Why didn't Obama predict COVID-19 and design a test for it?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON ― On top of being a bad president and possibly a Kenyan, Barack Obama was also a terrible psychic.

Or so claims President Donald Trump, who in his struggles to explain why he downplayed a deadly new virus for two months as his administration failed to come up with a robust testing plan has resorted to blaming predecessor Obama ― for failing to develop a test for a disease that would not come into existence until three years after he left office.

“Maybe (Obama) knew it was coming, but he and the ‘Deep State’ kept the cupboards bare,” joked Joe Walsh, a former Republican House member from Illinois who unsuccessfully ran against Trump for the 2020 GOP nomination.

One GOP pollster who spoke on condition of anonymity said blaming Obama is clearly designed for consumption by Trump’s hard-core supporters. Trump and his political team “are all about the care and feeding of his base,” he said. “That’s who he is.”

Trump is always quick to blame others - but never to blame himself or his administration.
I wouldn’t expect that from obummer! Remember what he did with EBOLA? He flew it here!
WASHINGTON ― On top of being a bad president and possibly a Kenyan, Barack Obama was also a terrible psychic.

Or so claims President Donald Trump, who in his struggles to explain why he downplayed a deadly new virus for two months as his administration failed to come up with a robust testing plan has resorted to blaming predecessor Obama ― for failing to develop a test for a disease that would not come into existence until three years after he left office.

“Maybe (Obama) knew it was coming, but he and the ‘Deep State’ kept the cupboards bare,” joked Joe Walsh, a former Republican House member from Illinois who unsuccessfully ran against Trump for the 2020 GOP nomination.

One GOP pollster who spoke on condition of anonymity said blaming Obama is clearly designed for consumption by Trump’s hard-core supporters. Trump and his political team “are all about the care and feeding of his base,” he said. “That’s who he is.”

Trump is always quick to blame others - but never to blame himself or his administration.

just wait until the rw bullshit starts flowing on this one -

and before I could, type, hit post ..... BADA BING BADA BOOM
The endless search for a scapegoat continues unabated.

WASHINGTON ― On top of being a bad president and possibly a Kenyan, Barack Obama was also a terrible psychic.

Or so claims President Donald Trump, who in his struggles to explain why he downplayed a deadly new virus for two months as his administration failed to come up with a robust testing plan has resorted to blaming predecessor Obama ― for failing to develop a test for a disease that would not come into existence until three years after he left office.

“Maybe (Obama) knew it was coming, but he and the ‘Deep State’ kept the cupboards bare,” joked Joe Walsh, a former Republican House member from Illinois who unsuccessfully ran against Trump for the 2020 GOP nomination.

One GOP pollster who spoke on condition of anonymity said blaming Obama is clearly designed for consumption by Trump’s hard-core supporters. Trump and his political team “are all about the care and feeding of his base,” he said. “That’s who he is.”

Trump is always quick to blame others - but never to blame himself or his administration.

Here's another example of their extreme stupidity.

He can't win with just his base. His only hope would be to prevent over two thirds of the voters from voting.

That's just not going to happen.

Both parties need people like me, Independents, to win an election. Both parties don't have enough voters to win without Independents.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

He can keep pandering to his small base but the rest of us are going to do all we can to vote his ugly ass out of office in November.
Why wasn't Congress working on this coronavirus, instead of screwing around with a Fake Impeachment?

That's the real question, IMHO. Had Schiff and Nadler got together to resolve this pandemic bullshit, we would have never had this current lockdown.

Because as I understand it, and I could be wrong here, neither Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler were not or are not President of the United States. Not privy to classified briefings or do they have the ability to mobilize government agencies to combat the virus. Impeachment (which Trump brought on himself) was over in the Senate on February 5th. Both Schiff and Nadler are in the House. They voted on impeachment on December 19th. So what happened (other than Trump restricting travel from China) between end of December and beginning of February? Oh yeah, MAGA pep rallies, lots of tweeting, golfing, hanging out at Mar-A-Lago, tirelessly watching Fox.

I find it amusing that Trump supporters are endlessly trying to find a scapegoat and a diversion for the blame that rests with their deal leader. If he had acted in January, the lockdown (or an extensive lockdown) might not have been necessary.
WASHINGTON ― On top of being a bad president and possibly a Kenyan, Barack Obama was also a terrible psychic.

Or so claims President Donald Trump, who in his struggles to explain why he downplayed a deadly new virus for two months as his administration failed to come up with a robust testing plan has resorted to blaming predecessor Obama ― for failing to develop a test for a disease that would not come into existence until three years after he left office.

“Maybe (Obama) knew it was coming, but he and the ‘Deep State’ kept the cupboards bare,” joked Joe Walsh, a former Republican House member from Illinois who unsuccessfully ran against Trump for the 2020 GOP nomination.

