CDZ Why do Americans hate Muslims?

If you had spent any substantial time living outside of the US, you would understand that the 'news' is, if not biased, very limited in understanding and in giving the full picture of any situation and any place outside the US. Nowadays, news organizations are focused on making money, not on telling the whole story in an unbiased, objective manner.

Do I need to live outside the US to see how groups like ISIS and the Sudanese government commit genocide in the name of Allah across the globe?

Do I need to live outside the US to see women dragged through the streets of Mecca only to be beheaded for being accused of sexual sins?

Oh, that's right, I'm not allowed in Mecca because I'm not a Mooslim. Hell, even Jews allow Muslims into their Holy city.
You need to be intelligent enough to understand that the information you get from one media source, American, does not tell the whole story about anything. You need to view/read media sources from around the Globe, even from countries you don't like, in order to get a well rounded view of events, people, and situations. You need to be open minded as well: probably a problem for you.

Look at how stupid I am, I believe this poo.

Selected attacks[edit]
Main article: List of Islamic terrorist attacks

The outer skin of World Trade Center Tower Two that remained standing after an Islamist terrorist attack orchestrated by Al-Qaeda.
First of all, I`m not Muslim.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims. Like, the entire religion is responsible for its extremists. And before anyone comes running in insisting that "we don`t hate Muslims", they should all keep in mind that I have seen a lot of posts like: holding them responsible for the attacks happening around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is that?
Of course those posts you refer to are nothing more than anonymous posts on an internet messageboard from people who may or may not be Americans.

The premise of your question is very presumptuous. I think the vast majority of Americans do not hate Muslims in general.

I certainly hate cults such as Farrakhan's Nation of Islam because I'm white and their ideology/dogma is primarily about anti-white racism. But I also have many Muslim friends and have dated several Muslim women. And over the years I have also done a lot of masonry work for Muslims in the Arab immigrant community.

I personally know a lot of Muslims and I've never heard any of them complain that Americans hate them.
Few things make one look like more of a clown than pulling the "do you even have a passport?" card or one of its variants, yet some just can't help going there anyway.

There are many Muslims living in the US. There is no need to own a condo in Mecca to have an opinion. If the topic were related to daily life in Mecca, that might be pertinent, but this topic most definitely isn't.
Few things make one look like more of a clown than pulling the "do you even have a passport?" card or one of its variants, yet some just can't help going there anyway.

There are many Muslims living in the US. There is no need to own a condo in Mecca to have an opinion. If the topic were related to daily life in Mecca, that might be pertinent, but this topic most definitely isn't.
Ayup... you don't have to look farther than NYC on 9/11, or the Fort Hood shootings, or the Boston bombing, or... to find those American Muslims.

What you apologists just don't get is that radical islamic terrorism is a part of Islamic life that they are exporting to the world. Why is it a part of Islamic life? Because that's what Islam teaches. Are there some Islamics that pick and choose to live as a non-radical? Yes some, but then you see what appears to be ALL OF THEM COMING OUT TO CHEER when one of their terrorists strikes a blow. Where are the peace loving Islamics? Hiding from the radicals.
In the USA I have seen hatred of people based on ethnicity.----lots of it. I have interacted with lots and lots of people under
conditions of stress for many decades in a capacity which is very intimate and very opened. The persons I have observed
who HATE the most-----are muslims from southeast Asia---after that ----arab muslim females. As for esmeralda's statement
that there are parts of the Koran in which "muslims do not
believe"------sheeeeeesh ------try saying that in a mosque
Esmeralda (to clarify----not 'are hated the most'
You need to be intelligent enough to understand that the information you get from one media source, American, does not tell the whole story about anything. You need to view/read media sources from around the Globe, even from countries you don't like, in order to get a well rounded view of events, people, and situations. You need to be open minded as well: probably a problem for you.

Have you ever considered following your own advice?

Your absolute refusal to acknowledge actual Muslim attitudes and beliefs as revealed in very respectable opinion polls indicates you allow nothing whatsoever to interfere with your stubborn preconceptions.

What is the percentage of Muslims who support KILLING people who leave their politico-religious ideology, for instance? What do they think should be the proper response to blasphemy? How many wish to live according to sharia law? What is their opinion about freedom of speech?

