Why didn’t the Trump lawyer team’s court filing today include the claim that Trump declassified the documents?

You mean the ones you rightwingers created?
I didn't create a single one....I had the ignominious chore of merging and/or locking them for their tiresome redundancy....And you moonbat mutants have now exceeded them in dreary tiresomeness.

Congratulations, losers.
Him having the authority obviously doesn’t mean he actually did it. Actually doing it is a formal process that involves paperwork. It’s not like he can just lay in bed one night at 3AM and say to himself “I’m declassifying that shit. No one needs to know, though.”

Exactly. Trump didn't have the only copy of those documents, as they were also kept at other agencies and possibly military commands (depending on what the documents covered). If they were declassified, there would have been a memo sent out to all the other places that copies of those documents were at telling them that they had been declassified and were no longer classified, as well as telling them the date the documents status had changed. Sorry, but Trump isn't the only person who had those documents, and him simply saying that he declassified them is a non starter. There has to be a paper trail stating the date it was declassified, and for what reason, and all the other commands and agencies would have received a memo or (in the case of the military) a message stating that the change of the status of the documents in question. Neither Trump nor his followers seem to have much of a clue as to how classified stuff works.
Him having the authority obviously doesn’t mean he actually did it. Actually doing it is a formal process that involves paperwork. It’s not like he can just lay in bed one night at 3AM and say to himself “I’m declassifying that shit. No one needs to know, though.”
It at the very least requires a witness
Why did the FBI say that classified documents had been found? They said documents with classified markings had been found which would be the case if there were classified documents that had been declassified.

Will the FBI ever recover their reputation?

Actually, even if the markings on the documents hadn't been changed because they had been taken before they could have their classification modified, there WOULD be a memo somewhere stating that it was declassified, the date it was declassified, and it would have been sent to every other agency and military command that had copies of them as well. Sorry, but if there isn't a memo stating they were declassified, they are still classified.
Why did the FBI say that classified documents had been found? They said documents with classified markings had been found which would be the case if there were classified documents that had been declassified.

Will the FBI ever recover their reputation? 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
Not. There is no formal process required for a President to declassify. Think on to, who could make u such a rule? Not congress, so who? Indeed EO's spell out that the President is exempt from any such process.

From EO 13526 signed by Øbama:​
Sec. 3.5. Mandatory Declassification Review.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, all information classified under this order or predecessor orders shall be subject to a review for declassification by the originating agency if:​
(b) Information originated by the incumbent President or the incumbent Vice President; the incumbent President’s White House Staff or the incumbent Vice President’s Staff; committees, commissions, or boards appointed by the incumbent President; or other entities within the Executive Office of the President that solely advise and assist the incumbent President is exempted from the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section.​
Without a paper trail, no one would ever know. Your claim is nuts.
Zzz. You dimwit lbs aren’t very well informed.

Lawyers generally don’t mention matters outside the scope of the matter at issue in these preliminary matters. There is no legal purpose served in mentioning, in these particular responsive papers, that the President had already declassified the purportedly “classified” papers.

And yet, the former President did address it today:

On his social media platform, Trump said: “Terrible the way the FBI, during the Raid of Mar-a-Lago, threw documents haphazardly all over the floor (perhaps pretending it was me that did it!), and then started taking pictures of them for the public to see. Thought they wanted them kept Secret? Lucky I Declassified!”
It sure does. It expressly states that.

You really have a reading comprehension problem.

And tell us, who could make a rule forcing a POTUS to go through such a process? Duh.

Oh, and SCOTUS knows too.

Dude, do you have your head screwed on right? You can't just declassify out of thin air, or not let some one know by way of a paper trail. That's crazy talk.
Why did the FBI say that classified documents had been found? They said documents with classified markings had been found which would be the case if there were classified documents that had been declassified.

Will the FBI ever recover their reputation?
Whether the documents were de-classified or not is relevant – that’s not the source of Trump’s legal jeopardy.

Trump is in legal jeopardy because he has military intelligence and national security material not properly secured – material that could be lost, destroyed, or misappropriated by America’s enemies.

And now we see evidence of obstruction of justice on Trump’s part, also having nothing to do with whether the documents were de-classified or not.
Show us through documented legal means, where Trump has the right to take them to Mara Lago?
Application denied.

Now, tell us when he took the documents
Zzz. You dimwit lbs aren’t very well informed.

Lawyers generally don’t mention matters outside the scope of the matter at issue in these preliminary matters. There is no legal purpose served in mentioning, in these particular responsive papers, that the President had already declassified the purportedly “classified” papers.

And yet, the former President did address it today:

These lawyers are in a hell of a bad shape, when they certified there were no more documents when there was; Opinion | Trump simply can't handle being an ex-president

Without a paper trail, no one would ever know. Your claim is nuts.

There is no paper trail required. Who could require it of a POTUS?

Trump and others before him had standing orders that classified material once moved out of the White House to their residence is automatically declassified.

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