Why do Americans feel like taxes are somehow the government robbing them of money?

let's abolish our drug war to lower our tax burden.
Making more junkies so they can be as stupid as you will cost us more money in the long run

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

What we do now is insane, we punish users for crimes directly related to their addiction, allow a billion dollar black market to exist, and pretend "Just say NO!" is an effective tool to mitigate experimentation.

The war on drugs is a failure.

The war on all crime is a failure if you judge success by a total elimination of said crime. So do we just live in a country with no laws?

My cousin just buried her 28 year old son a little over a month ago. OD'd on heroin. In spite of the multiple times he spent in rehab and prison, he still couldn't kick the habit. You want to expand this so that more are exposed to such a fate?
It is about "stealing" the (other) Peoples' tax monies for that form of social spending.

Well, everyone can enjoy the safety net and the majority of this country supports it. How the fuck is it stealing? Programs like SSI is the furthest thing from stealing as it is like a savings account you pay into as you work.

That might be the case, Matthew except our politicians have already raided that "savings account" to pay for other entitlement programs. The money that SHOULD be there...isn't! It isn't there because it's been "stolen" from you by the people you elected and sent to Washington.
Making more junkies so they can be as stupid as you will cost us more money in the long run

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

What we do now is insane, we punish users for crimes directly related to their addiction, allow a billion dollar black market to exist, and pretend "Just say NO!" is an effective tool to mitigate experimentation.

The war on drugs is a failure.

The war on all crime is a failure if you judge success by a total elimination of said crime. So do we just live in a country with no laws?

My cousin just buried her 28 year old son a little over a month ago. OD'd on heroin. In spite of the multiple times he spent in rehab and prison, he still couldn't kick the habit. You want to expand this so that more are exposed to such a fate?
It is about "stealing" the (other) Peoples' tax monies for that form of social spending.

Well, everyone can enjoy the safety net and the majority of this country supports it. How the fuck is it stealing? Programs like SSI is the furthest thing from stealing as it is like a savings account you pay into as you work.

That might be the case, Matthew except our politicians have already raided that "savings account" to pay for other entitlement programs. The money that SHOULD be there...isn't! It isn't there because it's been "stolen" from you by the people you elected and sent to Washington.

Mathew's naivete would be charming if it wasn't so dangerous.
To me taxation is thievery.

I don't mind being shaken down when the money is being used for necessary minimal government services like defense, courts, police etc. I don't mind pooling money to pay for roads.

What is unacceptable is to have government bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, take the money that I earned and give it to somebody else that didn't earn it.

That is thievery any way you look at it.

Reminds me of a piece Walter E Williams wrote a couple of years ago.

He asked if he were to go into his neighbors home, take money from their dresser drawer, and then give that money to an elderly lady down the street for healthcare she didn't have the money for, would he have broken the law?

Of course I broke the law he said. I would get arrested, have to appear in court, and likely spend some time in jail even though my thoughts were of benevolence. Yet when government does the exact same thing, they are not only not held accountable, but applauded.

Another stupid comment. I don't believe you guys are this stupid, so stop trying to prove me wrong.

What's stupid about it, because it's the truth?

If not, tell me where I went wrong. Theft is the action of taking a persons property against their will.

We live in a democratic republic, we the people elect those who pass laws. When a tax law is passed it is a legal action, not a criminal act. That's why your comment was stupid (I didn't write you are stupid, only the comment was).
The Holocaust was a legal action too.

Not according to the Nuremberg Judgement.

Don't you ever tire of being wrong?
Reminds me of a piece Walter E Williams wrote a couple of years ago.

He asked if he were to go into his neighbors home, take money from their dresser drawer, and then give that money to an elderly lady down the street for healthcare she didn't have the money for, would he have broken the law?

Of course I broke the law he said. I would get arrested, have to appear in court, and likely spend some time in jail even though my thoughts were of benevolence. Yet when government does the exact same thing, they are not only not held accountable, but applauded.

