Why Did Rosenstein Want A Special Counsel Based on Debunked Dossier But Only IG For FBI EVIDENCE?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein appointed a Mueller and his liberal 'hit squad' to conduct a 'full body cavity search' of the President and his team in an effort to find ANYTHING with which they could take down the GOP Candidate / newly elected President.

The longer the witch hunt went on the more evidence was presented...showing how Obama's Cabinet Members / agency leads, and Democrats conspired, collaborated, and - not even a stretch to say it - committed TREASON, breaking protocol, rules, policy, and numerous laws to do so.

And the more this evidence of crimes grew the more defiant the DOJ / Rosenstein became and have refused to submit to calls for a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Investigators...even after the US IG's 1st several reports that exposed corruption and crimes within the FBI, even recommending the Deputy Director of the FBI for indictment - which the DOJ has REFUSED to do so far - and implicating the FBI Director in numerous crimes to include Perjury.

Now evidence has been exposed / released showing the Federal Bureau of Investigation infiltrated the GOP Candidates election campaign team, after already illegally acquiring FISA warrants (as spelled out in an earlier US IG report) to spy on the GOP candidate. this all is not just a crime - it is Watergate on Mega-Steroids....possibly the largest scandal in the history of the US!

In response to this new revelation, Rosenstein has finally caved and agreed to an investigation.....

....by the US IG!


AGAIN, based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein a RIGGED / STACKED Special Counsel team to conduct an investigation of a non-crime, none based on any existing evidence....

...yet now, as an even bigger criminal bombshell against the DNC / Democrats / investigators explodes Rosenstein STILL refuses to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate.

It is MORE than clear the Department of Justice is STILL corrupt and / or inept. All of the Department Heads should be fired, starting with Jeff Sessions, who has been a weak, useless paperweight since Day 1.

Rosenstein should also now be fired, as he has once again - and probably most obviously yet - has proven to be corrupt as hell, if not a card-carrying member of the 'Secret Society' that has been attempting this 'coup' on the President, now attempting to protect his co-conspirators.

Hopefully once she is confirmed as the new head of the CIA Gina Haspel will be taking many of these traitors into custody and giving them a personal tour of GITMO, giving them temporary lodging beside other traitors and enemies of this country!

Rosenstein: IG to look into FBI "infiltration" allegations
I wonder if AG Sessions is planning a sweep of the FBI or if he is too dirty himself to take decisive action?
Speaking of Special Counsels' where's that one on H. Clinton called for last July?
Rosenstein refuses to appoint any Special Counsel to investigate the exposed crimes perpetrated by the Left and their leaders....
This is looking like Watergate Part Deaux, on steroids....Tricky Dick ranks last against ''The Don''

No one threatened McConnel Ryan, he just let them know that the downfall of our democracy, is on their shoulders, and if they continue to turn a blind eye to all of Trump's abuses, they will be known to be the ones that allowed it to happen, by not doing their constitutional duty, to be the CHECK on the Executive branch....including the office of the presidency.
This is looking like Watergate Part Deaux, on steroids....Tricky Dick ranks last against ''The Don''

Watergate looks like a misdemeanor compared to the Deep-State, Obama administration, Obama Cabinet member, Obama Intel Agency Directors-led 'Secret Society' Conspiracy and Treason that has been exposed.

This is looking like Watergate Part Deaux, on steroids....Tricky Dick ranks last against ''The Don''

No one threatened McConnel Ryan, he just let them know that the downfall of our democracy, is on their shoulders, and if they continue to turn a blind eye to all of Trump's abuses, they will be known to be the ones that allowed it to happen, by not doing their constitutional duty, to be the CHECK on the Executive branch....including the office of the presidency.
Ewe know what Democrats are best at? Projection.
The only country Rod Rosenstein cares about is the one most responsible for 911

The only country Rod Rosenstein cares about is the one most responsible for 911

Please keep anti-Semitic comments that have nothing to do with the thread topic to only 1 (ONE).

Thank you.
I wonder if AG Sessions is planning a sweep of the FBI or if he is too dirty himself to take decisive action?

Rosenstein is to Sessions was Rove was to W.

Rosenstein is the boss of DOJ. Sessions is just a face to say YES MASTER to the real "authority" at DOJ....

