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Why Didn't Trumpers Hate John McCain, Romney & Bush Sooner??


It seems whenever Trump attacks a recently deceased US Senator, his Trump cult members giggle like little school girls --- however it was just a little over 10 yrs ago, they were praising McCain and his running mate Palin as the God-sent saviors of Western civilization....Back when republicans claimed to be about working together and bipartisanship -- McCain teamed up with Russ Feingold to push for campaign finance reform; and from the article "In 2013, 68 senators, including 14 Republicans led by McCain, supported a security-for-citizenship bill that would have, among other provisions, offered “dreamers” (unauthorized immigrants who arrived as minors) legal status, built 700 miles of fencing along the southern border (part of $30 billion in beefed-up security) and repealed the “diversity visa” program, which distributes green cards by lottery"

It was no mystery that McCain was in favor of a humane and realistic approach to immigration, rather than the xenophobic racist demagoguery peddled by Trump -- it wasn't a mystery then, and you folks still worshipped and praised McCain when he ran for president -- yall even worshipped a plumber named Joe back then and wanted him to run for Senate -- you folks were willing to worship anyone back then...why the hate now? Because he lost to the black guy?

I remember when you folks praised Romney as the "successful businessman who will run Washington like his businesses" -- a couple of years after he lost to the black guy -- now you hate Romney and everything he stands for -- but what he stood for is everything republicans have stood for the last 50 years, why the hate now?

Remember when how yall were when Bush was president? I know you guys like to pretend you didn't pay much attention to politics back then and you were all independents, but ok...Well, when Bush was president, he was praised and worshipped much like Trump --- in fact, if anyone dared speak out against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, or just about anything Bush did -- that person was labeled a terrorist, a traitor...now you folks hate Bush...why the hate now? Because you blame Bush for the black guy winning?
The cult members only hate who Trump tells them to hate.
As well as throwing away those moral standards they used to claim they were for with both hands. #Not.A.Cult

It seems whenever Trump attacks a recently deceased US Senator, his Trump cult members giggle like little school girls --- however it was just a little over 10 yrs ago, they were praising McCain and his running mate Palin as the God-sent saviors of Western civilization....Back when republicans claimed to be about working together and bipartisanship -- McCain teamed up with Russ Feingold to push for campaign finance reform; and from the article "In 2013, 68 senators, including 14 Republicans led by McCain, supported a security-for-citizenship bill that would have, among other provisions, offered “dreamers” (unauthorized immigrants who arrived as minors) legal status, built 700 miles of fencing along the southern border (part of $30 billion in beefed-up security) and repealed the “diversity visa” program, which distributes green cards by lottery"

It was no mystery that McCain was in favor of a humane and realistic approach to immigration, rather than the xenophobic racist demagoguery peddled by Trump -- it wasn't a mystery then, and you folks still worshipped and praised McCain when he ran for president -- yall even worshipped a plumber named Joe back then and wanted him to run for Senate -- you folks were willing to worship anyone back then...why the hate now? Because he lost to the black guy?

I remember when you folks praised Romney as the "successful businessman who will run Washington like his businesses" -- a couple of years after he lost to the black guy -- now you hate Romney and everything he stands for -- but what he stood for is everything republicans have stood for the last 50 years, why the hate now?

Remember when how yall were when Bush was president? I know you guys like to pretend you didn't pay much attention to politics back then and you were all independents, but ok...Well, when Bush was president, he was praised and worshipped much like Trump --- in fact, if anyone dared speak out against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, or just about anything Bush did -- that person was labeled a terrorist, a traitor...now you folks hate Bush...why the hate now? Because you blame Bush for the black guy winning?
The cult members only hate who Trump tells them to hate.


