Why did the press not mention this incident?

The cops are to blame not your loss of being able to read every news outlet stories across the nation. The cops have been killing people of all ages and all races....The reason for the protest and riots is the fact that the information is suppressed and hidden by the very people that claim to serve and protect citizens...

The reason for the protest has nothing do with cops or a dead black guy. This about overthrowing capitalism to communism and moving to a new world order. Race is the tactic that's being used to advance this agenda. It's despicable and appalling as once again libs are using blacks to advance their agenda.
Oh right, the Marxist are going to overthrow state capitalism for more state capitalism.....Sometimes yous guys just rinse and repeat the same shit.

You'd better learn to discern quickly. It's upon us.
Some time ago, a carbon copy George Floyd incident occurred, yet no one in the press or society flinched.

Your point is why Floyd and not Williams. The answer is right in your citation.

Williams' death drew little attention. Police released just part of the video from one of the body cameras; no bystander videos emerged. A single rally for Williams last fall drew about two dozen people. No charges have been filed against officers connected to the case.

The only video of the event was the selective release from the police body cams.

Floyd was caught on half a dozen bystander videos.
Some time ago, a carbon copy George Floyd incident occurred, yet no one in the press or society flinched.

Your point is why Floyd and not Williams. The answer is right in your citation.

Williams' death drew little attention. Police released just part of the video from one of the body cameras; no bystander videos emerged. A single rally for Williams last fall drew about two dozen people. No charges have been filed against officers connected to the case.

The only video of the event was the selective release from the police body cams.

Floyd was caught on half a dozen bystander videos.
The difference is the cops in the Williams video didn't do anything to contribute to his death.
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Some time ago, a carbon copy George Floyd incident occurred, yet no one in the press or society flinched.

Why? Because it was not an election year. It is the same reason that democrat Mayors of these democrat controlled cities are not held accountable for the racism within their own police departments even though they are the only ones that have real power to effect change in them. It's why black business owners have their buildings vandalized and possessions looted instead. It's why BLM gets up in the faces of often times innocent white people who may have never uttered a racist word as they blame them for the assumption that those they descended from were slave owners.

It's Orange man's fault, whitey, the GOP, and police, even though police departments have been integrated with black policemen known as traitors or Uncle Tom's in the press and on the Left. All you need to know is that the rainbow of racism consists of the colors Orange, Blue, and white.

Why? Cuz the average voter is retarded and believes the Left wing press, academia, and political figures.

And somewhere in a dark room in an undisclosed area, I'm sure they have a team of scientists validating all their talking points with Justice Kavenaugh and Roberts arguing how it is all Constitutional as well.

Dear Votto
I also am criticizing fellow Democrats for not standing up for Black rights and history
when citizens oppressed and censored were fighting LEGALLY without violence or any violations of law.

However, only when there is violence or oppression "they can blame on Republican opponents"
then they support those cries for justice.

This is rewarding violence and lawbreaking.

What about the citizens who didn't break laws but had their rights
violated by Democrat leaders and corporate developers that broke
laws to abuse taxpayer dollars to destroy communities that had rights
to defend and preserve their liberty and property. Because they
didn't commit any crimes! Only the govt did, but Democrats went along
with that for political gain and not losing financial backing of corporate interests.


I'm asking Democrats and BLM supporters to invest in
buying out Freedmen's Town for Black leadership and ownership
emancipated from govt systems that the BLM complains is biased against Blacks.

But look at the response from IM2 :
refusing to help because of FEAR of Republican agenda?

I'm beginning to think the worst barriers are more from
MALE GENDER BIAS against other men or groups.
And only if the MEN unite across these groups or race barriers
then will more get changed. Freedmen's Town was built when
the Black leaders worked WITH White Christians instead of
demonizing the economic approach to building without depending
on govt. Switching to relying on govt is what allowed greater and
greater abuse to take over the property and rights of the community,
take the land and destroy the history. So the liberal agenda to keep
Black voters "dependent" on party and govt is part of the genocide.

Emily you're a lying bitch. I gave you countless suggestion and in a town with 61,000 black businesses, hall of fame black athletes, local activists and millions of black citizens, your being here launching this bullshit disingenuous attack on a man living a thousand miles away from Houston shows me why nobody wants to help you.

Why is it that you can't get members from the Houston Rockets to help you? Why is it that you can't get Clyde Drexler a Houston native born and bred to help you? I saw Steven Jackson on TV why can't you get him to help you? Certainly these men know about freedmans town. But you haven't put forth any effort to get them. You just want to sit on your asian ass spewing bullshit about black democrats to these racists.

I checked the history of Houston in regard to freedmans town. Whites from both parties have been the problem. You got James Harden and Westbrook, Deshaun Watson, Akeem Olajuwon and a host of famous black people there you have yet to contact. So don't sit on your lying ass behind a computer attacking me. I do work in my hometown and I am not asking you to come a thousand miles to help me then blame you for not jumping in on an idea in a place you don't live. Let this be the last time you do this or I will be reporting you to moderators for harassment. I don't live in Houston and there are black landmarks here where I grew up to preserve.
Some time ago, a carbon copy George Floyd incident occurred, yet no one in the press or society flinched.

Why? Because it was not an election year. It is the same reason that democrat Mayors of these democrat controlled cities are not held accountable for the racism within their own police departments even though they are the only ones that have real power to effect change in them. It's why black business owners have their buildings vandalized and possessions looted instead. It's why BLM gets up in the faces of often times innocent white people who may have never uttered a racist word as they blame them for the assumption that those they descended from were slave owners.

It's Orange man's fault, whitey, the GOP, and police, even though police departments have been integrated with black policemen known as traitors or Uncle Tom's in the press and on the Left. All you need to know is that the rainbow of racism consists of the colors Orange, Blue, and white.

Why? Cuz the average voter is retarded and believes the Left wing press, academia, and political figures.

And somewhere in a dark room in an undisclosed area, I'm sure they have a team of scientists validating all their talking points with Justice Kavenaugh and Roberts arguing how it is all Constitutional as well.

Because the press is at war with America.

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