Why Didn't Hillary Pull Stevens Out of Benghazi When Every Other Country Pulled Their People Out

This is one - just ONE - simple question about one simple event during Hillary's time as secretary of state, and Liberals - or Hillary - can't answer it. And Liberals think Hillary is going to be able to stand up under the scrutiny that is coming when the GOP finally has it's candidate?!

Youre 'one question' is utterly loaded. For example, 'all other nation' who pulled their diplomatic missions in the city.....consisted of the UK. And the UK had

Steven wasn't 'sent' to Benghazi. He insisted on going. And he knew his security detail and had the warnings about threats. Yet he still insisted on going.

The 'left behind' narrative is horseshit. Benghazi was a mere consulate that Stevens rarely visted. He was based out of Tripoli where the US embassy actually sits. Stevens *chose* to go to Benghazi despite the threats, leaving the comparative safety of the US embassy in Tripoli.

Stevens was aware of the bombing attempts or attacks in Benghazi. He was aware that the UK ambassadors convey had been hit by RPGs, prompting the British to close their Benghazi consulate. And yet Stevens insisted on going anyway.

The only person who 'sent' Stevens to Benghazi....was Stevens.

And worse, you know all of this. But hope we don't.
Remember, the person who insisted that Stevens be in Benghazi...was Stevens.

Please, GOD, tell me you aren't a PARENT!

Little 'Jimmy' died today, trampled and gored to death, because he convinced his dad he was capable of retrieving his ball from the bull's pen. 'Hey, it was HIS call', said Skylar.
Remember, the person who insisted that Stevens be in Benghazi...was Stevens.

Please, GOD, tell me you aren't a PARENT!

Laughing.....so in your scenario the US Ambassador is a *child* that can't made decisions for himself?

Try again. Stevens made these choices with full knowledge of the dangers. He left the relative safety of the US embassy in Tripoli to go to Benghazi, knowing the bombings and attacks.

The only person that sent Stevens to Benghazi....was Stevens.
This is one - just ONE - simple question about one simple event during Hillary's time as secretary of state, and Liberals - or Hillary - can't answer it. And Liberals think Hillary is going to be able to stand up under the scrutiny that is coming when the GOP finally has it's candidate?!

Youre 'one question' is utterly loaded. For example, 'all other nation' who pulled their diplomatic missions in the city.....consisted of the UK. And the UK had

Steven wasn't 'sent' to Benghazi. He insisted on going. And he knew his security detail and had the warnings about threats. Yet he still insisted on going.

The 'left behind' narrative is horseshit. Benghazi was a mere consulate that Stevens rarely visted. He was based out of Tripoli where the US embassy actually sits. Stevens *chose* to go to Benghazi despite the threats, leaving the comparative safety of the US embassy in Tripoli.

Stevens was aware of the bombing attempts or attacks in Benghazi. He was aware that the UK ambassadors convey had been hit by RPGs, prompting the British to close their Benghazi consulate. And yet Stevens insisted on going anyway.

The only person who 'sent' Stevens to Benghazi....was Stevens.

And worse, you know all of this. But hope we don't.

Silly far left drones, believe that people can just nominate themselves and go to place without any official looking over them!
Laughing.....so in your scenario the US Ambassador is a *child* that can't made decisions for himself?

No, he was her RESPONSIBILITY! She FAILED, and in the process she got him KILLED!

She could not control her own staff.
She could not run her own AGENCY.
She got 4 Americans NEEDLESSLY murdered!

[QUOTE="easyt65, post: 13582543, member: 55400
Laughing.....so in your scenario the US Ambassador is a *child* that can't made decisions for himself?

No, he was her RESPONSIBILITY! She FAILED, and in the process she got him KILLED!

Hillary ddin't send Stevens out of the comparative safety of the US Embassy in Tripoli. Stevens did that....knowing about every attack and the security threats.

Stevens *insisted* on going to Benghazi. No one sent him.