Most trashing McCain today, voted for him 10 years ago. Most trashing Romney today, voted for him 6+ years ago.
And the alternative? They are shoved by the major party. And the people vote for them.
You don't vote in Primaries? You know that's what they are for, right?
The post proves that lefties are so full of hatred and anger that they are unable to argue about politics. Nobody on the right hated John McCain but hatred is the only word the left seems to understand these days. The right merely criticized McCain for his exercise in "treason lite" by leaking documents to his friends in the media to undermine his commander in chief.
SIMPLE ANALOGY, and this isn't a "what about ism,"--------------> Should illegal immigrants trust the Democrats after being PROMISED by Obama and the Left, they would solve their problem, and they had a super majority in his 1st 2 years?.

You do REMEMBER, they didn't even bring it up for a vote, don't you? Soooooooooooo, any of them who decided for political reason to NOT vote in the affirmative if it was put to vote, were never outted..

This is why I have so little respect for trumpers....I wish you folks would make your mind up...first you claim Obama single-handedly funneled in millions of illegals in order to destroy America because he so much wants to give illegals everything they want -- then turn around and say "but but Obama didn't give illegals everything they wanted"

Now for Mcain and Romney, they have BOTH gone against their word on what they ran supposedly on, as votes were taken, and they reneged. (Remember Mcain running on the repeal of Obamacare at least 2 times? And when the vote came up, what did he do?)

Please spare me the "he didn't vote against Obamacare" -- you folks were giggling like little school girls when Trump was mocking his military service and the service of any military member captured in battle -- despite the fact Trump faked his way out of serving..

But since you bring up Obamacare....I remember Trump promising that his healthcare plan would cover more people for less and be better....what happened to that promise? He doesn't even mention healthcare anymore and now medicare for all even has majority popularity among republican voters now..but as long as Trump hates the same brown people you hate, you don't care about that broken promise, or the broken promise of making Mexico pay for the wall..

And don't even get me started on his promises to not only not cut medicare, but expand it..you don't mind that broken promise either, as long as he "owns the libs" with dumb ass tweets..

As for Bush...……..he and his administration didn't have the gonads to stand up for the country against the Left when he was told SPECIFICALLY that Fannie and Freddie were in deep trouble, and the Left insisted there was nothing wrong and everything was wonderful. Let me tell you...………...I dislike much of Obama policy, but Mr. Obama would NEVER have caved if it was on his watch.

Fannie and Freddie isn't why the economy collapsed -- I know its convenient to blame it all on poor people, but it doesn't make it true -- and I find it funny that of all the things Bush did, that is what you took issue with? adorable...
And you suddenly love them.

Yours is the winning post.

It gives credence to the old adage..."What's dancing to some is wrestling to others."
I never said anything favorable about McCain....nor did I ever attack him for being a Vietnam vet....I attacked him on policies, I voted against him and was called a traitor to America and in favor of terrorists....

I voted against Bush, and was called a traitor to America and in favor of terrorists....

But I find it funny that me pointing out the fact that you idiots hate every last one of your republican nominees after worshipping them like sycophants before means I love them

It seems whenever Trump attacks a recently deceased US Senator, his Trump cult members giggle like little school girls --- however it was just a little over 10 yrs ago, they were praising McCain and his running mate Palin as the God-sent saviors of Western civilization....Back when republicans claimed to be about working together and bipartisanship -- McCain teamed up with Russ Feingold to push for campaign finance reform; and from the article "In 2013, 68 senators, including 14 Republicans led by McCain, supported a security-for-citizenship bill that would have, among other provisions, offered “dreamers” (unauthorized immigrants who arrived as minors) legal status, built 700 miles of fencing along the southern border (part of $30 billion in beefed-up security) and repealed the “diversity visa” program, which distributes green cards by lottery"

It was no mystery that McCain was in favor of a humane and realistic approach to immigration, rather than the xenophobic racist demagoguery peddled by Trump -- it wasn't a mystery then, and you folks still worshipped and praised McCain when he ran for president -- yall even worshipped a plumber named Joe back then and wanted him to run for Senate -- you folks were willing to worship anyone back then...why the hate now? Because he lost to the black guy?

