Why didn't Russia invade Ukraine during Trump's presidency?

North Korea shut the fuck up because Trump allowed them to test nukes whenever they felt like it. They were able to develop ICBM capability while Trump was in the White House.

And what did Trump get in return? A few love letters and a box of bone fragments.
China is going to eat our lunch when the time comes. Japan and South Korea need to reconsider their alliance with us. Asia will be the dominant economic power on earth in a few decades. Perhaps even sooner.
Yeah. Biden would never dream of using our military to fight Russia -- directly, that is:


Unlike previous Presidents who jumped to deploy US Troops in Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq, Biden wisely resisted the temptation and offered military and humanitarian aid.

Smart Guy
Unlike previous Presidents who jumped to deploy US Troops in Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq, Biden wisely resisted the temptation and offered military and humanitarian aid.

Smart Guy
Yeah ... while arming the Taliban with American weapons and military gear. Smart guy! We generally call guys like Biden -- pussies.
Yeah, no other time in history has the US done that, not.
In reality Trump diminished US strength a lot during his admin...

He gutted the state dept and thus had even got US to the point of loosing major control in Africa... thus look at Sudan...

China saw this and played the US, Trump was a child thing to be played with...

Europe wanted to work with him but eventually conceded that he was way too immature and ignorant to deal with... They just stopped inviting to meetings..
Trump didn't know the topics enough to be able to use US power... He was just childish...
They eventually had him as the butt of their jokes.

The dictators know that he would fawn over them if they threw him a bit of praise... It was false praise but they know, just tell the kid what he wants to hear...
This was the same tactic as Fox News..

Biden has made a huge comeback in Ukraine which unlike Afghan he could control. Even China is looking at Taiwan and going 'Fuck it'... Especially since the weak Russia could give China something they really want... Access to Fresh Water and a lot of it.. China could leverage Russia
China is going to eat our lunch when the time comes. Japan and South Korea need to reconsider their alliance with us. Asia will be the dominant economic power on earth in a few decades. Perhaps even sooner.

Just like Trump you want to concede cause you lack the imagination to win...
Well, could fuck off into the corner and let the real adults fix this while you suck your thumb...
Us globalists will solve the problem just like we did COVID, WW2, the Internet, even the US revolution was a globalist endeavour...

What US needs to do is sign CPTPP build a huge alliance and put manners on China...

Don't try and explain it to the idiots, there the ones sucking their thumbs in the corner..
Unlike previous Presidents who jumped to deploy US Troops in Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq, Biden wisely resisted the temptation and offered military and humanitarian aid.

Smart Guy
Got a way better result...

Russia is the one with there nightmare Vietnam, not America...

This really pisses of the Trumpets...

It makes them look like bullshiters... They keep underestimating Biden and he keeps handing them there ass.
Another was the State of the Union, Biden on the fly got them into the corner of having to agree with Social Security...
Why didn't hitler(Germany) invade Poland when Hoover was President?
Why didn't hirohito(Japan) invade China when Coolidge was President?

Russia invaded Ukrainian territory during Obama's and Biden's presidencies, but not while Trump was President. Why was that?
1. Coincidence?
2. Luck?
3. Stars not in alignment?
4. TDS?

I have read other explanations in the past, but they were so vapid as to not register as intelligent conversation. Please wash, rinse and repeat them so that we can all better understand Trump's foreign policy failures that Biden has had to clean up.
Russia invaded Ukrainian territory during Obama's and Biden's presidencies, but not while Trump was President. Why was that?
1. Coincidence?
2. Luck?
3. Stars not in alignment?
4. TDS?

I have read other explanations in the past, but they were so vapid as to not register as intelligent conversation. Please wash, rinse and repeat them so that we can all better understand Trump's foreign policy failures that Biden has had to clean up.
The main reason is that Biden left Afghanistan so badly that it signaled Russia that we would let them take over Ukraine.
Not really. Reagan just has a USSR that had enough of its own problems. Reagan didn't stop the USSR from cracking down on Poland. Or Afghanistan. Or anywhere else.

Dope. The USSR invaded Poland on December 8, 1980. That was before Reagan even took office.

The USSR also invaded Afghanistan in 1979, before Reagan was elected. They were in Afghanistan until 1989, but why crack down on them if they were getting their asses kicked? Afghanistan was of no strategic interest during the Reagan Presidency and the Taliban didn't even exist until Reagan was out of office.
Yeah ... while arming the Taliban with American weapons and military gear. Smart guy! We generally call guys like Biden -- pussies.

Uh, Bush gave the Afghan those weapons. They just switched side to the Taliban when our checks stopped clearing.

Dope. The USSR invaded Poland on December 8, 1980. That was before Reagan even took office.

The USSR also invaded Afghanistan in 1979, before Reagan was elected. They were in Afghanistan until 1989, but why crack down on them if they were getting their asses kicked? Afghanistan was of no strategic interest during the Reagan Presidency and the Taliban didn't even exist until Reagan was out of office.
Point was, they didn't stop because they were afraid of Reagan... that's the thing.

They invaded again in Dec. 1981.
bolton, trump's defense secretary, said that putin was waiting for Trump's second term, after he had harmed NATO more and demoralized everyone worried about democracy and stuff LOL arghhh....
I think it was just a coincidence. It was under Trump that Ukraine started to receive American weapons, while Obama, on the contrary, after the signing of the Minsk agreements, obliged not to supply weapons to Ukraine. In 2015 and up to the present day, Russia seems to have carried out military reform, which was supposed to modernize the army. Also, Donbass was a territory that Russia planned to use in order to regain influence and pressure on Kiev. They were not interested in capturing it at the time.
Hard to have a war when Trump police was surrender...

He did it in Afghan
He did in Syria
He did with China under TPP...

He did it with COVID...

Trump saw confrontation and he cowered...
Biden surrendered in Afghanistan
What surrender are you talking about in Syria?
You bitches cried that he was going to started world war 3 in Syria .
No surrender in China Biden the big guy continues to surrender to China.
More people have died with Covid under biden's watch than with Trump.
I wished you children would grow the fuck up
Biden surrendered in Afghanistan
What surrender are you talking about in Syria?
You bitches cried that he was going to started world war 3 in Syria .
No surrender in China Biden the big guy continues to surrender to China.
More people have died with Covid under biden's watch than with Trump.
I wished you children would grow the fuck up

Trump signed the surrender agreement with the Taliban

Biden was never consulted on the terms
Because Biden is a CIA puppet. Trump may not have been one at the time, though likely now is one. Ask Vicky Nuland. She knows more than most others about the CIA in Ukraine.

Putin's move thwarted CIA plans for the Donbas.

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