Why Did The South Secede?

PC's blathering reveals she has little clue to anything outside of her extremely limited view of reality.

they would have loved little miss Saigon in the south during the civil war :ack-1:

Sheeet! They wouldna let her in or live in the area..back then they was either hung or run outta town...

Exactly the response one would expect from a low-life when I prove to be correct.
A low life, I worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty...Do you suppose I could buy back my introduction to you?

I see you can't even discuss history without infusing your contempt for the current president, which is most disingenuous to your premise...

"...you can't even discuss history without....blah blah blah..."

What an excellent time for a teachable moment.

As you Liberals are limited in education, you may not know of the American philosopher George Santayana, who wrote (in The Life of Reason, 1905): “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

So we have you, and (most merciful) Barack Obama who failed to understand the provenance of the Civil War.....and cause woe as a result.

To put it another way.....why do you suppose those of us with an education study the past at all???
Well obviously to lie about the past, since your "education" is obviously very limited.

Another quote from Santayana that the better educated are aware of:
"History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there."

And a better quote from the author you love most to lie about.

If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.
George Bernard Shaw

Y'know what I love about the dunces who are so infuriated about my incontestable OPs.....

....they pour out all sorts of vituperation about me....

....not realizing that I am my favorite subject!

Hey...still sporting a quote from the socialist who supported genocide....great!
Do I have your lies down pat before you even spew them?
Why yes, yes I do.

As you well know, the SHAVIAN eugenics you call genocide, an honest person calls women choosing who they mate with. But that is just your lack of education showing.
PC's blathering reveals she has little clue to anything outside of her extremely limited view of reality.

they would have loved little miss Saigon in the south during the civil war :ack-1:

Sheeet! They wouldna let her in or live in the area..back then they was either hung or run outta town...

Exactly the response one would expect from a low-life when I prove to be correct.
A low life, I worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty...Do you suppose I could buy back my introduction to you?


I have a mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.
Read more at Groucho Marx Quotes QuoteAuthors.com
I see you can't even discuss history without infusing your contempt for the current president, which is most disingenuous to your premise...

"...you can't even discuss history without....blah blah blah..."

What an excellent time for a teachable moment.

As you Liberals are limited in education, you may not know of the American philosopher George Santayana, who wrote (in The Life of Reason, 1905): “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

So we have you, and (most merciful) Barack Obama who failed to understand the provenance of the Civil War.....and cause woe as a result.

To put it another way.....why do you suppose those of us with an education study the past at all???
Well obviously to lie about the past, since your "education" is obviously very limited.

Another quote from Santayana that the better educated are aware of:
"History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there."

And a better quote from the author you love most to lie about.

If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.
George Bernard Shaw

Y'know what I love about the dunces who are so infuriated about my incontestable OPs.....

....they pour out all sorts of vituperation about me....

....not realizing that I am my favorite subject!

Hey...still sporting a quote from the socialist who supported genocide....great!
Do I have your lies down pat before you even spew them?
Why yes, yes I do.

As you well know, the SHAVIAN eugenics you call genocide, an honest person calls women choosing who they mate with. But that is just your lack of education showing.

PC's blathering reveals she has little clue to anything outside of her extremely limited view of reality.

they would have loved little miss Saigon in the south during the civil war :ack-1:

Sheeet! They wouldna let her in or live in the area..back then they was either hung or run outta town...

Exactly the response one would expect from a low-life when I prove to be correct.
A low life, I worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty...Do you suppose I could buy back my introduction to you?


I have a mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.
Read more at Groucho Marx Quotes QuoteAuthors.com

Now be honest.....

Even with the merciless beatings that I am forces to administer to you...

My post are the flame to your moth.

It's just that you never remember what happens to the moth that gets too close to the flame.

This thread pulled you right in.....and knocked you right out!

Too many metaphors?
PC's blathering reveals she has little clue to anything outside of her extremely limited view of reality.

they would have loved little miss Saigon in the south during the civil war :ack-1:

Sheeet! They wouldna let her in or live in the area..back then they was either hung or run outta town...

Exactly the response one would expect from a low-life when I prove to be correct.
A low life, I worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty...Do you suppose I could buy back my introduction to you?


I have a mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.
Read more at Groucho Marx Quotes QuoteAuthors.com

Now be honest.....

Even with the merciless beatings that I am forces to administer to you...

My post are the flame to your moth.

It's just that you never remember what happens to the moth that gets too close to the flame.

This thread pulled you right in.....and knocked you right out!

Too many metaphors?