I remember when you folks praised Romney as the "successful businessman who will run Washington like his businesses" -- a couple of years after he lost to the black guy -- now you hate Romney and everything he stands for -- but what he stood for is everything republicans have stood for the last 50 years, why the hate now?

Remember how yall were when Bush was president? I know you guys like to pretend you didn't pay much attention to politics back then and you were all independents, but ok...Well, when Bush was president, he was praised and worshipped much like Trump --- in fact, if anyone dared speak out against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, or just about anything Bush did -- that person was labeled a terrorist, a traitor...now you folks hate Bush...why the hate now? Because you blame Bush for the black guy winning?

As to past affection for McCain and Romney, consider the alternative in those presidential election cycles.
That wasn't why you folks were willing to call Sarah Palin the second coming of Reagan and was willing to want this guy to be in the Senate...

you can keep on pretending like you folks were not engaged in cult worship for Bush and McCain, but you were...

It seems whenever Trump attacks a recently deceased US Senator, his Trump cult members giggle like little school girls --- however it was just a little over 10 yrs ago, they were praising McCain and his running mate Palin as the God-sent saviors of Western civilization....Back when republicans claimed to be about working together and bipartisanship -- McCain teamed up with Russ Feingold to push for campaign finance reform; and from the article "In 2013, 68 senators, including 14 Republicans led by McCain, supported a security-for-citizenship bill that would have, among other provisions, offered “dreamers” (unauthorized immigrants who arrived as minors) legal status, built 700 miles of fencing along the southern border (part of $30 billion in beefed-up security) and repealed the “diversity visa” program, which distributes green cards by lottery"

It was no mystery that McCain was in favor of a humane and realistic approach to immigration, rather than the xenophobic racist demagoguery peddled by Trump -- it wasn't a mystery then, and you folks still worshipped and praised McCain when he ran for president -- yall even worshipped a plumber named Joe back then and wanted him to run for Senate -- you folks were willing to worship anyone back then...why the hate now? Because he lost to the black guy?

I remember when you folks praised Romney as the "successful businessman who will run Washington like his businesses" -- a couple of years after he lost to the black guy -- now you hate Romney and everything he stands for -- but what he stood for is everything republicans have stood for the last 50 years, why the hate now?

Remember how yall were when Bush was president? I know you guys like to pretend you didn't pay much attention to politics back then and you were all independents, but ok...Well, when Bush was president, he was praised and worshipped much like Trump --- in fact, if anyone dared speak out against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, or just about anything Bush did -- that person was labeled a terrorist, a traitor...now you folks hate Bush...why the hate now? Because you blame Bush for the black guy winning?


It seems whenever Trump attacks a recently deceased US Senator, his Trump cult members giggle like little school girls --- however it was just a little over 10 yrs ago, they were praising McCain and his running mate Palin as the God-sent saviors of Western civilization....Back when republicans claimed to be about working together and bipartisanship -- McCain teamed up with Russ Feingold to push for campaign finance reform; and from the article "In 2013, 68 senators, including 14 Republicans led by McCain, supported a security-for-citizenship bill that would have, among other provisions, offered “dreamers” (unauthorized immigrants who arrived as minors) legal status, built 700 miles of fencing along the southern border (part of $30 billion in beefed-up security) and repealed the “diversity visa” program, which distributes green cards by lottery"

It was no mystery that McCain was in favor of a humane and realistic approach to immigration, rather than the xenophobic racist demagoguery peddled by Trump -- it wasn't a mystery then, and you folks still worshipped and praised McCain when he ran for president -- yall even worshipped a plumber named Joe back then and wanted him to run for Senate -- you folks were willing to worship anyone back then...why the hate now? Because he lost to the black guy?

I remember when you folks praised Romney as the "successful businessman who will run Washington like his businesses" -- a couple of years after he lost to the black guy -- now you hate Romney and everything he stands for -- but what he stood for is everything republicans have stood for the last 50 years, why the hate now?

