WHY did Trump lie about his SOTU TV ratings?

CNN reporting on it??? LMAO! Yea there's a real reliable source. I'll take Trump's word anyway over that lying, garbage that tries to pass themselves off as "news".

I bet I can come up with many, many more verified lies by Trump, than you can for the MSM.
About it? Wanna take a bet? Loser leaves USMB, forever.

Feel free to leave now.

Well, your reply must mean you're in on the best. Excellent!
Below are links to verified lies. Now naturally like Trumpsters do, you'll claim "fake news",. Each source that I list have verified explanations on why these are lies. You have to prove these lies wrong/made up.
I have had many Trumpsters, try to prove the lies wrong, but they always came up empty. They were not successful. Have fun.
I'll be waiting for your lists on the media lies.
In 365 days, President Trump has made 2,140 false or misleading claims
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Fact check: Here are the biggest whoppers of 2017
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
No idiot, I just don’t like liars.

But u obviously voted for a documented, serial liar. Congrats!

No I did not, liar. I voted for Trump. Go away liar, I’m done with your stupid shit.

Are you stating that Trump never lies? If so, you need a reality check, or anti psychotic medications.

Trump lied on day one about the size of the crowd on inauguration day, he lied about thousands cheering in NJ on 9-11. He lies repeatedly and even contradicts his own lies, a sure sign of a pathological liar.

Get help, you need it.

No I’m not saying that and no he did not lie about Inauguration Day. That has already been proven true.

That he lies daily is the issue. Sometimes a President needs to lie, usually by omission, when dealing with time sensitive issues. Trump not only lies by omission, he lies in every way possible and his intent is to mislead the public and, sadly, even himself.

Not one of you assholes have any moral or logical grounds to criticise Trump. You all sat there and supported0bama while he lied for 8 straight years.
CNN reporting on it??? LMAO! Yea there's a real reliable source. I'll take Trump's word anyway over that lying, garbage that tries to pass themselves off as "news".

I bet I can come up with many, many more verified lies by Trump, than you can for the MSM.
About it? Wanna take a bet? Loser leaves USMB, forever.

Feel free to leave now.

Well, your reply must mean you're in on the best. Excellent!
Below are links to verified lies. Now naturally like Trumpsters do, you'll claim "fake news",. Each source that I list have verified explanations on why these are lies. You have to prove these lies wrong/made up.
I have had many Trumpsters, try to prove the lies wrong, but they always came up empty. They were not successful. Have fun.
I'll be waiting for your lists on the media lies.
In 365 days, President Trump has made 2,140 false or misleading claims
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Fact check: Here are the biggest whoppers of 2017
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

LMAO! Like I'd believe your sources whatever they are. Nice little game you play here trying to pass this shit off. I have not one second for your lying ass.
CNN reporting on it??? LMAO! Yea there's a real reliable source. I'll take Trump's word anyway over that lying, garbage that tries to pass themselves off as "news".

I bet I can come up with many, many more verified lies by Trump, than you can for the MSM.
About it? Wanna take a bet? Loser leaves USMB, forever.

Feel free to leave now.

Well, your reply must mean you're in on the best. Excellent!
Below are links to verified lies. Now naturally like Trumpsters do, you'll claim "fake news",. Each source that I list have verified explanations on why these are lies. You have to prove these lies wrong/made up.
I have had many Trumpsters, try to prove the lies wrong, but they always came up empty. They were not successful. Have fun.
I'll be waiting for your lists on the media lies.
In 365 days, President Trump has made 2,140 false or misleading claims
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Fact check: Here are the biggest whoppers of 2017
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

LMAO! Like I'd believe your sources whatever they are. Nice little game you play here trying to pass this shit off. I have not one second for your lying ass.

They think they can just label anything he says as a lie. Even when you show them it’s a lie, that doesn’t stop th from claiming it is.

Then they count that as a lie and say “see how much Trump lies?”
Not one of you assholes have any moral or logical grounds to criticise Trump. You all sat there and supported 0bama while he lied for 8 straight years.

Repeating yourself Pred? Must be the MUELLER coming after YOUR MAN...:tongue:
CNN reporting on it??? LMAO! Yea there's a real reliable source. I'll take Trump's word anyway over that lying, garbage that tries to pass themselves off as "news".

