Why Did the Biden’s Create Over 20 Shell Companies?

Laughing......so when I ask you for evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime, you start telling me what feels obvious to you, just before you switch the topic to Adam Schiff and Russia.

Yeah, if your claims had merit, you wouldn't have to run.

But hey......anything to ignore the *actual* evidence of very serious and very specific crimes by Trump.

Good luck with that!
I just listed the evidence against the Bidens...it's all there in the bank records and the shell company transactions. Testimony by former Biden business partners.

You're laughable. You think the Jack Smith "indictments" of Trump are actually based on criminal activity! Smith comes out with a new "indictment" every time something more comes out about what the Biden's have been doing! At this rate Smith with be coming out with new indictments weekly just to give CNN and MSNBC something to report on!
I just listed the evidence against the Bidens...it's all there in the bank records and the shell company transactions. Testimony by former Biden business partners.

You didn't list shit against Joe Biden.

You can't factually establish so much as a parking ticket. Which is why you keep changing the topic from Joe.....to the 'Bidens'. Or Adam Schiff. Or Russia. Or whatever else you can skitter to.

Try again. Show me the actual evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime.

***Mod Edit: Deleted last line. Topic is not about Trump.
Last edited by a moderator:
Right after you explain why Trump has 500 LLCs. If 20 are criminal, then 500 have to be absolutely diabolical. By your standards anyway.

After all, Trump's company has already been criminally convicted of fraud. The CFO, fraud. Trump's fixer, fraud. Trump university settled for fraud. The Trump Foundation settled for fraud. Trump himself is under more than a dozen indictments of fraud.

How many fraud convictions or indictments does Joe Biden have again?

Round up.
Trump had actual businesses, Skylar. When you have REAL businesses that produce products or provide actual services then you have LLCs! What businesses have the Biden's EVER had? Their LLC's had only one function and that was to hide the transfer of money from places like China to the Biden family bank accounts!
You didn't list shit against Joe Biden.

You can't factually establish so much as a parking ticket. Which is why you keep changing the topic from Joe.....to the 'Bidens'. Or Adam Schiff. Or Russia. Or whatever else you can skitter to.

Try again. Show me the actual evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime.

It will be a delightful distraction from the overwhelming and damning evidence against Trump for very serious criminal charges.
It's called influence peddling, Skylar. Something that's illegal even if the money is going to family members of a politician and not the politician themselves. The Biden family has taken in millions of dollars and nobody can seem to come up with an explanation of what all that money was paying for nor why the Biden's felt the need to set up all those shell companies to hide the transfer of funds!
500 of them? Care to back that up with evidence?

Remember, Trump's 'actual business' was criminally convicted of fraud. So we know they are shady as fuck. We know they lie. We know they keep false books. We know they commit crime.

The Trump Organization's CFO is actively in prison, as we speak, for fraud.

If 20 LLCs is criminal, then 500 LLCs from a company convicted of fraud is diabolical by your standards.

Why did Trump need 500 of them?
You know what's laughable, Skylar? You on the left have been going over Trump's business deals with a microscope for the better part of seven years and you've found nothing illegal but you "KNOW" that somehow it's "shady as fuck"!

At the same time you're here making excuses for the Bidens as their influence peddling is slowly but surely exposed.
It's called influence peddling, Skylar.

And where is the evidence that Joe Biden received a penny, Oldy? Show me the transfers.

And what policy did Joe 'influence'?
You've got jackshit. You keep equating any accusation you can imagine, backed by jackshit....with actual crimes, and actual evidence.

Y'all can't even agree on what you're actually accusing Joe of. First it was 'bribery', then it was 'extortion'. Then it 'money laundering'. Now its 'influence peddling'.

What will you make up next week? Who can say.

Compare that to Trump's indictment for dozens of federal felonies, with pages 9 through 43 of a 49 page indictment being an exhaustive list of specific evidence of specific crimes. Pictures, transcripts, text messages, recordings, testimony. A list of the classified docs seized in a raid of Trump's compound.

You've got nothing.

Something that's illegal even if the money is going to family members of a politician and not the politician themselves.