Based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein appointed a Mueller and his liberal 'hit squad' to conduct a 'full body cavity search' of the President and his team in an effort to find ANYTHING with which they could take down the GOP Candidate / newly elected President.

The longer the witch hunt went on the more evidence was presented...showing how Obama's Cabinet Members / agency leads, and Democrats conspired, collaborated, and - not even a stretch to say it - committed TREASON, breaking protocol, rules, policy, and numerous laws to do so.

And the more this evidence of crimes grew the more defiant the DOJ / Rosenstein became and have refused to submit to calls for a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Investigators...even after the US IG's 1st several reports that exposed corruption and crimes within the FBI, even recommending the Deputy Director of the FBI for indictment - which the DOJ has REFUSED to do so far - and implicating the FBI Director in numerous crimes to include Perjury.

Now evidence has been exposed / released showing the Federal Bureau of Investigation infiltrated the GOP Candidates election campaign team, after already illegally acquiring FISA warrants (as spelled out in an earlier US IG report) to spy on the GOP candidate. this all is not just a crime - it is Watergate on Mega-Steroids....possibly the largest scandal in the history of the US!

In response to this new revelation, Rosenstein has finally caved and agreed to an investigation.....

....by the US IG!


AGAIN, based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein a RIGGED / STACKED Special Counsel team to conduct an investigation of a non-crime, none based on any existing evidence....

...yet now, as an even bigger criminal bombshell against the DNC / Democrats / investigators explodes Rosenstein STILL refuses to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate.

It is MORE than clear the Department of Justice is STILL corrupt and / or inept. All of the Department Heads should be fired, starting with Jeff Sessions, who has been a weak, useless paperweight since Day 1.

Rosenstein should also now be fired, as he has once again - and probably most obviously yet - has proven to be corrupt as hell, if not a card-carrying member of the 'Secret Society' that has been attempting this 'coup' on the President, now attempting to protect his co-conspirators.

Hopefully once she is confirmed as the new head of the CIA Gina Haspel will be taking many of these traitors into custody and giving them a personal tour of GITMO, giving them temporary lodging beside other traitors and enemies of this country!

Rosenstein: IG to look into FBI "infiltration" allegations
Mueller was appointed because Trump fired Comey. It was not based in any way on the Steele dossier.
Another day, another faux outrage and nothing-burger accusation intended to distract from the Orange Psychopath's many indiscretions.

And we'll be flushing this turd down the crapper by end of this week too.
And those on the left come here, spew out lies and hate, and offer nothing useful to their cause....
Based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein appointed a Mueller and his liberal 'hit squad' to conduct a 'full body cavity search' of the President and his team in an effort to find ANYTHING with which they could take down the GOP Candidate / newly elected President.

The longer the witch hunt went on the more evidence was presented...showing how Obama's Cabinet Members / agency leads, and Democrats conspired, collaborated, and - not even a stretch to say it - committed TREASON, breaking protocol, rules, policy, and numerous laws to do so.

And the more this evidence of crimes grew the more defiant the DOJ / Rosenstein became and have refused to submit to calls for a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Investigators...even after the US IG's 1st several reports that exposed corruption and crimes within the FBI, even recommending the Deputy Director of the FBI for indictment - which the DOJ has REFUSED to do so far - and implicating the FBI Director in numerous crimes to include Perjury.

Now evidence has been exposed / released showing the Federal Bureau of Investigation infiltrated the GOP Candidates election campaign team, after already illegally acquiring FISA warrants (as spelled out in an earlier US IG report) to spy on the GOP candidate. this all is not just a crime - it is Watergate on Mega-Steroids....possibly the largest scandal in the history of the US!

In response to this new revelation, Rosenstein has finally caved and agreed to an investigation.....

....by the US IG!


AGAIN, based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein a RIGGED / STACKED Special Counsel team to conduct an investigation of a non-crime, none based on any existing evidence....

...yet now, as an even bigger criminal bombshell against the DNC / Democrats / investigators explodes Rosenstein STILL refuses to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate.

It is MORE than clear the Department of Justice is STILL corrupt and / or inept. All of the Department Heads should be fired, starting with Jeff Sessions, who has been a weak, useless paperweight since Day 1.

Rosenstein should also now be fired, as he has once again - and probably most obviously yet - has proven to be corrupt as hell, if not a card-carrying member of the 'Secret Society' that has been attempting this 'coup' on the President, now attempting to protect his co-conspirators.

