Why do blacks make worse grades?

I have a friend who told me that her daughter goes to a preppy school in Frisco, TX. She claims that the black people there make lower grades than the white kids in high school. How could this be? If they grew up in a nice area and had all the advantages that whites had then how could they score worse on their grades?
Because of the stigma in black circles against "actin' white". Making good grades is "actin' white".
Because of the stigma in black circles against "actin' white". Making good grades is "actin' white".

And here is the proof that the Liberals/Democrats have instituted that ......they warned blacks against 'white traits'....

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.” Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

All of the things that predict success in this society....they are warned against by the Democrats.

And the blame must be shared with the Democrats/Liberals have caused this, largely by
a. abandoning marriage and normalizing out of wedlock births
b. removing punishments for lawlessness as though all black Americans are criminals.
c. never criticizing the psychopathologies that too many black youth mirror.
d. demanding that thugs and criminals be kept in government school.
e. lying about police and whites in general.

This whole argument about fatherless children is senile. The fathers of these kids don't want anything to do with them. All they wanted was to get laid. So if they were force to marry the mom, that in no way means the kid wouldn't grow up to be as big of a POS thug as the dad or mom.
This whole argument about fatherless children is senile. The fathers of these kids don't want anything to do with them. All they wanted was to get laid. So if they were force to marry the mom, that in no way means the kid wouldn't grow up to be as big of a POS thug as the dad or mom.
"So if they were force to marry the mom..."

I have the opposite perspective: As a conservative, I don't want anyone "forced."

I put the onus on the woman who allows a child to be created...and it a voluntary decision on her part.....because she won't vet the prospective father as a husband, father, protector and provider.

It is the hight of poor parenting.

This young lady has the correct view:

Kimberly Klacik


If your 13 year old is out stabbing people, carjacking uber drivers or running around with guns, please know... ...you are a terrible parent. It’s you. It’s not the police. Its not the politicians. It’s not the teachers. It’s you. Just you.

9:47 PM · Apr 22, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

"So if they were force to marry the mom..."

I have the opposite perspective: As a conservative, I don't want anyone "forced."

I put the onus on the woman who allows a child to be created...and it a voluntary decision on her part.....because she won't vet the prospective father as a husband, father, protector and provider.

It is the hight of poor parenting.

This young lady has the correct view:

Kimberly Klacik


If your 13 year old is out stabbing people, carjacking uber drivers or running around with guns, please know... ...you are a terrible parent. It’s you. It’s not the police. Its not the politicians. It’s not the teachers. It’s you. Just you.

9:47 PM · Apr 22, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

Very well stated. I too am against force. As in forcing the man to pay child support (or the mom for that matter) sending either of them to jail or taking their drivers license when they don't pay. This give (most) women not only an avenue to welfare, but also money from the non custodial. For unwanted children, they're become just a paycheck.
Which is an incentive to not be more careful.
Are there AA quotas?
The Faked Guilt Feelings of Guillotine-Fodder

The most destructive thing about that is it deprives High IQs of the opportunities they deserve. That is its real purpose, because those superior in intelligence create all the wealth of the plutocracy. So our rulers have to humiliate them so they'll become willing Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys.
I don't believe it to be genetic.....it is more a case of Democrats applauding sociopathologies.

It is particulary simple to prove that Democrat's advancing what they consider the 'authentic' subculture, actually a pathological one that injures the group, black Americans:

In their desire to win the votes of the black community, Democrats/Liberals, with no desire to advance the happiness and success of these folks, simply pat them on the head and refuse to describe any pathology as wrong. The result is that there is never a need to better oneself: problems are always other folks'....white folks.....oppression.

Is it possible to induce psychopathology in a subculture????

Clearly the answer is "yes."

Another feature to consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

There is a pathology that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.

Yet the most ignorant members of said group refuse to acknowledge this truth, and continue to pay homage to the very individuals that are oppessing them: Democrats.

The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.
Self-Serving Bipartisan Tyranny

Those lies are the reason that Conservatives have been so ineffective in stopping this junglification of America. Eliminate all Liberal programs and you'll get the same failed race you have now, the same savage culture that exists back where they came from without any Liberal programs in Africa to blame for what goes on there.
Self-Serving Bipartisan Tyranny

Those lies are the reason that Conservatives have been so ineffective in stopping this junglification of America. Eliminate all Liberal programs and you'll get the same failed race you have now, the same savage culture that exists back where they came from without any Liberal programs in Africa to blame for what goes on there.

What lies?

Are you claiming there is some "criminal gene"?????
Some 'irresponsibility gene"?????
Some "welfare gene"???

You certainly can't find any scientific basis for any such gene.....and I provided a link revealing far better performance by black females......destroying your premise.

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