Laughing....you just conceded that Joe didn't receive a fucking penny.

Thank you for proving my point.
You know what's laughable, Skylar? You on the left have been going over Trump's business deals with a microscope for the better part of seven years and you've found nothing illegal but you "KNOW" that somehow it's "shady as fuck"!

Nothing illegal? His company was criminally convicted of fraud. He's under dozens more indictments for fraud.

The company that was to fund Truth Social is charged with fraud. Trump's fixer went to jail for fraud. Trump's CFO is in prison now for fraud.Trump's campaign manager went to jail for fraud.

How many indictments is Biden under again? Ballpark it for us.

At the same time you're here making excuses for the Bidens as their influence peddling is slowly but surely exposed.

So now your argument is based on imagined FUTURE evidence of crimes that you don't actually have. But you can certainly make up.

And your ilk wonders why your record is court is one of comic, inept failure.
And where is the evidence that Joe Biden received a penny, Oldy? Show me the transfers.

And what policy did Joe 'influence'?
You've got jackshit. You keep equating any accusation you can imagine, backed by jackshit....with actual crimes, and actual evidence.

Y'all can't even agree on what you're actually accusing Joe of. First it was 'bribery', then it was 'extortion'. Then it 'money laundering'. Now its 'influence peddling'.

What will you make up next week? Who can say.

Compare that to Trump's indictment for dozens of federal felonies, with pages 9 through 43 of a 49 page indictment being an exhaustive list of specific evidence of specific crimes. Pictures, transcripts, text messages, recordings, testimony. A list of the classified docs seized in a raid of Trump's compound.

You've got nothing.

Laughing....you just conceded that Joe didn't receive a fucking penny.

Thank you for proving my point.
I simply pointed out that Joe doesn't HAVE to receive a penny to still be guilty of influence peddling if members of his family ARE! That being said...I think the Biden's are stupid enough that we'll find that some of that money WAS funneled through to Joe! He's always been an idiot. Why would he be smart now?
I simply pointed out that Joe doesn't HAVE to receive a penny to still be guilty of influence peddling if members of his family ARE! That being said...I think the Biden's are stupid enough that we'll find that some of that money WAS funneled through to Joe! He's always been an idiot. Why would he be smart now?

You're giving us yet more sniveling excuses for why you've got jackshit of Joe Biden committing any crime.

So much for 'judgment day', eh buddy?
Nothing illegal? His company was criminally convicted of fraud. He's under dozens more indictments for fraud.

The company that was to fund Truth Social is charged with fraud. Trump's fixer went to jail for fraud. Trump's CFO is in prison now for fraud.Trump's campaign manager went to jail for fraud.

How many indictments is Biden under again? Ballpark it for us.

So now your argument is based on imagined FUTURE evidence of crimes that you don't actually have. But you can certainly make up.

And your ilk wonders why your record is court is one of comic, inept failure.
Did you want to admit that Trump has very good reasons to have 500 LLC's, Skylar? When you have 500 different businesses it pretty much goes hand in hand.

So what reason did the Biden's have to have those 20? None of them are REAL businesses that create products or provide actual services! They're the epitome of shell companies set up to hide where money is coming from!
That's no where near 500.

Trump's company is a proven and convicted criminally for fraud. So we know they lie, they cheat, they make fake books, they commit crimes.

Trump himself is currently under indictment for dozens of charges for fraud.

Why would Trump need 500 LLCs when he doesn't have anywhere near that number of businesses?
"The President-elect oversees a vast real-estate empire with gleaming outposts around the globe, as well as lucrative business ties to key geopolitical allies and adversaries. Based on the financial disclosure report he filed last year, Trump appears to own or control more than 500 businesses in some two-dozen countries around the world." That's from the TIME article, Skylar! You obviously didn't read it!
Did you want to admit that Trump has very good reasons to have 500 LLC's, Skylar?
Laughing....so much for your claims that the investigations of Trump found nothing illegal.

You had to change the topic again.

Just like you do when I ask you to show me the evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime.

Your feelings aren't gonna cut it. Nor is your willful ignorance going to save Trump.

When you have 500 different businesses it pretty much goes hand in hand.