You have such an undeniable track record of dishonesty when it comes to your stubborn refusal to acknowledge basic truths that you should be the LAST person lecturing people about open minds. Yours is closed so tightly, nothing whatsoever can penetrate it.
It's amusing to note how many American Christians practice a version of Christianity very similar to Islam without knowing it. Man in charge of the home, beat your children and wives, etc. I think many American Christians would like Islam just fine if you called it something else. "Hey I already live this way and believe all this stuff. What's this thing...Islam?! Oh yuck!" :)
It's amusing to note how many American Christians practice a version of Christianity very similar to Islam without knowing it. Man in charge of the home, beat your children and wives, etc. I think many American Christians would like Islam just fine if you called it something else. "Hey I already live this way and believe all this stuff. What's this thing...Islam?! Oh yuck!" :)

There is more to islam than "man in charge of home, beat you children and wives-------" admittedly there are some people
like that who are not muslim and----some nice tender muslim
husbands and fathers. I find it interesting that you make note of those specific features. There are interesting books that provide a glimpse into Islamic culture---one "SPIDER'S
HOUSE" which takes place in French morocco----makes note of the highly privileged status of THE MAN---as husband, father person in the muslim household----kinda
attractive to the author who does the book in first person---The author is French----something like a minor official in French morocco
It's amusing to note how many American Christians practice a version of Christianity very similar to Islam without knowing it. Man in charge of the home, beat your children and wives, etc. I think many American Christians would like Islam just fine if you called it something else. "Hey I already live this way and believe all this stuff. What's this thing...Islam?! Oh yuck!" :)
wow.. what an effed up family you must have been brought up in... Beat your children and wives? WTF?

Delta was referring to a friend of his
It's amusing to note how many American Christians practice a version of Christianity very similar to Islam without knowing it. Man in charge of the home, beat your children and wives, etc. I think many American Christians would like Islam just fine if you called it something else. "Hey I already live this way and believe all this stuff. What's this thing...Islam?! Oh yuck!" :)
wow.. what an effed up family you must have been brought up in... Beat your children and wives? WTF?

Not my family, we're Jewish. But I know Christian sects practice it as recently revealed,

Beating Children for Jesus

" According to ABC News Reverend Arthur Allen and five members of his congregation of the "House of Prayer" were arrested on March 21st. Their alleged crime was the recent beating of 2 children during church services of Rev Allen's Atlanta based church. Police said that the children were held in the air while being beaten by sticks, switches and a belt. Investigator C. Dean of the Atlanta police said that the welts on one boy's body were shaped like a belt buckle. It is alleged that the beatings were at the urging and direction of Rev. Allen. To justify his actions, Rev Allen made the following comments, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

"We believe in corporal punishment for unruly children . If something is reported in here, the parent saying they cannot handle the child, then I suggest they give the child a whipping."

Church members, being questioned by reporters from CNN, would reply by simply saying "Jesus is Lord", as if uttering this religious mantra somehow excused the whole affair. Allen himself was convicted in 1993 of beating a 16 year old church member, according to an online Journal-Constitution article.

Many will criticize Rev. Allen for his actions, claiming that he must not be following the teachings of the Christian faith or the Bible. The interesting thing is that the Christian Bible does, time and again, endorse beatings and whippings to punish children. It seems to me that Rev. Allen sees nothing wrong with pounding children, because he reads it in the Bible that beating children is acceptable. In this, Rev. Allen is correct. The Christian Bible does say that beating children is God's Will. For just 5 examples, read the following verses:
Proverbs 13:24
He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
Proverbs 22:15
Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Proverbs 23:13
Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
(the author of Proverbs was mistaken - children can and have been beaten to death with rods)
Ecclesiasticus 22:6
Lecturing your children can sometimes be as out of place as singing to people in morning, but a whipping is a wise choice of discipline at any time.
Ecclesiasticus 30:11
Don't give him [your son] freedom while he is young, and don't overlook what he does wrong. Whip him while he is still a child, and make him respect your authority."
Not my family, we're Jewish. But I know Christian sects practice it as recently revealed,

Beating Children for Jesus

" According to ABC News Reverend Arthur Allen and five members of his congregation of the "House of Prayer" were arrested on March 21st. Their alleged crime was the recent beating of 2 children during church services of Rev Allen's Atlanta based church. Police said that the children were held in the air while being beaten by sticks, switches and a belt. Investigator C. Dean of the Atlanta police said that the welts on one boy's body were shaped like a belt buckle. It is alleged that the beatings were at the urging and direction of Rev. Allen. To justify his actions, Rev Allen made the following comments, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

"We believe in corporal punishment for unruly children . If something is reported in here, the parent saying they cannot handle the child, then I suggest they give the child a whipping."

