni hate each other nearly as much as the Jews. Then you toss in the Kurds who the both Shia and Sunni Arabs hate you have a powder keg. It was a powder keg when Saddam was in power, but he was brutal and ruthless enough to suppress the Kurdish insurrection and Shia rebels.

Whether we invaded or not and it doesn't matter when we leave the country, this three prong war was bound to happen.

My bet is before the year is up Iraq slips into a full-blown civil war with both sides massacring the Kurds. Iran will get involved. Saudi Arabia and Egypt will make noise and eventually Turkey will invade the North stating they must to crush the Kurdish terrorist!

Think Syria but on a grand-scale.

I personally am looking forward to it. Another shit Muslim country massacring each other. All we need to do is sit back and enjoy the show. Hope our government doesn't get us involved!

If there are Kurds to be killed, don't discount Turkey becoming involved. This has the potential to reshape some borders for certain.
I think it takes almost 2 decades of training before the Army entrusts a Commander with a division. Obama gave the ISF about 2 weeks before he turned the entire country over to them.

And then, like at Benghazi, he refused to give help when asked.

Again, I ask, why did Obama do that?

Obama didn't turn Iraq over to Al Qaeda, you moron.

Their government has their own sovereignty now and if they lose their country to a band of losers, then it's their own failure.

George W. Bush and his retarded neo-con pals caused this mess. Everybody knows it except for the most retarded out there, who want us to believe that the guy who finally had the wisdom to leave there is the cause of that shithole going further down the drain.

It was your neo-con buddies who fucked this one up beyond all repair. Why did they DISBAND the Iraqi military contrary to the advice given them by Colin Powell? That's the real question.

Obama's hands are totally clean from Iraq, a war he was against all along.

The blood is on Republican hands, who totally lied us into that mess and then tried to lie some more about how it was going and who continue to lie to us today when they say it's still better over there than when Saddam was in charge.
I think it takes almost 2 decades of training before the Army entrusts a Commander with a division. Obama gave the ISF about 2 weeks before he turned the entire country over to them.

And then, like at Benghazi, he refused to give help when asked.

Again, I ask, why did Obama do that?

Obama didn't turn Iraq over to Al Qaeda, you moron.

Their government has their own sovereignty now and if they lose their country to a band of losers, then it's their own failure.

George W. Bush and his retarded neo-con pals caused this mess. Everybody knows it except for the most retarded out there, who want us to believe that the guy who finally had the wisdom to leave there is the cause of that shithole going further down the drain.

It was your neo-con buddies who fucked this one up beyond all repair. Why did they DISBAND the Iraqi military contrary to the advice given them by Colin Powell? That's the real question.

Obama's hands are totally clean from Iraq, a war he was against all along.

The blood is on Republican hands, who totally lied us into that mess and then tried to lie some more about how it was going and who continue to lie to us today when they say it's still better over there than when Saddam was in charge.

Obama fucked up, therefore Boooooooooooooooooosh!
We are seeing the natural outcome of the Bush Doctrine

The idea that we can drop a Democracy on a society based on inter-religious hatred and walk away was ludicrous.

The .......They will treat us as liberators
Never came to be

We are seeing the outcome we expected
Why did Bush lie and invade Iraq thus making it unstable?Put the blame where its supposed to be.

Bush did not lie, you dumbfuck ! your fucking demorats were all in favor of going to Ifuckingraq and voted to do so and support a regime change.


Of course Bush and company lied their collective asses off for over a year to morph the anger we had over 9-11 into support for the invasion of Iraq. The majority of Democrats in Congress opposed giving President Bush the deciding power as well. Supporting regime change is much different than sending our kids to die and get maimed in an ill conceived war of choice.

Oh knock it off... Bush cited the same evidence that those before him cited. Congress voted twice to invade Iraq. The reasons were multi-faceted, but not the least of them was to create a hedge against Iran, a known state sponsor of international terror.

And what do we have now? Iran poised to move in either directly or by proxy.
Far from leaving a "sovereign, stable and self-reliant" Iraq, Obama has succeeded in giving AQ what it had prior to the GWOT: State sponsorship.

What was the plan? Did Obama intend to leave Iraq for the Jihadists?

Did Obama intend to throw away and waste the sacrifices of our troops?

Obama's not stupid, so we know this wasn't a blunder. We have to ask, what was his intent?

They bought it for a reasonable price..they(Sunnis) seem to have the balls the Shiites do not..

Show me a time in the history of the area known as Iraq, that has ever had a long stable history....

Before the khans leveled it...
We are seeing the natural outcome of the Bush Doctrine

The idea that we can drop a Democracy on a society based on inter-religious hatred and walk away was ludicrous.

The .......They will treat us as liberators
Never came to be

We are seeing the outcome we expected

Obama fucked up, therefore Boooooooooooooooooosh!
Far from leaving a "sovereign, stable and self-reliant" Iraq, Obama has succeeded in giving AQ what it had prior to the GWOT: State sponsorship.

What was the plan? Did Obama intend to leave Iraq for the Jihadists?

Did Obama intend to throw away and waste the sacrifices of our troops?

Obama's not stupid, so we know this wasn't a blunder. We have to ask, what was his intent?

Should we have made Iraq a commonwealth, like Puerto Rico?

And had ourselves some brand new citizens able to travel all through the US?

That's a bold plan, CF.

Remember how we totally abandoned Germany and Japan in 1946 and pulled out all our troops?

Well no actually FDR and Truman installed fair occupations and helped restore civil order in those countries. So unlike the fucked up occupation of Iraq which created anarchy and sparked the ongoing civil war. Germans were fighting to get into the US sector of occupied Germany.

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