They're counting the LLCs, Old.

You're literally arguing that Trump's 500 LLCs are legitimate because he's got 500 LLCs.

Well then the 20 LLCs are legitimate because there are 20 of them.

Problem solved
"The President-elect oversees a vast real-estate empire with gleaming outposts around the globe, as well as lucrative business ties to key geopolitical allies and adversaries. Based on the financial disclosure report he filed last year, Trump appears to own or control more than 500 businesses in some two-dozen countries around the world." That's from the TIME article, Skylar! You obviously didn't read it!

They're counting the LCCs. Old.

You're literally arguing that the fraudulent Trump Organization's 500 LLCs can't be fraudulent.....because there are 500 of them.

Welp, then per your own reasoning, the 20 LLCs can't be fraudulent because there are 20 of them.
You're giving us yet more sniveling excuses for why you've got jackshit of Joe Biden committing any crime.

So much for 'judgment day', eh buddy?
I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm as this unwinds, Skylar. Just wait until they start investigating Hunter for being an unregistered foreign agent! That was what his lawyers were trying so desperately to get him immunity to protect him from. Now his ass is hanging in the breeze.
I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm as this unwinds, Skylar.

Laughing.....is this the part where you imagine 'future evidence' that you don't have, but can certainly make up?

Its fun to watch you now, your argument devolved into imagination. Literally you playing pretend.

And your ilk wonder why they lose so consistently in court.

Hey, maybe you can imagine Trump out of his 72 felony indictments.
Laughing....so much for your claims that the investigations of Trump found nothing illegal.

You had to change the topic again.

Just like you do when I ask you to show me the evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime.

Your feelings aren't gonna cut it. Nor is your willful ignorance going to save Trump.

They're counting the LLCs, Old.

You're literally arguing that Trump's 500 LLCs are legitimate because he's got 500 LLCs.

Well then the 20 LLCs are legitimate because there are 20 of them.

Problem solved
You're the one that kept bringing up Trump's 500 LLCs, Skylar! I simply pointed out that if you have 500 companies (which TIME's research says Trump had!) then it's perfectly normal to have 500 LLC's! Now you accuse me of changing the topic? That's laughable.
You're the one that kept bringing up Trump's 500 LLCs, Skylar! I simply pointed out that if you have 500 companies (which TIME's research says Trump had!) then it's perfectly normal to have 500 LLC's! Now you accuse me of changing the topic? That's laughable.

And you're literally insisting that the 500 LLCs of the fraudulent Trump Organization are legitimate because there are 500 LLCs.

Pure, circular nonsense. But lets run with it.

Then the 20 LLCs are legitimate because there are 20 LLCs.

That was easy.
They're counting the LCCs. Old.

You're literally arguing that the fraudulent Trump Organization's 500 LLCs can't be fraudulent.....because there are 500 of them.

Welp, then per your own reasoning, the 20 LLCs can't be fraudulent because there are 20 of them.
There is a reason for Trump's 500 LLC's! Each of them would have been set up when a new business venture was begun. The difference between the Trump LLC's and the Biden LLC's is that the Trump LLC's are for REAL businesses that created products or provided services...whereas the Biden LLC's are for shell companies none of which have ever done any REAL business! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
And you're literally insisting that the 500 LLCs of the fraudulent Trump Organization are legitimate because there are 500 LLCs.

Pure, circular nonsense. But lets run with it.

Then the 20 LLCs are legitimate because there are 20 LLCs.

That was easy.
It's perfectly logical for 500 businesses to be set up with 500 LLC's. That's how most new businesses are structured.
What's NOT logical is for someone to create 20 LLC's for 20 businesses that never did any business at all! All that the Biden shell companies did was transfer money and hide it's origin. They never produced a single product or provided any services. Why do you think those bank transactions were red flagged?
I don't believe the eye gouged out claim. The heart attacks were the result of being too fat and out of shape. The cops were mostly the ones using the bear spray.

Like I said, the rioters did not cause any serious injuries. You certainly haven't proven they did.

You're insane, fucking moron. They almost killed one of the cops, who suffered a minor heart attack, brain trauma & fell unconscious...


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