Hopefully once she is confirmed as the new head of the CIA Gina Haspel will be taking many of these traitors into custody and giving them a personal tour of GITMO, giving them temporary lodging beside other traitors and enemies of this country!

Rosenstein: IG to look into FBI "infiltration" allegations

The Russian investigation had nothing to do with the Dossier file that was hand delivered to John McCain and then passed onto James Comey circa late December 2016 or early January 2017--(after Trump won the election.) Comey has PUBLICLY repeatedy stated that. The DEVIN DUNES MEMO completely debunked itself as soon as it was put out. The last sentence of his memo states that the Russian investigation started in late July 2016, and the subject of attention was George Papalopodous who's name is mentioned no where in the Dossier file--:auiqs.jpg:

It all started here: Trump surrogates were being picked up in daily routine spying operations by several different foreign countries since 2015, and that intelligence was passed onto the FBI.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

So when McCain handed the Dossier file over to Comey, it was like Yeah we know. Comey started his investigation into Russian collusion in late July 2016, several months BEFORE the Dossier file ever showed up. And there are a lot of things in the Dossier file that have been confirmed.
US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier - CNNPolitics

Why did Rosenstein appoint Mueller as special investigator? Because Trump fired James Comey. Within less than one year Robert Mueller has accumulated 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, many of whom are now working with Mueller in plea deals, and another 90+ Federal Grand Jury criminal charges. All certain to produce more.

It didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice.


Then read a book to catch up. This book will go into Christopher Steele & the Dossier file.


very well written, easy to follow & hard to put to down.
Top seller on Amazon

Just hanging out on the political soap box opera's of FOX NEWS isn't doing anything for your I.Q level regarding this investigation.

For more on this board go to this link and scroll down to
Post # 56. Here you can watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another about all the money laundering.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

And more on this board.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.
Last edited:
Based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein appointed a Mueller and his liberal 'hit squad' to conduct a 'full body cavity search' of the President and his team in an effort to find ANYTHING with which they could take down the GOP Candidate / newly elected President.

The longer the witch hunt went on the more evidence was presented...showing how Obama's Cabinet Members / agency leads, and Democrats conspired, collaborated, and - not even a stretch to say it - committed TREASON, breaking protocol, rules, policy, and numerous laws to do so.

And the more this evidence of crimes grew the more defiant the DOJ / Rosenstein became and have refused to submit to calls for a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Investigators...even after the US IG's 1st several reports that exposed corruption and crimes within the FBI, even recommending the Deputy Director of the FBI for indictment - which the DOJ has REFUSED to do so far - and implicating the FBI Director in numerous crimes to include Perjury.

Now evidence has been exposed / released showing the Federal Bureau of Investigation infiltrated the GOP Candidates election campaign team, after already illegally acquiring FISA warrants (as spelled out in an earlier US IG report) to spy on the GOP candidate. this all is not just a crime - it is Watergate on Mega-Steroids....possibly the largest scandal in the history of the US!

In response to this new revelation, Rosenstein has finally caved and agreed to an investigation.....

....by the US IG!


AGAIN, based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein a RIGGED / STACKED Special Counsel team to conduct an investigation of a non-crime, none based on any existing evidence....

...yet now, as an even bigger criminal bombshell against the DNC / Democrats / investigators explodes Rosenstein STILL refuses to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate.

It is MORE than clear the Department of Justice is STILL corrupt and / or inept. All of the Department Heads should be fired, starting with Jeff Sessions, who has been a weak, useless paperweight since Day 1.

Rosenstein should also now be fired, as he has once again - and probably most obviously yet - has proven to be corrupt as hell, if not a card-carrying member of the 'Secret Society' that has been attempting this 'coup' on the President, now attempting to protect his co-conspirators.

Hopefully once she is confirmed as the new head of the CIA Gina Haspel will be taking many of these traitors into custody and giving them a personal tour of GITMO, giving them temporary lodging beside other traitors and enemies of this country!

Rosenstein: IG to look into FBI "infiltration" allegations
Mueller was appointed because Trump fired Comey. It was not based in any way on the Steele dossier.
Did Trump have a right as POTUS to fireComey?
Liar. Mueller was appointed because Trump fired Comey. It was not based in any way on the Steele dossier.
I would say Perjury, Leaking Classified, Conspiracy, and treason are good reasons to have fired him.