Another stupid comment. I don't believe you guys are this stupid, so stop trying to prove me wrong.

What's stupid about it, because it's the truth?

If not, tell me where I went wrong. Theft is the action of taking a persons property against their will.

We live in a democratic republic, we the people elect those who pass laws. When a tax law is passed it is a legal action, not a criminal act. That's why your comment was stupid (I didn't write you are stupid, only the comment was).
The Holocaust was a legal action too.

Not according to the Nuremberg Judgement.

Don't you ever tire of being wrong?

The Nuremberg court wasn't enforcing German law. It was enforcing law it just made up.
Because it's the government robbing me of money.

Robbery is a crime. Your comment goes beyond ignorance, it's stupid.

Yes, but not all crimes are illegal.

Holy Hot dog batman, this guy ^^^ is off his buns

Oh, he might be right. It's a crime that the oil and coal industry pollute our air, water and soil, but since they donate money to members of Congress such behavior is not illegal. I get it now.

It's also a crime that you're allowed to vote and post your idiot opinions on public message boards.

Now you're expressing the opinion that the First Amendment right of freedom of speech should be curtailed because I mock you.
Another stupid comment. I don't believe you guys are this stupid, so stop trying to prove me wrong.

What's stupid about it, because it's the truth?

If not, tell me where I went wrong. Theft is the action of taking a persons property against their will.

We live in a democratic republic, we the people elect those who pass laws. When a tax law is passed it is a legal action, not a criminal act. That's why your comment was stupid (I didn't write you are stupid, only the comment was).
The Holocaust was a legal action too.

Not according to the Nuremberg Judgement.

Don't you ever tire of being wrong?

The Nuremberg court wasn't enforcing German law. It was enforcing law it just made up.

I suggest you study the theory of holes.
What's stupid about it, because it's the truth?

If not, tell me where I went wrong. Theft is the action of taking a persons property against their will.

We live in a democratic republic, we the people elect those who pass laws. When a tax law is passed it is a legal action, not a criminal act. That's why your comment was stupid (I didn't write you are stupid, only the comment was).
The Holocaust was a legal action too.

Not according to the Nuremberg Judgement.

Don't you ever tire of being wrong?

The Nuremberg court wasn't enforcing German law. It was enforcing law it just made up.

I suggest you study the theory of holes.

Please list the German laws that the Nuremberg defendants were convicted of violating.
Because it's the government robbing me of money.

Robbery is a crime. Your comment goes beyond ignorance, it's stupid.

Yes, but not all crimes are illegal.

Holy Hot dog batman, this guy ^^^ is off his buns

Oh, he might be right. It's a crime that the oil and coal industry pollute our air, water and soil, but since they donate money to members of Congress such behavior is not illegal. I get it now.

It's also a crime that you're allowed to vote and post your idiot opinions on public message boards.

Now you're expressing the opinion that the First Amendment right of freedom of speech should be curtailed because I mock you.

It's not against the law, but it is a crime.
let's abolish our drug war to lower our tax burden.
Making more junkies so they can be as stupid as you will cost us more money in the long run

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

What we do now is insane, we punish users for crimes directly related to their addiction, allow a billion dollar black market to exist, and pretend "Just say NO!" is an effective tool to mitigate experimentation.

The war on drugs is a failure.

The war on all crime is a failure if you judge success by a total elimination of said crime. So do we just live in a country with no laws?

My cousin just buried her 28 year old son a little over a month ago. OD'd on heroin. In spite of the multiple times he spent in rehab and prison, he still couldn't kick the habit. You want to expand this so that more are exposed to such a fate?
It is about "stealing" the (other) Peoples' tax monies for that form of social spending.

Well, everyone can enjoy the safety net and the majority of this country supports it. How the fuck is it stealing? Programs like SSI is the furthest thing from stealing as it is like a savings account you pay into as you work.

It is?

