CDZ Why do Americans hate Muslims?

Wow are you really this ignorant?

Try using Google:
From the 1440s into the 18th century, as many as 1.5 million white Europeans from Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and EnglandUkrainians were sold into slavery by North Africans.[44] In 1575, the Tatars captured over 35,000 Ukrainians; a 1676 raid took almost 40,000. About 60,000 Ukrainians were captured in 1688; some were ransomed, but most were sold into slavery.[45][46] Some of the Roma people were enslaved over five centuries in Romania until abolition in 1864 (see Slavery in Romania).[47]

Muslims continued to trade in European slaves into the Modern time-period.[43] Muslim pirates, primarily Algerians with the support of the Ottoman Empire, raided European coasts and shipping from the 16th to the 19th centuries, and took thousands of captives, whom they sold or enslaved. Many were held for ransom, and European communities raised funds to buy back their citizens. The raids gradually ended with the naval decline of the Ottoman Empire in the late 16th and 17th centuries, as well as the European conquest of North Africa throughout the 19th century.[43] The United States conducted a war in North Africa to defeat the Barbary Pirates in its early Federal period, 1803-05. State piracy of the North African Arab states continued until France colonized Algeria in 1835.
History of slavery - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oh God, again Wikipedia. I have took a look your Wikipedia and it bases its claims on a few books but I cant read any of them ? So how I would discuss about the issue ? Your claim has no available sources, there are a few book names without any online links to read them and their own sources ?

We also say ISIS was created by intelligence agencies but noone cares about it on the pretext of "there are no links proven."

So, the same goes for here, please provide various sources to me ? or you are lying.

I provided that link as a starting point for you. Feel free to research it more in depth. It's not my job to educate you. Your ignorance does not make those who know about history liars.

Based on your reaction I think it is safe to say you have no interest in finding out the truth about Islamic history. Just because our history classes didn't address Islamic conquest doesn't mean it didn't happen.
I provided that link as a starting point for you. Feel free to research it more in depth. It's not my job to educate you. Your ignorance does not make those who know about history liars.

Based on your reaction I think it is safe to say you have no interest in finding out the truth about Islamic history. Just because our history classes didn't address Islamic conquest doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Its not such hard to create websites full of fabricated articles, done by everyone in these days. No thanks I dont want you to educate me, I just want you to provide various and reliable links for your claims. So if you were at a court, would you say to the judge "No sir this is not my job to educate you", or your lawyer would pour cold sweats from the ass to prove your claims ?

I'm open for your sources on behalf of the both sides, provide links for both sides, for Muslims and non-Muslims.

If you wont do that, please dont waste my time, I'm really so busy person.
I provided that link as a starting point for you. Feel free to research it more in depth. It's not my job to educate you. Your ignorance does not make those who know about history liars.

Based on your reaction I think it is safe to say you have no interest in finding out the truth about Islamic history. Just because our history classes didn't address Islamic conquest doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Its not such hard to create websites full of fabricated articles, done by everyone in these days. No thanks I dont want you to educate me, I just want you to provide various and reliable links for your claims. So if you were at a court, would you say to the judge "No sir this is not my job to educate you", or your lawyer would pour cold sweats from the ass to prove your claims ?

I'm open for your sources on behalf of the both sides, provide links for both sides, for Muslims and non-Muslims.

If you wont do that, please dont waste my time, I'm really so busy person.

So you don't want me to educate you yet you still pine for links.

Why don't you provide links showing the peaceful spread of Islam over the entire Mediterranean in a few hundred years?
Tangential arguments aside, the OP of this thread was a false premise.
First of all, I`m not Muslim.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims. Like, the entire religion is responsible for its extremists. And before anyone comes running in insisting that "we don`t hate Muslims", they should all keep in mind that I have seen a lot of posts like: holding them responsible for the attacks happening around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is that?

Everyone who hates Muslims, wants to purge them from their country, and is all "Je suis Charlie" is playing right into the hands of ISIL.
First of all, I`m not Muslim.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims. Like, the entire religion is responsible for its extremists. And before anyone comes running in insisting that "we don`t hate Muslims", they should all keep in mind that I have seen a lot of posts like: holding them responsible for the attacks happening around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is that?
First of all, I`m not Muslim.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims. Like, the entire religion is responsible for its extremists. And before anyone comes running in insisting that "we don`t hate Muslims", they should all keep in mind that I have seen a lot of posts like: holding them responsible for the attacks happening around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is that?

Because they want to kill us, you dolt.
You can dislike Islam, doesn't mean you are hateful towards MUSLIMS. Two of my good friends are Muslims and I don't even slightly hate them. I dislike their religion but I admire their inner intelligence.

Totally different two things.

Question was why do Americans hate Islam. Not "is it right to hate Islam" more generally.

I think it is righteous to hate a man who tries to convert with the sword. It think it is righteous to hate a man who takes political/religious prisoners and then personally beheads some 600 of them. I think it is righteous to hate a man who takes a 9 year old as his bride. I think it is righteous to hate a man who takes women captives as sex slaves. I think it righteous to hate a man who calls for others to kill and do as he does. I think Mo was plum nuts.