Remember when how yall were when Bush was president? I know you guys like to pretend you didn't pay much attention to politics back then and you were all independents, but ok...Well, when Bush was president, he was praised and worshipped much like Trump --- in fact, if anyone dared speak out against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, or just about anything Bush did -- that person was labeled a terrorist, a traitor...now you folks hate Bush...why the hate now? Because you blame Bush for the black guy winning?
The cult members only hate who Trump tells them to hate.


It seems whenever Trump attacks a recently deceased US Senator, his Trump cult members giggle like little school girls --- however it was just a little over 10 yrs ago, they were praising McCain and his running mate Palin as the God-sent saviors of Western civilization....Back when republicans claimed to be about working together and bipartisanship -- McCain teamed up with Russ Feingold to push for campaign finance reform; and from the article "In 2013, 68 senators, including 14 Republicans led by McCain, supported a security-for-citizenship bill that would have, among other provisions, offered “dreamers” (unauthorized immigrants who arrived as minors) legal status, built 700 miles of fencing along the southern border (part of $30 billion in beefed-up security) and repealed the “diversity visa” program, which distributes green cards by lottery"

It was no mystery that McCain was in favor of a humane and realistic approach to immigration, rather than the xenophobic racist demagoguery peddled by Trump -- it wasn't a mystery then, and you folks still worshipped and praised McCain when he ran for president -- yall even worshipped a plumber named Joe back then and wanted him to run for Senate -- you folks were willing to worship anyone back then...why the hate now? Because he lost to the black guy?

I remember when you folks praised Romney as the "successful businessman who will run Washington like his businesses" -- a couple of years after he lost to the black guy -- now you hate Romney and everything he stands for -- but what he stood for is everything republicans have stood for the last 50 years, why the hate now?

Remember how yall were when Bush was president? I know you guys like to pretend you didn't pay much attention to politics back then and you were all independents, but ok...Well, when Bush was president, he was praised and worshipped much like Trump --- in fact, if anyone dared speak out against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, or just about anything Bush did -- that person was labeled a terrorist, a traitor...now you folks hate Bush...why the hate now? Because you blame Bush for the black guy winning?
I think it's much simpler than that.

tRump hadn't told them to yet.

This isn’t complicated...Good, real Americans are finally fed up...we hate anybody who impedes the Make America Great Again / Americans First agenda.
I just want to memorialize this current snapshot of so-called Republicans -- because I was alive and aware of how these so-called republicans were during the Bush years..

I don't have any US Messageboard receipts from back then, so the trump lovers here can easily pretend they were never among the ones calling everyone traitors for speaking up against the Patriot Act, Iraq War, unpaid for taxcuts, deregulation, etc, etc, etc...

But now, it is crystal clear that you folks are cult members for Trump and you will believe anything he tells you, hate anyone he tells you, and he can make you disavow positions you held just five minutes ago...

The way Bush worshippers weaseled out of it in the past was to put on funny little hats and call themselves Tea-Partiers and independents until the next cult leader came along. I anticipate when the book is closed on the Trump presidency and you folks are wanting to not be looked at as morons anymore, you will claim that you were just worshipping Trump like you were to "own the libs" -- and that you knew he was pretty much full of shit...
Why is it so important for you to characterize anyone who disagrees with you politically as a "cult member" or a "Trump bot"? Are you that insecure in your own views that you need to create a vision of knuckle dragging MAGA hat wearing idiots? I do not hate McCain, Romney or Bush.
Lol @create a vision

If creating a vision means having the ability to remember things, then sure, call it creating a vision....

The insecurity lies in the minds of the typical trump sycophant....who still can't refute one thing I said.....and I have not even mentioned anything about policy in this post, so this isn't about political disagreements...this is about cultism and the willingness of trumpers to disavow positions they just held five minutes ago the minute Trump tells them to...