BTW, moron, the President of the United States has the constitutional and legal authority to fire anyone he wants. Just because you traitors didn't like it does not / did not make it a crime.....especially one that warranted investigating.
Based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein appointed a Mueller and his liberal 'hit squad' to conduct a 'full body cavity search' of the President and his team in an effort to find ANYTHING with which they could take down the GOP Candidate / newly elected President.

The longer the witch hunt went on the more evidence was presented...showing how Obama's Cabinet Members / agency leads, and Democrats conspired, collaborated, and - not even a stretch to say it - committed TREASON, breaking protocol, rules, policy, and numerous laws to do so.

And the more this evidence of crimes grew the more defiant the DOJ / Rosenstein became and have refused to submit to calls for a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the Investigators...even after the US IG's 1st several reports that exposed corruption and crimes within the FBI, even recommending the Deputy Director of the FBI for indictment - which the DOJ has REFUSED to do so far - and implicating the FBI Director in numerous crimes to include Perjury.

Now evidence has been exposed / released showing the Federal Bureau of Investigation infiltrated the GOP Candidates election campaign team, after already illegally acquiring FISA warrants (as spelled out in an earlier US IG report) to spy on the GOP candidate. this all is not just a crime - it is Watergate on Mega-Steroids....possibly the largest scandal in the history of the US!

In response to this new revelation, Rosenstein has finally caved and agreed to an investigation.....

....by the US IG!


AGAIN, based on an opposition-funded/acquired debunked propaganda report obtained from foreign spies and Russians Rosenstein a RIGGED / STACKED Special Counsel team to conduct an investigation of a non-crime, none based on any existing evidence....

...yet now, as an even bigger criminal bombshell against the DNC / Democrats / investigators explodes Rosenstein STILL refuses to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate.

It is MORE than clear the Department of Justice is STILL corrupt and / or inept. All of the Department Heads should be fired, starting with Jeff Sessions, who has been a weak, useless paperweight since Day 1.

Rosenstein should also now be fired, as he has once again - and probably most obviously yet - has proven to be corrupt as hell, if not a card-carrying member of the 'Secret Society' that has been attempting this 'coup' on the President, now attempting to protect his co-conspirators.

Hopefully once she is confirmed as the new head of the CIA Gina Haspel will be taking many of these traitors into custody and giving them a personal tour of GITMO, giving them temporary lodging beside other traitors and enemies of this country!

Rosenstein: IG to look into FBI "infiltration" allegations

The Russian investigation had nothing to do with the Dossier file that was hand delivered to John McCain and then passed onto James Comey circa late December 2016 or early January 2017--(after Trump won the election.) Comey has PUBLICLY repeatedy stated that. The DEVIN DUNES MEMO completely debunked itself as soon as it was put out. The last sentence of his memo states that the Russian investigation started in late July 2016, and the subject of attention was George Papalopodous who's name is mentioned no where in the Dossier file--:auiqs.jpg:

It all started here: Trump surrogates were being picked up in daily routine spying operations by several different foreign countries since 2015, and that intelligence was passed onto the FBI.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

So when McCain handed the Dossier file over to Comey, it was like Yeah we know. Comey started his investigation into Russian collusion in late July 2016, several months BEFORE the Dossier file ever showed up. And there are a lot of things in the Dossier file that have been confirmed.
US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier - CNNPolitics

Why did Rosenstein appoint Mueller as special investigator? Because Trump fired James Comey. Within less than one year Robert Mueller has accumulated 19 Federal Grand Jury indictments, many of whom are now working with Mueller in plea deals, and another 90+ Federal Grand Jury criminal charges. All certain to produce more.

It didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice.


Then read a book to catch up. This book will go into Christopher Steele & the Dossier file.


very well written, easy to follow & hard to put to down.
top seller on Amazon

Just hanging out on the political soap box opera's of FOX NEWS isn't doing anything for your I.Q level regarding this investigation.

For more on this board go to this link and scroll down to
Post # 56. Here you can watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another about all the money laundering.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

And more on this board.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.

The FBI admitted that there would have been no investigation without the Dossier.

Brennan, caught perjuring himself, said he never heard of it despite his briefing congress non it and insisting an investigation was needed.

The evidence is out - the Conspiracy revealed.

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