One GOP pollster who spoke on condition of anonymity said blaming Obama is clearly designed for consumption by Trump’s hard-core supporters. Trump and his political team “are all about the care and feeding of his base,” he said. “That’s who he is.”

Trump is always quick to blame others - but never to blame himself or his administration.

Here's another example of their extreme stupidity.

He can't win with just his base. His only hope would be to prevent over two thirds of the voters from voting.

That's just not going to happen.

Both parties need people like me, Independents, to win an election. Both parties don't have enough voters to win without Independents.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

He can keep pandering to his small base but the rest of us are going to do all we can to vote his ugly ass out of office in November.
And to put what in? The Progs are going to go full socialist to communist now. The blue cities are starting to disintigrate. Taxed to extremes, revenue is slipping away. Is that your answer?
Why wasn't Congress working on this coronavirus, instead of screwing around with a Fake Impeachment?

That's the real question, IMHO. Had Schiff and Nadler got together to resolve this pandemic bullshit, we would have never had this current lockdown.

Because as I understand it, and I could be wrong here, neither Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler were not or are not President of the United States. Not privy to classified briefings or do they have the ability to mobilize government agencies to combat the virus. Impeachment (which Trump brought on himself) was over in the Senate on February 5th. Both Schiff and Nadler are in the House. They voted on impeachment on December 19th. So what happened (other than Trump restricting travel from China) between end of December and beginning of February? Oh yeah, MAGA pep rallies, lots of tweeting, golfing, hanging out at Mar-A-Lago, tirelessly watching Fox.

I find it amusing that Trump supporters are endlessly trying to find a scapegoat and a diversion for the blame that rests with their deal leader. If he had acted in January, the lockdown (or an extensive lockdown) might not have been necessary.

The Democrats could have written, and proposed legislation to stop the coronavirus, that's the point. They knew about and it would have been simple to get together and pass resolutions against it.
Why wasn't Congress working on this coronavirus, instead of screwing around with a Fake Impeachment?

That's the real question, IMHO. Had Schiff and Nadler got together to resolve this pandemic bullshit, we would have never had this current lockdown.

Because as I understand it, and I could be wrong here, neither Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler were not or are not President of the United States. Not privy to classified briefings or do they have the ability to mobilize government agencies to combat the virus. Impeachment (which Trump brought on himself) was over in the Senate on February 5th. Both Schiff and Nadler are in the House. They voted on impeachment on December 19th. So what happened (other than Trump restricting travel from China) between end of December and beginning of February? Oh yeah, MAGA pep rallies, lots of tweeting, golfing, hanging out at Mar-A-Lago, tirelessly watching Fox.

I find it amusing that Trump supporters are endlessly trying to find a scapegoat and a diversion for the blame that rests with their deal leader. If he had acted in January, the lockdown (or an extensive lockdown) might not have been necessary.
I find it amusing that you are worried. Why? The winds of discontent and rebellion are starting to stir just a little.
We all know that Obama can SCARE AWAY THE VIRUS.....like he did to the swine flu.......

here .....check it out.
Barry obviously thought there would never be another pandemic of any kind since he used up our stockpile and did nothing to replenish it.
Look........he had bigger issues than restock what he used......He had to save up money to give to the Iranians...............Geesh........people just don't know their history.

Why wasn't Congress working on this coronavirus, instead of screwing around with a Fake Impeachment?

That's the real question, IMHO. Had Schiff and Nadler got together to resolve this pandemic bullshit, we would have never had this current lockdown.

Because as I understand it, and I could be wrong here, neither Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler were not or are not President of the United States. Not privy to classified briefings or do they have the ability to mobilize government agencies to combat the virus. Impeachment (which Trump brought on himself) was over in the Senate on February 5th. Both Schiff and Nadler are in the House. They voted on impeachment on December 19th. So what happened (other than Trump restricting travel from China) between end of December and beginning of February? Oh yeah, MAGA pep rallies, lots of tweeting, golfing, hanging out at Mar-A-Lago, tirelessly watching Fox.

I find it amusing that Trump supporters are endlessly trying to find a scapegoat and a diversion for the blame that rests with their deal leader. If he had acted in January, the lockdown (or an extensive lockdown) might not have been necessary.
I find it amusing that you are worried. Why? The winds of discontent and rebellion are starting to stir just a little.

Why would I be worried? Trump is the main reason for the shutdown. Doesn't worry me in the slightest. No Democrat is President. Trump is.
Barry obviously thought there would never be another pandemic of any kind since he used up our stockpile and did nothing to replenish it.