So I reach the ripe old age of 65, and on my 65th birthday, I have a heart attack while blowing out the candles on my cake.

I have no children of my own, but I do have a niece and nephew. After they shovel me off the floor, my niece and nephew will inherit my checking and savings account, my IRA from work, my income property including my apartment, my car and 80" television set.

What they will not see is one dime of the thousands of dollars I (and my employers) have contributed to Social Security. That money is gone, never collected any interest, and not available to my heirs.

No, SS is not like a savings account. I have control over my savings accounts.
I just can‘t seem to understand why so many Americans are extremely sensitive when it comes to taxes, and often oppose strongly of a progressive tax system.
At least personally, I think of taxes as giving back to the society and community, and I enjoy many of the governments services every day.
Also. I don‘t understand the objection towards a progressive taxation system
How much do you pay?
Another stupid comment. I don't believe you guys are this stupid, so stop trying to prove me wrong.

What's stupid about it, because it's the truth?

If not, tell me where I went wrong. Theft is the action of taking a persons property against their will.

We live in a democratic republic, we the people elect those who pass laws. When a tax law is passed it is a legal action, not a criminal act. That's why your comment was stupid (I didn't write you are stupid, only the comment was).
The Holocaust was a legal action too.

Not according to the Nuremberg Judgement.

Don't you ever tire of being wrong?

The Nuremberg court wasn't enforcing German law. It was enforcing law it just made up.

Not according to Natural Law Theory, which predates the Nuremberg trial by centuries. Oh, and how do you feel about ethical relativism? Mass murder is okay in some places, but not other places?

You really are a moron, that's a fact not a personal attack.
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What's stupid about it, because it's the truth?

If not, tell me where I went wrong. Theft is the action of taking a persons property against their will.

We live in a democratic republic, we the people elect those who pass laws. When a tax law is passed it is a legal action, not a criminal act. That's why your comment was stupid (I didn't write you are stupid, only the comment was).
The Holocaust was a legal action too.

Not according to the Nuremberg Judgement.

Don't you ever tire of being wrong?

The Nuremberg court wasn't enforcing German law. It was enforcing law it just made up.

Not according to Natural Law Theory, which predates the Nuremberg trial by centuries. Oh, and how do you feel about ethical relativism? Mass murder is okay in some places, but not other places?

You really are a moron, that's a fact not a persohal attack.

We aren't talking about ethics or natural law. You claim only violations of the law are crimes. So which laws on the books were violated?
You obviously don't make enough money to realize how much the government takes from some people.

A single dollar of a person's income is taxed over and over again via income tax, social security tax, property tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, state and federally.

Then when you die they take 40% of your lifetime earnings from you.

It's bullshit.
let's abolish our drug war to lower our tax burden.
Making more junkies so they can be as stupid as you will cost us more money in the long run

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Nothing could be as costly as this drug war.
Your Canadian opinion doesn't matter

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I'm American, and I vote, so it does matter.
You are Canadian. Stay there and vote in thier country.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Because it's the government robbing me of money.

Robbery is a crime. Your comment goes beyond ignorance, it's stupid.

Yes, but not all crimes are illegal.

Holy Hot dog batman, this guy ^^^ is off his buns

Oh, he might be right. It's a crime that the oil and coal industry pollute our air, water and soil, but since they donate money to members of Congress such behavior is not illegal. I get it now.

They also supply all Americans with fuel which is the lifeblood of our economy. Or don't you use products produced by coal and oil?

Of course I use gas and oil; my point had nothing to do with the utility of coal or oil. It was pointed to the fact that both have a negative impact on the environment and it's producers use their money to influence members of Congress to oppose regulations to mitigate such harm.

Now why did I have to explain that to you?

No. I unlike you don't see cops ad evil pigs so I like them there protecting my family as well as they can . Unlike you I don't see men like my brother in law who is in our fine military as a baby killer and am proud to pay for them to protect my children from the terrorists Obama wants to fund. You see I love my country where you do not

Nobody is being "protected" when you use the government to steal what you cannot earn or provide for yourself. All you are doing is taking what you did not earn.

