Why Did the Biden’s Create Over 20 Shell Companies?

Recent estimates are that as much as $100 million flowed through the accounts. I'm starting to wonder if other Dem politicians were involved.
So no evidence then
Recent Bullshit has an amount of $100m and I say if that bullshit keeps going it could go as far as $200m...

Lets not mention that the IRS might flag this...
And Trump's insurrection was aimed at stopping the peaceful transfer of power between your blob and President-Elect Biden. Your comparison to a Target getting looted and the overthrow of a legitimately elected President is lame. And you smell bad.
I guess you could call Joe Biden "legitimately elected" if you ignored how higher ups in the DOJ conspired with the Main Stream Media to lie to the American people about the Biden Crime Family, Candy! Call it what you want to but there is a palpable stench to that election.

You think the BLM riots that destroyed billions of dollars of property and killed dozens was nothing more than a "Target being looted"? Cities across the US were turned into veritable war zones by BLM and Antifa. What happened at the Capital on Jan. 6th was NOT an "insurrection" it was a protest that turned violent because security at the Capital was handled so poorly! People were hurt because those protesters wanted to get INTO the Capital to stop what they viewed as a stolen election. They didn't hurt ANYONE inside of the Capital building despite the narrative painted by the left that they wanted to hurt members of Congress. That was always bullshit. The only person hurt inside of that building on that day was an unarmed female protester that was shot at point blank range by a Capital Police officer.
I guess you could call Joe Biden "legitimately elected" if you ignored how higher ups in the DOJ conspired with the Main Stream Media to lie to the American people about the Biden Crime Family, Candy! Call it what you want to but there is a palpable stench to that election.

You think the BLM riots that destroyed billions of dollars of property and killed dozens was nothing more than a "Target being looted"? Cities across the US were turned into veritable war zones by BLM and Antifa. What happened at the Capital on Jan. 6th was NOT an "insurrection" it was a protest that turned violent because security at the Capital was handled so poorly! People were hurt because those protesters wanted to get INTO the Capital to stop what they viewed as a stolen election. They didn't hurt ANYONE inside of the Capital building despite the narrative painted by the left that they wanted to hurt members of Congress. That was always bullshit. The only person hurt inside of that building on that day was an unarmed female protester that was shot at point blank range by a Capital Police officer.
Silly conspiracy theories is all you have.
Silly conspiracy theories is all you have.
Higher ups at the DOJ didn't conspire with the Main Stream Media to hide the Hunter Biden influence peddling scandal from the American people? Really, Candy? That's not a conspiracy theory...that's simply the way it happened.
What was their purpose?
What service was provided in return for the money?
Me thinks Deep State is tired of Joe.

The Biden family opened more than 20 shell companies to hide payments and launder money, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) said Sunday.
After reviewing Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) at the Treasury and subpoenaing banks and individuals, Comer posted on Twitter that the Biden family created more than 20 entities to accept, forward, and collect payment from a wide range of business associates.

"We found all these shell companies that make absolutely no sense," Comer told Fox News. "I don't believe they have paid a penny of revenue, a penny of taxes on most of the millions of dollars they received from our adversaries around the world."


"How did they list this on their taxes?" Comer questioned. "Is it a service they provided?"

Why did Trump create over 300?
I'll bet you think the Bidens taking in all those millions and providing zero in goods or services in return is plausible too? And that they created all of those shell companies to run those payments through for a reason that's not to hide what they were doing? Just how naive are you, Candy?
Why did Trump create over 300?
Because he’s a business man who earns every penny from his own companies and not someone who’s spent his entire life working for the government with zero accomplishments and yet is worth tens of millions.

That is why.
trump is a life long international business man so it makes sense he has several companies,,

biden is a life long politician and it makes no sense he would have any companies,,,

and isnt there a law that forbids politicians from over seeing a company??

Oh? How many shell companies are Joe's name on?
I guess you could call Joe Biden "legitimately elected" if you ignored how higher ups in the DOJ conspired with the Main Stream Media to lie to the American people about the Biden Crime Family, Candy! Call it what you want to but there is a palpable stench to that election.

You think the BLM riots that destroyed billions of dollars of property and killed dozens was nothing more than a "Target being looted"? Cities across the US were turned into veritable war zones by BLM and Antifa. What happened at the Capital on Jan. 6th was NOT an "insurrection" it was a protest that turned violent because security at the Capital was handled so poorly! People were hurt because those protesters wanted to get INTO the Capital to stop what they viewed as a stolen election. They didn't hurt ANYONE inside of the Capital building despite the narrative painted by the left that they wanted to hurt members of Congress. That was always bullshit. The only person hurt inside of that building on that day was an unarmed female protester that was shot at point blank range by a Capital Police officer.

Oh? The DoJ delegitimizes a presidency?
Oh? The DoJ delegitimizes a presidency?
Quite frankly, Faun? I can't think of a DOJ in my life time that has done more to delegitimize the Administration they're a part of than the Merrick Garland DOJ! The fact that Garland STILL hasn't appointed a Special Counsel to investigate the Biden family's foreign business dealings is appalling!
Quite frankly, Faun? I can't think of a DOJ in my life time that has done more to delegitimize the Administration they're a part of than the Merrick Garland DOJ! The fact that Garland STILL hasn't appointed a Special Counsel to investigate the Biden family's foreign business dealings is appalling!

That didn't answer my question. Yes or no, the DoJ delegitimizes a presidency?
The number of legitimate businesses for the Biden Crime Family's 20 shell LLCs listed so far by board Dimwingers: ZERO.
It did answer your question, Faun. It's just an answer you don't want to hear.

Just how dead is your brain? No, it didn't. You complained about 51 former DoJ officials delegitimizing Biden's presidency. Garland wasn't the Attorney General then.

So yes or no, the DoJ delegitimizes a presidency?

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