Will you marry me? Do you have any money? Answer the second question first.
PC's blathering reveals she has little clue to anything outside of her extremely limited view of reality.

they would have loved little miss Saigon in the south during the civil war :ack-1:

Sheeet! They wouldna let her in or live in the area..back then they was either hung or run outta town...

Exactly the response one would expect from a low-life when I prove to be correct.
A low life, I worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty...Do you suppose I could buy back my introduction to you?


I have a mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.
Read more at Groucho Marx Quotes QuoteAuthors.com

Now be honest.....

Even with the merciless beatings that I am forces to administer to you...

My post are the flame to your moth.

It's just that you never remember what happens to the moth that gets too close to the flame.

This thread pulled you right in.....and knocked you right out!

Too many metaphors?

Will you marry me? Do you have any money? Answer the second question first.

A Groucho fan!

Well....that part is attractive.
As shown in this thread, the South had a fundamentally misguided view of the world, and their importance in same.

"King Cotton" did not force the British to aid the Confederacy.

Had they known this from the start, there would not have been a secession, no Civil War, and the cotton gin would have been the end of slavery.

A huge, mistake....the South, fundamentally misguided.

As luck would have it....today's NYTimes includes a suggestion that the same is true of Barack Obama.

"To Mr. Obama’s critics, the disparity between the president’s previous statements and today’s reality reflects not simply poorly chosen words but a fundamentally misguided view of the world. Rather than clearly see the persistent dangers as the United States approaches the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, they said, Mr. Obama perpetually imagines a world as he wishes it were."

I had so much fun today beatin' up on the Leftists.....but, just one more kick in the pants:

Even greater significance is the fundamental mistake which lies at the heart of every totalitarian view, those political doctrines which see an omnipotent central government a the savior of mankind....
...communism, socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism,....

The view that some 'correct' form of government can change human nature.....and produce Utopia here on earth.
So, ...you believe that South seceded because the North was about to outlaw slavery?

No, the reason is the same one that bases Barack Obama's foreign policy: a misunderstanding of geopolitical realities.

1. You see, the South believed that they ruled the world.
Really. Ruled!

Whether or not they imagined that they could defeat the North militarily, they fervently believed that they could oblige....compel... the greatest military power in the world to back them.

2. "TheUnion blockadein theAmerican Civil War was a naval tactic by the Northern government to prevent the Confederacy from trading. The blockade was proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln in April 1861, and required the closure of 3,500 miles (5,600 km) of Atlantic and Gulf coastline, ..."
Union blockade - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "In January, 1861, De Bow’s Reviewcontained an article declaring that “the first demonstration of blockade of the Southern ports would be swept away by the English fleets of observation hovering on the Southern coasts,..."
Great Britain and the American Civil War eBook

3. Why? Certainly, the English disgust with the practice of slavery wouldn't allow them to run....or sail....to the Confederacy's side?

So what made the Southerners believe that the had Britain in their pocket?

a. "Like all educated Southerners in the summer of 1861, [they] hoped one morning to hear the news that Great Britain had recognized the independence of the Confederate States. In May a delegation of rebel commissioners, headed by William Lowndes Yancey, had arrived in London for an audience with the British foreign secretary, Lord John Russell. The rebels took great heart from what was said. Russell had discussed the constitutional rights of secession, and Yancey had pledged the South's desire for free trade, reminding the British minister of the importance to his people of Southern cotton. Russell's principal concern, however, was the issue of the African slave trade. He had heard that the Confederate government was keen to restore this abomination. Was this true? Yancey reassured Russell that the South "had prohibited the slave-trade, and did not mean to revive it."

Lord Russell was in a tricky position, as were all the members of the British government. Though they opposed slavery, three wasn't a true democrat among them, not in the mold of Abraham Lincoln [who] could never have risen to become a British minister; to be that, one had to have been born into privilege, with wealth and property the only prerequisites. The members of the British government believed in "aristocratic government," and anyone who challenged them was crushed mercilessly......therefore, ministers such as Lord Russell and the prime minister, seventy-seven-year-old Lord Palmerston, had more in common with the Confederate government than they did with the Federal. Lincoln's administration believed in equal rights and espoused the cause of the workingman, themes that were anathema to the British government."
"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy,"byGavin Mortimer, p.70-71

What was the hold that the Confederacy mistakenly believed would bring Britain to their cause?
The answer is in the section above.

"So, ...you believe that South seceded because the North was about to outlaw slavery?"

What...are you illiterate....or as dumb as Chief Lying Moron????
Here's how Mississippi's secession resolution started. The rest of the South's is similar. What do you think was on their minds?