By the way, Trump currently has a personal lawyer, campaign manager, deputy manager and national security advisor all plead guilty to felonies within his first year and a half in office....and you cult members say its Obama's fault...
The post proves that lefties are so full of hatred and anger that they are unable to argue about politics. Nobody on the right hated John McCain but hatred is the only word the left seems to understand these days. The right merely criticized McCain for his exercise in "treason lite" by leaking documents to his friends in the media to undermine his commander in chief.
So when you sycophants cheered his death, that wasn't hate? Ok.....

When your cult leader continues to bitch and whine about a person who is dead and can no longer defend himself, that shows strength how?

No, the right didn't merely criticize him....man you folks are notorious for trying to pretend shit didn't happen just five minutes ago..

Mocking 'the ghost of John McCain', Michelle Malkin? That's low

GOP Committeewoman: Sorry for Boosting McCain Death Wish

It seems whenever Trump attacks a recently deceased US Senator, his Trump cult members giggle like little school girls --- however it was just a little over 10 yrs ago, they were praising McCain and his running mate Palin as the God-sent saviors of Western civilization....Back when republicans claimed to be about working together and bipartisanship -- McCain teamed up with Russ Feingold to push for campaign finance reform; and from the article "In 2013, 68 senators, including 14 Republicans led by McCain, supported a security-for-citizenship bill that would have, among other provisions, offered “dreamers” (unauthorized immigrants who arrived as minors) legal status, built 700 miles of fencing along the southern border (part of $30 billion in beefed-up security) and repealed the “diversity visa” program, which distributes green cards by lottery"

It was no mystery that McCain was in favor of a humane and realistic approach to immigration, rather than the xenophobic racist demagoguery peddled by Trump -- it wasn't a mystery then, and you folks still worshipped and praised McCain when he ran for president -- yall even worshipped a plumber named Joe back then and wanted him to run for Senate -- you folks were willing to worship anyone back then...why the hate now? Because he lost to the black guy?

I remember when you folks praised Romney as the "successful businessman who will run Washington like his businesses" -- a couple of years after he lost to the black guy -- now you hate Romney and everything he stands for -- but what he stood for is everything republicans have stood for the last 50 years, why the hate now?

Remember when how yall were when Bush was president? I know you guys like to pretend you didn't pay much attention to politics back then and you were all independents, but ok...Well, when Bush was president, he was praised and worshipped much like Trump --- in fact, if anyone dared speak out against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, or just about anything Bush did -- that person was labeled a terrorist, a traitor...now you folks hate Bush...why the hate now? Because you blame Bush for the black guy winning?
The cult members only hate who Trump tells them to hate.


Most trashing McCain today, voted for him 10 years ago. Most trashing Romney today, voted for him 6+ years ago.
And the alternative? They are shoved by the major party. And the people vote for them.
You don't vote in Primaries? You know that's what they are for, right?
GOPe makes sure they get to run who they like or keep others in to cancel them out. I am sorry. To much bull. To many RINOS/War Mongers are pushed to the forefront.
Did you see Trump standing in front of the military talking bad about John McCain?

He started off with about John McCain I.....never.....really.....liked him.

And then he just smeared McCain again and again and again.

And how much applause did he get from all those military he was standing in front of?

Americans in 30 states elected Trump president. The left still hasn't come to grips with the magnitude of that rejection. America rejected their candidate and their policies.
Who cares? We will watch you get it back as you hurt others. Your bodies in writhing pain begging for help. The evil you did under Obama is not forgotten.

It seems whenever Trump attacks a recently deceased US Senator, his Trump cult members giggle like little school girls --- however it was just a little over 10 yrs ago, they were praising McCain and his running mate Palin as the God-sent saviors of Western civilization....Back when republicans claimed to be about working together and bipartisanship -- McCain teamed up with Russ Feingold to push for campaign finance reform; and from the article "In 2013, 68 senators, including 14 Republicans led by McCain, supported a security-for-citizenship bill that would have, among other provisions, offered “dreamers” (unauthorized immigrants who arrived as minors) legal status, built 700 miles of fencing along the southern border (part of $30 billion in beefed-up security) and repealed the “diversity visa” program, which distributes green cards by lottery"

It was no mystery that McCain was in favor of a humane and realistic approach to immigration, rather than the xenophobic racist demagoguery peddled by Trump -- it wasn't a mystery then, and you folks still worshipped and praised McCain when he ran for president -- yall even worshipped a plumber named Joe back then and wanted him to run for Senate -- you folks were willing to worship anyone back then...why the hate now? Because he lost to the black guy?

