Why didn't Russia invade Ukraine during Trump's presidency?

Sorry bout that,

1. Russia was building up his invasion forces, and then Biden green lighted the invasion, "Small Excursion" is ok, Biden said.
2. Biden backed this war.
3. And for all accountablity, this is Biden's war.
4. Get rid of Biden, get rid of this war.

Putin doesn't care about the Russian people. he will send them to their death to fulfill his final dream!
Russia invaded Ukrainian territory during Obama's and Biden's presidencies, but not while Trump was President. Why was that?
1. Coincidence?
2. Luck?
3. Stars not in alignment?
4. TDS?

I have read other explanations in the past, but they were so vapid as to not register as intelligent conversation. Please wash, rinse and repeat them so that we can all better understand Trump's foreign policy failures that Biden has had to clean up.

Because Trump was doing Putin's dirty work. Trump was Putin's Manchurian Candidate.
Now that I'm done playing liberal, I'll explain it: Because Putin feared and respected Trump, whereas neither Putin, Xi Jinping, nor Kim Jong Un fears or respects Biden. Trump displayed power and confidence, while Biden only projects weakness and indecision.

Oh really. Putin has found out that this is not true. Biden is defeating Putin.
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I'll channel my inner liberal as best I can and offer the explanation a typical Democrat would come up with:

"Because Putin was waiting for the signal from Trump to invade Ukraine. Trump sent the signal after Biden was in office, so he and Putin could make Biden look bad. Everything wrong with this country is the MAGA Republican's fault."

See right above this post if you doubt me. :laughing0301:

Candy is a level of retard not often seen.
Not really. Reagan just has a USSR that had enough of its own problems. Reagan didn't stop the USSR from cracking down on Poland. Or Afghanistan. Or anywhere else.

The US supplied stinger missiles which led to their defeat in Afghanistan. Reagan placed nuclear weapons in Europe.
As someone else said on the first page of this thread, it seems likely that the Roooskies just weren't quite ready while Rump was in office...

It takes a while to assemble an invasion force and to run training exercises and to tweak both your strategy and your units and command structure...

As a matter of fact I have oftentimes wondered if Sleepy Old Joe's own Afghan screw-up was triggered by intel-based predictions of a Ukraine invasion...

Pulling our boys and girls out of there before our supply lines were cut...

No clue if there's actually any truth in that but it sounds believable and the timing works...
I'll channel my inner liberal as best I can and offer the explanation a typical Democrat would come up with:

"Because Putin was waiting for the signal from Trump to invade Ukraine. Trump sent the signal after Biden was in office, so he and Putin could make Biden look bad. Everything wrong with this country is the MAGA Republican's fault."

See right above this post if you doubt me.
OMG :eek: - That's TOP SECRET - you loudmouth you...
Sorry bout that,

1. Why not roll the video?
2. Here goes.....boom!
3. Only a very low IQ will gather another opinion.
4. He, or she, for that matter, might as well be listening to gibberish.
5. LINK:

6. Multiple news networks picked up on it, only the dense didn't

He drained their economy in the cold war.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

He drained our economy during the Cold War.

The CIA and DIA never saw the breakup of the USSR coming. They were still publishing these glossy OPFOR manuals for us representing the USSR as a threat.

Imagine our surprise when we found out the "Evil Empire" was just a collection of impoverished countries.
Now that I'm done playing liberal, I'll explain it: Because Putin feared and respected Trump, whereas neither Putin, Xi Jinping, nor Kim Jong Un fears or respects Biden. Trump displayed power and confidence, while Biden only projects weakness and indecision.

Utter Bollix...

Trump spent his four years undermining and trying to divide his allies and especially NATO... Putin didn't invade because Trump was doing his bidding, to invade would make Trump's work of breaking up NATO harder...

So when Trump didn't win re-election Putin took his chance... He gambled that NATO and EU would be fractured enough by Trump that they wouldn't respond, he was dead wrong...

Bolton said that Trump wanted to pull out of NATO in second term... That would have been Putin ultimate goal...

So to answer the OP, Putin didn't invade because when you get milk for free why do you need a cow..
Same with Reagan. Nobody fucked with us then.
Trump was the most Russian compliant US President ever...

Putin thought Biden and the US/NATO/US allies were suitably weakened by the Trump admin for him to attack... He was fucking wrong...

Biden is showing how strong US can be and they aren't even fighting... This is the ultimate showing how the US can fuck with you without a single boot on the ground...
This sends shivers into US enemies, US can fuck with you on a budget... US has halved the Russian war machine for $80bn, Reagan would have cheered that on...

Biden actions around Ukraine war so far will be taught in West Point for decades to come... It will be Sun Tzu 2.0...

I know we are going to have Trumpets here trying to ridicule that but you are fucking watching Fox... We have already established that you know fuck all and like to be lied too..
Yeah, that is what you have been told, but where are the examples of such ownership?
Trump defendingPutin
Calling him his friend
Taking Putin’s side over the CIA
Calling Putin a genius for invading Ukraine
Refusing to condemn Putin for invading

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