Why Did The South Secede?

I found LyinChic's new avatar:


Why? Because it's a lion.

everybody wants to rule over the other guys? so what? the might of the north made them right as always in history. the south wanted to keep blacks doing their work and getting rich off of other peoples work. they called them slave owners now they call them stock holders, partners, investors etc... they won cause lincoln fought so his fellow men up north didn't have to slave like ******* in the fields for nothing but scrap pork. now we are all ******* in the true sense of the word. stupid ignorant servants doing jigs and yessirin our massers. I for one want to fight the south again. you ignant ******* don't noes no bettar or our too cowardly to admit you've been had bad. good luck keeping your ******* in line. they got some tough skin on there backs bye now.

Go home! The earth is full!
PC's blathering reveals she has little clue to anything outside of her extremely limited view of reality.
If I wrote thesis papers like that when I was in college I would have not been on the Deans List..

Forgive me if I find your suggestion hard to believe....

One of us has both Dean's List and Valedictorian on their resume, and the other is you.

On your resume? Two of your former employers were an honor student and a valedictorian? What was the job?

Housekeeper? Lap dancer?
Let's be clear about what the Confederacy was about:

Jefferson Davis on slavery:

"African slavery, as it exists in the United States, is a moral, a social, and a political blessing."
"My own convictions as to negro slavery are strong. It has its evils and abuses...We recognize the negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws, in nature, tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...You cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what slavery enables them to be."

Jefferson Davis Quotes the Bible
"[Slavery] was established by decree of Almighty God...it is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation...it has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts."
"It [slavery] was established by decree of Almighty God...it is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation...it has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts...Let the gentleman go to Revelation to learn the decree of God - let him go to the Bible...I said that slavery was sanctioned in the Bible, authorized, regulated, and recognized from Genesis to Revelation...Slavery existed then in the earliest ages, and among the chosen people of God; and in Revelation we are told that it shall exist till the end of time shall come. You find it in the Old and New Testaments - in the prophecies, psalms, and the epistles of Paul; you find it recognized, sanctioned everywhere.".


Jefferson Davis Quotes
everybody wants to rule over the other guys? so what? the might of the north made them right as always in history. the south wanted to keep blacks doing their work and getting rich off of other peoples work. they called them slave owners now they call them stock holders, partners, investors etc... they won cause lincoln fought so his fellow men up north didn't have to slave like ******* in the fields for nothing but scrap pork. now we are all ******* in the true sense of the word. stupid ignorant servants doing jigs and yessirin our massers. I for one want to fight the south again. you ignant ******* don't noes no bettar or our too cowardly to admit you've been had bad. good luck keeping your ******* in line. they got some tough skin on there backs bye now.

This is a drug-free OP. Drop the crack pipe and step away from the implement.
So, ...you believe that South seceded because the North was about to outlaw slavery?


Who says that? Where have you ever read or heard someone say that the South seceded because the North was 'about to' outlaw slavery?

Did you get me that name I asked for, Chief Lying Moron, jr.????

So you based this thread on a strawman. You've never actually heard anyone argue that the North was about to abolish slavery,

as in, imminently, right away...
PC's blathering reveals she has little clue to anything outside of her extremely limited view of reality.
If I wrote thesis papers like that when I was in college I would have not been on the Deans List..

Forgive me if I find your suggestion hard to believe....

One of us has both Dean's List and Valedictorian on their resume, and the other is you.

On your resume? Two of your former employers were an honor student and a valedictorian? What was the job?

Housekeeper? Lap dancer?


Incense and Jewelry on St. Marks.

1 dollar for a bundle of 10.
PC needs some more help here. Can anyone name any sources of the opinion that the South seceded because slavery was going to be abolished any minute?

And btw, what is even the point of making such an argument?
The South started the war because of Obama

Very true..... The idea that a black man would someday become president is more than enough reason to secede. Especially, a mixed race black

Obama represents everything the south was fighting against

Can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate the comic relief you provide.

But don't give up the retirement for that stand-up gig.

President Obama represents everything the South fought to prevent

1. A mixing of the races
2. Blacks not...."knowing their place"
3. Blacks with political power

I recognize your declination with respect to the OP question.

Thanks for dropping by.

I congratulate you on your unique spin on history and tying President Obama to the reasons for the Civil War

In a nutshell....President Obama IS the reason for the Civil War

A mixed race black President was the souths worst nightmare. A well educated black man with political power.

That is what the south fought against. Blacks who thought they were the equal of whites, blacks and whites marrying and producing children. Blacks in a political position to tell whites what to do
Which was the cause of the formation of the KKK after the war ended..

Very true

If Obamas father had attempted to marry his mother in the South in 1961 he would have been lynched

In many ways the Civil War had not ended

Those damned KKKers....and their founder, the Democrat Party!!!!
Which was the Party of the Post War South. Any white man in the South who joined the Republicans was called a Scalliwag and shunned.
PC needs some more help here. Can anyone name any sources of the opinion that the South seceded because slavery was going to be abolished any minute?

And btw, what is even the point of making such an argument?

LyinChic is having a bit o' trouble being that she is in the middle of teaching a class on Southern History at Colom..um..Harvard..yeah that's the ticket.

And her hubby Matt..um...Hugh Jackman is coming to pick her up..yeah..that's the ticket.

And she's going to a party hosted by Bill Gate..um..The Koch Brothers where Beyonce is going to be doing a Duet with her while Elton John tickles the ivories..

Yeah..that's the ticket.
Apparently today it's PoliticalChic's turn to make Econchick look smart by comparison. I hope EC's turn is equally entertaining.

They are both hangin' with Albert Einstein's ghost letting him know where he went wrong on the "Theory" of relativity.

Like anyone should take a theory, seriously..duh.
PC needs some more help here. Can anyone name any sources of the opinion that the South seceded because slavery was going to be abolished any minute?

And btw, what is even the point of making such an argument?

LyinChic is having a bit o' trouble being that she is in the middle of teaching a class on Southern History at Colom..um..Harvard..yeah that's the ticket.

And her hubby Matt..um...Hugh Jackman is coming to pick her up..yeah..that's the ticket.

And she's going to a party hosted by Bill Gate..um..The Koch Brothers where Beyonce is going to be doing a Duet with her while Elton John tickles the ivories..

Yeah..that's the ticket.

she's Hugh Jackman's beard? Hey there's a good gig. lol, he's Australian so she could tell him any story about American history she made up and how would he know?
Apparently today it's PoliticalChic's turn to make Econchick look smart by comparison. I hope EC's turn is equally entertaining.

They are both hangin' with Albert Einstein's ghost letting him know where he went wrong on the "Theory" of relativity.

Like anyone should take a theory, seriously..duh.

Did you notice she's picked up the Econchick affliction of making outrageous claims about herself?
PC needs some more help here. Can anyone name any sources of the opinion that the South seceded because slavery was going to be abolished any minute?

And btw, what is even the point of making such an argument?

LyinChic is having a bit o' trouble being that she is in the middle of teaching a class on Southern History at Colom..um..Harvard..yeah that's the ticket.

And her hubby Matt..um...Hugh Jackman is coming to pick her up..yeah..that's the ticket.

And she's going to a party hosted by Bill Gate..um..The Koch Brothers where Beyonce is going to be doing a Duet with her while Elton John tickles the ivories..

Yeah..that's the ticket.

she's Hugh Jackman's beard? Hey there's a good gig. lol, he's Australian so she could tell him any story about American history she made up and how would he know?

Meh..Bripat should be along soon.

This is his bread and butter..


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