Why Didn't Hillary Pull Stevens Out of Benghazi When Every Other Country Pulled Their People Out

So no answer to why Hillary was the only one to leave her people to die in Benghazi.... thanks for the honesty.
No one at the State Department left the Ambassador in Benghazi. The decision to leave or stay was under his jurisdiction and his decision. People are unwilling to blame him for his own death and the deaths of those tasked with protecting him.
So you're actually blaming the dead man?!

Are you claiming that Stevens didn't insist on going to Benghazi?
If you still have questions about what happened in Benghazi, you should go back and read the results of all those completed investigations. All your questions have already been answered, and if you are too lazy to read the reports, that's your problem.
So you can't answer why she would leave Stevens behind when every other nation pulled their people out, either, huh?! Thanks...thought so.
Skylar, it's really easy - WHY did Hillary leave Stevens in Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out? Stop trying the Saul Alynski 'spin' approach and answer the question, if you can/dare.
If you still have questions about what happened in Benghazi, you should go back and read the results of all those completed investigations. All your questions have already been answered, and if you are too lazy to read the reports, that's your problem.
So you can't answer why she would leave Stevens behind when every other nation pulled their people out, either, huh?! Thanks...thought so.

'Left behind'? Stevens *insisted* on going to Benghazi. What about this do you not understand?
Skylar, it's really easy - WHY did Hillary leave Stevens in Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out? Stop trying the Saul Alynski 'spin' approach and answer the question, if you can/dare.

Why did Stevens insisted on going to Benghazi despite knowing about the threats?

Your 'left behind' narrative doesn't work. As the person who made the decision for Stevens to be in Benghazi....was Stevens.
I very much dislike Clinton, but for the love of Christ shut the fuck up about Benghazi already.
Man, if you and the liberals think you are tired of hearing about Benghazi NOW....you just wait until the GOP Candidate opens up this whole career-sinking can of worms by asking SIMPLE questions like this, exposing her inability to run an AGENCY while keeping US Citizens / Reps entrusted to her alive!

What's going to happen to her is going to make the 'swift-boating' of John Kerry look like a day at Disney!
Our embassy was in Tripoli, not Benghazi. Why did he choose to go to Benghazi on 9-11?

Did the other countries pull out their personnel from Tripoli?

What was the CIA doing in Benghazi (besides your crazy theory about arming Syrian Rebels)?
Skylar, it's really easy - WHY did Hillary leave Stevens in Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out? Stop trying the Saul Alynski 'spin' approach and answer the question, if you can/dare.

Why did Stevens insisted on going to Benghazi despite knowing about the threats?

Your 'left behind' narrative doesn't work. As the person who made the decision for Stevens to be in Benghazi....was Stevens.
So that means Hillary was justified in ignoring his repeated requests for security? You're a real piece of work, aren't you?
Got it, Skylar. You are trying to strip Hillary of her responsibility as a Commander and Decision-maker, excusing her from failing to do what every other nation did for their people - take them out of harm's way. She couldn't...wouldn't make the hard call. Oh yeah, you can call her at 2am, but don't expect her to answer, and if she does don't expect her to make a decision. She'll just pass on it then blame the dead guys.
So no answer to why Hillary was the only one to leave her people to die in Benghazi.... thanks for the honesty.
No one at the State Department left the Ambassador in Benghazi. The decision to leave or stay was under his jurisdiction and his decision. People are unwilling to blame him for his own death and the deaths of those tasked with protecting him.
So you're actually blaming the dead man?!

The reason people are put in charge is to make decisions, Camp, and she proved she could not do that.

Every other nation pulled their people out, and she deferred the decision to Stevens. I have served with military members who had more b@lls than brains at times, but my job as commander was to make the call to keep my people safe. Hillary failed to do that.

Again, she shirked her responsibility and proved she was more stupid than every other Rep that pulled her people out. She dodged the 'Commander' decision-making moment and left him there to die. Even after 2 terrorist attacks, the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in Stevens' compound wall she left him there...AND she took away 14 members of his security team! WTF?!

And you want to blame the dead man?! Remarkable.

Of course he does and I for one don't need a Washington investigation to let me know who was a fault.

If anyone thought any investigation was going to find the State Department and Hildebeast guilty of gross negligence and incompetence then they were doomed to disappointment.

Benghazi showed exactly what Hitlery is made of and it ain't much.
Our embassy was in Tripoli, not Benghazi. Why did he choose to go to Benghazi on 9-11?

