Why do blacks make worse grades?

I have a friend who told me that her daughter goes to a preppy school in Frisco, TX. She claims that the black people there make lower grades than the white kids in high school. How could this be? If they grew up in a nice area and had all the advantages that whites had then how could they score worse on their grades?
Probably for the same reason that sub-Saharan Africans still have issues digging wells, and then, not shitting next to them and contaminating their water supply.

In short,

Blacks were not selected for their IQ.

Their IQ's are very low.

That is why interbreeding is pushed so hard, to pull those up.
Would you base all grades off this school in Frisco? Is it a good indicator of how blacks are?
so is the fact my HS in a good part of OC California and had lots dumbass white kids a good indicator of how whites are?..
Probably for the same reason that sub-Saharan Africans still have issues digging wells, and then, not shitting next to them and contaminating their water supply.

In short,

Blacks were not selected for their IQ.

Their IQ's are very low.

That is why interbreeding is pushed so hard, to pull those up.
Racist much?
Yeah they printed out the grades on report cards, not individually obviously but showed how the races scored. But you're right this is just one incident and it can't account for everything. Did I mention I'm a liberal?

Liberals are racist. But pointing out actual facts doesn't make anyone a racist. The racist are the ones who don't want someone pointing out the differences in races, if it makes their race look bad.
It's also those who celebrates ones achievements, based on their race. "Celebrating the First black ______________" filling the blank.
I have a friend who told me that her daughter goes to a preppy school in Frisco, TX. She claims that the black people there make lower grades than the white kids in high school. How could this be? If they grew up in a nice area and had all the advantages that whites had then how could they score worse on their grades?
Are there AA quotas?
Oh no doubt that there are intellectuals in every race. Yet why do they score lower on their grades at a high school that is preppy? They grew up in these areas and attend school with rich kids,
You are saying the IQ deficit is nature, not nurture.

I have a friend who told me that her daughter goes to a preppy school in Frisco, TX. She claims that the black people there make lower grades than the white kids in high school. How could this be? If they grew up in a nice area and had all the advantages that whites had then how could they score worse on their grades?


And the blame must be shared with the Democrats/Liberals have caused this, largely by
a. abandoning marriage and normalizing out of wedlock births
b. removing punishments for lawlessness as though all black Americans are criminals.
c. never criticizing the psychopathologies that too many black youth mirror.
d. demanding that thugs and criminals be kept in government school.
e. lying about police and whites in general.
There are studies suggesting it's genetic. (but scientists won't discuss the findings because it's career suicide)
Also, academic achievement isn't nurtured in the black community like it is with white, and especially asian families.
Another factor is the Affirmative Action program puts black students in schools they wouldn't qualify for if entrance was based on grades instead of race.

I don't believe it to be genetic.....it is more a case of Democrats applauding sociopathologies.

It is particulary simple to prove that Democrat's advancing what they consider the 'authentic' subculture, actually a pathological one that injures the group, black Americans:

In their desire to win the votes of the black community, Democrats/Liberals, with no desire to advance the happiness and success of these folks, simply pat them on the head and refuse to describe any pathology as wrong. The result is that there is never a need to better oneself: problems are always other folks'....white folks.....oppression.

Is it possible to induce psychopathology in a subculture????

Clearly the answer is "yes."

Another feature to consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

There is a pathology that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.

Yet the most ignorant members of said group refuse to acknowledge this truth, and continue to pay homage to the very individuals that are oppessing them: Democrats.

The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.
How do you know this?

Are you serious???

Here's a clue:

Asians need SAT scores 140 points higher than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics, and an incredible 450 points higher than blacks (out of 1,600 points) to get into these schools.

An Asian applicant with an SAT score of 1,500, that is, has the same chance of being accepted as a white student with a 1,360, a Latino with a 1,230, or an African-American with a 1,050. Among candidates in the highest (1,400–1,600) SAT range, 77 percent of blacks, 48 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of whites, and only 30 percent of Asians are admitted.

Why do blacks make worse grades?​

Why do cocksucker racists like Emile imagine that being a scumbag racist is a good thing?

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