CDZ Why do Americans hate Muslims?

Here is a report by one of the most well-respected firms that conduct opinion polls about Muslim beliefs. Now, people who are extremely dishonest by nature are free to ignore any truth that stands in the way of their rigid preconceptions born from the need to defend, but anybody who is actually honest can learn from this report.

Not all Muslims support terrorism, of course, but if a person has even so much as a fifth grade ability in math and is not so benightedly unintelligent that they cannot look up basic population statistics for the countries listed, it should be quite the easy task to extrapolate how many Muslims worldwide do support terrorism. Once one gets past the tip of the ice burg and starts examining the underlying attitudes beneath, it should be pretty obvious who is actually telling the truth and who isn't.
I give Bush and the CIA credit for arranging 9/11 so that there would be an easy target to hate at the end

Funny how the same man that is attacked by the left for such a poorly run military operation as Desert Storm 2 is also behind the perfectly orchestrated and planned out attack of the WTC and Pentagon with such perfection that not a single trace of evidence that it was a planned event was uncovered.

The attack itself is a big piece of evidence. You think a bunch of camel fuckers living in a cave in Pashtun planned, organized and executed the attack with no help whatsoever?

We were coming up on an amazing period of peace and budget surpluses, a true Pax Americana, and all of a sudden, 20 Jihadists pull off 9/11 and nothing since then? All it did was get us to go war with fog.

Also, you're naming the wrong Bush, it was HW, not Dubya that was behind 9/11
Why would Bush 41 do that? There is no evidence.

Well you know what? I think Obama planned the attack on Sandy Hook as a gun grabber launching point. Why? Do you think some moron right out of high school could plan, orchestrate and execute a perfectly timed attack on an elementary school, where pictures of the dead kids show up later with Obama posing with them? I think it was set up by the gov't to grab our guns.

Prove it wasn't.

See, two idiots can play at this game.
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Why would Bush 41 do that? There is no evidence.

Well you know what? I think Obama planned the attack on Sandy Hook as a gun grabber launching point.

Prove he didn't.

See, two idiots can play at this game.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. No evidence he was on the Reagan assassination attempt either, that just happened to a President who just told the Establishment that he wouldn't be their boy and he going to do things just as he promised
Holding them responsible is not hateful to them. I recently heard an Egyptian newscaster which said the exact them thing, "We're all responsible" for it. And he's a Muslim.

So how exactly saying they should be held responsible is hateful?

This is what he said:

That's what one person said. That doesn't mean it is intelligent or accurate. The vast majority of Muslim people are peaceful and do not in any way support or absolve terrorist acts. They are NOT responsible, no more than I am responsible for someone like Timothy McVeigh.

You don't want to hold them responsible? don't. Don't force your views on others. People hold Jews responsible for Jackasses they let run amok ALL the time, and they're right to do so. As long as people keep saying "They're not our problem", things like that will keep happening.

As long as they don't treat terrorists as bad apples, they'll brush off the problem, dig their head in the sand, and more people would die.
Just a reminder guys - this is CDZ, no flaming, insulting or putting down other posters.
First of all, I`m not Muslim.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims. Like, the entire religion is responsible for its extremists. And before anyone comes running in insisting that "we don`t hate Muslims", they should all keep in mind that I have seen a lot of posts like: holding them responsible for the attacks happening around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is that?

Simple enough - because they're being conditioned to. Much of what Americans think comes from media conditioning. Since very few non-Muslims have any first-hand experiences with Islam or Muslims, everything they know (or at elast believe) about it comes from media mentions. And since just about every mention of Islam, arabs, and Muslims on American tv involves terrorism, that's how Americans are going to view it.

Really? The media wont even admit that recent terror attacks are islamic. I have done a lot of research on that barbaric cult, I don't need anyone to tell me how to think. If I relied on the media, I would be blind to the reality of islam. I would think it was actually a peaceful religion.
First of all, I`m not Muslim.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims. Like, the entire religion is responsible for its extremists. And before anyone comes running in insisting that "we don`t hate Muslims", they should all keep in mind that I have seen a lot of posts like: holding them responsible for the attacks happening around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is that?

The fact that Muslims do what they do and you proudly call yourself one makes you plenty hateable at least from a distance. It makes you one sorry naive fuckface at a minimum at any distance, imo.

They said they are NOT a muslim.
When Islam threatens to kill or destroy it's simply because they copied it from our book. Are numerous passages in Tanach about killing non-Jews, followers of other religions, etc.

Visit for a chapter and verse detailing of these. Under the 'Murder' section is all the Bible's 'it's ok to kill if you...' stuff.

Actually that comes from the koran, give it a read sometime.
First of all, I`m not Muslim.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims. Like, the entire religion is responsible for its extremists. And before anyone comes running in insisting that "we don`t hate Muslims", they should all keep in mind that I have seen a lot of posts like: holding them responsible for the attacks happening around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is that?