I remember when you folks praised Romney as the "successful businessman who will run Washington like his businesses" -- a couple of years after he lost to the black guy -- now you hate Romney and everything he stands for -- but what he stood for is everything republicans have stood for the last 50 years, why the hate now?

Remember how yall were when Bush was president? I know you guys like to pretend you didn't pay much attention to politics back then and you were all independents, but ok...Well, when Bush was president, he was praised and worshipped much like Trump --- in fact, if anyone dared speak out against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, or just about anything Bush did -- that person was labeled a terrorist, a traitor...now you folks hate Bush...why the hate now? Because you blame Bush for the black guy winning?
I have issues with commie pissants trying to tear down the Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore.

It seems whenever Trump attacks a recently deceased US Senator, his Trump cult members giggle like little school girls --- however it was just a little over 10 yrs ago, they were praising McCain and his running mate Palin as the God-sent saviors of Western civilization....Back when republicans claimed to be about working together and bipartisanship -- McCain teamed up with Russ Feingold to push for campaign finance reform; and from the article "In 2013, 68 senators, including 14 Republicans led by McCain, supported a security-for-citizenship bill that would have, among other provisions, offered “dreamers” (unauthorized immigrants who arrived as minors) legal status, built 700 miles of fencing along the southern border (part of $30 billion in beefed-up security) and repealed the “diversity visa” program, which distributes green cards by lottery"

It was no mystery that McCain was in favor of a humane and realistic approach to immigration, rather than the xenophobic racist demagoguery peddled by Trump -- it wasn't a mystery then, and you folks still worshipped and praised McCain when he ran for president -- yall even worshipped a plumber named Joe back then and wanted him to run for Senate -- you folks were willing to worship anyone back then...why the hate now? Because he lost to the black guy?

I remember when you folks praised Romney as the "successful businessman who will run Washington like his businesses" -- a couple of years after he lost to the black guy -- now you hate Romney and everything he stands for -- but what he stood for is everything republicans have stood for the last 50 years, why the hate now?

Remember when how yall were when Bush was president? I know you guys like to pretend you didn't pay much attention to politics back then and you were all independents, but ok...Well, when Bush was president, he was praised and worshipped much like Trump --- in fact, if anyone dared speak out against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, or just about anything Bush did -- that person was labeled a terrorist, a traitor...now you folks hate Bush...why the hate now? Because you blame Bush for the black guy winning?
The cult members only hate who Trump tells them to hate.
As well as throwing away those moral standards they used to claim they were for with both hands. #Not.A.Cult

Nah... Waaay too many words for a very simple concept.

What do Bush, Romney and Mcain all have in common?

1.) They all make money ( yes even Mcain)
From international arms dealing.
2.) They all see Russia as a competitor for
Arms sales. (Oddly Obama was fairly benign toward Russia)
3.) They all dislike Trump because they see him as a threat to larger conflict and future
Sales for military contractors.

Case in point.
The cessation of Miltary Drills of Korean coast ... The replenishment contract was in the area of 100 million a year.....so the Military Industrial puppets are out in force
Trying to restart their lucrative warring games.

Not hard.

I didn't dislike any of them, until they tried to make Hillary president.