"A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.
In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."
Had they known this from the start, there would not have been a secession, no Civil War, and the cotton gin would have been the end of slavery.


Although there was some hope immediately after the Revolution that the ideals of independence and equality would extend to the black American population, this hope died with the invention of the cotton gin in 1793. With the gin (short for engine), raw cotton could be quickly cleaned; Suddenly cotton became a profitable crop, transforming the southern economy and changing the dynamics of slavery. The first federal census of 1790 counted 697,897 slaves; by 1810, there were 1.2 million slaves, a 70 percent increase.

Africans in America Part 3 Narrative Growth and Entrenchment of Slavery
So, ...you believe that South seceded because the North was about to outlaw slavery?

No, the reason is the same one that bases Barack Obama's foreign policy: a misunderstanding of geopolitical realities.

1. You see, the South believed that they ruled the world.
Really. Ruled!

Whether or not they imagined that they could defeat the North militarily, they fervently believed that they could oblige....compel... the greatest military power in the world to back them.

2. "TheUnion blockadein theAmerican Civil War was a naval tactic by the Northern government to prevent the Confederacy from trading. The blockade was proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln in April 1861, and required the closure of 3,500 miles (5,600 km) of Atlantic and Gulf coastline, ..."
Union blockade - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "In January, 1861, De Bow’s Reviewcontained an article declaring that “the first demonstration of blockade of the Southern ports would be swept away by the English fleets of observation hovering on the Southern coasts,..."
Great Britain and the American Civil War eBook

3. Why? Certainly, the English disgust with the practice of slavery wouldn't allow them to run....or sail....to the Confederacy's side?

So what made the Southerners believe that the had Britain in their pocket?

a. "Like all educated Southerners in the summer of 1861, [they] hoped one morning to hear the news that Great Britain had recognized the independence of the Confederate States. In May a delegation of rebel commissioners, headed by William Lowndes Yancey, had arrived in London for an audience with the British foreign secretary, Lord John Russell. The rebels took great heart from what was said. Russell had discussed the constitutional rights of secession, and Yancey had pledged the South's desire for free trade, reminding the British minister of the importance to his people of Southern cotton. Russell's principal concern, however, was the issue of the African slave trade. He had heard that the Confederate government was keen to restore this abomination. Was this true? Yancey reassured Russell that the South "had prohibited the slave-trade, and did not mean to revive it."

Lord Russell was in a tricky position, as were all the members of the British government. Though they opposed slavery, three wasn't a true democrat among them, not in the mold of Abraham Lincoln [who] could never have risen to become a British minister; to be that, one had to have been born into privilege, with wealth and property the only prerequisites. The members of the British government believed in "aristocratic government," and anyone who challenged them was crushed mercilessly......therefore, ministers such as Lord Russell and the prime minister, seventy-seven-year-old Lord Palmerston, had more in common with the Confederate government than they did with the Federal. Lincoln's administration believed in equal rights and espoused the cause of the workingman, themes that were anathema to the British government."
"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy,"byGavin Mortimer, p.70-71

What was the hold that the Confederacy mistakenly believed would bring Britain to their cause?
The answer is in the section above.

"So, ...you believe that South seceded because the North was about to outlaw slavery?"

What...are you illiterate....or as dumb as Chief Lying Moron????
Here's how Mississippi's secession resolution started. The rest of the South's is similar. What do you think was on their minds?

"A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.
In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."

Read post #62, then tell me the name of whoever was going to outlaw slavery.
I see you can't even discuss history without infusing your contempt for the current president, which is most disingenuous to your premise...

"...you can't even discuss history without....blah blah blah..."

What an excellent time for a teachable moment.

As you Liberals are limited in education, you may not know of the American philosopher George Santayana, who wrote (in The Life of Reason, 1905): “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

So we have you, and (most merciful) Barack Obama who failed to understand the provenance of the Civil War.....and cause woe as a result.

To put it another way.....why do you suppose those of us with an education study the past at all???
Well obviously to lie about the past, since your "education" is obviously very limited.

Another quote from Santayana that the better educated are aware of:
"History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there."

And a better quote from the author you love most to lie about.

If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.
George Bernard Shaw

Y'know what I love about the dunces who are so infuriated about my incontestable OPs.....

....they pour out all sorts of vituperation about me....

....not realizing that I am my favorite subject!

Hey...still sporting a quote from the socialist who supported genocide....great!
Do I have your lies down pat before you even spew them?
Why yes, yes I do.