Church members, being questioned by reporters from CNN, would reply by simply saying "Jesus is Lord", as if uttering this religious mantra somehow excused the whole affair. Allen himself was convicted in 1993 of beating a 16 year old church member, according to an online Journal-Constitution article.

Many will criticize Rev. Allen for his actions, claiming that he must not be following the teachings of the Christian faith or the Bible. The interesting thing is that the Christian Bible does, time and again, endorse beatings and whippings to punish children. It seems to me that Rev. Allen sees nothing wrong with pounding children, because he reads it in the Bible that beating children is acceptable. In this, Rev. Allen is correct. The Christian Bible does say that beating children is God's Will. For just 5 examples, read the following verses:
Proverbs 13:24
He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
Proverbs 22:15
Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Proverbs 23:13
Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
(the author of Proverbs was mistaken - children can and have been beaten to death with rods)
Ecclesiasticus 22:6
Lecturing your children can sometimes be as out of place as singing to people in morning, but a whipping is a wise choice of discipline at any time.
Ecclesiasticus 30:11
Don't give him [your son] freedom while he is young, and don't overlook what he does wrong. Whip him while he is still a child, and make him respect your authority."

I realize it is considered De Rigueur to indulge in Tu Quoque fallacies any time apologists for Islam attempt to ply their craft, but the subject of this thread is people's opinions of Islam, not Christianity.
Not my family, we're Jewish. But I know Christian sects practice it as recently revealed,

Beating Children for Jesus

" According to ABC News Reverend Arthur Allen and five members of his congregation of the "House of Prayer" were arrested on March 21st. Their alleged crime was the recent beating of 2 children during church services of Rev Allen's Atlanta based church. Police said that the children were held in the air while being beaten by sticks, switches and a belt. Investigator C. Dean of the Atlanta police said that the welts on one boy's body were shaped like a belt buckle. It is alleged that the beatings were at the urging and direction of Rev. Allen. To justify his actions, Rev Allen made the following comments, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

"We believe in corporal punishment for unruly children . If something is reported in here, the parent saying they cannot handle the child, then I suggest they give the child a whipping."

Church members, being questioned by reporters from CNN, would reply by simply saying "Jesus is Lord", as if uttering this religious mantra somehow excused the whole affair. Allen himself was convicted in 1993 of beating a 16 year old church member, according to an online Journal-Constitution article.

Many will criticize Rev. Allen for his actions, claiming that he must not be following the teachings of the Christian faith or the Bible. The interesting thing is that the Christian Bible does, time and again, endorse beatings and whippings to punish children. It seems to me that Rev. Allen sees nothing wrong with pounding children, because he reads it in the Bible that beating children is acceptable. In this, Rev. Allen is correct. The Christian Bible does say that beating children is God's Will. For just 5 examples, read the following verses:
Proverbs 13:24
He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
Proverbs 22:15
Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Proverbs 23:13
Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
(the author of Proverbs was mistaken - children can and have been beaten to death with rods)
Ecclesiasticus 22:6
Lecturing your children can sometimes be as out of place as singing to people in morning, but a whipping is a wise choice of discipline at any time.
Ecclesiasticus 30:11
Don't give him [your son] freedom while he is young, and don't overlook what he does wrong. Whip him while he is still a child, and make him respect your authority."

I realize it is considered De Rigueur to indulge in Tu Quoque fallacies any time apologists for Islam attempt to ply their craft, but the subject of this thread is people's opinions of Islam, not Christianity.

If you're soliciting people's opinions of a given religion and they aren't members of it, info about their world-view and where they're coming from is fair. Otherwise it's asking for peoples opinions of a book they haven't read, or review of a movie they haven't seen.
Few things make one look like more of a clown than pulling the "do you even have a passport?" card or one of its variants, yet some just can't help going there anyway.

There are many Muslims living in the US. There is no need to own a condo in Mecca to have an opinion. If the topic were related to daily life in Mecca, that might be pertinent, but this topic most definitely isn't.
Ayup... you don't have to look farther than NYC on 9/11, or the Fort Hood shootings, or the Boston bombing, or... to find those American Muslims. ....

