Why do Americans glorify their soldiers?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
I always was surprised why Americans glorify their soldiers like they do. I don't mean honorable WW2 veterans or something I mean regular soldiers. I don't get why every soldier is supposed to be a hero. Serving your country as a soldier doesn't automatically make you a hero or anything like that. You have to earn those things like called being a hero or a respected person. This whole glorification of soldiers sounds for me like a cult. I just don't get it.
What is wrong with you???
Because a regular old run of the mill American soldier... can FUCK a WHOLE BUNCH OF SHIT UP like no soldier of the lesser nations of the world could ever dream of. :thup:
I always was surprised why Americans glorify their soldiers like they do. I don't mean honorable WW2 veterans or something I mean regular soldiers. I don't get why every soldier is supposed to be a hero. Serving your country as a soldier doesn't automatically make you a hero or anything like that. You have to earn those things like called being a hero or a respected person. This whole glorification of soldiers sounds for me like a cult. I just don't get it.
What is wrong with you???

If you ever develop any reason, character, or sense you'll understand. Until then you are just an irrelevant worm.
I always was surprised why Americans glorify their soldiers like they do. I don't mean honorable WW2 veterans or something I mean regular soldiers. I don't get why every soldier is supposed to be a hero. Serving your country as a soldier doesn't automatically make you a hero or anything like that. You have to earn those things like called being a hero or a respected person. This whole glorification of soldiers sounds for me like a cult. I just don't get it.
What is wrong with you???

Actually I think Americans have more of an appreciation and since of pride.

After all we have the leanest, meanest fighting machines on the face of the earth.

We are appreciative we can sleep at night without worry and have a sense of security.

We are nice to them simply because we are pleasant and friendly folks who understand the society we have is #1 bar none due in part to their presence.
I always was surprised why Americans glorify their soldiers like they do. I don't mean honorable WW2 veterans or something I mean regular soldiers. I don't get why every soldier is supposed to be a hero. Serving your country as a soldier doesn't automatically make you a hero or anything like that. You have to earn those things like called being a hero or a respected person. This whole glorification of soldiers sounds for me like a cult. I just don't get it.
What is wrong with you???

You mean those soldiers who cant get medical care from the VA until their dead? Maybe a little glorification is the only thing they can get. Is there a problem with that really ?
Nothing wrong with us?

Why would you make such a ridiculous statement?
Because a regular old run of the mill American soldier... can FUCK a WHOLE BUNCH OF SHIT UP like no soldier of the lesser nations of the world could ever dream of. :thup:

That's right. Piss them off and they might salute each other...

The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project


http://www.adst.org/OH TOCs/Cohen, Lawrence. toc.pdf

The U.S. base at Bagram was a complete disaster. Much of what goes on never reaches the U.S. press. Bagram, the former Soviet air base, is the principal U.S. military facility in Afghanistan. Thousands served there. Unfortunately, Bagram seemed to possess too many officers and enlisted men with not enough to do. In a military environment like that, all sorts of inane rules crept into the mission structure. Soldiers just walking on Disney Avenue had to salute superior officers. Everyone was constantly saluting. Officers and enlisted men arrived in Bagram by airplane. Many spent their entire one year tour in Bagram and never left the wire. Some went stir crazy.

I always was surprised why Americans glorify their soldiers like they do. I don't mean honorable WW2 veterans or something I mean regular soldiers. I don't get why every soldier is supposed to be a hero. Serving your country as a soldier doesn't automatically make you a hero or anything like that. You have to earn those things like called being a hero or a respected person. This whole glorification of soldiers sounds for me like a cult. I just don't get it.
What is wrong with you???
We all signed a contract that basically said for 3 hots and a cot and pay that's less than min wage the US government can send me off to die.

I think people that do that have some guts, people that have seen battle up close are clearly heroic, many stick out and get medals.
A lot of
Because they are the best.

They were the best ...no under Obama they are not...

So, you got to Iraq in order to push Bush's anti-Islam and pro-Oil agenda and you're a hero, president changes and because YOU don't like the president (he's black? He's democrat? Both?) then suddenly they stop being heroes?

Makes me wonder what the hell goes on inside the heads of many people.
We all signed a contract that basically said for 3 hots and a cot and pay that's less than min wage the US government can send me off to die.
And that is glorious?

Nobody ever said it was glorious. We just appreciate the fact that they serve. I do agree that the term hero is grossly overused. That has a very specific meaning that should not be diluted by misuse.
Nobody ever said it was glorious. We just appreciate the fact that they serve. I do agree that the term hero is grossly overused. That has a very specific meaning that should not be diluted by misuse.
A thing is glorious when it is glorified.
Warriors are glorified in every culture. They have been since tribes created warrior societies and and cults. Tribe members depended on the warriors to protect them. When societies are at peace and the warriors have not much to do, they receive little in the way of glory, but when there is war and a need for protection glory is heaped on them. When glory is not given to the warriors, the warrior cult is weakened and hence, the tribes, or nations security is weakened.

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