Yea, I hate Mo, and I despise all those who think he was righteous and perfect in every way

So it's "right" to hate those who force religious conversion? You hate Catholics too? Used to burn you at the stake if you didn't convert to Catholicism.

It's never right to hate. Hate requires continuing effort to stoke that fire. It's why Torah says not to hate your brother in your heart. Before the fracturing of religions, Judaism didn't have to compete with anyone and could tell it like it was. Hate puts our minds and hearts into a negative state. Keeping it there so as to maintain the feeling of hate injures us.

You must let go. ;)

True. That Torah strickly says you shouldn't hate. But it also says, "Venishmartem Lenafshoteichem", "And thou shall guard your soul". in other words, be suspicious of people's intentions when they say outloudly that their religion calls them to butcher others randomly, and don't walk straight into danger you could prevent yourself from facing.

And if we learned anything, is that when one calls "I will destroy you," don't brush it off.

When Islam threatens to kill or destroy it's simply because they copied it from our book. Are numerous passages in Tanach about killing non-Jews, followers of other religions, etc.

Visit for a chapter and verse detailing of these. Under the 'Murder' section is all the Bible's 'it's ok to kill if you...' stuff.

You are blaming the Bible? Did the Bible come out of the sky and magically appear?

Murder/genocide is the human condition. The Bible actually attempts to address this and try to remedy it through Jesus.
Holding them responsible is not hateful to them. I recently heard an Egyptian newscaster which said the exact them thing, "We're all responsible" for it. And he's a Muslim.

So how exactly saying they should be held responsible is hateful?

This is what he said:

That's what one person said. That doesn't mean it is intelligent or accurate. The vast majority of Muslim people are peaceful and do not in any way support or absolve terrorist acts. They are NOT responsible, no more than I am responsible for someone like Timothy McVeigh.

the problem with that is McVeigh is not considered a martyr by anyone.

If he was mooslim he would be worshipped by millions
The problem is your almost total lack of information about the Muslim world and Islam. Your vision is skewed because you base your perspective on limited information you get in the media and reading selected bits out of the Koran that only terrorists and extremists believe in today.
The problem is your almost total lack of information about the Muslim world and Islam. Your vision is skewed because you base your perspective on limited information you get in the media and reading selected bits out of the Koran that only terrorists and extremists believe in today.

Damn the media and their incessant reporting of the news!!
If you had spent any substantial time living outside of the US, you would understand that the 'news' is, if not biased, very limited in understanding and in giving the full picture of any situation and any place outside the US. Nowadays, news organizations are focused on making money, not on telling the whole story in an unbiased, objective manner.
If you had spent any substantial time living outside of the US, you would understand that the 'news' is, if not biased, very limited in understanding and in giving the full picture of any situation and any place outside the US. Nowadays, news organizations are focused on making money, not on telling the whole story in an unbiased, objective manner.

Do I need to live outside the US to see how groups like ISIS and the Sudanese government commit genocide in the name of Allah across the globe?

Do I need to live outside the US to see women dragged through the streets of Mecca only to be beheaded for being accused of sexual sins?

Oh, that's right, I'm not allowed in Mecca because I'm not a Mooslim. Hell, even Jews allow Muslims into their Holy city.
If you had spent any substantial time living outside of the US, you would understand that the 'news' is, if not biased, very limited in understanding and in giving the full picture of any situation and any place outside the US. Nowadays, news organizations are focused on making money, not on telling the whole story in an unbiased, objective manner.

Do I need to live outside the US to see how groups like ISIS and the Sudanese government commit genocide in the name of Allah across the globe?

Do I need to live outside the US to see women dragged through the streets of Mecca only to be beheaded for being accused of sexual sins?

Oh, that's right, I'm not allowed in Mecca because I'm not a Mooslim. Hell, even Jews allow Muslims into their Holy city.
You need to be intelligent enough to understand that the information you get from one media source, American, does not tell the whole story about anything. You need to view/read media sources from around the Globe, even from countries you don't like, in order to get a well rounded view of events, people, and situations. You need to be open minded as well: probably a problem for you.
If you had spent any substantial time living outside of the US, you would understand that the 'news' is, if not biased, very limited in understanding and in giving the full picture of any situation and any place outside the US. Nowadays, news organizations are focused on making money, not on telling the whole story in an unbiased, objective manner.

Do I need to live outside the US to see how groups like ISIS and the Sudanese government commit genocide in the name of Allah across the globe?

Do I need to live outside the US to see women dragged through the streets of Mecca only to be beheaded for being accused of sexual sins?

Oh, that's right, I'm not allowed in Mecca because I'm not a Mooslim. Hell, even Jews allow Muslims into their Holy city.
You need to be intelligent enough to understand that the information you get from one media source, American, does not tell the whole story about anything. You need to view/read media sources from around the Globe, even from countries you don't like, in order to get a well rounded view of events, people, and situations. You need to be open minded as well: probably a problem for you.

I have WELL rounded information EMERALDA from all sources ----and I know what YOU are-----you are a piece of
shit who sipped tea in the parlors of your business associates in muslim countries and IMAGINE that you know what is actually going on. You don't. You have no idea

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