You are just being a simple thief. It may be legal because the government does the thievery for you but it is nothing more than despicable stealing no matter how you look at it.
We didn't cause the evil in this world your teachers and Ron Paul lied to you

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Because it's the government robbing me of money.

Robbery is a crime. Your comment goes beyond ignorance, it's stupid.

Yes, but not all crimes are illegal.

Holy Hot dog batman, this guy ^^^ is off his buns

Oh, he might be right. It's a crime that the oil and coal industry pollute our air, water and soil, but since they donate money to members of Congress such behavior is not illegal. I get it now.

They also supply all Americans with fuel which is the lifeblood of our economy. Or don't you use products produced by coal and oil?

Of course I use gas and oil; my point had nothing to do with the utility of coal or oil. It was pointed to the fact that both have a negative impact on the environment and it's producers use their money to influence members of Congress to oppose regulations to mitigate such harm.

Now why did I have to explain that to you?

That's how democracy works. Are you opposed to democracy? is producing a product which you admit is useful a crime?
Do they use our roads?
Do they use our police?
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?

Then no, it is not robbing anything from them as they're enjoying the benefits of paying it.
You obviously don't make enough money to realize how much the government takes from some people.

A single dollar of a person's income is taxed over and over again via income tax, social security tax, property tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, state and federally.

Then when you die they take 40% of your lifetime earnings from you.

It's bullshit.
let's abolish our drug war to lower our tax burden.
Making more junkies so they can be as stupid as you will cost us more money in the long run

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

What we do now is insane, we punish users for crimes directly related to their addiction, allow a billion dollar black market to exist, and pretend "Just say NO!" is an effective tool to mitigate experimentation.

The war on drugs is a failure.
That's right we punish those who break the law.... parents should raise their children better

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
We live in a democratic republic, we the people elect those who pass laws. When a tax law is passed it is a legal action, not a criminal act. That's why your comment was stupid (I didn't write you are stupid, only the comment was).
The Holocaust was a legal action too.

Our founders that signed the constitutions believed in taxes...So you'd pretty much have to be a archaist to believe as you do.
Our Founders put an income tax in the Constitution? WOw, who knew?
You are totally clueless. Give up.
One can argue that Art. I, sec. 8 clause 1 authorizes a tax on income; but the specific law allowing for an income tax is in the 16th Amendment.
So the Constitution authorized an income tax, even though it didnt, and this is why the 16th Amendment was necessary.
I know logic isnt your strong point. You proved it again.

You don't have an honest bone in your body. Art I, sec. 8 clause 1 gives the Congress the power to tax. It does not specify the type or form of tax; thus, I can infer an income tax and you and the other lunatics can infer all taxes are a form of theft.
Do they use our roads?
Do they use our police?
Do they enjoy the rights they have gained to work and get paid well?
Do they like eating clean food and drinking clean water?

Then no, it is not robbing anything from them as they're enjoying the benefits of paying it.

Rods and infrastructure is at the bottom of their list. Thats why its all falling apart. Its not like we don't hand them over money. They find a million other things to waste it on. If you can find a wise way to purchase an item you can bet the government would find a way to spend at least twice as much on the same thing if your lucky. They don't stop with their stupidity, then ask for more because they say they don't have enough revenue
To many of you are young and stupid because you see America as the problem not the ignorant progressive policies. It isn't that we have fought wars or defense is funded because that is what the government is supposed to do it isn't suppose to feed the poor or house them.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yes, it is; it is called promoting the general welfare.

it is our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror that are the problem.
No it isn't because now the government is going broke and making more poor so they are harming the general welfare you ignorant child

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yes, it is our useless wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror that are causing us to go broke, dear.
Why do I sense you are a broke ass felon drug dealer?

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