Because the Islam religion is one of hate and conquest. Islam spread by the sword all across the Mediterranean very quickly, and they destroyed much of Western civilization. Muslims have always been and still are barbarian thugs. Why would anyone like that?
Because almost all USA media organs are belong to Zionists. This is why. But we cant put all American people into the same bag, a part of them are quite sensible.
First of all, I`m not Muslim.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims. Like, the entire religion is responsible for its extremists. And before anyone comes running in insisting that "we don`t hate Muslims", they should all keep in mind that I have seen a lot of posts like: holding them responsible for the attacks happening around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is that?

Simple enough - because they're being conditioned to. Much of what Americans think comes from media conditioning. Since very few non-Muslims have any first-hand experiences with Islam or Muslims, everything they know (or at elast believe) about it comes from media mentions. And since just about every mention of Islam, arabs, and Muslims on American tv involves terrorism, that's how Americans are going to view it.

You can dislike Islam, doesn't mean you are hateful towards MUSLIMS. Two of my good friends are Muslims and I don't even slightly hate them. I dislike their religion but I admire their inner intelligence.

Totally different two things.

Question was why do Americans hate Islam. Not "is it right to hate Islam" more generally.

So why Americans hate Islam?

Probably because Islam hates America?

I don't really know. Just guessing.

To be fair, it's not just America they hate. Look at Israel. Look at those in France. Look at how Muslims even fight amongst themselves in the Middle East.

No, they are just full of hate. It will never end, and if Islam takes over the world, then they will keep murdering within their various sects.

It's not just Christians and Jews they hate either, are people aware of how many Hindus have been raped, enslaved, and butchered by Muslims over the last 1400 years?
Because almost all USA media organs are belong to Zionists. This is why. But we cant put all American people into the same bag, a part of them are quite sensible.

We're Zionists responsible for all of the death and slavery perpetrated by Muslims for the last thousand years?
We're Zionists responsible for all of the death and slavery perpetrated by Muslims for the last thousand years?

I'm not interested with discuss with you but dont you tired of lying continuously ? For example ? Which deaths or slavery ?
We're Zionists responsible for all of the death and slavery perpetrated by Muslims for the last thousand years?

I'm not interested with discuss with you but dont you tired of lying continuously ? For example ? Which deaths or slavery ?
Wow are you really this ignorant?

Try using Google:
From the 1440s into the 18th century, as many as 1.5 million white Europeans from Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and EnglandUkrainians were sold into slavery by North Africans.[44] In 1575, the Tatars captured over 35,000 Ukrainians; a 1676 raid took almost 40,000. About 60,000 Ukrainians were captured in 1688; some were ransomed, but most were sold into slavery.[45][46] Some of the Roma people were enslaved over five centuries in Romania until abolition in 1864 (see Slavery in Romania).[47]

Muslims continued to trade in European slaves into the Modern time-period.[43] Muslim pirates, primarily Algerians with the support of the Ottoman Empire, raided European coasts and shipping from the 16th to the 19th centuries, and took thousands of captives, whom they sold or enslaved. Many were held for ransom, and European communities raised funds to buy back their citizens. The raids gradually ended with the naval decline of the Ottoman Empire in the late 16th and 17th centuries, as well as the European conquest of North Africa throughout the 19th century.[43] The United States conducted a war in North Africa to defeat the Barbary Pirates in its early Federal period, 1803-05. State piracy of the North African Arab states continued until France colonized Algeria in 1835.
History of slavery - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
First of all, I`m not Muslim.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims. Like, the entire religion is responsible for its extremists. And before anyone comes running in insisting that "we don`t hate Muslims", they should all keep in mind that I have seen a lot of posts like: holding them responsible for the attacks happening around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is that?
on 9/12 moderate muslims danced in the streets and threw parties b/c 3000 Americans were murdered

Wow are you really this ignorant?

Try using Google:
From the 1440s into the 18th century, as many as 1.5 million white Europeans from Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and EnglandUkrainians were sold into slavery by North Africans.[44] In 1575, the Tatars captured over 35,000 Ukrainians; a 1676 raid took almost 40,000. About 60,000 Ukrainians were captured in 1688; some were ransomed, but most were sold into slavery.[45][46] Some of the Roma people were enslaved over five centuries in Romania until abolition in 1864 (see Slavery in Romania).[47]

Muslims continued to trade in European slaves into the Modern time-period.[43] Muslim pirates, primarily Algerians with the support of the Ottoman Empire, raided European coasts and shipping from the 16th to the 19th centuries, and took thousands of captives, whom they sold or enslaved. Many were held for ransom, and European communities raised funds to buy back their citizens. The raids gradually ended with the naval decline of the Ottoman Empire in the late 16th and 17th centuries, as well as the European conquest of North Africa throughout the 19th century.[43] The United States conducted a war in North Africa to defeat the Barbary Pirates in its early Federal period, 1803-05. State piracy of the North African Arab states continued until France colonized Algeria in 1835.
History of slavery - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oh God, again Wikipedia. I have took a look your Wikipedia and it bases its claims on a few books but I cant read any of them ? So how I would discuss about the issue ? Your claim has no available sources, there are a few book names without any online links to read them and their own sources ?

We also say ISIS was created by intelligence agencies but noone cares about it on the pretext of "there are no links proven."

So, the same goes for here, please provide various sources to me ? or you are lying.

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