Why do Christians support a Jewish Temple?


Jan 31, 2012
There are a number of Christians that talk about the end of the world – deing defined by the last book of the Holy Bible. With a number of scholars and some with a stronge faith system: they support Isrial and the wish the Jewish people would rebuild the Jewish Temple. Yes, we understand the political problems to destroy the building that is already their and would cause a war in the middle east. The debate should be, ‘why build a new Jewish Temple.’

The religion of the Jews has been around much longer then the Christian religions: during the time both have been around the jewish religion has change from the worship of a temple to the worship without a temple. Would like to ask a Christian: why would jews want to be like first century jews before the fall of the temple. Do have a number of jewish friends, and I do not see them really want to make a passover trip to Isrial and purchase an animal to be sacraficed to God.
Temple worship is central to God's plan. There are ordinances that can only be performed in Temples dedicated to the Lord.

As for when it's going to occur and how it will occur when there is a building there already, that's up to God to figure out. By why would Christians not want to see it built? It's one of the signs that indicates that Christ will soon return.
Temple worship is central to God's plan. There are ordinances that can only be performed in Temples dedicated to the Lord.

As for when it's going to occur and how it will occur when there is a building there already, that's up to God to figure out. By why would Christians not want to see it built? It's one of the signs that indicates that Christ will soon return.
I seen a show one time where a middle eastern expert and Biblical scholar said that the muslim mosque did not have to be torn down, they could build the Jewish temple on the mount beside the mosque.
Temple worship is central to God's plan. There are ordinances that can only be performed in Temples dedicated to the Lord.

As for when it's going to occur and how it will occur when there is a building there already, that's up to God to figure out. By why would Christians not want to see it built? It's one of the signs that indicates that Christ will soon return.
I seen a show one time where a middle eastern expert and Biblical scholar said that the muslim mosque did not have to be torn down, they could build the Jewish temple on the mount beside the mosque.

Ive heard that too. Honestly, either way it's in God's hands. He is the one who will determine when, where and how.
It's a sign of Christs Return, plus IMO that mosque that occupies the temple mount now would have to go and that's a win, win for me. Everytime some Muslim group or country launches rockets in the direction of Jerusalem, I pray that it will hit the dome for the lolz.
What if the Jews decide that the old temple to god is just not good enough, and come up with a bigger and bolder design for a new treasured temple to God and build it in Tel Aviv?

Is Jesus still coming?

Hey--they own Israel, they can build a temple anywhere they want, right?
I guess you would have to believe that the temple is needed for the return of christ. Most christians believe this. Yet IMO, they are WRONG.

The return of christ is a spiritual return, not the personage. Therefore the jewish temple is moot.

Revelations should have never been included in the NT. Someone thought christians needed a newer, more modern book of Daniel, or another prophetic book. And he then wrote one. To copy the Jews.
Temple worship is central to God's plan. There are ordinances that can only be performed in Temples dedicated to the Lord.

As for when it's going to occur and how it will occur when there is a building there already, that's up to God to figure out. By why would Christians not want to see it built? It's one of the signs that indicates that Christ will soon return.
I seen a show one time where a middle eastern expert and Biblical scholar said that the muslim mosque did not have to be torn down, they could build the Jewish temple on the mount beside the mosque.

Ive heard that too. Honestly, either way it's in God's hands. He is the one who will determine when, where and how.
I guess you would have to believe that the temple is needed for the return of christ. Most christians believe this. Yet IMO, they are WRONG.

The return of christ is a spiritual return, not the personage. Therefore the jewish temple is moot.

Revelations should have never been included in the NT. Someone thought christians needed a newer, more modern book of Daniel, or another prophetic book. And he then wrote one. To copy the Jews.
You are the one that is wrong.
I guess you would have to believe that the temple is needed for the return of Christ. Most Christians believe this. Yet IMO, they are WRONG.

The return of Christ is a spiritual return, not the personage. Therefore the Jewish temple is moot.

Revelations should have never been included in the NT. Someone thought Christians needed a newer, more modern book of Daniel, or another prophetic book. And he then wrote one. To copy the Jews.

Dear Sweet Old Liberal. < and I mean that. There was a reason that God did not allow one bone of Christ's body to be broken. That body was the same body he inhabited when He came back to earth for forty days, and will last Christ a whole eternity. He has white hair now. When He returns it will be in his personage. We will be able to stick our finger in the very scarred wound that Thomas touched, :( if we feel it's necessary. He will be riding a horse, and a name will be written on His thigh. Spirits don't have thighs.