Stupid, stupid Nostra. Masks and PPE's don't store well. It was Trump's job, knowing that a pandemic was coming, to replenish the national stockpile before it arrived. Instead, Trump lifted trade sanctions, and encouraged American manufacturers to sell their existing stocks of masks and PPE's to China, without first ordering a supply for American hospitals.

If Trump didn't think to do an inventory and replenish the national stockpile, that's hardly on Obama. Trump had 3 years, during which time he closed the Pandemic Response office in the White House, fired the head of the CDC and replaced him with someone who's appointment raised eyebrows and who's fitness for the job was highly questionable.

Given the failures of the CDC in this government's response, much of that can be laid at the feet of an unqualified and inexperienced Director.

At every juncture in this pandemic, Trump has made the wrong decision. Every. Single.One.

WASHINGTON ― On top of being a bad president and possibly a Kenyan, Barack Obama was also a terrible psychic.

Or so claims President Donald Trump, who in his struggles to explain why he downplayed a deadly new virus for two months as his administration failed to come up with a robust testing plan has resorted to blaming predecessor Obama ― for failing to develop a test for a disease that would not come into existence until three years after he left office.

“Maybe (Obama) knew it was coming, but he and the ‘Deep State’ kept the cupboards bare,” joked Joe Walsh, a former Republican House member from Illinois who unsuccessfully ran against Trump for the 2020 GOP nomination.

One GOP pollster who spoke on condition of anonymity said blaming Obama is clearly designed for consumption by Trump’s hard-core supporters. Trump and his political team “are all about the care and feeding of his base,” he said. “That’s who he is.”

Trump is always quick to blame others - but never to blame himself or his administration.
Obama was probably busy with impeachment.
Barry obviously thought there would never be another pandemic of any kind since he used up our stockpile and did nothing to replenish it.

Stupid, stupid Nostra. Masks and PPE's don't store well. It was Trump's job, knowing that a pandemic was coming, to replenish the national stockpile before it arrived. Instead, Trump lifted trade sanctions, and encouraged American manufacturers to sell their existing stocks of masks and PPE's to China, without first ordering a supply for American hospitals.

If Trump didn't think to do an inventory and replenish the national stockpile, that's hardly on Obama. Trump had 3 years, during which time he closed the Pandemic Response office in the White House, fired the head of the CDC and replaced him with someone who's appointment raised eyebrows and who's fitness for the job was highly questionable.

Given the failures of the CDC in this government's response, much of that can be laid at the feet of an unqualified and inexperienced Director.

At every juncture in this pandemic, Trump has made the wrong decision. Every. Single.One.

Hey dummy, we have A stockpile for a reason. Barry used it up, then left the mess for the next guy to clean up.

You really are dumber than a box of retarded toenail clippings.
WASHINGTON ― On top of being a bad president and possibly a Kenyan, Barack Obama was also a terrible psychic.

Or so claims President Donald Trump, who in his struggles to explain why he downplayed a deadly new virus for two months as his administration failed to come up with a robust testing plan has resorted to blaming predecessor Obama ― for failing to develop a test for a disease that would not come into existence until three years after he left office.

“Maybe (Obama) knew it was coming, but he and the ‘Deep State’ kept the cupboards bare,” joked Joe Walsh, a former Republican House member from Illinois who unsuccessfully ran against Trump for the 2020 GOP nomination.

One GOP pollster who spoke on condition of anonymity said blaming Obama is clearly designed for consumption by Trump’s hard-core supporters. Trump and his political team “are all about the care and feeding of his base,” he said. “That’s who he is.”

Trump is always quick to blame others - but never to blame himself or his administration.

TDS thread 1,434
WASHINGTON ― On top of being a bad president and possibly a Kenyan, Barack Obama was also a terrible psychic.

Or so claims President Donald Trump, who in his struggles to explain why he downplayed a deadly new virus for two months as his administration failed to come up with a robust testing plan has resorted to blaming predecessor Obama ― for failing to develop a test for a disease that would not come into existence until three years after he left office.

“Maybe (Obama) knew it was coming, but he and the ‘Deep State’ kept the cupboards bare,” joked Joe Walsh, a former Republican House member from Illinois who unsuccessfully ran against Trump for the 2020 GOP nomination.

One GOP pollster who spoke on condition of anonymity said blaming Obama is clearly designed for consumption by Trump’s hard-core supporters. Trump and his political team “are all about the care and feeding of his base,” he said. “That’s who he is.”

Trump is always quick to blame others - but never to blame himself or his administration.
comments backed up by more stupid ones from crazy kelly ann conway who believes that there were 18 generations of covid before covid-19, ha ha ha ha, RW deplorables are the stupidest of the stupid, including their leader mr pussygrabber....

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