Why did Susan Rice send herself an email 15 minutes after Trumps inauguration saying the DOJ was doing everything by the book?

Think about it, over 60 million Americans will vote for a rapist hair smeller.
Liberals can only exist in hypocrisy.

Such deceitful pieces of trash.

Dimms, what would you say if Flynn did this?
When they caught Flynn talking to Kislyiak they should have kicked both of them out of the country.
WTF? That was Flynn's JOB to talk to his opposite number. Russia has hundreds of nuclear weapons and a leader who's thought to be a paranoid sociopath. We talk to people like that because if they don't hear a reassuring voice on occasion they think we're plotting against them....and that is something you don't want people with nukes to be thinking.

That wasn't Flynns job. That was GOING to be Flynns job.

There's a big difference. You aren't allowed to drive by yourself until you get your drivers license, and Flynn didn't get his license until January 20th.
Liberals, if you don’t admit there is a deep state and Trump and Flynn were victims of it, it will happen to you.

You are ok with authoritarianism just because you don’t like Trump?

Are you cool if we flip the script and Trump is authoritarian?

You are cool with that, right?
The implication that there was a widespread nefarious scheme to dishonestly harm Trump is pure conspiracy theory.
Remove that bolded/underlined word and I think that is the implication. It was NOT widespread. It appears to be true that a handful of people, including Obama, did some Watergate-level bullshit.

When they caught Flynn talking to Kislyiak they should have kicked both of them out of the country.
WTF? That was Flynn's JOB to talk to his opposite number. Russia has hundreds of nuclear weapons and a leader who's thought to be a paranoid sociopath. We talk to people like that because if they don't hear a reassuring voice on occasion they think we're plotting against them....and that is something you don't want people with nukes to be thinking.

That wasn't Flynns job. That was GOING to be Flynns job.

There's a big difference. You aren't allowed to drive by yourself until you get your drivers license, and Flynn didn't get his license until January 20th.
I would have no problem with them prosecuting for acting out of turn.

But, Flynn was neither prosecuted nor convicted of anything surrounding his conversation with Kislyiak. The FBI used its "lying to investigators" trump card to bully a confession out of him. In fact, he was CLEARED of any other wrongdoing.

I am surprised this hasn't been moved to Conspiracy Theories, like other expose's of Democrat perfidy.

How is it a conspiracy theory when I posted the email?

I know the point you are making.

The moderators can’t do it in good faith.

Even Coyote won’t do it.
The implication that there was a widespread nefarious scheme to dishonestly harm Trump is pure conspiracy theory.

Is that what the voices in your head are telling you?

Sorry buddy, but we don't all have voices in our heads like you do.
Well, the "voices" in my head seem to be matching the words my eyes are reading. You're dying on an indefensible hill.

I would have no problem with them prosecuting for acting out of turn.

But, Flynn was neither prosecuted nor convicted of anything surrounding his conversation with Kislyiak. The FBI used its "lying to investigators" trump card to bully a confession out of him. In fact, he was CLEARED of any other wrongdoing.
What world are you from. Flynn confessed to half a dozen crimes. That is NOT cleared of wrongdoing. That was prosecuratorial discretion to limit the number of felonies he was actually charged with.
The implication that there was a widespread nefarious scheme to dishonestly harm Trump is pure conspiracy theory.
Remove that bolded/underlined word and I think that is the implication. It was NOT widespread. It appears to be true that a handful of people, including Obama, did some Watergate-level bullshit.


Purely right wing conjecture.
Is that email in the OP, coupled with the new documents released on Flynn "pure right wing conjecture?"

I am neither a Republican nor a "conservative." I have no agenda here.

Stop telling me that my eyes are deceiving me.

I would have no problem with them prosecuting for acting out of turn.

But, Flynn was neither prosecuted nor convicted of anything surrounding his conversation with Kislyiak. The FBI used its "lying to investigators" trump card to bully a confession out of him. In fact, he was CLEARED of any other wrongdoing.
What world are you from. Flynn confessed to half a dozen crimes. That is NOT cleared of wrongdoing. That was prosecuratorial discretion to limit the number of felonies he was actually charged with.
Are you serious?

Please list the half-dozen crimes Flynn confessed to and link it.

Are you serious?

Please list the half-dozen crimes Flynn confessed to and link it.


Though he admitted to violating lobbying laws by failing to register as a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey for hundreds of thousands of dollars of consulting work, Flynn was not charged for those crimes and has attempted to receive leniency from the Mueller investigation by offering extensive cooperation. Two of his former business associates have now been indicted for their work on Turkey.

Flynn also told the FBI that he did not ask Kislyak to refrain from escalating tensions in response to steps taken by Barack Obama over Moscow's election meddling, which included expelling alleged Russian spies and closing two Russian diplomatic compounds in the U.S. Flynn later admitted that, acting on behalf of a senior member of Trump's transition team, he contacted Kislyak to ask that Russia show restraint.
Who sends themselves an email claiming they are going by the book..

Fucking pathetic.

Libs, if Flynn sent the email, would you have the same opinion?
I would have no problem with them prosecuting for acting out of turn.

But, Flynn was neither prosecuted nor convicted of anything surrounding his conversation with Kislyiak. The FBI used its "lying to investigators" trump card to bully a confession out of him. In fact, he was CLEARED of any other wrongdoing.
What world are you from. Flynn confessed to half a dozen crimes. That is NOT cleared of wrongdoing. That was prosecuratorial discretion to limit the number of felonies he was actually charged with.

Why did the Feds drop the case?

Was it this?

Liberals are such hypocritical pieces of trash.

How do you look your kids in the eyes?

Such shit.
Why did the Feds drop the case?

Was it this?

NOPE, same reason William Barr said that the Mueller report exonerated Trump. When Mueller said that it was the DOJ guidelines that prevented him from charging Trump. And that if he had evidence that exonerated Trump he would have said so.
I am surprised this hasn't been moved to Conspiracy Theories, like other expose's of Democrat perfidy.

How is it a conspiracy theory when I posted the email?

I know the point you are making.

The moderators can’t do it in good faith.

Even Coyote won’t do it.
The implication that there was a widespread nefarious scheme to dishonestly harm Trump is pure conspiracy theory.
Implication? It's quite obvious that there was a coordinated effort to harm Trump both before the election and after it! That effort involved Clinton, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Page, Strozk, Steele, Simpson and Barack Obama. I'm not implying that...I'm stating it as fact!
No career DOJ employee would have dropped the charges against Michael Flynn.

In fact, they couldn't find a career employee. A political appointee signed off on it.

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