Why Do Americans Support Medicare?

While I think Paul Ryan's Medicare voucher plan is a disaster waiting to happen, I find it quite ironic that so many Americans are against it. Given that the majority of Americans support Medicare, how is it that they are so against a single payer system run by the government? This is a complete contradiction. Before Americans retire, they want to have choice by purchasing insurance through private insurance companies, or for most, they want the insurance plan that their employer makes available to them. Most Americans don't really get much choice. But when they retire, they want the government run single payer system called Medicare? It seems to me that if Americans are so against single payer, they would be against Medicare. But this is not the case. In fact, Paul Ryan's plan pretty much does that and Americans are against it in astonishing numbers.

84 percent oppose Ryan

For the life of me, I do not understand this.
we support it because we don't want to take financial responsibility for our parents health care .
so let the government pay . so whats up your ass about it ?
Easy Peasy: Many Americans have been brainwashed with The Fog of Health Care Fear by the Progressive Big Gubmint types and their MSM Hench Thugs.

I'd say that someone else has been brainwashed by NOT understanding the facts!
Ryan's voucher plan works like this; the Medicare recipient will get a voucher for so many dollars from Ryan's plan to help pay for private health care insurance. Ryan's plan would then adjust the payments annually based on the CPI (Consumer Price Index). So say the CPI goes up 2%, well the Medicare recipient will see a 2% increase in their annual voucher allowance. So far it looks pretty OK.
BUT, healthcare inflation costs have historically outpaced the CPI and health care insurance has always mirrored the increase in health care costs.
Below is a chart that shows the difference. Please note that the CPI has remained consistently flat, but look at the rise in the cost of health care.
So as the Medicare recipients would see a modest consistent increase in their vouchers, the real cost of health care insurance with inflation will still skyrocket (Ryan's plan does nothing to stop the outrageous health care cost increases). So every year, the Medicare recipient will be paying a higher percentage of their income for the private insurance.
For most people who have Medicare, they are on fixed income and most of that is Social Security. Social Security's increases are also based on the CPI. So as it is easy to see, their fixed income will NOT keep up with the rising cost of healthcare insurance. At least now, their Social Security and Medicare helps the Medicare recipient stay even. But with Ryan's plan, every year the Medicare recipient has less and less expendable income to live on while their share of health care insurance increases at least three-to-four times the rate of the CPI.
I'd say that those who favor Ryan's plan either have no problem throwing Granny under the bus OR have no clue about Ryan's plan at the symantics of Ryan's plan.
Below is the graph I pointed to that clealry show the disparity of Ryan's plan, ala CPI versus the real time increase in health care costs.
This is why around 80% are against Ryan's plan, including Republicans and Tea Party supporters.
All Ryan's plan would ensure is that more and more people would be without health care insurance.
Click on the graph to enlarge for easier reading.
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Ruining lives is only a concept on the republican side of the fence, they call it by other euphemisms by the way.

:lol:.....and its not a concept on the other side of the fence also?.....gotcha......another dipshit sucking on the Tit of Rdeanism......
Do Republicans really want to return to those "good old days"? Are they really that heartless?

well your the expert.....why dont you tell us......just tell us what Pat Robertson thinks about this......that should sum it up ......

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