I bet I can come up with many, many more verified lies by Trump, than you can for the MSM.
About it? Wanna take a bet? Loser leaves USMB, forever.

Feel free to leave now.

Well, your reply must mean you're in on the best. Excellent!
Below are links to verified lies. Now naturally like Trumpsters do, you'll claim "fake news",. Each source that I list have verified explanations on why these are lies. You have to prove these lies wrong/made up.
I have had many Trumpsters, try to prove the lies wrong, but they always came up empty. They were not successful. Have fun.
I'll be waiting for your lists on the media lies.
In 365 days, President Trump has made 2,140 false or misleading claims
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Fact check: Here are the biggest whoppers of 2017
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

LMAO! Like I'd believe your sources whatever they are. Nice little game you play here trying to pass this shit off. I have not one second for your lying ass.

Pussy Trumpster. No balls, just a big mouth.
All of Trump’s lies are listed and why they are lies.
You are either too stupid to know how to disprove that a stated lie isn’t a lie or you’re just too lazy. Probably both.
CNN reporting on it??? LMAO! Yea there's a real reliable source. I'll take Trump's word anyway over that lying, garbage that tries to pass themselves off as "news".

I bet I can come up with many, many more verified lies by Trump, than you can for the MSM.
About it? Wanna take a bet? Loser leaves USMB, forever.

Feel free to leave now.

Well, your reply must mean you're in on the best. Excellent!
Below are links to verified lies. Now naturally like Trumpsters do, you'll claim "fake news",. Each source that I list have verified explanations on why these are lies. You have to prove these lies wrong/made up.
I have had many Trumpsters, try to prove the lies wrong, but they always came up empty. They were not successful. Have fun.
I'll be waiting for your lists on the media lies.
In 365 days, President Trump has made 2,140 false or misleading claims
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Fact check: Here are the biggest whoppers of 2017
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

LMAO! Like I'd believe your sources whatever they are. Nice little game you play here trying to pass this shit off. I have not one second for your lying ass.

They think they can just label anything he says as a lie. Even when you show them it’s a lie, that doesn’t stop th from claiming it is.

Then they count that as a lie and say “see how much Trump lies?”

Exactly, how much kool-aid do you guzzle in one sitting?:21:
From the Associated Press, here's a list of some of Trump's lies, just this week. Be a big boy and prove they aren't lies.
AP Fact Check: Trump's week of faulty claims
You know, just because Trump calls every news source that doesn't goose-step to him and doesn't shout how great he is, "fake news" doesn't make it so. He's lying to. Just like the thousands of times he has lied to you. Are you actually, that weak minded?
"Fake news" is not something new. Here's a top Israeli news source article and I'd say Jews/Israelis know much more about this specific subject than you ever will.
A brief history of 'Lgenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'
I bet I can come up with many, many more verified lies by Trump, than you can for the MSM.
About it? Wanna take a bet? Loser leaves USMB, forever.

Feel free to leave now.

Well, your reply must mean you're in on the best. Excellent!
Below are links to verified lies. Now naturally like Trumpsters do, you'll claim "fake news",. Each source that I list have verified explanations on why these are lies. You have to prove these lies wrong/made up.
I have had many Trumpsters, try to prove the lies wrong, but they always came up empty. They were not successful. Have fun.
I'll be waiting for your lists on the media lies.
In 365 days, President Trump has made 2,140 false or misleading claims
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Fact check: Here are the biggest whoppers of 2017
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

LMAO! Like I'd believe your sources whatever they are. Nice little game you play here trying to pass this shit off. I have not one second for your lying ass.

They think they can just label anything he says as a lie. Even when you show them it’s a lie, that doesn’t stop th from claiming it is.

Then they count that as a lie and say “see how much Trump lies?”

Exactly, how much kool-aid do you guzzle in one sitting?:21:
From the Associated Press, here's a list of some of Trump's lies, just this week. Be a big boy and prove they aren't lies.
AP Fact Check: Trump's week of faulty claims
You know, just because Trump calls every news source that doesn't goose-step to him and doesn't shout how great he is, "fake news" doesn't make it so. He's lying to. Just like the thousands of times he has lied to you. Are you actually, that weak minded?
"Fake news" is not something new. Here's a top Israeli news source article and I'd say Jews/Israelis know much more about this specific subject than you ever will.
A brief history of 'Lgenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'

Oxymoron: “AP Fact check” thanks for proving my post correct.
Feel free to leave now.