It seems whenever Trump attacks a recently deceased US Senator, his Trump cult members giggle like little school girls --- however it was just a little over 10 yrs ago, they were praising McCain and his running mate Palin as the God-sent saviors of Western civilization....Back when republicans claimed to be about working together and bipartisanship -- McCain teamed up with Russ Feingold to push for campaign finance reform; and from the article "In 2013, 68 senators, including 14 Republicans led by McCain, supported a security-for-citizenship bill that would have, among other provisions, offered “dreamers” (unauthorized immigrants who arrived as minors) legal status, built 700 miles of fencing along the southern border (part of $30 billion in beefed-up security) and repealed the “diversity visa” program, which distributes green cards by lottery"

It was no mystery that McCain was in favor of a humane and realistic approach to immigration, rather than the xenophobic racist demagoguery peddled by Trump -- it wasn't a mystery then, and you folks still worshipped and praised McCain when he ran for president -- yall even worshipped a plumber named Joe back then and wanted him to run for Senate -- you folks were willing to worship anyone back then...why the hate now? Because he lost to the black guy?

I remember when you folks praised Romney as the "successful businessman who will run Washington like his businesses" -- a couple of years after he lost to the black guy -- now you hate Romney and everything he stands for -- but what he stood for is everything republicans have stood for the last 50 years, why the hate now?

Remember when how yall were when Bush was president? I know you guys like to pretend you didn't pay much attention to politics back then and you were all independents, but ok...Well, when Bush was president, he was praised and worshipped much like Trump --- in fact, if anyone dared speak out against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, or just about anything Bush did -- that person was labeled a terrorist, a traitor...now you folks hate Bush...why the hate now? Because you blame Bush for the black guy winning?
The cult members only hate who Trump tells them to hate.


Most trashing McCain today, voted for him 10 years ago. Most trashing Romney today, voted for him 6+ years ago.
And the alternative? They are shoved by the major party. And the people vote for them.

Democrats don’t seem to have such issues
SIMPLE ANALOGY, and this isn't a "what about ism,"--------------> Should illegal immigrants trust the Democrats after being PROMISED by Obama and the Left, they would solve their problem, and they had a super majority in his 1st 2 years?.

You do REMEMBER, they didn't even bring it up for a vote, don't you? Soooooooooooo, any of them who decided for political reason to NOT vote in the affirmative if it was put to vote, were never outted..

This is why I have so little respect for trumpers....I wish you folks would make your mind up...first you claim Obama single-handedly funneled in millions of illegals in order to destroy America because he so much wants to give illegals everything they want -- then turn around and say "but but Obama didn't give illegals everything they wanted"

Now for Mcain and Romney, they have BOTH gone against their word on what they ran supposedly on, as votes were taken, and they reneged. (Remember Mcain running on the repeal of Obamacare at least 2 times? And when the vote came up, what did he do?)

Please spare me the "he didn't vote against Obamacare" -- you folks were giggling like little school girls when Trump was mocking his military service and the service of any military member captured in battle -- despite the fact Trump faked his way out of serving..

But since you bring up Obamacare....I remember Trump promising that his healthcare plan would cover more people for less and be better....what happened to that promise? He doesn't even mention healthcare anymore and now medicare for all even has majority popularity among republican voters now..but as long as Trump hates the same brown people you hate, you don't care about that broken promise, or the broken promise of making Mexico pay for the wall..

And don't even get me started on his promises to not only not cut medicare, but expand it..you don't mind that broken promise either, as long as he "owns the libs" with dumb ass tweets..

As for Bush...……..he and his administration didn't have the gonads to stand up for the country against the Left when he was told SPECIFICALLY that Fannie and Freddie were in deep trouble, and the Left insisted there was nothing wrong and everything was wonderful. Let me tell you...………...I dislike much of Obama policy, but Mr. Obama would NEVER have caved if it was on his watch.

Fannie and Freddie isn't why the economy collapsed -- I know its convenient to blame it all on poor people, but it doesn't make it true -- and I find it funny that of all the things Bush did, that is what you took issue with? adorable...

It would require having character. If you’re looking for character in a Trump bot; you’re looking in the wrong place
Americans in 30 states elected Trump president. The left still hasn't come to grips with the magnitude of that rejection. America rejected their candidate and their policies.
So when Obama won more states than Trump (and popular votes) twice...

Was that America rejecting your (republican) policies?? Twice...

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