WHY did Trump lie about his SOTU TV ratings?

Donald Trump lied about his State of the Union ratings. Whyyyyyyyy? - CNNPolitics

Why did he lie? Can he not help himself? Is he a pathalogical liar who can't help himself? Does he think his "alternative facts" are going to convince everyone that he is telling the truth?

The man has a pretty significant mental issue. The Congressional Repubs just lap up his every word as they roll over on their sides, stating, "Whatever you say Great Leader!

The man could proclaim that he has landed on mars and walked around with Stormy and the GOP idiots in the House would believe him. I just hope that his mental problems don't bring down this country.
/----/ OOOPSIE - Trump jumps to 49%
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
Donald Trump lied about his State of the Union ratings. Whyyyyyyyy? - CNNPolitics

Why did he lie? Can he not help himself? Is he a pathalogical liar who can't help himself? Does he think his "alternative facts" are going to convince everyone that he is telling the truth?

The man has a pretty significant mental issue. The Congressional Repubs just lap up his every word as they roll over on their sides, stating, "Whatever you say Great Leader!

The man could proclaim that he has landed on mars and walked around with Stormy and the GOP idiots in the House would believe him. I just hope that his mental problems don't bring down this country.
/----/ OOOPSIE - Trump jumps to 49%
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Mueller is thrilled....
Donald Trump lied about his State of the Union ratings. Whyyyyyyyy? - CNNPolitics

Why did he lie? Can he not help himself? Is he a pathalogical liar who can't help himself? Does he think his "alternative facts" are going to convince everyone that he is telling the truth?

The man has a pretty significant mental issue. The Congressional Repubs just lap up his every word as they roll over on their sides, stating, "Whatever you say Great Leader!

The man could proclaim that he has landed on mars and walked around with Stormy and the GOP idiots in the House would believe him. I just hope that his mental problems don't bring down this country.
/----/ OOOPSIE - Trump jumps to 49%
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Rasmussen to the rescue
I'm not your comrade and that is simply bullshit. I wouldn't trust them to predict the sunrise in the morning.

Whatever you say....COMRADE!

Shut up liar.

M. U E L L E R

Sounds like I punched the stress button, huh COMRADE?

No idiot, I just don’t like liars.

But u obviously voted for a documented, serial liar. Congrats!

No I did not, liar. I voted for Trump. Go away liar, I’m done with your stupid shit.
Donald Trump lied about his State of the Union ratings. Whyyyyyyyy? - CNNPolitics

Why did he lie? Can he not help himself? Is he a pathalogical liar who can't help himself? Does he think his "alternative facts" are going to convince everyone that he is telling the truth?

The man has a pretty significant mental issue. The Congressional Repubs just lap up his every word as they roll over on their sides, stating, "Whatever you say Great Leader!

The man could proclaim that he has landed on mars and walked around with Stormy and the GOP idiots in the House would believe him. I just hope that his mental problems don't bring down this country.
maybe because it sets people like you off. you know, you can't help yourself. you and trump should seek co-counseling.
Donald Trump lied about his State of the Union ratings. Whyyyyyyyy? - CNNPolitics

Why did he lie? Can he not help himself? Is he a pathalogical liar who can't help himself? Does he think his "alternative facts" are going to convince everyone that he is telling the truth?

The man has a pretty significant mental issue. The Congressional Repubs just lap up his every word as they roll over on their sides, stating, "Whatever you say Great Leader!

The man could proclaim that he has landed on mars and walked around with Stormy and the GOP idiots in the House would believe him. I just hope that his mental problems don't bring down this country.

maybe because it sets people like you off. you know, you can't help yourself. you and trump should seek co-counseling.

Trump lies repeatedly, his narcissist personality disorder requires daily attribution; people like JimH52 puts country before ideology or party.

Why don't you?
Whatever you say....COMRADE!

Shut up liar.

M. U E L L E R

Sounds like I punched the stress button, huh COMRADE?

No idiot, I just don’t like liars.

But u obviously voted for a documented, serial liar. Congrats!

No I did not, liar. I voted for Trump. Go away liar, I’m done with your stupid shit.

Are you stating that Trump never lies? If so, you need a reality check, or anti psychotic medications.

Trump lied on day one about the size of the crowd on inauguration day, he lied about thousands cheering in NJ on 9-11. He lies repeatedly and even contradicts his own lies, a sure sign of a pathological liar.

Get help, you need it.
Shut up liar.

M. U E L L E R

Sounds like I punched the stress button, huh COMRADE?

No idiot, I just don’t like liars.

But u obviously voted for a documented, serial liar. Congrats!

No I did not, liar. I voted for Trump. Go away liar, I’m done with your stupid shit.

Are you stating that Trump never lies? If so, you need a reality check, or anti psychotic medications.

Trump lied on day one about the size of the crowd on inauguration day, he lied about thousands cheering in NJ on 9-11. He lies repeatedly and even contradicts his own lies, a sure sign of a pathological liar.

Get help, you need it.

No I’m not saying that and no he did not lie about Inauguration Day. That has already been proven true.
serial liars, lie

more than likely insecure. even though hes doesnt have the highest rating, he must convince himself he does.
Whatever you say....COMRADE!

Shut up liar.

M. U E L L E R

Sounds like I punched the stress button, huh COMRADE?

No idiot, I just don’t like liars.

But u obviously voted for a documented, serial liar. Congrats!

No I did not, liar. I voted for Trump. Go away liar, I’m done with your stupid shit.

Getting a little testy there Chief?...:21:
M. U E L L E R

Sounds like I punched the stress button, huh COMRADE?

No idiot, I just don’t like liars.

But u obviously voted for a documented, serial liar. Congrats!