Well, your reply must mean you're in on the best. Excellent!
Below are links to verified lies. Now naturally like Trumpsters do, you'll claim "fake news",. Each source that I list have verified explanations on why these are lies. You have to prove these lies wrong/made up.
I have had many Trumpsters, try to prove the lies wrong, but they always came up empty. They were not successful. Have fun.
I'll be waiting for your lists on the media lies.
In 365 days, President Trump has made 2,140 false or misleading claims
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Fact check: Here are the biggest whoppers of 2017
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

LMAO! Like I'd believe your sources whatever they are. Nice little game you play here trying to pass this shit off. I have not one second for your lying ass.

They think they can just label anything he says as a lie. Even when you show them it’s a lie, that doesn’t stop th from claiming it is.

Then they count that as a lie and say “see how much Trump lies?”

Exactly, how much kool-aid do you guzzle in one sitting?:21:
From the Associated Press, here's a list of some of Trump's lies, just this week. Be a big boy and prove they aren't lies.
AP Fact Check: Trump's week of faulty claims
You know, just because Trump calls every news source that doesn't goose-step to him and doesn't shout how great he is, "fake news" doesn't make it so. He's lying to. Just like the thousands of times he has lied to you. Are you actually, that weak minded?
"Fake news" is not something new. Here's a top Israeli news source article and I'd say Jews/Israelis know much more about this specific subject than you ever will.
A brief history of 'Lgenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'

Oxymoron: “AP Fact check” thanks for proving my post correct.

Prove the article wrong! Prove that you aren't an easily manipulated goose-stepper and make an effort to prove AP Fact Checker wrong. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid, that the article is 100% correct, which would prove that you're an idiot?
CNN reporting on it??? LMAO! Yea there's a real reliable source. I'll take Trump's word anyway over that lying, garbage that tries to pass themselves off as "news".

I bet I can come up with many, many more verified lies by Trump, than you can for the MSM.
About it? Wanna take a bet? Loser leaves USMB, forever.

Feel free to leave now.

Well, your reply must mean you're in on the best. Excellent!
Below are links to verified lies. Now naturally like Trumpsters do, you'll claim "fake news",. Each source that I list have verified explanations on why these are lies. You have to prove these lies wrong/made up.
I have had many Trumpsters, try to prove the lies wrong, but they always came up empty. They were not successful. Have fun.
I'll be waiting for your lists on the media lies.
In 365 days, President Trump has made 2,140 false or misleading claims
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Fact check: Here are the biggest whoppers of 2017
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

LMAO! Like I'd believe your sources whatever they are. Nice little game you play here trying to pass this shit off. I have not one second for your lying ass.

Pussy Trumpster. No balls, just a big mouth.
All of Trump’s lies are listed and why they are lies.
You are either too stupid to know how to disprove that a stated lie isn’t a lie or you’re just too lazy. Probably both.

You're a piece a shit. I won't waste one second on your partisan liberal BS talking points. Trump is President for at least the next 3 years. My side is winning. Great tax plan, booming economy, jobs, conservative justice, 401K is sky rocketing, ISIS is being crushed and illegal border crossings are way down. I know all that good news is bad for America hating garbage like yourself. WINNING - so who cares about your BS links. I didn't even bother clicking on them. LOL Deal with it. :asshole:
"The victor will never be asked if he told the truth." - Adolf Hitler

Well, your reply must mean you're in on the best. Excellent!
Below are links to verified lies. Now naturally like Trumpsters do, you'll claim "fake news",. Each source that I list have verified explanations on why these are lies. You have to prove these lies wrong/made up.
I have had many Trumpsters, try to prove the lies wrong, but they always came up empty. They were not successful. Have fun.
I'll be waiting for your lists on the media lies.
In 365 days, President Trump has made 2,140 false or misleading claims
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Fact check: Here are the biggest whoppers of 2017
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

LMAO! Like I'd believe your sources whatever they are. Nice little game you play here trying to pass this shit off. I have not one second for your lying ass.

They think they can just label anything he says as a lie. Even when you show them it’s a lie, that doesn’t stop th from claiming it is.