Did the other countries pull out their personnel from Tripoli?

What was the CIA doing in Benghazi (besides your crazy theory about arming Syrian Rebels)?
It's no theory, Boo....weapons were being run out of Benghazi. But the CIA didn't work for Hillary - Stevens did. And instead of ordering him out she left him there to die.

(A highly classified annex to the report, not made public, described a secret agreement reached in early 2012 between the Obama and Erdoğan administrations. It pertained to the rat line. By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria.)
Also, you say that 'every other nation pulled their people out'. How many nations had diplomatic missions in Benghazi and when did they pull out?

The one I've been able to confirm was the UK. And they pulled out because of a specific attack on their ambassador's convoy.
So let me understand the OP's position, haul the hag before congress and expect her to tell the truth? Come on now haven't we already seen and herd enough already, she is incapable of distinguishing fact from politically expedient, in shot telling the truth.
Skylar, it's really easy - WHY did Hillary leave Stevens in Benghazi when every other nation pulled their people out? Stop trying the Saul Alynski 'spin' approach and answer the question, if you can/dare.

Why did Stevens insisted on going to Benghazi despite knowing about the threats?

Your 'left behind' narrative doesn't work. As the person who made the decision for Stevens to be in Benghazi....was Stevens.
So that means Hillary was justified in ignoring his repeated requests for security? You're a real piece of work, aren't you?

Wasn't it Hillary that was requesting more money for security from republicans....and was turned down?
Our embassy was in Tripoli, not Benghazi. Why did he choose to go to Benghazi on 9-11?

Did the other countries pull out their personnel from Tripoli?

What was the CIA doing in Benghazi (besides your crazy theory about arming Syrian Rebels)?
It's no theory, Boo....weapons were being run out of Benghazi. But the CIA didn't work for Hillary - Stevens did. And instead of ordering him out she left him there to die.

Again, who made the decision for Stevens to be in Benghazi?
This is one - just ONE - simple question about one simple event during Hillary's time as secretary of state, and Liberals - or Hillary - can't answer it. And Liberals think Hillary is going to be able to stand up under the scrutiny that is coming when the GOP finally has it's candidate?!

It was Hillary's call.
SHE was responsible for the safety and security of her people.
She was the ONLY nation's rep to refuse to pull their people out. She left him to die.
She didn't just leave him to die, she/her agency stripped him of 14 security members....
...after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound....and she still couldn't/wouldn't make the call.

Such incompetence and indecision should be an automatic disqualifier for President.

'Hillary Lied. Americans Died!'
Also, you say that 'every other nation pulled their people out'. How many nations had diplomatic missions in Benghazi and when did they pull out?

The one I've been able to confirm was the UK. And they pulled out because of a specific attack on their ambassador's convoy.
There were previous attacks on the U.S. embassy as well but I guess Hillary didn't know about those either.
U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Anniversary

Was Stevens unaware of these attacks? That seems rather unlikely. And if he knew, why did he go?

Remember, the person who insisted that Stevens be in Benghazi...was Stevens.
There were previous attacks on the U.S. embassy as well but I guess Hillary didn't know about those either.
U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Anniversary


After / While ignoring his more than 600 requests for additional security the terrorists attacked his compound TWICE, the last one leaving a 4-foot hole in the wall. they were probing his defenses for the 9/11/12 attack.

It was AFTER this, after she refused to order him out - him, Stevens, who worked for HER - she and her Agency then STRIPPED HIM OF 14 MEMBERS OF HIS SECURITY TEAM....before the 9/11/12 attack.

If there was EVER such a thing as a 'No Brainer', ordering him out of Benghazi was it, just as EVERY other nation had done with their own people!

Again, this should be an automatic disqualifier for President.
Our embassy was in Tripoli, not Benghazi. Why did he choose to go to Benghazi on 9-11?

Did the other countries pull out their personnel from Tripoli?

What was the CIA doing in Benghazi (besides your crazy theory about arming Syrian Rebels)?
It's no theory, Boo....weapons were being run out of Benghazi. But the CIA didn't work for Hillary - Stevens did. And instead of ordering him out she left him there to die.

(A highly classified annex to the report, not made public, described a secret agreement reached in early 2012 between the Obama and Erdoğan administrations. It pertained to the rat line. By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria.)

Link to the publication that reveled this ditty?

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