Why didn't Russia invade Ukraine during Trump's presidency?

Russia invaded Ukrainian territory during Obama's and Biden's presidencies, but not while Trump was President. Why was that?
1. Coincidence?
2. Luck?
3. Stars not in alignment?
4. TDS?

I have read other explanations in the past, but they were so vapid as to not register as intelligent conversation. Please wash, rinse and repeat them so that we can all better understand Trump's foreign policy failures that Biden has had to clean up.
it has to do with the fact that the united states came from a position of strength during the trump admin.
As someone else said on the first page of this thread, it seems likely that the Roooskies just weren't quite ready while Rump was in office...

It takes a while to assemble an invasion force and to run training exercises and to tweak both your strategy and your units and command structure...

As a matter of fact I have oftentimes wondered if Sleepy Old Joe's own Afghan screw-up was triggered by intel-based predictions of a Ukraine invasion...

Pulling our boys and girls out of there before our supply lines were cut...

No clue if there's actually any truth in that but it sounds believable and the timing works...
The Afghan fuck up was all Trump...

Trump dealt Biden a complete f**k up and Biden had basically very little options when he arrived...

Biden had two choices:
  1. Escalate the war and send in 50,000 troops
  2. Get the hell out of there
Trump admin basically stop all US friendlies getting visa for US.... Thanks you, Stephen Millar who boasted about it around DC...

Biden went with option Number 2... Get the hell out of there

So you can critize him for not going for option Number 1... But they were the only options..
Hard to have a war when Trump police was surrender...

He did it in Afghan
He did in Syria
He did with China under TPP...

He did it with COVID...

Trump saw confrontation and he cowered...
Same thing he did when drafted.
Russia invaded Ukrainian territory during Obama's and Biden's presidencies, but not while Trump was President. Why was that?
1. Coincidence?
2. Luck?
3. Stars not in alignment?
4. TDS?

I have read other explanations in the past, but they were so vapid as to not register as intelligent conversation. Please wash, rinse and repeat them so that we can all better understand Trump's foreign policy failures that Biden has had to clean up.
Let Occam rule. The simplest answer is usually the correct answer.

They didn't strike Ukraine because they were not ready and they thought there might have been a chance for diplomacy under Trump.

I don't think Trump ever spoke publicly about overthrowing Putin as Sleepy Joe has.
Now that I'm done playing liberal, I'll explain it: Because Putin feared and respected Trump, whereas neither Putin, Xi Jinping, nor Kim Jong Un fears or respects Biden. Trump displayed power and confidence, while Biden only projects weakness and indecision.

This, prior to Trump's election we heard week in and week out about N. Korea's threats, constantly in the news.
Trump is elected. The left says "Trump is going to bring about WWIII"
6 months after trump was elected, N. Korea STFU'd.
2 months after Biden is elected, N. Korea begins threats again.
Sorry bout that,

1. Russia was building up his invasion forces, and then Biden green lighted the invasion, "Small Excursion" is ok, Biden said.
2. Biden backed this war.
3. And for all accountablity, this is Biden's war.
4. Get rid of Biden, get rid of this war.


1. Putin had no need to start a war to take over the Ukraine while Trump was in the White House. Trump withheld shipments of vital equipment for more than 6 months after the “Perfect Phone Call” and was urging Zelensky to “settle with Putin”, offering to broker a deal.

2. Biden didn’t back this war. Putin believed American media that said the Joe Biden was senile and wasn’t smart enough to be president. Putin figured if Biden was weak and senile and didn’t have the full support of the American people, he could seize the Ukraine with ease.

Trump had fractured NATO, so Putin had no worries there. NATO was in no shape to support the resistance.

4. Get rid of Biden, and welcome your new boss, China. Trump told every authoritarian dictator in the world you just do what they wanted, he was putting “America first”.

Now you’re blaming Joe Biden, because Putin and XI have been emboldened in their quest for world domination.

Donald Trump says that Americans don’t care what happens in the rest of the world it’s America first, and right wing media says that Joe Biden is suffers from dementia and isn’t really running the country, they’re going to say “Now is a good time to just take what we want”.

Posts, calling, Joe Biden, “Mr. potatohead” or “Dementia Joe” Just serve to further embolden, your enemies to attack the United States. Weak, divided, violently attacking one another, daily mass shootings.

Canada just scored a big new VW plant in Southern Ontario. The first outside Germany. The kind of investment that used to go to the USA.

Foreign companies looking to establish manufacturing in the north American free trade zone, are increasingly looking to Canada, because of our political stability, highly educated workforce, Universal, healthcare,abortion rights, low crime rates, and gun control.

And definitely not in that order.

Because everyone knows that Biden is weak-minded. It's why most of the world is taking advantage of his lackluster "leadership" and scamming him for cash and/or dumping the dollar altogether.
This, prior to Trump's election we heard week in and week out about N. Korea's threats, constantly in the news.
Trump is elected. The left says "Trump is going to bring about WWIII"
6 months after trump was elected, N. Korea STFU'd.
2 months after Biden is elected, N. Korea begins threats again.

North Korea shut the fuck up because Trump allowed them to test nukes whenever they felt like it. They were able to develop ICBM capability while Trump was in the White House.

And what did Trump get in return? A few love letters and a box of bone fragments.

Because everyone knows that Biden is weak-minded. It's why most of the world is taking advantage of his lackluster "leadership" and scamming him for cash and/or dumping the dollar altogether.

Yea…..Putin assumed the same thing

Biden is weak, he will not stand up to me, other leaders don’t respect him

Meanwhile, Biden avoided the temptation of using our military, he organized a global boycott of Russia, he organized military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine
The Afghan fuck up was all Trump...

Trump dealt Biden a complete f**k up and Biden had basically very little options when he arrived...

Biden had two choices:
  1. Escalate the war and send in 50,000 troops
  2. Get the hell out of there
Trump admin basically stop all US friendlies getting visa for US.... Thanks you, Stephen Millar who boasted about it around DC...

Biden went with option Number 2... Get the hell out of there

So you can critize him for not going for option Number 1... But they were the only options..
The wrong air base was used for leaving. And all of the equipment left there. You see, Joe and the gang was supposed to know better. All of the Prog TV/entertainment/media shills told us that. Day after day after day. Progs are frauds that are placed on the pedestal of the Broadway Stage.
Yea…..Putin assumed the same thing

Biden is weak, he will not stand up to me, other leaders don’t respect him

Meanwhile, Biden avoided the temptation of using our military, he organized a global boycott of Russia, he organized military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine
Yeah. Biden would never dream of using our military to fight Russia -- directly, that is:


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