There is more written in the Bible about the time we are living in than about any other time on earth, including the time Christ was here. It is that important that we understand every day of it. Prophesy is being fulfilled right under our very noses. We need to recognize it. Obama was just instrumental in bringing prophesy to fruition just months ago.

God is precise. The Temple design is extremely precise. The Jews will not change one inch of it. The golden menorah has now been completed, the corner stones are ready to be set. There are several reasons Why Christians support the rebuilding.
It is another prophesy fulfilled. So, it's proof
It is evidence that Christ's return is near. VERY NEAR. So, it is anticipation. Maranantha Lord, marantha.
It is where Christ will sit. And the Jewish/ Muslim family of Abraham will be glad for it and each other. It's peace. It's a promise.
I guess you would have to believe that the temple is needed for the return of Christ. Most Christians believe this. Yet IMO, they are WRONG.

The return of Christ is a spiritual return, not the personage. Therefore the Jewish temple is moot.

Revelations should have never been included in the NT. Someone thought Christians needed a newer, more modern book of Daniel, or another prophetic book. And he then wrote one. To copy the Jews.

Dear Sweet Old Liberal. < and I mean that. There was a reason that God did not allow one bone of Christ's body to be broken. That body was the same body he inhabited when He came back to earth for forty days, and will last Christ a whole eternity. He has white hair now. When He returns it will be in his personage. We will be able to stick our finger in the very scarred wound that Thomas touched, :( if we feel it's necessary. He will be riding a horse, and a name will be written on His thigh. Spirits don't have thighs.

There is more written in the Bible about the time we are living in than about any other time on earth, including the time Christ was here. It is that important that we understand every day of it. Prophesy is being fulfilled right under our very noses. We need to recognize it. Obama was just instrumental in bringing prophesy to fruition just months ago.

God is precise. The Temple design is extremely precise. The Jews will not change one inch of it. The golden menorah has now been completed, the corner stones are ready to be set. There are several reasons Why Christians support the rebuilding.
It is another prophesy fulfilled. So, it's proof
It is evidence that Christ's return is near. VERY NEAR. So, it is anticipation. Maranantha Lord, marantha.
It is where Christ will sit. And the Jewish/ Muslim family of Abraham will be glad for it and each other. It's peace. It's a promise.
It's a sign of Christs Return, plus IMO that mosque that occupies the temple mount now would have to go and that's a win, win for me. Everytime some Muslim group or country launches rockets in the direction of Jerusalem, I pray that it will hit the dome for the lolz.
Your Prose Reminds Me of a Faded Violet....How Sad,How Very,Very SAD.tl
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I guess you would have to believe that the temple is needed for the return of Christ. Most Christians believe this. Yet IMO, they are WRONG.

The return of Christ is a spiritual return, not the personage. Therefore the Jewish temple is moot.

Revelations should have never been included in the NT. Someone thought Christians needed a newer, more modern book of Daniel, or another prophetic book. And he then wrote one. To copy the Jews.

Dear Sweet Old Liberal. < and I mean that. There was a reason that God did not allow one bone of Christ's body to be broken. That body was the same body he inhabited when He came back to earth for forty days, and will last Christ a whole eternity. He has white hair now. When He returns it will be in his personage. We will be able to stick our finger in the very scarred wound that Thomas touched, :( if we feel it's necessary. He will be riding a horse, and a name will be written on His thigh. Spirits don't have thighs.

There is more written in the Bible about the time we are living in than about any other time on earth, including the time Christ was here. It is that important that we understand every day of it. Prophesy is being fulfilled right under our very noses. We need to recognize it. Obama was just instrumental in bringing prophesy to fruition just months ago.

God is precise. The Temple design is extremely precise. The Jews will not change one inch of it. The golden menorah has now been completed, the corner stones are ready to be set. There are several reasons Why Christians support the rebuilding.
It is another prophesy fulfilled. So, it's proof
It is evidence that Christ's return is near. VERY NEAR. So, it is anticipation. Maranantha Lord, marantha.
It is where Christ will sit. And the Jewish/ Muslim family of Abraham will be glad for it and each other. It's peace. It's a promise.
At that time Prophet Muhammad will be in front leading the prayer.

In the front row behind him will be Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and many other Prophets of the Torah and the Bible.