As you well know, the SHAVIAN eugenics you call genocide, an honest person calls women choosing who they mate with. But that is just your lack of education showing.

Same lie you always post with the same lying YouTube video where he satirizes eugenicists and the dishonest liars who made the video ignore the satire.
Can't you come up with any new lies????
I see you can't even discuss history without infusing your contempt for the current president, which is most disingenuous to your premise...

"...you can't even discuss history without....blah blah blah..."

What an excellent time for a teachable moment.

As you Liberals are limited in education, you may not know of the American philosopher George Santayana, who wrote (in The Life of Reason, 1905): “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

So we have you, and (most merciful) Barack Obama who failed to understand the provenance of the Civil War.....and cause woe as a result.

To put it another way.....why do you suppose those of us with an education study the past at all???
Well obviously to lie about the past, since your "education" is obviously very limited.

Another quote from Santayana that the better educated are aware of:
"History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there."

And a better quote from the author you love most to lie about.

If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.
George Bernard Shaw

Y'know what I love about the dunces who are so infuriated about my incontestable OPs.....

....they pour out all sorts of vituperation about me....

....not realizing that I am my favorite subject!

Hey...still sporting a quote from the socialist who supported genocide....great!
Do I have your lies down pat before you even spew them?
Why yes, yes I do.

As you well know, the SHAVIAN eugenics you call genocide, an honest person calls women choosing who they mate with. But that is just your lack of education showing.

Same lie you always post with the same lying YouTube video where he satirizes eugenicists and the dishonest liars who made the video ignore the satire.
Can't you come up with any new lies????

What sort of imbecile hears the words out of Shaw's own mouth, and continues to deny same?

Raise your paw.
PC's blathering reveals she has little clue to anything outside of her extremely limited view of reality.

they would have loved little miss Saigon in the south during the civil war :ack-1:

Sheeet! They wouldna let her in or live in the area..back then they was either hung or run outta town...

Exactly the response one would expect from a low-life when I prove to be correct.
A low life, I worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty...Do you suppose I could buy back my introduction to you?


I have a mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.
Read more at Groucho Marx Quotes QuoteAuthors.com

Now be honest.....

Even with the merciless beatings that I am forces to administer to you...

My post are the flame to your moth.

It's just that you never remember what happens to the moth that gets too close to the flame.

This thread pulled you right in.....and knocked you right out!

Too many metaphors?

Will you marry me? Do you have any money? Answer the second question first.
In his failing last years, Groucho had a relationship with a mentally unstable, but controlling, younger woman.

Though neither you, nor PC should infer anything from that.
PC's blathering reveals she has little clue to anything outside of her extremely limited view of reality.

they would have loved little miss Saigon in the south during the civil war :ack-1:

Sheeet! They wouldna let her in or live in the area..back then they was either hung or run outta town...

Exactly the response one would expect from a low-life when I prove to be correct.
A low life, I worked myself up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty...Do you suppose I could buy back my introduction to you?


I have a mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.
Read more at Groucho Marx Quotes QuoteAuthors.com

Now be honest.....

Even with the merciless beatings that I am forces to administer to you...

My post are the flame to your moth.

It's just that you never remember what happens to the moth that gets too close to the flame.

This thread pulled you right in.....and knocked you right out!

Too many metaphors?

Will you marry me? Do you have any money? Answer the second question first.
In his failing last years, Groucho had a relationship with a mentally unstable, but controlling, younger woman.

Though neither you, nor PC should infer anything from that.
I followed Groucho and we shared the same wife...
Here's how Mississippi's secession resolution started. The rest of the South's is similar. What do you think was on their minds?

"A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.
In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."


There is revisionist movement amongst the far right to weave a narrative of the evil, intrusive Federal government which conveniently fits their ideological worldview, to the point of whitewashing an institutional abomination that was one of the greatest enemies of individual liberty in the name of collectivist state power.

Their lack of self-awareness over this irony is amazing.
Here's how Mississippi's secession resolution started. The rest of the South's is similar. What do you think was on their minds?

"A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.
In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.
Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world."


There is revisionist movement amongst the far right to weave a narrative of the evil, intrusive Federal government which conveniently fits their ideological worldview, to the point of whitewashing an institutional abomination that was one of the greatest enemies of individual liberty in the name of collectivist state power.

Their lack of self-awareness over this irony is amazing.

Well....would you mind revealing the name of the individual who was about to outlaw slavery in the Southern states?

So that you don't embarrass yourself further, I suggest you read post #62 before you make the attempt.

Or....you can revise your post.

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