No I did not, liar. I voted for Trump. Go away liar, I’m done with your stupid shit.

Are you stating that Trump never lies? If so, you need a reality check, or anti psychotic medications.

Trump lied on day one about the size of the crowd on inauguration day, he lied about thousands cheering in NJ on 9-11. He lies repeatedly and even contradicts his own lies, a sure sign of a pathological liar.

Get help, you need it.

No I’m not saying that and no he did not lie about Inauguration Day. That has already been proven true.

You really think the Orange Clown had the largest crowd ever? You must be really easy to fool...You need help.
I'm not your comrade and that is simply bullshit. I wouldn't trust them to predict the sunrise in the morning.

Whatever you say....COMRADE!

Shut up liar.

M. U E L L E R

Sounds like I punched the stress button, huh COMRADE?

No idiot, I just don’t like liars.

But u obviously voted for a documented, serial liar. Congrats!

Poor Pres thinks the Orange Clown is not a liar. He also sleeps with the Tooth Fairy...
M. U E L L E R

Sounds like I punched the stress button, huh COMRADE?

No idiot, I just don’t like liars.

But u obviously voted for a documented, serial liar. Congrats!

No I did not, liar. I voted for Trump. Go away liar, I’m done with your stupid shit.

Are you stating that Trump never lies? If so, you need a reality check, or anti psychotic medications.

Trump lied on day one about the size of the crowd on inauguration day, he lied about thousands cheering in NJ on 9-11. He lies repeatedly and even contradicts his own lies, a sure sign of a pathological liar.

Get help, you need it.

No I’m not saying that and no he did not lie about Inauguration Day. That has already been proven true.

That he lies daily is the issue. Sometimes a President needs to lie, usually by omission, when dealing with time sensitive issues. Trump not only lies by omission, he lies in every way possible and his intent is to mislead the public and, sadly, even himself.
Donald Trump lied about his State of the Union ratings. Whyyyyyyyy? - CNNPolitics

Why did he lie? Can he not help himself? Is he a pathalogical liar who can't help himself? Does he think his "alternative facts" are going to convince everyone that he is telling the truth?

The man has a pretty significant mental issue. The Congressional Repubs just lap up his every word as they roll over on their sides, stating, "Whatever you say Great Leader!

The man could proclaim that he has landed on mars and walked around with Stormy and the GOP idiots in the House would believe him. I just hope that his mental problems don't bring down this country.
I wouldn't care if he bribed/stole/lied/etc to MAGA
America wins in the end
No idiot, I just don’t like liars.

But u obviously voted for a documented, serial liar. Congrats!

No I did not, liar. I voted for Trump. Go away liar, I’m done with your stupid shit.

Are you stating that Trump never lies? If so, you need a reality check, or anti psychotic medications.

Trump lied on day one about the size of the crowd on inauguration day, he lied about thousands cheering in NJ on 9-11. He lies repeatedly and even contradicts his own lies, a sure sign of a pathological liar.

Get help, you need it.

No I’m not saying that and no he did not lie about Inauguration Day. That has already been proven true.

That he lies daily is the issue. Sometimes a President needs to lie, usually by omission, when dealing with time sensitive issues. Trump not only lies by omission, he lies in every way possible and his intent is to mislead the public and, sadly, even himself.

He lies when there NO NEED to lie. I have never seen anything like it. Yes, all presidents have told a lie, usually one which was never meant to mislead, but a lie is a lie. Trump lies with a propinsity and frequentness, the likes of which many of us old timers have never seen.

What is scary is the 30-38%, his supporters, just cannot see his lies. Why? Maybe they are so disenchanted with the system, they are ready to follow a charlitin....a liar.

Hitler rose through the ranks of power by his charismatic speeches, which were just lies and bluster. We CANNOT allow this country to repeat 1930's Germany. The American institutions defending this country must remain strong, even as Trump and his allies attack them.
Trump's SOTU got higher ratings than 12 of the last 13 Super bowls....Believe me
No idiot, I just don’t like liars.

But u obviously voted for a documented, serial liar. Congrats!

No I did not, liar. I voted for Trump. Go away liar, I’m done with your stupid shit.

Are you stating that Trump never lies? If so, you need a reality check, or anti psychotic medications.

Trump lied on day one about the size of the crowd on inauguration day, he lied about thousands cheering in NJ on 9-11. He lies repeatedly and even contradicts his own lies, a sure sign of a pathological liar.

Get help, you need it.

No I’m not saying that and no he did not lie about Inauguration Day. That has already been proven true.

That he lies daily is the issue. Sometimes a President needs to lie, usually by omission, when dealing with time sensitive issues. Trump not only lies by omission, he lies in every way possible and his intent is to mislead the public and, sadly, even himself.

Most Presidential lies are lies of omission or misrepresentation of the facts

Trump outright makes things up and when he is informed he is wrong....he just repeats it
No idiot, I just don’t like liars.

But u obviously voted for a documented, serial liar. Congrats!

No I did not, liar. I voted for Trump. Go away liar, I’m done with your stupid shit.

Are you stating that Trump never lies? If so, you need a reality check, or anti psychotic medications.

Trump lied on day one about the size of the crowd on inauguration day, he lied about thousands cheering in NJ on 9-11. He lies repeatedly and even contradicts his own lies, a sure sign of a pathological liar.

Get help, you need it.

No I’m not saying that and no he did not lie about Inauguration Day. That has already been proven true.

You really think the Orange Clown had the largest crowd ever? You must be really easy to fool...You need help.

Or..................to quote Groucho Marx................."Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?".

Anyone with normal vision who looked at the pictures of the inauguration could see that Trump had fewer people than Obama did.

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