You don't have to look any further than Boston, NY, or other major US cities to find millions of peaceful, law-abiding Muslim citizens and residents, of course. Some people like you don't want to look, it seems...
In the USA I have seen hatred of people based on ethnicity.----lots of it. I have interacted with lots and lots of people under
conditions of stress for many decades in a capacity which is very intimate and very opened. The persons I have observed
who HATE the most-----are muslims from southeast Asia---after that ----arab muslim females. ...

Well, that's your subjective impression (if you're not just making it up entirely), and nothing more.
Few things make one look like more of a clown than pulling the "do you even have a passport?" card or one of its variants, yet some just can't help going there anyway.

There are many Muslims living in the US. There is no need to own a condo in Mecca to have an opinion. If the topic were related to daily life in Mecca, that might be pertinent, but this topic most definitely isn't.
Ayup... you don't have to look farther than NYC on 9/11, or the Fort Hood shootings, or the Boston bombing, or... to find those American Muslims. ....

You don't have to look any further than Boston, NY, or other major US cities to find millions of peaceful, law-abiding Muslim citizens and residents, of course. Some people like you don't want to look, it seems...
What part of my above statements confused you? Of course there are some Islamics that go against the teachings of Mohammad and thus are peaceful law-abiding Muslim citizens and residents. But then there are the ones that follow his teachings and example. I thought those were the issue, no?
Few things make one look like more of a clown than pulling the "do you even have a passport?" card or one of its variants, yet some just can't help going there anyway.

There are many Muslims living in the US. There is no need to own a condo in Mecca to have an opinion. If the topic were related to daily life in Mecca, that might be pertinent, but this topic most definitely isn't.
Ayup... you don't have to look farther than NYC on 9/11, or the Fort Hood shootings, or the Boston bombing, or... to find those American Muslims. ....

You don't have to look any further than Boston, NY, or other major US cities to find millions of peaceful, law-abiding Muslim citizens and residents, of course. Some people like you don't want to look, it seems...
What part of my above statements confused you? ?

None. You're very simple.
9/11, beheading Innocents, crucifying Christians, slaughtering Jews, Hindu's, and most other religions, Arrogant people, worship a pedophile..... do we still need more reasons?
I don't "hate" them, but I don't trust them. I have no way of knowing who is an extremist and who is not. Although percentage wise, the amount of actual terrorists might be small in the religion, the point is that there are still a LOT of them who are very extreme with their ideology. I don't hate them, but I certainly hate what they do and hate their behavior.

I also get angry when I hear about them wanting to have their own court system and such things. IF you don't want to abide by our already set-up laws that we have here in this country, then perhaps go live somewhere else. The reason why their own countries are such failures is BECAUSE of that ideology, IMO. So, don't think you are going to come here and change things. Things work just fine here, thank you. We don't need Sharia courts, etc, especially from those who are known to marry young girls (and I mean young) and treat women like meaningless possessions who have no hopes or dreams of their own. I just can't help but think what a horrible life a lot of these women must have. A miserable existence when their lives are meaningless without a man to service. Good grief.

I know some people will say that it's not like that, but I don't believe them. I've read enough stories from girls who have escaped, etc., to know differently.

Even here in the US, I've heard stories of so-called moderate Muslims performing honor killings. Horrible stuff. I do not condone it at all. Obviously some people just don't give a damn, as long as you don't hurt the Muslim's feelings. Eff them.
In the USA I have seen hatred of people based on ethnicity.----lots of it. I have interacted with lots and lots of people under
conditions of stress for many decades in a capacity which is very intimate and very opened. The persons I have observed
who HATE the most-----are muslims from southeast Asia---after that ----arab muslim females. ...

Well, that's your subjective impression (if you're not just making it up entirely), and nothing more.

It is just my opinion after decades of interaction and observation. My opinion has been----in the past---considered EVIDENCE in court
In the USA I have seen hatred of people based on ethnicity.----lots of it. I have interacted with lots and lots of people under
conditions of stress for many decades in a capacity which is very intimate and very opened. The persons I have observed
who HATE the most-----are muslims from southeast Asia---after that ----arab muslim females. ...

Well, that's your subjective impression (if you're not just making it up entirely), and nothing more.

It is just my opinion after decades of interaction and observation.

As I said just your impression and nothing more.

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