Following the Prophet Muhammad they will all bow with their face's on the ground as they worship Allah.
Dear Sweet Old Liberal. < and I mean that. There was a reason that God did not allow one bone of Christ's body to be broken. That body was the same body he inhabited when He came back to earth for forty days, and will last Christ a whole eternity. He has white hair now. When He returns it will be in his personage. We will be able to stick our finger in the very scarred wound that Thomas touched, :( if we feel it's necessary. He will be riding a horse, and a name will be written on His thigh. Spirits don't have thighs.

There is more written in the Bible about the time we are living in than about any other time on earth, including the time Christ was here. It is that important that we understand every day of it. Prophesy is being fulfilled right under our very noses. We need to recognize it. Obama was just instrumental in bringing prophesy to fruition just months ago.

God is precise. The Temple design is extremely precise. The Jews will not change one inch of it. The golden menorah has now been completed, the corner stones are ready to be set. There are several reasons Why Christians support the rebuilding.
It is another prophesy fulfilled. So, it's proof
It is evidence that Christ's return is near. VERY NEAR. So, it is anticipation. Maranantha Lord, marantha.
It is where Christ will sit. And the Jewish/ Muslim family of Abraham will be glad for it and each other. It's peace. It's a promise.
At that time Prophet Muhammad will be in front leading the prayer.

In the front row behind him will be Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and many other Prophets of the Torah and the Bible.

Following the Prophet Muhammad they will all bow with their face's on the ground as they worship Allah.

At that time, Jesus, the Rabbi, will sit on the throne of David and judge the nations regarding their treatment of His chosen people. The Messiah, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, will bow to no one.
Muhammad will bow before Christ at the White Throne judgement.
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Temple worship is central to God's plan. There are ordinances that can only be performed in Temples dedicated to the Lord.

As for when it's going to occur and how it will occur when there is a building there already, that's up to God to figure out. By why would Christians not want to see it built? It's one of the signs that indicates that Christ will soon return.

Temple worship is designed to maintain the 'holier than thou' superiority it establishes for the cleric classes. It's a business model designed to limit competition among worship leaders and maintain established cash flow patterns in the worship industry.

Historically, it's a very successful plan for making a good living as a public speaker.
Temple worship is central to God's plan. There are ordinances that can only be performed in Temples dedicated to the Lord.

As for when it's going to occur and how it will occur when there is a building there already, that's up to God to figure out. By why would Christians not want to see it built? It's one of the signs that indicates that Christ will soon return.
I seen a show one time where a middle eastern expert and Biblical scholar said that the muslim mosque did not have to be torn down, they could build the Jewish temple on the mount beside the mosque.

Ive heard that too. Honestly, either way it's in God's hands. He is the one who will determine when, where and how.

Yup. Not a DAMN thing will be done before 'God' signs off on the requested building permits. That's why, when it is built, there will be no opposition - nobody wants to cross 'God'.
Muhammad will bow before Christ at the White Throne judgement.
Jesus was just a man and a prophet, the same as Muhammad.

Both will prostate to Allah; the one and only God of the Universe.
God kicked allah, aka satan, out of Heaven a long time ago. Satan, aka allah, has already been defeated by Jesus and he knows it. Keep up your lies though they are quite entertaining.
dear sweet old liberal. < and i mean that. There was a reason that god did not allow one bone of christ's body to be broken. That body was the same body he inhabited when he came back to earth for forty days, and will last christ a whole eternity. He has white hair now. When he returns it will be in his personage. We will be able to stick our finger in the very scarred wound that thomas touched, :( if we feel it's necessary. He will be riding a horse, and a name will be written on his thigh. Spirits don't have thighs.

There is more written in the bible about the time we are living in than about any other time on earth, including the time christ was here. It is that important that we understand every day of it. Prophesy is being fulfilled right under our very noses. We need to recognize it. Obama was just instrumental in bringing prophesy to fruition just months ago.

God is precise. The temple design is extremely precise. The jews will not change one inch of it. The golden menorah has now been completed, the corner stones are ready to be set. There are several reasons why christians support the rebuilding.
It is another prophesy fulfilled. So, it's proof
it is evidence that christ's return is near. Very near. So, it is anticipation. Maranantha lord, marantha.
It is where christ will sit. And the jewish/ muslim family of abraham will be glad for it and each other. It's peace. It's a promise.
at that time prophet muhammad will be in front leading the prayer.

In the front row behind him will be jesus, moses, abraham, and many other prophets of the torah and the bible.

Following the prophet muhammad they will all bow with their face's on the ground as they worship allah.

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