Then they count that as a lie and say “see how much Trump lies?”

Exactly, how much kool-aid do you guzzle in one sitting?:21:
From the Associated Press, here's a list of some of Trump's lies, just this week. Be a big boy and prove they aren't lies.
AP Fact Check: Trump's week of faulty claims
You know, just because Trump calls every news source that doesn't goose-step to him and doesn't shout how great he is, "fake news" doesn't make it so. He's lying to. Just like the thousands of times he has lied to you. Are you actually, that weak minded?
"Fake news" is not something new. Here's a top Israeli news source article and I'd say Jews/Israelis know much more about this specific subject than you ever will.
A brief history of 'Lgenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'

Oxymoron: “AP Fact check” thanks for proving my post correct.

Prove the article wrong! Prove that you aren't an easily manipulated goose-stepper and make an effort to prove AP Fact Checker wrong. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid, that the article is 100% correct, which would prove that you're an idiot?

No doofus, the AP is a extreme left wing news site. They aren’t credible on the surface. That’s why your use of them proves my post correct.
LMAO! Like I'd believe your sources whatever they are. Nice little game you play here trying to pass this shit off. I have not one second for your lying ass.

They think they can just label anything he says as a lie. Even when you show them it’s a lie, that doesn’t stop th from claiming it is.

Then they count that as a lie and say “see how much Trump lies?”

Exactly, how much kool-aid do you guzzle in one sitting?:21:
From the Associated Press, here's a list of some of Trump's lies, just this week. Be a big boy and prove they aren't lies.
AP Fact Check: Trump's week of faulty claims
You know, just because Trump calls every news source that doesn't goose-step to him and doesn't shout how great he is, "fake news" doesn't make it so. He's lying to. Just like the thousands of times he has lied to you. Are you actually, that weak minded?
"Fake news" is not something new. Here's a top Israeli news source article and I'd say Jews/Israelis know much more about this specific subject than you ever will.
A brief history of 'Lgenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'

Oxymoron: “AP Fact check” thanks for proving my post correct.

Prove the article wrong! Prove that you aren't an easily manipulated goose-stepper and make an effort to prove AP Fact Checker wrong. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid, that the article is 100% correct, which would prove that you're an idiot?

No doofus, the AP is a extreme left wing news site. They aren’t credible on the surface. That’s why your use of them proves my post correct.

I just knew you were going to say something like that,,,,,because you just another willfully ignorant troll.
Associated Press - Media Bias/Fact Check
Now I know that you are one on those no-minds that think any media that doesn't worship Trump is "fake news", even though most right wing leaning news sources use the AP as a news resource.
Also, they are rated as "least bias" by media watchdogs.
What a loser! :2up:
They think they can just label anything he says as a lie. Even when you show them it’s a lie, that doesn’t stop th from claiming it is.

Then they count that as a lie and say “see how much Trump lies?”

Exactly, how much kool-aid do you guzzle in one sitting?:21:
From the Associated Press, here's a list of some of Trump's lies, just this week. Be a big boy and prove they aren't lies.
AP Fact Check: Trump's week of faulty claims
You know, just because Trump calls every news source that doesn't goose-step to him and doesn't shout how great he is, "fake news" doesn't make it so. He's lying to. Just like the thousands of times he has lied to you. Are you actually, that weak minded?
"Fake news" is not something new. Here's a top Israeli news source article and I'd say Jews/Israelis know much more about this specific subject than you ever will.
A brief history of 'Lgenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'fake news'

Oxymoron: “AP Fact check” thanks for proving my post correct.

Prove the article wrong! Prove that you aren't an easily manipulated goose-stepper and make an effort to prove AP Fact Checker wrong. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid, that the article is 100% correct, which would prove that you're an idiot?

No doofus, the AP is a extreme left wing news site. They aren’t credible on the surface. That’s why your use of them proves my post correct.

I just knew you were going to say something like that,,,,,because you just another willfully ignorant troll.
Associated Press - Media Bias/Fact Check
Now I know that you are one on those no-minds that think any media that doesn't worship Trump is "fake news", even though most right wing leaning news sources use the AP as a news resource.
Also, they are rated as "least bias" by media watchdogs.
What a loser! :2up:

Lol, thanks again.

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