And 'every other nation'....was the UK.
This is one - just ONE - simple question about one simple event during Hillary's time as secretary of state, and Liberals - or Hillary - can't answer it. And Liberals think Hillary is going to be able to stand up under the scrutiny that is coming when the GOP finally has it's candidate?!

Youre 'one question' is utterly loaded. For example, 'all other nation' who pulled their diplomatic missions in the city.....consisted of the UK. And the UK had

Steven wasn't 'sent' to Benghazi. He insisted on going. And he knew his security detail and had the warnings about threats. Yet he still insisted on going.

The 'left behind' narrative is horseshit. Benghazi was a mere consulate that Stevens rarely visted. He was based out of Tripoli where the US embassy actually sits. Stevens *chose* to go to Benghazi despite the threats, leaving the comparative safety of the US embassy in Tripoli.

Stevens was aware of the bombing attempts or attacks in Benghazi. He was aware that the UK ambassadors convey had been hit by RPGs, prompting the British to close their Benghazi consulate. And yet Stevens insisted on going anyway.

The only person who 'sent' Stevens to Benghazi....was Stevens.

And worse, you know all of this. But hope we don't.

Silly far left drones, believe that people can just nominate themselves and go to place without any official looking over them!

So you think our Ambassadors have to get permission from the SoS or directly inform the SoS before they travel?
Being President requires leadership and making decisions. It involves responsibility for those who work for you and keeping Americans safe. What the Liberals on this board have continued to try to excuse Hillary from and what she failed to demonstrate is the ability to successfully do any of these things.

She failed in her responsibility to run her agency, failed in her responsibility to protect the lives of those who worked for her, failed to make the necessary decisions that would have kept American citizens safe, and her apologists are now trying to blame the dead Americans she failed and abandoned to die.

Such action, in an attempt to protect one party or one person rather than acknowledge the failures that put this country in jeopardy and resulted in the deaths of American citizens, is pathetic.

You don't FAIL in any way much more than you do by getting Americans killed.... NEEDLESSLY!

THERE IS NO EXCUSE for Stevens and 3 other Americans dying. They should not have been in harm's way. Every other nation made the intentional decisions to take their people out before attacks were perpetrated and succeeded in doing so.

Hillary failed to do so. No one should have been responding to an attack and trying to rescue an Ambassador that never should have been there to begin with. Even after 2 terrorist attacks Hillary failed to exercise the required leadership to ORDER HER Ambassador out of harm's way.

Her initial decision-making, the hiring of Al Qaeida to protect a US Ambassador, was beyond incompetent but was tatamount to treason! What leader would put American lives in the hands of terrorists, especially those who profess to be linked in any way - even if only in name - to the group that attacked the US on 9/11/01? There is no basis for defending anyone who ciuld possibly even consider doing so.

From top to bottom, Benghazi was THE demonstration of why Hillary should never hold another office in government again, especially the Presidency.

4 Dead Americans, whose lives were sacrificed NEEDLESSLY due to Hillary's incompetence, stand as the supreme testament to this fact.
[QUOTE="easyt65, post: 13582543, member: 55400
Laughing.....so in your scenario the US Ambassador is a *child* that can't made decisions for himself?

No, he was her RESPONSIBILITY! She FAILED, and in the process she got him KILLED!

Hillary ddin't send Stevens out of the comparative safety of the US Embassy in Tripoli. Stevens did that....knowing about every attack and the security threats.

Stevens *insisted* on going to Benghazi. No one sent him.

And 'every other nation'....was the UK.
Seems there's no level too low for you to sink.
Libya was being promoted by the administration as a successful part of the Arab Spring and the right way to effect regime change to pull American personal out because of security concerns would have run counter to that message. Do I think they were trying to get people killed no do I think they put political concerns ahead of security concerns yes in my opinion they rolled the dice and hoped nothing bad would happen before the election but they came up snake eyes.

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